I dont get it, why exactly is it wrong to live like this?

I dont get it, why exactly is it wrong to live like this?

Attached: 1613465044396.jpg (3264x2448, 1.61M)

if you have to ask you don't need to know

A woman could get pregnant just by sitting on the other side of that wall

You are barely alive

Which is the last time you went outside?

because early death

It's unclean, nothing has a proper place and it has no decor and no aesthetic. It could cause a bug problem. When you have a disgusting living area for a long period of time, you don't know how bad it was until you clean it.

Based Sonia loving kraut. I strive to do that

It's really dark. This image bothers me because, while I was never there, I was headed in that direction. Looking at this shows me what I could've become. It was mad comfy but I also wanted to kill myself.

to be fair, it doesnt look that bad when its not so dark

Attached: 1588675980734.jpg (2023x1080, 1.5M)

>life is a beautiful ride
i guess the bottles and empty boxes aren't the biggest problem and you could throw them away easily but how the fuck can you live next to a mountain of coom tissues? can't you even bother to throw them in the toilet after you're done?

It would take less than an hour to clean that

The same coom tissues that are placed on the left side I have them under my bed! :)))

I was about to say it was a very nice place, till I saw an innocent waifu under that pile of coom. Its not very nice to have ur waifu unclean and not hugging her every night. Hmph!

Attached: AFTERMATH.jpg (2256x3664, 1.53M)

Because you're living like an animal who seems to have gotten sentience yesterday.

Post the wallpaper link now

Only if you can live like shit and not be a burden on your parents

Nice cock bulge user. I rate it 7/10

Attached: IMG_2997.png (1136x640, 207.72K)

here is the wallpaper bro

Attached: 3b2d00ab618789547542a29b90ffa277.jpg (3000x1890, 578.22K)

Why use 1 tissue per coom? U the same tissue for 50 cooms then it will harden into a light and strong structural material

Do you have any friends/relatives?

Would you feel any shame bringing someone into that room?

would only bring your mom over desu

Bugs, smell, virus breeding grounds, it looks gross, it feels gross, you can't walk anywhere, no one has any place to sit with space, rats, a reflection of your mental state, the list goes on and on.

early death, creates pest problems for other people and you will never truly be happy.

Also beweg dein scheiss Arsch raus und raeum dein Zimmer auf