Isn't it fucked up how being good at sex is 99.3% just having a big ass dick?
Isn't it fucked up how being good at sex is 99.3% just having a big ass dick?
It's fucked up but there is nothing we can do. The best we can do is jerk off watching real men fucking women, our dicks are not compatible with pussy.
>8 inch dick
Length matters less compared to girth.
Length measurements comprise the vast majority of descriptions regarding the proposed stimulation of women.
Girth measurements comprise the vast majority of descriptions regarding the actual stimulation of women.
Length is for show beyond 8 inches.
If you obsess over dick length you probably take it up the ass as that's where it becomes more popular, because the insertion into an asshole can go further than comfortable to observe.
Or you take it in the mouth because girth there can cause teething problems and deepthroating is a primal thing.
Dick size matters but acting like the current narrative around it is correct, is wrong.
>tfw 4" girth
I will never get a loving girlfriend anyway, why should I actively demoralize myself?
It isn't. Go outside.
This is horse shit. I was a foot taller then my ex (I could destroy her) but sex would not feel good until we practiced.
Same, sucks being a pencil dick
5.5"x4". Never even begun for us. At least I'm hideous so I'll never get turned down for my pencil dick.
>8.5 inch penis
>3 inch girth
I've never cared about being good at sex or amassing heaped experiences of it
I just want a cute girl to connect with sexually and grow to love as a person and really experience unity and physical intimacy on a fulfilling level
..3 inches across? cause 3 inch girth is impossible.
4.5" here, supposed to be average but it looks so thin
How many times have you made this thread and variations of it? What's your purpose of doing this? Answer please.
Girther here. Girth isn't that important. Most vagoos slacken far more than the girthest cocks. I've had several 'not touching the sides' experiences. As for the woman's pleasure, it varies wildly. The main thing is, assuming the woman is into u, and always has been how long u last so she can get a coom before u finish.
I'm a massive autist so on the rare occasion my cock is inside a vagoo I'm so excited I usually explode in under 4 mins, so most women are disappointed despite my girth
>lol I'm such an autist
>has had sex multiple times
cancer killing this board.
It fucking isn't though. Girls need foreplay to reach orgasm most of the time. Stop watching porn
not true, it's just that 99% of the people suck at it
The best sex happens when as a dude your able to build up the right amount of sexual tension then break it at the right moment. You've got to make her fucking beg for the dick or suprise her with insertion at the right time.
The key for women getting off is making it as sexy as possible. Tease her, do a lot of foreplay, then pund away at her whilst making her say stupid shit and moan. If your dick's too small though it's just hopeless desu.
I wanna be the girl in that situation though, that big dick looks tasty
Kek imagine being lied to for your whole sexual life, I really pity dicklets
To spread the truth and make dicklet eyes open
Cuz its is, avarage is still objectivly small
you don't know what objectively means