If Dab Forums was to be shut down tomorrow, where would you go? Would you think you'd be happier?
If Dab Forums was to be shut down tomorrow, where would you go? Would you think you'd be happier?
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Try to search for some other imageboard, the people from here would mostly just migrate. It'd be annoying for the first few months but things would be back to normal or even better sooner or later.
I wouldn't be happier, I'd just have more time on my hands. Which I'd just use for naps most likely.
>where would you go?
On my bed. I only go on the net to shitpost here, read mangas and check my mails.
>Would you think you'd be happier?
No. But i wouldn't be sad either. Would just be even more bored.
>where go?
not Dab Forums, it seems
>would i be happier?
i'd prolly go to wizchan.org or faygoluvers.net
Would I be happier? No, i grew up on Dab Forums I'd miss it quite a bit.
Move to 0chan on the dark web.
What these guys said. Path of least resistance to wherever we're going next.
Probably Facebook, officer
I just officially cut off my only two friends. I would literally have nothing :/
>where would you go?
in the grave
>would you think you'd be happier?
>If Dab Forums was to be shut down tomorrow, where would you go? Would you think you'd be happier?
Reddit and yes
I wouldn't care and I mean this sincerely
>If Dab Forums was to be shut down tomorrow, where would you go?
>Would you think you'd be happier?
It would take a lifetime just to trawl through all the archived content that's been produced in the last 10 years that'd actually have some bearing to my life. I've already realized Dab Forums is a timesink with a very very vague and risky balancing act between enlightening and wasteful.
At the end of the day being away from all the toxicity won't help anyone here if they've already too heavily ingrained the toxicity within themselves. You can take the poster off the board but you won't take the board out of the poster.
OP here, could you three explain further on why you would be happier without Dab Forums? I can understand the attachment some hold to this website but i'm also curious to figure out if yall could let go of this website easily
Nowhere; it would be one fewer thing to kill time with. Nevertheless, I am sure I'd be happier because in the long run.
This website has a negative impact on me - yet it's the only source of human interaction I have. Even then it's me reading others' posts, because I'm permabanned off of 4channel(.org) and I never browse Dab Forums(.org) except when searching for porn.
what were you originally banned for
Cripplechan or 7chan probably...or outside. I'm not making a account anywhere.
Leebaiting on /qa/ and a misclassified report.
I'd go to whichever one had the most anons myself.
But you already have a account, a gmail account.
yes and no. I perma banned myself once and got off Dab Forums for like half a year. I found another community which were mostly normies and coulnd't understand them. They were living in a completely different world than I was, it was like interacting with another species, they were porblay married or had gf and living normal lives. It was pointless just talking to them because I was a virgin neet living in another reality. I then mostly spent the rest of my time alone speedrunning games, what else was there to do? I got more done in a sense that I didn't spend my entire day making pointless shitposts that amoutned to nothing.
Yea but it's only used for my phone and youtube vids, thats all. Nothing more, i dont care about any other of the gay shit normies do.