Ask a mute anything, if it's a boring question ill just not respond

Ask a mute anything, if it's a boring question ill just not respond.

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lol just talk, faggot.

Why are you a mute?

Also do you grunt or make any noises if you stub your toe?

Are you here from a long time?
I've already saw similar thread and even talked from a mute around 2014.

do you sign language

>ill just not respond

I think that was a foregone conclusion.

I've been on here for just a couple of months, this is my first post, however.

How the fuck you talking to us now if you are a mute'? You fucking liar

Would you talk if it was the difference between life and death?

Actually pretty funny, good one, user.

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Oh, i see.
Were you born mute or did an accident made you mute?
I heard that the sign language is different for every languages, is that true?

Sign language is not universal, unfortunately.

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>lol just talk, faggot.

gottem xDDD

shitty questions so far, my condolences OP.

do you have a way of informing cashiers, strangers, etc, that you are mute? or do they assume you are just adamantly untalkative?

Thats unironically cute if you're a girl

I order 99% of my groceries and what not online and have them delivered to my door, if I were to ever have to interact with a cashier id probably just write something in my diary along the lines of "I'm a mute :)" or something.

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What about just pretending you're deaf to make things easier for them?

Back when I worked in retail I ran into a few deaf customers that needed a little bit of extra help but with some charades and exchanging little paper notes we got it figured out.

I want to take care of you OP :(

That's a shame. So if you want to learn a new language, you'll need to learn it first and then learn its sign language?
That's dumb.

>yfw OP died...

Mootyboxlh I d

>ywn treat your mute gf to big burger with the hope of summoning a subtle squee

If you could manage to speak someday, what is the first thing you'd wish to say?

That's lame, it makes it even less appealing for the masses to learn and obviously limits your communication. Do the closest people in your life sign?

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