Why do girls hate small dicks so much?
Why do girls hate small dicks so much?
Because they're addicted to bbc.
Because they're all whores with huge, used up vagenes so they require abnormally sized pp's to even feel the sex.
because it looks weird when you have a 6 foot dude with a 4 inch cock
I think it has more to with the fact that girls want great sex and a small penis does not provide this.
dick size is a power status and women only care about power
unatractive women that wouldn't be attracted to or would reject a man with a small dick deserve to be publicly stonned.
Especially if they talk go on about ''body positivity'' or men supposedly being shallow; which they practically all do.
Small pp user detected
would you like a loose useless pussy? wouldnt you bully a chick who couldnt even get you off?
Dick size is directly related to sexual pleasure attained. There is no female equivalent outside vaginal tightness but that can be counter acted with having a girthier dick.
six inches
medium pp user
no because a loose pussy would still get me off
How do you know? Womens sex is 9 parts mental and 1 part physical. You could have a guy who looks like giga chad with billions of dollars and a crazy good personality and it would be the best sex of her life. Most small dick guys are just fucking miserable piles of shit. Sorry.
That's what I thought. Lol
it's not the size of your dick but your weight
because they dont feel like anything
>All this coping
Dicklets truly are pathetic, tits don't have to do anything with giving pleasure, a small dick on the other hand pretty much eliminates almost all options when it comes to pleasuring a woman.
one of the few logical answers. this and the money thing.
Women dont have the capacity of empathy.
>tits don't have to do anything with giving pleasure
Maybe I should've said physical pleasure? you don't physically feel good when you see big boobs, a dick on the other hand is pretty much the most important thing to feel physical pleasure during sex for a woman.
you're fucking retarded lmao,
you absolute fucking buffoon
Read, please if you can manage it
Men don't even bully girls with small of no tits, I've even seen more guys who like them like that.
As harsh as it sounds, this is true. I have a small dick and girls barely feel anything. Gave up on dating and became a robot because of it.
Everything is physical dumbass