ITT: Post something true about yourself that is very hard to believe

ITT: Post something true about yourself that is very hard to believe

No lying. Only true facts about yourself, or something you've experienced. Stuff nobody would normally believe if you just casually told them.

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I once saved an autistic kid from a burning car by punching through the window with my naked fist.

Everyone was very impressed.

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I murdered two people when I was ten, in Minecraft obviously.

I had a threesome with two thicc milfs after meeting them in a bar. Their tits were literally bigger than my head, and they were into smothering/facesitting.

One of them was taller than me to. Shit was so hot.

I like walking.

I (male) got groomed by my aunt. She moved away a few years ago but has come back now. I may be older but Im kind of scared of confronting her about it or just letting it go

This might or might not also be why I have always been scared of girls

I used to get paid to kill people. The guy that told me who to kill and paid me to do it was/is a legit police officer. (I live in a shitty SEA country)

I had a partner at first who would help me out on these jobs, and he was a former cop too. The people we killed together were supposedly all criminals, like drug dealers or gang members. As I got the hang of it, I got my cousin and my friend from school to help me out, and we shared the money between us.

The three of us did this in like 3-4 different cities, moving to a different temporary spot after we got a good couple of people. It's crazy cause we weren't even slick about it, we'd just roll up on moped or motorcycles most the time and shoot them in broad daylight and casually drive off. This was like 3 years ago tho, I stopped doing all that.

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i went through 4 years of crippling amphetamine/cocaine addiction. somehow managed to hide it from most of the people closest to me. at some point couldnt keep up on my job so switched from software engineering to a customer support job and the only thing that kept me from going literally homeless was the fact that i speak 2 foreign languages so was able to bounce through call centers, also luck that i didnt die at some point.

2 years sober now and still trying to peace my previous life together

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Either that I'm not gay or that I kissed a girl

ive seen a lot of people talking about how a real man fucks a lot of women or is jacked as hell, but that there is the most chad thing ive heard

curtly sehxting withmy cous a mao iefried ter of wh kind of kneand she's tw be becaorruse smohe is frirenends with in otally 2

I work undercover for an intelligence agency that I made up myself.

Mom is European nobility, her family kicked her out but she still has the claims/titles.

The part about me, when I was younger she sold me to a powerful feminist borderline cult, who passed me around to get kids by and a line to nobility for their kids. If you're into politics and economics and stuff, keep an eye out in the next decade or two, for a group of powerful figures who all also claim to nobility and are siblings.

Apart from this event in my life, otherwise I'm a complete loser typical robot who mains this board, living with his similar failure of a mom at home together.

I have had a threesome with my wife and her best friend

A kid my age molested me when I was 8

What country are you from? How did you manage to avoid getting caught? Were you also contracted to kill woman and children? If not, would you have still have killed a woman or a child if asked by your "bosses" ?

If you're telling the truth, how many people have you killed?

I'm from the Philippines famalam. And I didn't get caught because the cops are the ones who set it all up. Lol the first partner I had was a cop even before we drove up to the guy he'd call the local police subdivision so they would take their time to come to the scene after we drove away. All the guns we used were given to us by police. They gave us walkie talkies, ammo, and even special license plates that officers or officials use to avoid traffic guards and shit. We still had to cover our faces with bandannas or helmets though.

>women and kids
A lot of the people that they chose for us to kill were those squatter street kids/teens and some looked like they were 14 or 15. I wasn't much older at the time tho. There weren't any women on the list but one time I shot this guy inside a car through the window and accidentally hit his mom and sister too

I don't know how many people I've killed directly by my own hands. When I got my friend and cousin to work with me we'd trade off who was the shooter, driver and lookout. Sometimes we both shoot. Together tho we got like 20, maybe almost 30 people or a little more. This was in early 2017 when the "drug war" started.

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I ran a cult with a confirmed suicide in the news and all

i can hold my breath for 4-5 minutes without passing out and i never excercise, can also shout much louder than the rest of everyone i know, enough to call out to people on the other side of the lake up the ski range to the cabin, they have to call my cell to respond. assuming my lungs are very large for no good reason at all except genetic fuck up.

some times i bump threads

I stole over a hundred Cadbury bars and some other shit like pokemon cards from a nearby Walmart over the lunch breaks at summer school. Gave some out to my buddies there too. Just walked in and out with a tote bag, never got caught

I'm in love and in a relationship with a blood relative and she honestly saved me from killing myself.