/sissygeneral/ - robot edition

/sissygeneral/ - robot edition

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>tfw no sissy wife to dress up in cute clothes
Fees bad robots, feels bad

Tfw no gf to take cocks together and occasionally cucks me

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This is now a shrine to the LORD Elliot Rodger.

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lmao no one even responds to your faggot propaganda threads

Its not propaganda if its the truth user, take the pink pill and find a daddy!

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What are your favorite sissy colors anons desu

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>tfw no cute sissy gf to dominate when I get home from work

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This would be the absolute dream.
>tfw it's never going to happen

POV: Your black daddy just got finished breaking you down to your true nature as a submissive sissy slut

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If only.
I wish I could be a cute white sissy.

Well what's stopping you user? desu

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Ugly, tall, broad shoulders, hemorrhoids
Also terrified of stds even if I did find someone willing to fuck me

Makeup will fix the ugliness and no one cares how tall you are when your on your knees sweetie

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If only it were that simple, I would have been a bottom bitch by now.

Poor user, you'll find a daddy one day

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Man Americans are so strange

Nothing is impossible
You can do it user

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But how? I'd love nothing more but I'm not the type of guy they would do it with.

Girls are lewd
Find a slutty girl she'd love a slutty sissy partner that she can also cuck and can cheat on with other guys
I know a few girls that like me and would be down to have that type of relationship with me but they live far away from me

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How do you find them? That's literally the perfect type of girl imo

I found one on the internet
On tw*tter to be exact
Just use social media or hookup apps to find people like that desu

The absolute fuck is this thread?

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Do you just randomly dm people on twitter and hope you hit it off?

I posted butt and she dmd me....

it's the best thing america produced

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