This entire site is deteriorating

This entire site is deteriorating

Attached: shame.png (388x242, 19.37K)

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Ya just noticed?
This site has sucked for years now. I'd recommend searching for less used corners of the internet.

moot's site has always been shit.

OP, please tell me this is fake.. PLEASE

Please tell me picrel isn't real

What causes YT commenters to be that oh so special kind of retarded?

No one is prepared to put any effort into their posts and conversely no is prepared to recognise the effort put into a post, they would rather just make snarky comments like a little bitch

> these are the faggots yodelling "hurdur >muh skerit club"
the absolute state

It's what autistic 11 year old's use as a proxy for Dab Forums because they think actual Dab Forums is an illegal hacker site on the darkweb.

Same thing as porn site commentors. They juuust HAVE to let everyone know how funny they are.

Well then the secret hackers need to make a new site.

Back when pornhub had actual content on it a lot of the videos would have timestamps in the comments that I relied on for a quick and easy experience.
Now that only normie porn is left none of the comments relate to the actual fucking video.
Scroll through 50 comments not one timestamp for anything.

This is what happens when you dumb down an entire society with cellphones. Attention span reduces exponentially and people just don't wanna read more than 1 line.

They want it quick, fast and easy.

Homany sites like this i can find on the internet?

like this? a lot
Better than this? still quite a few

voting systems on posts always causes that

its been like that since Dab Forums was known as the hacker/raid site, ive seen similar comments over 10 years ago. however thanks to "meme culture" and reddit it all went downhill, but it all probably truly turned for the worst 5-7 years ago with youtube, politics, and of course the inevitable phoneposters becoming the main internet demographic
best comment section on the whole website

Attached: india.png (627x156, 20.02K)

youtube comments are so retarded, and most of them are just variations of same shitty joke
and I still feel compelled to read them on every video I watch for some reason

This board is full of bot threads. Same old bait threads repeated cyclically. We are actually a few humans here.

Why lol?
Cause organizations were scared of people talking ?