How much caffeine / coffee do you have a day?

just curious. it's the hardest addiction i have to get over imo. and i've quit much harder drugs

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How do you quit cigarettes?

Zero. I don't fall for the bean jew or the caffeine jew.

320mgs i balance it out with a shot a vodka when i get home from work

lol based.
hardest shit i ever done was quitting nicotine. i don't think it holds a candle to caffeine even tho i haven't quit yet but yah i wanted to beat my gf pretty much every day that i had nic cravings
not based.

slowly smoke less and less over time.

>user smokes 5 cigarettes a day
>over a week he starts smoking 4
>then 3
eventually you'll kick it but it'll take a while. smoking is worse than meth.

I don't care how much sugar or whatever flavorings you add to it, all coffee tastes like ass to me.

>smoking is worse than meth.

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addiction wise yes

My dad smoked for 40 years. Have a heart attack and quit cold turkey, no side effects or anything. All about willpower and mind over matter shit.

lol give me a break bro. that's ridiculous.

no lol
nicotine is harder to get rid of than meth

Don't talk about what you don't know. I personally experienced both meth and nicotine. Meth is another ball game, especially if you smoke it.

1000-1400mg per day, the sipping never ends.
Started as a cope with the despair from perpetual isolation but I think I've built up a tolerance and now I don't feel affected by it anymore.

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my mom and uncle went through both nic and meth and both recovered from meth first, saying that nicotine was more difficult to get over. dunno if they smoked it though

no it's not u fucking retard.

meth literally changes your reward system and makes u go giga insane.

plus you're more likely to develop other addictions on meth that stay even when u quit meth (e.g. SMOKING, porn, booze, downers, etc)

meth addiction is the worst addiction you can have. ever.

Your mom and uncle are weak.

well yah that's cuz meth ruins your life more quickly. you're forced to quit it.

addiction imo has to do with the compulsion to re-take but also how much damage the drugs do.

Quitting cigarettes is not only an addiction problem. It also changes your blood function. I don't remember exactly is it forever or for many years, but the point is, it will not be the same as before smoking (neither the same as during smoking) for a painful amount of time.

I personally believe from personal experience it's easier to kick meth to some extent because of the side effects of meth. Psychosis and the methamphetamine comedown give you some very solid willpower to quit, just to not experiences these things again. But meth is tremendously more addicting than nicotine.

Zero. I'm already an insomniac, the few times I've had caffeine it made me on edge and unable to relax.

yah exactly lol. these people don't get it. if meth didn't have a comedown or extremely deleterious side effects, you'd literally smoke it until you dropped dead of starvation and/or lack of sleep.