I just called out someone in one of my uni course's online discussion forums. He clearly ripped an entire paragraph from one of our readings and then replaced a handful of words with synonyms. I understand sneaking a cheat sheet into a crazy difficult exam, hell I've done it before, but plagiarism like this rubs me the wrong way. It's lazy. Did I do the right thing or should I have just kept it to myself?
You should trust in yourself more and seek validation less.
What is done is done.
You should kys haha, imagine being a snitching bitch
You should have just kept it to yourself. Who gives a fuck if he's cheating, as long as you put in your work and you pass your classes then it's all good. Mind your own bussiness.
Of course you did the right thing. Normalfags hate snitches just like they hate rich people, because they're too retarded to realize the world wouldn't be able to function without them. For lack of a better word, snitching is good.
Depends. What % Jewish are you? If it's anything over 20% then you did it because you're a Jew rat and should climb in an oven. Otherwise, it's okay.
Faggot, don't be such a bitch its one discussion
Mega faggot
Trully the opinion of a sheltered faggot. Snitching gets you killed in some parts so don't take it for granted and don't be too much of a moralfag.
> they're too retarded to realize the world wouldn't be able to function without them
Omega faggot, snitches get the patriot act and get charged for espionage. Kys, your moral compass means nothing.
I had a similar experience when I was getting my MBA. We were doing a group project (because the whole damn degree is group projects), and someone from my team waited until the last possible minute to turn in work that was blatantly plagiarized. I told him to re-do it without plagiarism, and he said that he didn't have time, had a family, had a job, etc. If I wanted non-plagiarized work, I'd have to do it, myself. So, I went to the professor. The professor said that dealing with these issues was part of the learning experience, and why he assigned group projects in the first place. If I turned in plagiarized or incomplete work as a group, the whole group would receive a failing grade and/or academic punishments like being rejected from the university. In other words, do the work yourself.
So, I took it to the academic dean and worked out a solution: I did the whole project on my own, and got my own grade. The rest of the team, that did not have a problem turning in plagiarized work, would turn in their own paper. I had to write on a different subject, and the old team could still use my work.
So, I stayed up over 48 hours and did the damn thing myself. I got a B. I have no idea what happened to them, and don't care.
MBA, btw, is a complete bullshit degree. Unless you're STEM, higher education is a scam. And if you're STEM and smart enough, you can just teach yourself.
>normalfags take over weirdo forum
>absolutely seethe when they see one who still refuses to conform to their standards
>normalfags take over weirdo forum
Nigga i've been here for time, the influx of retards like you are the problem
This is understandable but it's not some grade changing assignment in a group project, OP is just snitching on some random student on a bullshit assignment and being a faggot
You did the wrong thing. Modern 2020 schooling is generally worthless and most people don't even retain the information they learn in school. You probably just fucked over a Chad's dream of getting through school and fucking babes.
>haha i'm such an oldfag cuz ive been here ever since trump got elected
No dude you're literally just a faggot, I can tell by the way you're defending rich people even though you're a loser posting on Dab Forums like the rest of us. Get off your high horse you're both wrong there is literally no reason to snitch besides being a faggot.
>rich people bad
>snitches bad
>rich people bad
never said that
>snitches bad
Yep, why do you care about what someone else is doing if it affects literally nobody
>haha i'm such an oldfag cuz ive been here ever since trump got elected
Lmao try further back than that retard
>Moralfag needs to talk shit online to validate his own moralfaggotry.
Lmao weak.
Based. Fuck normies. Snitch as much as possible to make their lives hell.
Easiest way to spot a normie is to make a snitch thread. They cant help but come out of the woodworks to prove how cool they are.
The only people who hate snitches can't succeed through their own merits and deserve to fail. Fuck them all. Cheaters need a nice reality check every once in a while.