I've been living with my gf for about 6 months, and she has been unemployed while I work a normal 40 hours a week. Whenever i used to come home from work, id play vidya for a bit to unwind and have fun. when we moved in together, i stopped doing this because she wanted to spend more time together. but now im barely able to do anything without her. if i do, or even ask, she gets upset and complains that she waits all day for me to get home.
am i an asshole for wanting to spend some time alone while she sits alone at home all day waiting for me?
This is more suited for /soc/ or Dab Forums. Do you even know you are on r9k?
Charles Cooper
Your gf hates you because you watch porn while being in a relationship. Stop being a coomer otherwise she WILL cheat on you.
Jackson Sanchez
Your girlfriend will never be a woman
Isaac Gutierrez
>This is more suited for /soc/ or Dab Forums. No I have a goblino friend who's a video game and anime geek, slacked off in high school and messed up his grades, had an abusive father, is 5'6", who has still had at least 4 different girlfriends in the span of like 6 years. One of the girls he was in a relationship with was a moocher who stayed at home but didn't do any housekeeping while he was off working two jobs (which oftentimes were on the same day). Eventually he was convinced to break up with her and kick her to the curb. He still found someone else later on.
Not OP's situation but just because you have a gf doesn't mean you're a chad living it up.
Isaiah Martin
As a sex haver I can tell you that you have 2 options. You either confront her and tell her you have hobbies outside of her or you quietly seethe while doing anything she asks. I recommend confronting her before you grow to secretly hate her. Either she accept it and give you space or she'll resent you and start acting out. If she can't handle it then leave her. She sounds like kind of a loser with nothing going on in her life anyway so it's no big loss if she freaks out.
Carson Morgan
this, stop posting other women while in a relationship. piece of shit cunt.
Justin Hall
>otherwise she WILL cheat on you she WILL cheat anyway, that's what holes do, bud.
Jackson Powell
>am i an asshole for wanting to spend some time alone while she sits alone at home all day waiting for me? If you like playing video games to unwind, just let her cuddle with you while she either chitchats with you about stuff that's not distracting, or just tell her to shut her trap for a couple of hours. She will appreciate the physical time spent with you even if she's not allowed to verbalize sometimes.
Just find ways for her to be there while you're doing the things you want to do. It is a bit selfish to expect her to not want to spend as much time with you as possible---you're not putting any effort into compromise, where she doesn't feel lonely but you won't feel stifled.
So just talk to her about what you want to do that you would ordinarily do alone, but how you'll allow her to be with you while you do it along certain conditions. She'll lean heavily toward accepting them.
Ethan Thompson
Real advice: Tell her she needs to find something to fill in the time before you get home. Her entire purpose being you leads to burnout. Bonus points if you can get them to contribute to the household somehow.
Ian Robinson
You don't need to be alone to play video games, unless being seen consuming achievement porn makes you feel like a loser, hmmm?
>Bonus points if you can get them to contribute to the household somehow. She has to be shown how happy she makes him and how it'd make him even happier if she went the extra mile for him and did stuff like cook and clean. If she's literally only just there to have sex and that's how OP treats her, then she will grow to be dissatisfied and unfulfilled, feeling unloved and unworthy of love. At the same token, if she does start cooking and keeping things clean, then OP will have to start investing more effort into showing her how much he does for her too.
Kevin Jones
No I'm saying have some semblance of respect for the fact that the vast majority here have not only ever seen vagina or had a gf, they hardly even had a conversation with a girl in their whole life and will die in mom's basement, not even knowing what it's like to live on your own. The point is almost nobody here is well suited to give you advice and you'll mostly get shitposts and angry replies. Either you knew this and are playing coy like a faggot or this is your first time on the board.
Go to /soc/, it's full of losers and low tier normies who, at least, have social experience who can better help you with these problems.
Daniel Cox
Dont care, yourvfriend and op are normals
Andrew Wilson
They're not normal. They're straight ;)
Jayden Long
>No I'm saying have some semblance of respect for the fact that the vast majority here have not only ever seen vagina or had a gf, they hardly even had a conversation with a girl in their whole life And who's fucking fault is that? What's stopping them? Everyone is supposed to just continue to feel sorry for them as they wallow in their pointless misery and negativity while never finding any courage nor will to actually chase their dreams? Not everyone here is a disabled elephant man that lives in the sticks and has literally no way out. In fact the vast majority these days are maladjusted socially awkward barely-not-teenagers who constantly stew in their insecurities and toxic mindsets while never acknowledging how much of this they manifest *themselves*. >The point is almost nobody here is well suited to give you advice It looks like this thread has attracted decent enough replies so far. How about you drop the needless cynicism and defeatism and start imagining the possibilities if one day the losers here decided to defy the "odds" and faithfully chase the "impossible". What the fuck has being constantly negative ever done for you all or accomplished in your life? Maybe it's time to get rid of it like the useless burden that it is. >Either you knew this I'm not OP faggot. Grow up.
Jace Lee
r9k severely underestimates how many lurk this board
Chase Richardson
Why are you getting so emotional over this? All I told OP is that he's on the wrong board. You sound like you have enough issues to be here at least. You think you can save people here? Very noble. Maybe consider a career as a psychotherapist and stop lecturing strangers as if you knew life better than they do. You have no idea who you're speaking to.
Joshua Kelly
This girl would be 500% hotter if she had some actual eyebrows.
Dominic Thompson
>You think you can save people here? I think people on here can save themselves if they finally listen to somethings that aren't just constant doom and gloom. >stop lecturing strangers as if you knew life better than they do Based on what you write I really am sure I do. >You have no idea who you're speaking to. Nor do you. >All I told OP is that he's on the wrong board This place isn't called "Perpetual Losers Whose End Is Suicide".