If a guy watches porn while in a relationship then his gf has a right to cheat on him. You cant change my mind

If a guy watches porn while in a relationship then his gf has a right to cheat on him. You cant change my mind.

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That's true, but I also hate how people drag out relationships by cheating when they clearly should just end it.

Retaliation cheating is bad, OP. If a guy is watching porn while in a relationship, his gf should break up with him though

Thats so stupid

If people ended relationships when they should, then nobody would be in a relationship, ever. Every single human is a self seeking opportunist, even so-called nice guys and nice girls. Everyone has skeletons in their closet, everyone is selfish and only looking out for number one. Humans continue relationships even when they should end them, because they like having a safety net before monkey branching to the next person.

Watching porn while in a relationship is a slap in the face to your partner. If you want to jerk it to other people, do it alone

Go ahead but it won't stop me from making her a cripple if she does cheat

Why is the reaction always to leave the man in a worse state? Why not try and help him with his porn addiction?


Pretty dumb take is watching a romantic movie cheating too?

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girlfriends are not therapists or rehab counselors. You need to fix your own problems

>why do we put criminals in jail instead of rehabilitating them? :(

Because an addict of any type is worthless and not worth investing time or energy into

that's pretty different from hardcore abuse porn.

obviously not and you know it isnt, quit with your coomer excuses you already know the answer to

>girlfriends are not therapists
And yet they expect their boyfriends to be.

>tfw my gf watches more porn than me
>her porn folder is huge

No? It would just mean that she has the right to watch porn too, and I'm completely okay with that. This isn't even an incel/femoid thing, that's just simple logic.

So what are they? If they don't help me become a better person, if their love has such little affect, what's the point? Serious question. Is a gf just someone you fuck and LARP as a perfect human being with?

Since when do guys help girls with their emotional problems? Lmao. Doesnt happen.

What is it about watching porn that offends you?

Women dont need porn in a relationship. Men are just weird coomer mentally ill greedy subhumans incapable of love or the concept of monogamy. Literal children who crave constant novelty.

Shows he has no self control and is just a manwhore that lacks opportunity or energy to actually go out and fuck other people, even though thats what he wants to do. I wouldnt date a fast food addict or a drug addict, so why would I date a porn addict?

Then I'm sure you're a virgin waiting for marriage right? If not you're just as bad having sex for novelty

>You cant change my mind.
I can dump you for being a cheating slut though. Which is exactly what I would do.

What does porn do that makes you consider it alongside fast food and alcohol addiction?

so softcore porn would be fine.
got it

every single one of these shitty cuntoid criticisms leveraged at the alleged character flaws of men is just something someone on here would say about women but repackaged for something mostly innocuous and orders of magnitude lower stakes than what men bitch at women for. why are you the most unoriginal and insipid sponge cunts to ever exist? can you not have a genuine thought or even one that didn't come from a man first?

the fact that you see any potential romantic love interests in that light speaks volumes and says more about you than any hypothetical porn addicted boyfriend.

neither is anyone who comes to this board so by your logic all of you should be funneled into a wood chipper and forgotten about. give up now because there's no hope for you since people can't change.