Why does society not take male mental health seriously?
Why does society not take male mental health seriously?
Because men have da smelly pp.
We no exist
Men are disposable so their mental health isnt very important.
I don't understand this argument. Yes it does. My male friend has adhd and is open about it, nobody minds at all. Another friend is autistic and it hasn't prevented him from being a political professional. Those are just anecdotal evidence, but I'd really like to know how mens' mental health isn't taken seriously compared to womens'. I think men are couraged to go into therapy for their issues just as much as women as well.
The very basis of modern society is corrosive to a man's mental health. To take it seriously would mean to acknowledge this fact, and to do something about. You can see why that never happens until men snap collectively, and solve the problem using the only method that works - bloodshed.
It does, but you think that psychology is bullshit and therapists are retarded.
Same honestly and I feel like the people who ask this usually don't do it in good faith or really care about mentally ill people, male or female. I feel like if anything there are specific mental illnesses that are way more stigmatised than others that people care a lot less about (like certain personality disorders) as oppose to it being a gender thing.
>I'd really like to know how mens' mental health isn't taken seriously compared to womens
You'd have to be a man for that, and suffer from mental health issues caused directly by the sacred corporate ideals that your society operates based on.
I think this guy is right. There is alot of extra men that never mate. Everyone just pretends like those guys are happy.
When really they are disposable.
Depends where you live. If you're American and poor then no one gives a fuck. Any actual civilised country with universal healthcare will be a lot more receptive to it.
Therapists are retarded.
> therapist: Make a list of goals you should do
> Me: um, I told you already did before I came here
> therapist: Oh, eh, so what do you hope to achieve from our sessions
> Me: To feel better, or at least, not feel worse
> Therapist: hm, have you thought of making goals?
It's an outdated argument. There was definitely a time when depressed people were told to just man up and stop being a sad little pussy. But that time is over.
Op might be someone who wants to shift the blame for their failures on something external. I'm not a loser because I am at fault. It's all the cause of my mental illness. And people don't even take my mental illness serious enough! They need to support me even more because they don't have to go through what I do :(
I think because men don't take it seriously
Do you live in the 60s or something
Therapists that practice stuff like CBT, DBT, distress tolerant, etc. Can be genuinely helpful but anything outside of that where they just talk to you and waste time is a fucking scam.
>There was definitely a time when depressed people were told to just man up and stop being a sad little pussy. But that time is over.
Yeah, now they just feign sympathy, spout some generic platitudes and "advice", tell you to see a therapist, and start working on an exit strategy, or at least methods to avoid you. If your metal health issues don't fix themselves within a week, they start coming up with theories about how it's all your fault, and how you just don't want to get better. Your female-brained post exemplifies everything I just wrote, but you're too dumb and psychopathic to realize it.
When people talk about mental health they usually are talking about feelings and being heard/understood
Not to write off your friends' successes but those aren't what's usually being referred to
>I think men are couraged to go into therapy for their issues just as much as women as well.
It seems like it gets weaponized against men, either by saying something is wrong with them or by using it as an excuse not to listen to a friend venting because you're "not their therapist".
Also, therapists don't take men as seriously as women. My male friends that sought therapy were just given meds and told to be normal. When I went I didn't even get meds, and they wouldn't even let me talk. Just told me to do normal things
The few girls ive known that have been to therapy came out of it saying they felt better, had found new ways of thinking, were given mental exercises to help reinforce it. It's an entirely different experience
what do you think these kinds of people do with women who are mentally ill? bc they do the exact same thing. the reality is most people don't enjoy being around people who are mentally ill and don't give good advice bc they are not equipped to meaningfully help you.
>what do you think these kinds of people do with women who are mentally ill
Shill on a massive scale for the whole of society to change and suit women better.
Society in general doesn't take mental illness very seriously. However women are coddled and pitied when they express their feelings, whereas men are beaten down and shamed.
I just got prescribed dextroamphetamine, I don't know what you're talking about OP.
>either by saying something is wrong with them or by using it as an excuse not to listen to a friend venting
If you're mentally ill something is wrong with you and your friends aren't your therapist. that's not an exclusive male thing at all. If a woman exclusively talks to her friends to vent about her mental illness they would find that overwhelming and encourage them to go to therapy too.
>Also, therapists don't take men as seriously as women. My male friends that sought therapy were just given meds and told to be normal. When I went I didn't even get meds, and they wouldn't even let me talk. Just told me to do normal things
What is this based off? It's just purely anecdotal. Is it not possible you just have a bad therapist? I have had similarly awful experiences with therapists and know many other women who have to. Why do you automatically assume a woman would have a better experience with this therapist?
>The few girls ive known that have been to therapy came out of it saying they felt better, had found new ways of thinking, were given mental exercises to help reinforce it. It's an entirely different experience
Do you not think this could be a difference in mindset of the person going into therapy and not a result of some mass prejudice against men from therapists? There is not a lot of evidence that mental health professionals take women's claims of mental illness or pain more seriously than men's, if anything research into attitudes of medical practitioners supports the opposite idea.
Well why would they continue to support and help you for more than a week? Are you constantly helping other people? The average person already lives a tough life and they have to support other people, like their children or their elderly parents or welfare queens. At a certain point, people start to perceive you as a dead end. Someone who needs infinite support but will never provide anything in return. So they cut you off until you've sorted out your own bullshit.
Your entire identity and worldview revolves around denying issues that affect men, and lying blatantly and repeatedly. I don't know why you even bother posting when every single piece of rhetoric that comes out of your foid mouth serves to prove your detractors right.
For women it's slightly different because they have intrinsic value. Their pussy. Men are only as valuable as the things they provide. And if they provide zero, their value is zero
>b-b-b-b-but why would anyone do anything more than to shun you?
That's fine, but what makes you particularly vile and subhuman is that you're justifying it in one post, and then deny it in the next.
The real question is why do women feel threatened by men having problems too?
Because every tax dollar spent on others, is a tax dollar not being spent on them, and every second of attention given t others, is a second of attention not given to them. Women are infantile parasites.
how does the 'value' of the fact there are men who would have sex with you materially help your situation if you're suffering from schizophrenia or something
No one says men don't have problems with mental illness, but I think people understandable question it when it's baselessly portrayed as some unique struggle only men experience
>but how does my spreading my legs for chad help my situation
It doesn't, but that doesn't change the fact that a lot of modern politics and social policies revolve around how to bend over backwards to address whatever it is that makes women unhappy.
Has anyone thought about having a dedicated thread on one of the larger boards about mental health? I'm sure it would really help a lot of anons to be able to reach out and find other people or stay user if they like. Call it /AA/ or Anons Anonymous. Maybe /mhg/ - mental health general?
Most political decisions can be abstracted to simping for women
It's not that black and white. People used to shun mentally ill people 10 times as hard. We've become more accommodating. But not infinitely accommodating.
You're going to have to grow up and become a big boy, OP. You can't always rely on your mommy and your poppy.
I don't know, I'd probably feel a lot less depressed and hopeless if I knew women who wanted to be with me
>some unique struggle only men experience
Having to face such a high degree of hardships while receiving such a low degree of sympathy is a unique struggle only men experience, and every objective statistic reflects this. But as I said, your entire identity and worldview revolves around parasitism, lying and denial.