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Other urls found in this thread: supremacy&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=26&smoothing=3 ISIS

Rohingya about to be Holocausted

Anti-Muslim violence and genocide again.

India, Lebonon,Burma(Myanmar), Balklands, China...why are Muslims so preyed upon?

We just want to live in peace

everyone was so hopeful for aan su kyi but she just contributed to the genocide. I don't think there has been any real democracy there for a while. This coup is not even a huge shift imo.

>more violence in Buttfuckistan
If the victims aren’t white nobody cares

Why are you posting Dab Forums about a SEA country on an American dominated board where 30% couldn't find the US on a blank world map, think Iceland is England and Australia is a tiny island off the coast of Japan?

everyone is afraid of your extremists

What about yours

>aggressively expand for hundreds of years
>slaughter everyone who wont convert
>wonder why everyone in the world wants you dead

I thought we were talking about Muslims not Christians ;^)

>Why are you posting news in news board?
What an enigma for you to solve.

Laughable dude real funny stuff bro terrific argument you got there

We Muslims don't live in fear of your extremists, we live in fear of your very governments.

The implied argument, if you had reading comprehension, is that the fear of Muslims due to extenists is irrational, because white people are the most dangerous extremist murderers in the USA, and have been for decades. The US terror problem is not only as bad as the Middle East, its home grown, and always because of racism

So you are saying that because there are domestic extremists the US should be totally cool with allowing in foreign extremists?

Any source on those claims?

To be fair the eastern muslims were different.

How far east and for how long? Indonesian muslims have committed genocide within the past century, and it's impossible to deny the violence of islamic expansion under and following Mohammed.

Because you cause nothing but trouble everywhere you are.

Werent they already being expulsed before the coup?

keep cryin nigga

Western Euro here, guess fucking what the reason is...

No they weren't. I am Dutch and we had to fucking invade Sumatra and pacify the population because the Atjeh muslims were slaughtering non-muslims by the hunderds of thousands on the island. Furthermore we had to step in multiple times to squash muslim violence on other islands in Indonesia and with the British in Malasia.

>Another whataboutism
This and the no true scotsman fallacy are the muslims best friend.

Then maybe the Rohingya should've stopped setting Buddhist nuns on fire?

Sorry mate, but if you can't live in peace with a pacifist YOU'RE the cunt.

that's the consequence of meddling in the affairs of the Islamic State, non Muslims are considered traitors, so cry with muslim immigrants who hit in your country

Please tell your government to stop killing our children with drones that you paid for with your taxes.

Maybe stop chopping people's heads off over pictures then

There it is again.

Everyone is tired of muslims. The days of muslims behaving like absolute scum while hiding behind muh religion, thinking this magically shields them from consequences, are over. See China, India, Myanmar etc.

This thread is full of people who probably based their ideologies on the political compass test, no surprise its full of hypocrite retards

"muh hypocrisy"

yeah its still not getting any fresher Langley

Which hypocrisy exactly? If you didn't want to get bombed, maybe you shouldn't have committed this much terrorism in the first place.

She's a fucking hack and fraud. She campaigned against her house arrest and against a military regime. She acted like she and the population were victimised. Then she gets her way and when a different ethnic group ends up in her place and she turns a blind eye.

I dare say she was in it only when she was the "victim". And that's why I don't fall for the sob stories of people like her

if someone shoots at you and you return fire it is not hypocrisy

This is absolutely fake
There has never been a single instance of widespread voter fraud that has been discovered and reported by the myanmar officials.
this is being led by insurrectionists trying to cause a coup to overthrow the legitimately elected leader of myanmar

Sounds eerily familiar to what our Orange Fool just attempted but since he didn't have military backing to launch his coup he used a gaggle of Brown Shirt wannabes to attempt it.

From what I heard, the Rohingya are actually kind of happy about it. Suu Kyi is (relatively) popular abroad, so foreign nations were more tolerant of her treatment of that population, seeing her as the lesser of two evils.

A military government would be less popular abroad, and would need to make more diplomatic concessions to survive - perhaps including offering up peace to the Rohingya.

Too be fair you also live in fear of your extremists. But otherwise you're kinda right. Countries across the globe are getting real weird about the anti Muslim shit. My bet is the next world War starts or features some Muslim minority group getting rounded up and footnoted. It's safe to say that China is leading the world in this trend.

Huh? The military were the ones massacring them and burning their villages, they didn't need Suu Kyi because the military operates entirely independent from the government. The only thing Suu Kyi did was being the international scapegoat for the genocide while the military could continue it's decades old tradition of using rohingya as live target practice.

Did someone say based?

Then move back to your Muslim countries and stop invading ours. No problems. If we could just get all muslims to leave other countries and Amurimuts to get out of the middle east everything would be solved.

what? please make your insults make sense.

>American terrorists

right and half the country are white supremacists because a guy in a Viking hat took selfies in our capitol and some people wanted to kidnap a tyrant in Michigan.

Yes. A religion is not a race. You can choose to follow a religion. If you choose to follow a violent religion that is no different than choosing to follow any other violent ideology like Bolshevism.

>Orange Fool
>Brown Shirt wannabes

Is this Reddit? What country do you live in? Are you purposefully naïve or do you actually believe there was no fraud?

The science is settled. White supremacy is more of an issue now than the 1800s supremacy&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=26&smoothing=3

Sadly, religion is protected politics is not.
Bolshevistic purges of your political enemies is A ok in America as long as it is corporations doing it.

>you purposefully naïve or do you actually believe there was no fraud?
The only possible way you could make that statement is if you're a zombie cultist, last in line following the rest of the lemmings as they plunge over the cliff because the Grand PooBa Orange Lemming told them they would achieve an instant nirvana with a private harem of 72 virgins for their devout worship.



Fucking Christ, not everything has to be about your politics you salad-dogin, riot-havin, coup-attemptin, covid-sufferin, burger-eatin, credits applaudin, friendly-firin, school-shootin, sex-changin, commie-panderin, nazi-festerin, flat-earthin, pandemic-denyin, essential oil buyin, boot-kissin, anti-vaxxin, dementia votin, safe-spacin, SEPPO CUNT

The only people leading the charge in telling other countries what to do are westerners. WHITE Westerners. When they're a political irrelevancy due to cultural and/or numerical collapse people will stop giving a fuck about anything another country does in its borders unless it relates to their own diasporas, shared religions, or (most importantly) their own back pockets. You think Argentina is gonna give a shit if Myanmar executes its Muslims? You think Estonia would give a flaccid fuck if Pakistan invaded Bangladesh?

The only people who think otherwise are westerners. The only reason the west gives a shit is ego-tripping.

I'd hate to tell you this, but around the world, regardless of color, when people hear of some genocide or other grand injustice happening in another country, regardless of how far away, they yell about it. The ones in power sometimes actually do something about it, if less often by force and more often by sanctions and the like, as, save for neighboring borders, the US practically has a monopoly on force, sans UN approval, which it can veto.

It is not, in any way, exclusively a "white thing". That's a habit shared by all humanity (and most higher mammals that can interpret violence on a TV screen). Even if, yes, sometimes only to make themselves feel more just.

Now the white nations, as a result of being the first to global trade and the industrial revolution, without a lengthy period of isolation, do have whole lot of investment in international trade. Thus they are much more apt to do something, as they are much more likely to see that trade their economies now depend on be interrupted. The former European empires, also feel some responsibility for their former colonies.

But, like everyone else in the world, if their wallets aren't on the line, they just bitch. Maybe some sanctions, maybe some boycotts, maybe throw some spare money at the problem, but that's about it.

I'd hate to tell you this, but the most people do is think the perpetrators are savages and start shaking their hands with their other hand placed on the perpetrator's arm to check for weapons.

China did not give a shit about the crimes of the Japanese Shogunate. Britain and France didn't give a dog's dick about the fall of Constantinople, they were too busy slugging it out themselves. The Moriori were cannibalized and all the people did was think "Wow, those Maori are savages"

ISIS tried to wipe out the Yezidi. Did any other nations in that region give a shit? No. Because the Yezidi aren't Muslims, they aren't Diaspora, they aren't a wealthy trading partner. Does South Korea speak up about the treatment of the Rohingya? Does Peru react to North Korea's spastic flailings? No. Nobody gives a fuck about anything unless the West is riding its high horse and going DON'T YOU CARE?! WE'LL ECONOMICALLY PUNISH YOU IF YOU DON'T SAY YOU CARE!

Half of France's most famed literary output, is about the cries of injustice half way across the world that have nothing to do with anything France was ever involved with.

China, similarly, anytime anything in the world that happens that is bad, writes endlessly about how much better they would have handled it.

And everyone in every country writes so much about ISIS that it's practically a fanfiction genre.

This is more true today than it has ever been, thanks to the Internet. People in Nigeria write novel length online commentaries about Jonny Depp and his bitch, FFS.

It ain't a white thing.

If money is on the line, and they can, they do something about it. That's just survival 101.

if americunts are starting then rant and whining threatening with their military and imposing sanctions, then it means Myanmar people did everything right.

>ISIS tried to wipe out the Yezidi. Did any other nations in that region give a shit? ISIS
Seems a whole lotta folks in a whole lotta nations gave a shit. ...and practical half the western world is trying to thwart ISIS.

>Does South Korea speak up about the treatment of the Rohingya?

>Does Peru react to North Korea's spastic flailings?

Go on...

and this is the stage of americunt diplomacy after the fucking jews took the foreign affairs of USA in the Washington.

Given how divided the US is and how wide spread its interests are, you're basically saying anything that goes wrong in the world is right.

>Given how divided the US is and how wide spread its interests are

Sorry to burst your bubble but the division amongst the American serfs has little play in how your politicians grapple the world. Only Trump managed to take Republican-Voter dipshittery and turn it into a foreign policy. Before that it was just an endless turnover of Bushes, Obamas, Clintons and Regans doing the same shit as each other when in power while saying they'd be different when they werent.

>Hates on white people based on their race
>ooga booga muh racism

why is it retards who whine about muh racism the loudest are always racist themselves?

I said in that region, though I'll give you the Arab Council calling them out. But the western world is not that region. The Peruvians expelled him because of the UN sanctions, as I said, the west riding its high horse. I was entirely wrong about South Korea.

You're seriously conflating people saying "If I'd have been there, if I'D have been there, boy you're lucky I wasn't there" with action. Of course people talk about shit and make judgements about shit, but they don't act on it. As I said, people viewed the Maori as savages. Didn't stop the British from selling them guns as they went ahead and massacred other peoples.

American business interests are wide and varied and in conflict, and thus is its international policy.

I mean you had Obama declare a coup in Honduras, and two Senators flew down there, giving money to the folks who committed the coup, yet somehow now one was charged with treason.

So was that coup something wrong or right with the world? Depends on which party you ask, and whose business interests were involved.

Trump had no interest in changing American international policy in anyone's interest but his and his close buddies, which is why a lot of American international policy didn't change one iota, and a lot of the worst parts of it (eg. unending support for Saudi Arabia and Israel), got worse still.

Because the British had interests there and the power to do something?

Again, everyone in the world decries injustice, everywhere else in the world they hear about it.

Not everyone has money on the line.

Not everyone can do something about it.

Whenever those two factors come together, however, they do something about it.

The west just happens to be the group currently most likely to have a convergence of those two factors. If Africa had effectively taken over most the world 500 years ago, and depended on smooth and lucrative international trade today, you'd be seeing this same shit from them.

>Burma kicking pozzed western influences out and genociding the Rohniggers
Oh no, quick someone bring the popcorn!

Maybe because they're the only religion still going around blowing themselves up and chopping people's heads off?