Celtic cross declared hate symbol

>The briefing, by Army Col. Mike Henry, MD, deputy commander of Special Warfare Medical Group (Airborne)/Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center at the U.S. John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (JFKSWCS) at Fort Bragg, came two days after President Joe Biden was inaugurated, a source familiar with the briefing said.

>Henry “told us that if anyone gets caught wearing, buying, selling, affiliated with in any way, any of those things on that list, that the first thing he’s going to do is chapter us out of the Army. The second thing is, he’s going to handle the investigation by sending it over to the DHS,” the source said. “He didn’t quite outright say that we would be arrested, he used the word ‘detained.'”

>Other imagery on the slides included those associated with QAnon, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, the National Social Club 131, the “Kek” flag, the Boogaloo movement, the National Socialist Order, 14, 88, the swastika, the sonnenrad or sunwheel, the SS, the Celtic Cross, the WP “okay” hand symbol, the Archangel Michael Cross, the “Othala Rune”, the “Norse Algis Rune”, the “Totenkopf”, the Universal Order symbol, the nuclear symbol, and the ((( ))) “echo.” The descriptions of QAnon and the Oathkeepers are also accompanied by photos of protesters at the Capitol on January 6.


Attached: celtic-cross-trees.jpg (545x335, 53.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The left is moving to demonize white culture, traditionalism, and christianity. Their anti white hatred is blatant. Wake up America. Take your country back from the liberals who have flooded your country with foreign invaders and tried to force you to call them brother. They are not and will never be your brother, this story is another piece of evidence testifying to that fact.

So much for Biden claiming to be a an Irish Catholic & wanting to end anti-Semitism against the Irish-Catholic religion.

They went after prayer in schools in the 90s and back then they said there would be no slippery slope into anti-Christianity. Lmao

Atheist secular humanists adhere more closely to the ethical and moral teachings of Jeebus than the American "Christian" right.

Pure delusional copium.

>remove christianity from our society
>promote sodomy
>insult Christianity every second they get


As soon as the Irish were accepted as Catholic the anti Catholic hate began.

Then when the Irish were finally declared White, the anti-Whiteness began.

I'm sensing pattern.

yeah, no shit huh? Bye America - Welcome to Wokestan

>remove christianity from our society
The Founding Fathers did that intentionally because they knew it could easily infect the weak minded and they would attempt to establish a Taliban Style Sharia Law State under the auspices of "Christianity" which is precisely what the "Christian" right is attempting to do.
>promote sodomy
If you mean accept lgbt's as humans with equal rights, yes. Unlike the "Christian" right, secular humanists don't feel the perverted drive to crawl into everyone's bedroom to ensure they are only having sex for procreation in the missionary position and the woman is not enjoying it because if she were, that would be an abomination before god.

Don't forget, Jeebus spent every waking moment with a gaggle of male disciples, who all "slept" snuggled closely together. He never had a gf or a date, but perhaps he was like Lisping Lady Lindsay Graham, who when asked why he never dated women smuggly lisped, "I've always been too busy serving the American people."
>insult Christianity every second they get
Nope. Secular humanists accept christianity as being exactly equal to every other religion invented by man throughout history and pre-history just like many of the Founding Fathers. However, secular humanists justifiably insult and ridicule the "Christian" right who are the poster children for hypocrisy.

>the WP “okay” hand symbol,
the meme truly is real now.
they trolled the normalfags and made 'ok' racist.
im surprised they arent banning milk too.

purely acurate since Jesus literally commanded his followers to "feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give hope to the hopeless, visit the imprisoned"
meanwhile american christians call all that communist bullshit while advocating for the return of public executions

ban milk
ban wendys
ban papa johns
ban taylor swift

There was no point where Irish people weren't considered white

divided the bread and fish so that all could have something to eat
>Supply-side-Jesus (tm):
TAXES BAD, price-gouging good

>the WP “okay” hand symbol
wasn't this a ruse by Dab Forums to see if they could make a common symbol "racist"

yup. normalfags btfo again.
clown world proof yet again delivered

Better Wokistan than Gilliad.

The celtic cross being used as a hate symbol is not new. White nationalists have appropriated most symbols connected to European cultures as political icons at one point or another. Context is key, and often the specific styling of the symbols gives away intent. The plastic Paddies and the Romper Stomper cosplayers are going to fairly easy to tell apart.

Have you ever seen the mainstream political cartoons at the height of Irish immigration during the mid 19th century potato famine? They are drawn looking like sinister apes. They were most definitely considered non-white by Americans of that time and just like all the misinformation and stereotypes about hispanic immigrants, those were prevalent concerning the Irish as well.

What's next? The Irish Catholics use the color Green, the circle & the rainbow, so will those be banned too?

The Irish Puritans use the color Orange, so will orange men be considered bad next?

>The Irish Puritans use the color Orange
Is that why Drumpf paints his face orange?

if you are going to join a secret society and carry their brand maybe you should have joined one of the already established societies. because they kicked your ass. cant beat em. join em.


>prayer in schools
Government institutions shouldn't be promoting a religious action and compelling students to participate. Come on, that is fair.


i'm not reading this shit gfy

>”kek” flag
>demonize white culture
What the hell are you talking about user?

>However, progressive watchdog groups Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League have deemed Three Percenters as part of an anti-government militia movement. That definition has caught some in a lurch, such as Patriots rookie kicker Justin Rohrwasser, who came under scrutiny last year for having it tattooed on his left arm. He said in an interview with WBZ-TV:

>"I was 18 when I got it. It was described to me as the percentage of colonists that rose up against the government of the British … . I was like, ‘Wow, that is such an American sentiment, a patriotic sentiment.’ Coming from a military family, I thought that really spoke to me. I always was proud to be an American. I’m very proud to be an American."

>Rohrwasser also had the American flag, “Liberty or Death,” and “Don’t Tread on Me,” tattooed on him, but nevertheless apologized for the Three Percenters tattoo and had it removed.

Man this is depressing. Literal American military culture being thrown out the window just because some fucking spastics at some meme centers say that everything is racist. Fuck this gay earth.

Good to know the army is aggressively going after ancient abstract symbols rather than figure out why they have so many thugs and gang bangers in their ranks

Americans don't want to offend their pet nogs after all, you mutts never should have let inferior races have citizenship, it inevitably will destroy your country.

> "reporting" on the pathetic whining of a buttblasted Qaren
Discarded with extreme prejudice.

SEE: No blog posting.

The white supremacists keep appropriating ancient Pagan culture. Once it's been perverted and soiled, it's no longer anything other than dog whistling and signaling of grievance & hate culture. Glad these retards keep marking themselves for deletion. One day these ancient symbols might be cleansed and be used again for their original cultural meanings.

>Separation of church and state is bad, M'kay?
You're living in the wrong country. Get out and join the Taliban to be with your own kind.

Also, it's time to revoke the tax exemptions for churches. The contract was that they stay the fuck out of politics and government. Now they pay zero taxes and use the money to install Talibangelical mental illness in the government and schools. Long past time to shut this shit down. This whoreshipping of ignorance and brainwashing our children with perverted "beliefs" is how the country got into the current mess it's in.

There are plenty of religion-run governments already. Go find one of those utterly failing shithole countries and make it into your "paradise." You fucking parasites.

>QOPIUM addict says wat?
No matter how many times (You) get burned with that label, (You) will never be able to project it onto someone else, (You) craven MAGAt.

>false equivalency
>manufactured fake grievance
Bearing false witness is a cardinal sin, user. According to your own sincerely-held belief system, you will be Judged. Harshly.

Stop pretending that you're a Christian, stop representing yourself as a Christian. You aren't. You're a craven, hate-filled liar.

The Catholic Church has been a murderous, corrupt crime organization since Constantine. It was opposed and hated by decent people long before Catholicism was introduced to the Emerald Isle.

Can't wait to hear your explanation for Italians and Slavs.

Don't care, whine more redditor.

>AmriKKKa history
>only history
I'd tell you to stop being such a fat fucking retard, but it looks to be congenital in your case. The only solution for you at his point is rope, as all traitors have earned in spades.


>Literal American white supremacist culture getting its shit pushed in
Otherwise known as a Good Start. Especially starting with military and law enforcement, where no criminal should ever be allowed to serve one day, let alone get paid, trained, and pensioned on the taxpayer dime.

I don't think this addresses any of your issues whatsoever. It simply limits freedom of expression which doesn't actually change anyone's ideas but instead forces the people who you are actually worried about to become even more subversive.

People are perfectly free to express themselves. They are not freedumb of consequences.

In fact, I strongly encourage people to freely express themselves, their sincerest, core personal beliefs. I want them on permanent record as doing so. Tattoos are one acceptable font of many.

>the people who you are actually worried about to become even more subversive
Acceptable. So long as it isn't in a government welfare position paid for with tax dollars. They can strap themselves up by their own booty-straps in the private sector, all self-made and such. Contact with actual reality is a strong disinfectant and rapidly sorts out the strains that require intense investigation and sterilization.

You don't get to have free gibsmedats handouts from dur gubments while committing sedition, insurrection, and treason against your own country. Oaths have meaning. Break it and you get to take a walk up the gallows stairs. Free ride back down.

Religion needs to die.

Grow up.

Cartoons don't mean anything. By law, they were white.

Why are Irish-Americans such insufferable victims?

This is such a stupid talking point. The media wasn't "tricked" into believing the OK hand sign was a white nationalist symbol, the media reported the sign as a white nationalist symbol because that's what people were using it as, ironically or not. That's literally just how a symbol works. No one was tricked or fooled, Dab Forumstards just decided to co-opt a symbol.

Similarly, the Celtic cross being labeled a white nationalist symbol has nothing to do with hatred towards Celtic people or Christianity any more than labeling the swastika a white nationalist symbol has to do with hatred towards Indians or Dharmists. Both symbols were co-opted and used by white nationalists and are now associated with them.

Why are you blaming the "fucking spastics at some meme centers" and not the white nationalists who decided to adopt 3% as a symbol? They're the ones guilty of damaging it with their toxic ideology..

>Both symbols were co-opted and used by white nationalists and are now associated with them.
it make you wonder why they need to indulge in cultural appropriation when their own culture is supposedly so superior.

White people are the only racial or ethnic group not permitted to have any sense of identity or pride.

The last acceptable prejudice

When will our race awaken?

Because when banning words and symbols because someone said they mean something nasty then you start taking away people's tools to communicate and argue for and against such things.

To use words you might know better, it's doubleplusbad

Nothing was banned, you can still use a 3% symbol for whatever reason you like. It's just that if you do, people may think you're a racist because it's a symbol commonly used by racists.

Which makes it a defacto social ban.

How so? Shouldn’t you be proud of your beliefs?

Perhaps, but most people aren't to the point of committing social suicide. If they feel a topic can't be discussed publicly, they will discuss it privately with people who don't follow the whole social shunning scheme and their arguments will be much more convincing than the people who effectively have no argument


Blame the fuckheads who turned it into a hate symbol by using it while saying hateful things. Maybe then people wouldn't see it as a racist thing to do.

You can say it's racist, that's fine, but socially you really shouldn't shun people for it because you don't know what's inside any individual person's head until you ask. You might well just be calling someone a racist for something they thought was innocuous. You call someone a racist enough times without explaining why and then walking away from them immediately when they voice confusion then they might ask the actual racists why they keep getting called racist.

THATS where you start having the problem. It's not about denying that individual person the franchise as much as it is denying yourself and your peers the franchise to speak with them.

Also, I just in general think that "someone I think is bad did this thing so you shouldn't do it either" is such a weak argument in general. Hitler ate food, you know. Pol Pot bathed. Stalin drank. Grand Wizard's sleep on beds. ect.

So next maybe they make a happy face a "white supremacist" symbol, or the Teletubbies. This whole chasing after and banning abstract symbols is silly. Maybe not letting anyone act like an animal is a better plan.

There's also a defact social ban on me wearing a goatse shirt, but what can you do? People don't like looking at things they find abhorrent so if you display them people will shun you. Blame the people who decided to use 3% as a racist symbol, not the people who came to associate it with racism as a result.

>The "okay" was culturally appropriated
Who made the okay sign? Who was it appropriated from?

They're detaining soldiers for using it. One more time, the government is using force to detain people for speech.

And people with extreme beliefs get siloed with one another and get crazier and crazier. Back in the day every village had an idiot and they were tolerated and taken care of. Nowadays they band together to maximize their crazy.

>Henry “told us that if anyone gets caught wearing, buying, selling, affiliated with in any way, any of those things on that list, that the first thing he’s going to do is chapter us out of the Army. The second thing is, he’s going to handle the investigation by sending it over to the DHS,” the source said. “He didn’t quite outright say that we would be arrested, he used the word ‘detained.'”
-Affiliated with
-Chaptered out, investigated, and detained.

That's not a defacto SOCIAL ban, that's a defacto ban, illiterate. And its a government ban of protected speech.

>They're detaining soldiers for using it.
No they're not. Stop believing everything far-right propaganda rags tell you.

>“He didn’t quite outright say that we would be arrested, he used the word ‘detained.'”

Who are you quoting from? Who is “Henry”?

>And its a government ban of protected speech.
There is no free speech in the military, dipshit.

>The briefing, by Army Col. Mike Henry, MD, deputy commander of Special Warfare Medical Group (Airborne)/Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center at the U.S. John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (JFKSWCS) at Fort Bragg, came two days after President Joe Biden was inaugurated, a source familiar with the briefing said.

Post a link where someone has been arrested for wearing the celtic cross. You said "they are detaining soldiers". Got a source on that?

No one has been detained yet, because someone has to actually do it first to get detained. Did you even read the OP?

It's about a briefing, delivered by ARMY CO Mike HENRY* (for whoever was asking who is Mike Henry: he's the fucking Colonel giving the briefing).

Henry “told us that if anyone gets caught wearing, buying, selling, affiliated with in any way, any of those things on that list, that the first thing he’s going to do is chapter us out of the Army. The second thing is, he’s going to handle the investigation by sending it over to the DHS,” the source said. “He didn’t quite outright say that we would be arrested, he used the word ‘detained.'”
“He didn’t quite outright say that we would be arrested, he used the word ‘detained.'”“He didn’t quite outright say that we would be arrested, he used the word ‘detained.'”“He didn’t quite outright say that we would be arrested, he used the word ‘detained.'”“He didn’t quite outright say that we would be arrested, he used the word ‘detained.'”“He didn’t quite outright say that we would be arrested, he used the word ‘detained.'”“He didn’t quite outright say that we would be arrested, he used the word ‘detained.'”“He didn’t quite outright say that we would be arrested, he used the word ‘detained.'”


Honestly I can sort of get behind it on principal, but I don't think it should be targeted like that. If your expression is controlled in the military then they shouldn't pick what you can express as much as they should just say you have none. That would be a simpler and less discriminatory way to do it. Just flat no iconography rule.

if they ban a cross they should ban the star of david and menorahs too, especially since christianity is just a toned down, much more tolerant work based on the torah

You can never go back to that without going back to iron age population levels

>No one has been detained yet
Ok, so that's a different statement than "soldiers are being detained", isn't it? Maybe don't lie and there won't be this kind of confusion.

>“He didn’t quite outright say that we would be arrested, he used the word ‘detained.'”
Nobody gives a shit. Its a special forces unit. If your commanding officer says you're only allowed to eat blueberry muffins then that's what you do. You don't have freedom of speech as a soldier. You wear what they tell you, go where they tell you and do what they tell you. That's the job you signed up for. I'm puzzled how this concept is confusing to so many of you.

Sorry, from this point forward, soldiers WILL be detained for speech. Better, faggot?

Who is this source user? Some random private talking to a breitbart reporter? Sounds like something some Joe who just got an article 15 would say while pushing a floor waxed.

Of course they should choose what you can express. You can express "Trees are beautiful" in the military. You can't express "Child molestation is awesome". They have a code of conduct and the right to change it at will. If you don't like it, well, shouldn't have signed up.

Yeah, that’s true. So now we have to figure out how to deal with them when they clump together.

It isn't my fault you're a lying dipshit. Don't make shit up and people won't have to call you on it.

Who are CNN's sources when they give an anonymous one? I assume the source is a soldier who was in the room, and thought the briefing was a bunch of faggotry.

>You can express "Trees are beautiful" in the military. You can't express "Child molestation is awesome".
Yea, but that's your point isn't it? Next week I can get a whole bunch of fucks on Dab Forums to start saying "Trees are beautiful" to every black person they meet and when the black person asks why they say next "Because you belong in a tree you fucking ape, swing in the breeze!"

Guess what, by the logic of this thread suddenly saying "Trees are beautiful" is racist because a minority of people that you don't like started saying it with some racist intent.

>Who are CNN's sources when they give an anonymous one?
Stow the whataboutism. Nobody's talking about a CNN article. Stay on subject.

>Who are CNN's sources
Typically senior administration officials with direct knowledge of the facts. If the army had a policy of detaining people they would publish a memo.

You didn't call shit. Misunderstood wording, then tried to save face.

Okay, well, anonymous sources are commonly used in media to protect the source. The soldier didn't want to be disciplined for talking about the contents of the briefing.

Not only was this a hilarious slippery slope fan-fiction, its also completely irrelevant to the point. The military has a strict code of conduct. You don't have freedom of speech as a soldier. Individualism serves the exact opposite purpose of the military. If your commanding officer decides trees are racist then that's what goes. If you don't like it and want to be able to express all of your Dab Forums memes to your hearts content then don't join the military.

>Misunderstood wording, then tried to save face.
"soldiers are being detained for doing this thing" and "soldiers will hypothetically be detained in the future for doing this thing" are two different sentences. The first statement is false. The second statement is true. You lied. You got caught. Quit being a squirmy little bitch and hold this L.

This. Down to the company level (Captains) publish their policies and post them on boards outside their offices where they can be publicly viewed by everyone.
Stop being dense and stay off breitbart.

>Not only was this a hilarious slippery slope fan-fiction
That's exactly what happened with Pepe, user. Are you saying that historical facts are fanfiction?

Also this. Soldier are not civilians. Soldiers fall under the UCMJ. You can be charged with the crime of “conduct unbecoming” for a wide range of conduct, for example speech. If a soldier calls someone a nigger they can theoretically go to jail (they would get chartered more likely).

The fucktards on the right began this bullshit when they started claiming children's educational shows like Sesame Street were a secret conspiracy to convert kids to become lgbt, atheist, commie, socialist, anarchists who hate America. The movie, "Finding Nemo", "Happy Feet" and "Ice Age: The Meltdown" were attempts to indoctrinate children into thinking global warming is *gasp* real, kids should become radical environmental terrorists, and support *gasp* *omfg* green energy. "Battle for Terra" was an atheist, anti-christian movie because they accurately portrayed an evangelical bible thumper as a venom spewing satan. And "Astro Boy" was indoctrinating children into Marxism and belief that a classless society was better than a Feudal Capitalist oligarchy where the vast majority are serfs.

Not to mention you throw a bitchfit when commercials portray different races comfortably associating together or a heroine in a capeshit film is *gasp* black.

As Jeebus said, you sure you deserve to be casting the first stone?

>That's exactly what happened with Pepe, user.
No, it isn't. Pepe is one specific piece of imagery that became associated with one specific ideology. Someone saying they like trees is not a specific piece of imagery nor is it associated with any particular ideology. The two things are wildly disanalogous.

>Are you saying that historical facts are fanfiction?
I'm saying your slippery slope blogshit is fanfiction. Its made up and also has nothing to do with the topic at hand. There is no freedom of expression in the military whether its Pepe or trees.

BLM and antifa are domestic terrorists who spent the last 8 months rioting, burning buildings down, beating people, and even killing people. But somehow they don't make the list?

Whine more, CHUD.

>The military has a strict code of conduct. You don't have freedom of speech as a soldier. Individualism serves the exact opposite purpose of the military. If your commanding officer decides trees are racist then that's what goes. If you don't like it and want to be able to express all of your Dab Forums memes to your hearts content then don't join the military
This, although they can appeal up the chain of command but good luck having the next level commander overrule it, lol! This is 1 reason I wish we would bring back the draft so these kids could get a very rapid wake up call about discipline, following orders and working together as a unit to accomplish a mission. The US would be an infinitely better place. And no cowardly "bone spur" waivers bought by Big Daddy either.

You lost your moral authority when you attempted to overthrow the US Constitution and Democracy, sturmdrumpfer. Face it, you lost biggly this time.

>if racists start using this as a racist symbol, it will become a racist symbol!

Yes, that is how symbols work. They don't need to have any inherent meaning related to their usage - the Star of David for example was literally just a random geometric shape that Medieval Jews started using to identify each other with and now it's a universally recognized Jewish symbol. There is no inherent religious meaning behind it.

Similarly, there is no inherently racist meaning behind "Trees are beautiful", but if it began being used en-masse by racist groups to symbolize their racism, then it would be a racist symbol.

Sports and martial arts do the same thing without becoming a private interest military drone.

Also if military service killed this sort of behavior or mindset, then where did all these whiny KEK soldiers come from buddy?

user, you misunderstand. I called those people fucking retards too. I continue to call those people retards to this day. I don't think that one group of people doing bad things should mean that everyone has carte-blanche to do bad things. When someone does something bad.

I just think that this is something bad too.

>Someone saying they like trees is not a specific piece of imagery nor is it associated with any particular ideology.
It can be. Why exactly do you think it can't be? It's all intent based. Again, someone could go on Dab Forums right now and start posting lynching photos and say "I love trees" and that's pretty clearly some sort of fucked up statement, racist or otherwise (If you're wondering this isn't out of the blue, I've seen that thread before). Meanwhile you and I can say "I love trees" and it just means "Trees are kinda dope though".

Anything that can be said can be said with malintent. If you only focus on the possible negative connotations of anything you can ban anything by your logic.

So once a group uses something for anything bad it should be verboten regardless of how many people used or continue to use it for something good or for some other meaning? It's the exact same thing with the Swastika. There are tons of people and cultures that used and still use it around the world for what you would probably say are good or inoffensive purposes that are not connected in any way shape or form to Hitler's German National Socialist party.

Does that mean that they are all racist because they used a symbol that also happens to have a different connotation in a different place and time? Should we ban all of them from using it too?


>It can be.
Of course it can. Right now it isn't.

>Why exactly do you think it can't be? It's all intent based
Accurate, and right now there is no racist intent to liking trees. My only point was that comparing it to Pepe was dumb and disanalgous. Pepe is specific image. Liking trees is a very broad idea which would be much, much more difficult to co-opt.

>If you only focus on the possible negative connotations of anything you can ban anything by your logic.
Nobody is focusing on the "possible" negative connotations. People are focusing on the actual negative connotations that exist in reality. This isn't a hypothetical situation.

>So once a group uses something for anything bad it should be verboten regardless of how many people used or continue to use it for something good or for some other meaning?
If what they did is bad enough, yes. That's how symbols work. Also, anybody who wants to wear this symbol can - just not if you're in the military, a place where freedom of expression is not allowed.

>Does that mean that they are all racist because they used a symbol that also happens to have a different connotation in a different place and time?
Society as a whole decides that. Whether or not you meant to be racist is irrelevant to the connotations associated with certain symbols. Nobody is "banned" from using them. You're being so incredibly hyperbolic and whiny right now.

They do. You cannot represent yourself politically, etc. They have a VERY wide net of things they cannot say or do.

>more tolerant
>Jews don't believe in hell
>everyone goes to God after they die

Yeah, k.


Meaning isn't inherent

>If what they did is bad enough, yes.
I fundamentally disagree with this premise and I think that anyone who has viewed my argument can see my case here if they try to. They might not agree with it, but at least the argument has been made. I don't think there's anything else I can say to support my argument. This will probably be my last post as I don't feel like I can add anything else meaningful to the dialogue. I don't think it's because the argument isn't worth making, but because I don't have the words to make it
>Also, anybody who wants to wear this symbol can - just not if you're in the military, a place where freedom of expression is not allowed.
Honestly I can deal with this, but my major issue isn't the ban in place in this particular case, it's how the symbols themselves came to be banned in this case. I feel that my argumentation has made that quite clear and I hope you understand when I say that saying that was my only issue is a gross misinterpretation of my argument
>Society as a whole decides that
Society is made up of individuals who will have widely different ideas about everything. What is a grossly offensive symbol to one person is a character defining historical symbol to another thing. What's a hate symbol to one person is fundamental religious iconography. Stating that because one group uses something like the Celtic Cross makes it bad is depriving another group of using the same symbol for something good.

I'd just argue making it absolute or reverse it. It seems like it is more efficient. I don't agree with it but if you're going to blacklist anything that touches something that could be offensive then it makes more sense to change it to a whitelist instead.

Again, still fundamentally disagree with it, but if it's gonna be a thing then at least make it efficient so it's not a waste of taxpayer dollars to constantly revise the rules to cover each new thing as some fringe group "taints" it.

>I fundamentally disagree with this premise and I think that anyone who has viewed my argument can see my case here if they try to.
You're welcome to disagree. The fact remains that society will continue to behave this way as they have for hundreds of years. Nothing in our world has any meaning that we don't give to it. Everything is arbitrary.

>Honestly I can deal with this, but my major issue isn't the ban in place in this particular case, it's how the symbols themselves came to be banned in this case.
Well, nobody really cares. Some symbols clearly have negative connotations. This whole endless existential extrapolation thing you're doing is dumb.

>Society is made up of individuals who will have widely different ideas about everything. What is a grossly offensive symbol to one person is a character defining historical symbol to another thing.
Sure, and in some other society in some other military I'm sure they don't give a shit about celtic crosses.

>but if it's gonna be a thing then at least make it efficient so it's not a waste of taxpayer dollars to constantly revise the rules to cover each new thing as some fringe group "taints" it.
This is the funniest of your arguments yet - that this somehow represents a waste of tax payer dollars. Also, it is efficient. "Don't wear this shit while you're in my unit or you're in trouble". Could not be simpler, user.

>muh okay symbol sign
Ok, I'll give you that one.
Nice fucking culture you've got there fag.

It must be easy to blow so much smoke out of your gapping asshole. Faggot.

>So once a group uses something for anything bad it should be verboten regardless of how many people used or continue to use it for something good or for some other meaning? It's the exact same thing with the Swastika. There are tons of people and cultures that used and still use it around the world for what you would probably say are good or inoffensive purposes that are not connected in any way shape or form to Hitler's German National Socialist party.
>Does that mean that they are all racist because they used a symbol that also happens to have a different connotation in a different place and time? Should we ban all of them from using it too?

When did I say anything about banning symbols? This is a total strawman. You very much can use swastikas and Celtic crosses in non-racist contexts and organizations you were criticizing earlier like the ADL say so too. They even acknowledge the same for shit like Pepe.

Just don't expect people to treat you well if you're a white guy with a shaved head and a slanted swastika tattooed on your arm, because at that point it's pretty clear you're using it as a racist symbol and not because you're a Dharmist.

Here are some examples.

>The Celtic Cross, as typically depicted, is a traditional Christian symbol used for religious purposes as well as to symbolize concepts like Irish pride. As such, it is a very common symbol and primarily used by non-extremists.
>It is the short "sun cross" version of the Celtic Cross, surrounded by a circle, that is more commonly used by white supremacists, although even here care must be taken always to judge it in context.

>The swastika is an ancient symbol that emerged independently among many cultures on several continents. Before the 20th century, its use (including in the United States) was almost always benign. Even today, the swastika is a common symbol across Asia, used by Hindus, Buddhists, and adherents of other religions, where it is often associated with good fortune.
>The swastika, along with the letters “KKK” and the numbers “666,” is one of the most common forms of “shock” graffiti in the United States, typically spray-painted by juveniles who are not actually white supremacists but simply want to use the image to shock and alarm people.

>However, because so many Pepe the Frog memes are not bigoted in nature, it is important to examine use of the meme only in context. The mere fact of posting a Pepe meme does not mean that someone is racist or white supremacist. However, if the meme itself is racist or anti-Semitic in nature, or if it appears in a context containing bigoted or offensive language or symbols, then it may have been used for hateful purposes.

No one is being shunned by society for innocently using a common symbol that's been appropriated by racists. Context has always mattered despite what your victimhood complex claims.

>the WP “okay” hand symbol

I wanna see Dab Forums culturally appropriate the Israeli flag. Think about it. It's white. The blue lines stand for the thin blue line protecting white people from the outside invaders, also there's two of them for Two Genders. A six pointed star? Why, the six points can refer to six GUARDIANS OF WHITE SOCIETY of their choosing, or just the number of letters in Hitler.

I wanna see them do it, because then we might finally have a honk of stupid so loud it wakes people from the clown world.

Israel is a genocidal apartheid state that the majority of leftists, Jews included, already oppose in at least some respect.

Wtf I love kikes now

If only we would kill all the niggers, spics, and the redditors that sympathize with them here in the states.

Christians conservatives donate a greater percentage of their wealth to charity than atheists do. Jesus never advocated for a government authority to take people's wealth and redistribute it. Atheist secular humanism is the kind of materialist ideology that Jesus preached against, he wanted to people to focus on heaven, not the conditions on Earth. I'm not christian, but its pretty annoying when people distort a religion they don't believe in to try and get a leg up on those who do believe in it.

>Jesus never advocated for a government authority to take people's wealth and redistribute it.
Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's.
-Mathew 22:21

t. Jesus Christ
(In case you were wondering.)

> Bretibart
Ultimate pleb filter

There's a difference between "pay taxes because the government exists at God's allowance" and "pay taxes because government welfare is a moral compulsion". Jesus didn't say to pay the Romans in order to have it redistributed, he said to pay them because it was their money by law. Had the Roman government refused to redistribute anything, Jesus would still say to pay them. And had the taxpayers protested against the taxes, Jesus would disagree with the focus on worldly concerns, but he would not condemn the idea of requesting a government change its spending policies. He affirmed the right of authorities to govern but clearly supported people dissenting. Jesus's views on ownership were not difficult to understand, he affirmed that legal ownership existed, but rejected the desire for wealth. He did not want charity to be imposed by law, he wanted people to forsake greed willingly. If the government of today imposed welfare, Jesus would be indifferent because it would be worldly concern. He would not advocate for it, nor would he oppose it, he was largely apolitical.

> Christians conservatives donate a greater percentage of their wealth to charity than atheists do.
Because giving to any religious organization is classified as charitable givings, even if it does absolutely nothing beyond buying a pastor a second private jet.

>Similarly, the Celtic cross being labeled a white nationalist symbol has nothing to do with hatred towards Celtic people or Christianity ...

That's what I'd expect an Anti-Catholics to say. Its the same hate you've been spewing for years. The words "Christianity" or "the church" are code words for the "Catholic Irish" from a time period when the Catholic church was the Only Christian religions & the new religions were separate. Its like when English speaking Amish refer to Non-Amish as "the English" or when Mexican citizen visiting the US refer to local US citizens as "Gringos" (which means foreigners).

>Cartoons don't mean anything. By law, they were white.

Since when? The signs use to read "no blacks, no dogs, Irish." Because Irish are lower then dogs. Irish are not even considered human under the law. Its only when the Orphan train sold their children, that they became white, when real whites want to steal then from the Catholic Spanish, to use as slaves in the coal mines. Coal use to be clean but then the Irish touched, or at least that's the best excuse we had to put them out of work.

Hippies. The ironing is sides-in-orbit sick. White supremacists appropriated a symbol out of hippie culture because they lack any intelligence or imagination to invent their own. The next step is to tattoo a yellow smiley face in the middle of their foreheads like a Hindu dot. If you're gonna appropriate, might as well get a twofer.

The point is the same though: you as Christians still have to obey the worldly laws of the countries you are in, even if you ultimately answer to God's judgement.
So it doesn't matter if the taxes are being used to fund the army or education or the honeless. Doesn't matter if it's "redistribution". The Bible is clear: pay your taxes, stop trying to weasel out of paying your taxes.

>protected speech
Well, that's the core issue. It is not, in fact, "protected speech." Lying about it doesn't change the facts. When you sign up for the military, in particular, you have signed a contract to obey. Period. If you don't want to obey, get out and get off the government welfare train. Make something of yourself in the private sector.

>Since when? The signs use to read "no blacks, no dogs, Irish." Because Irish are lower then dogs. Irish are not even considered human under the law. Its only when the Orphan train sold their children, that they became white, when real whites want to steal then from the Catholic Spanish, to use as slaves in the coal mines. Coal use to be clean but then the Irish touched, or at least that's the best excuse we had to put them out of work.

The first known example of someone in America being prosecuted under an anti-miscegenation law was an Irish woman (Nell Butler) trying to marry a black man. Irish people (and other ethnic Catholics like Poles and Italians) were discriminated against, yes, but they were still always considered white and still treated better than blacks, native Americans, and other racial minorities. "Irish slavery" was not a thing in America, indentured servants were not slaves and they enjoyed many more legal rights, though it was still a horrible practice.

That's not the same point. My point was that Jesus didn't advocate for tax policy to reflect his beliefs about charity. Tax evasion is unchristian, but protesting how taxes are handled is not. A christian can oppose welfare and still be in line with what the bible says as long as they pay taxes.

Similarly Jesus was mute on other issues such as abortion. In fact the only parallel is to an obscure piece of Jewish law that says a fetus is property (of the father).
And yet fundies go on and on about their Christian stance on the issue.

If you're a rightwing Christian I know you've never read the Bible for any reason other than to find passages to justify your selfishness, hate and discrimination. However, as a secular humanist I have in fact read the King James Bible. I will recommend you read the Biblical Book "Acts of the Apostles." In it you will see the early Christians based on Christ's instructions, practised a form of socialism where everyone pooled their wealth together and through consensus decided how best to deploy it. So in fact, the early Christians following Christ's instructions, were indeed socialists. Now, after Constantine turned it into a State institution, part of the Feudal Roman Emperor's ownership, that ended. And it stayed ended as Feudalism evolved into Capitalism, iow where we are now, with "Christians" being the loudest proponents of the idea Christ would support an exploitative Capitalist system, designed and orchestrated in it's late stage to disenfranchise and crush the most people possible while concentrating all of the wealth in a few grasping hands.

Spare me your American white nationalist interpretation of Christianity when it is diametrically opposed to the teachings of Christ and the behavior of the early Christians as documented in the Bible itself.

It's funny how the military isn't banning the American flag, even though it is used in pretty much every white supremacist neo-nazi right wing extremist group when they protest in the context of their protests as one of their symbols.
It's like they have a double standard because that is also one of their own symbols in the US government.

There is also a story about God communicating with a fetus that later goes on to become a prophet, which some Christians take to mean they have souls. But yeah, as far as I know Jesus never talked about abortion, so I can't say it is unchristian in the broadest sense.

I don't if you're a parody or not, but you sure seem like one.

don't confuse being patient and sneaky with being tolerant, convincing a tranny to mutilate themselves and eventually commit suicide kills a goy just as much as a bullet.
you should read the talmud, it has jesus burning forever in boiling excrement, there's a part where they put someone they don't like in a lead pot so god can't hear their prayers and screams as they are being killed. (talmud is the first documentation i know of using lead as a sound proofing)
they don't believe most goyim go to heaven, bit of grey area for the shabbos goy who follow noahide laws, as far as the chosen they just need to stay up to date on transferring their sins to a chicken or something and torturing it to death

hold on everybody an atheist is here to lecture me about the bible

I see you have no argument. Listen up: Read "Acts of the Apostles" and get back to me, mmk' sweatys?

the only book i need to read is the bible

>t. Fuckin retard
How many volumes have been taken out of the bible since it was first pressed? You gonna read those too even though the """"'"church""""" took them out of the bible?

>The Acts of the Apostles isn't a book within the Bible
American white nationalist Evangelicals, everybody! Let's give xer a big round of applause, ok?

Seriously, get some help, son.

The oathkeepers take their oaths very seriously. Why are they being banned again?

>Since when? The signs use to read "no blacks, no dogs, Irish." Because Irish are lower then dogs.
People not liking the Irish doesn't mean that they were legally not white. They were able to be naturalized as US citizens, the requirement for which at the time was to be white.

Enjoy your pozzed incompetent military. If we keep at it maybe China will actually be able to win!

>The Founding Fathers did that intentionally because they knew it could easily infect the weak minded and they would attempt to establish a Taliban Style Sharia Law State under the auspices of "Christianity" which is precisely what the "Christian" right is atte
Sure they did buddy. Cite where it says that was the exact reason why as to what they did.

“ If you mean accept lgbt's as humans with equal rights, yes. ”
Nice non-sequitur, truly glossing things over on order to try to make a petty point that isn’t even relevant.

“ Unlike the "Christian" right, secular humanists don't feel the perverted drive to crawl into everyone's bedroom to ensure they are only having sex for procreation in the missionary position and the woman is not enjoying it because if she were, that would be an abomination before god.”

lol what an utter strawman, like honesty how disingenuous must you be to completely overly simplify, and present a totally lopsided presentation of a far more complicated point of view. Why kind of simplistic ideological bubble do you live in. At least the “Christian right” don’t have this petty, deluded impulse to permit useless perverse behaviors, justified under the flimsy pretense of some fictional notion of “human rights” that you conveniently pull out of your asses.

“ Nope. Secular humanists accept christianity as being exactly equal to every other religion invented by man throughout history and pre-history just like many of the Founding Fathers. However, secular humanists justifiably insult and ridicule the "Christian" right who are the poster children for hypocrisy.“
Unfortunately yes, you slag are always pissing and moaning about Christianity (and if you worms aren’t total cowards) islam. Those are primarily your go to punching bags. So it’s funny how you see Christianity as equal to other religions, yet certainly give in-equal treatment due to some petty ideological resentment.

Jesus may or may not have been the child of God but it is not man's place to decide such especially based upon the choice writings approved for canonization in the 4th century by ((man)) constantine and enforced on the roman populist by ((man)) the Cunctos populos
All these years in here saying jesus would do this or that and they are ignoring the only thing that matters which is their own actions and choices

>secular humanists

lol. hello my jewish friend!

spoiler: puritans were not consider as Christians. this why they were told to fuck off. puritans never signed any contracts with catholic church which was supporting the human rights and equality in gods eye, which gave slaves and other humans their rights to defend themselves.

It goes further than just "Anti white" it's more like "Anti whoever doesn't agree with what the NWO media says is right."

White supremacists also breath, I guess breathing is a hate symbol now eh. Better hold your breath boi.

>The left is moving to demonize white culture, traditionalism, and christianity. Their anti white hatred is blatant.

You’re not white, you’re only 54%.

>the meme truly is real now.

Is it an ironic meme when Nazis use it unironically?

Also comparing middle ages christianity to nowadays Christianity is either ignorance or plain stupidity

yes but Jesus was reffering to individuals not government

Anyone using that site as a source is a fucking idiot or a fascist propagandist.
The *white nationlaist* version of the cross has been declared a hate symbol, they're not going to be going around arresting Irish Americans or whatever just because they used it, context is important.

American white "Christian" nationalist Evangelicals have much more in common with the Taliban than the Founding Fathers. Their goal is to turn the US into a Judeo-Christian dystopia coeval and equivalent to a Sharia Law Islamic State. If you blind folded one of them and transported him/her/xer to territory controlled by the Taliban in Afghanistan, they'd scream for joy, dance a jig and hop right in with them to kill blasphemers, gays, heretics and infidels.

letz preemptively ban everything because of those evil nazzies


Governments are individuals including YOU and you are as culpable as Pontius Pilate when you support the execution of criminals, supposed "enemies" (strange, Jeebus never called anyone an enemy) with your words and tax dollars.

>inb4 muh abortion
Go protest over a woman menstruating and throwing away her tampon, Sarah Huckabee (known for having a rather heavy flow).

Wow. The communists come out quick against anything remotely connected to god.

They're using ADL definitions. The celtic cross they're refering to is the one pretty much exclusively used by KKK and other far right wing groups. Not the traditional Celtic cross.

The runes are dumb. Stop putting runes in your Dab Forums flag designs please. Fucking larpers probably never even read a translated beowulf.

>It is the short "sun cross" version of the Celtic Cross, surrounded by a circle, that is more commonly used by white supremacists, *although even here care must be taken always to judge it in context*.
lol, sounds like some people with "legitimate" Celtic Cross tattoos are going to have some fun explaining why they aren't racist white supremacists

Actually it sounds like that even (the short "sun cross" version of the Celtic Cross, surrounded by a circle, that is more commonly used by white supremacists,) care must be taken always to judge it in context.

Racists whites co-op a symbol for hate.

Symbol gets banned.

White hate mongers claim victimhood.

There i fixed this story for you.

More symbols will be banned soon.

My co worker used the ok sign in slack yesterday.
I was literally shaking
I reported him to hr

>white culture
I didn't know the Swastika used for centuries by Asian cultures was 'white'. Also, please do try to explain how racists like you have always been best buds with the Irish when they were being lynched before America was even a dream.

And the Indian swastika looks quite different to the right-tilted Nazi swastika (or hakenkreuz). But tell that to the multitudes of 'master race' specimens who can't draw it without making a mangled portrait of their chromosomes.

True. It's almost as if the outrages committed by white supremacists to 'protect' white culture (and the Celts certainly didn't think of themselves as 'white') only end up worsening its image.

Buddhists use both directions, both flat or tilted and with or without more adornment. The nazi symbol is consistent in the single design.

Also look on US currency, there are fausces. Because an axe with a bundle of sticks is an ancient symbol of authority common throughout Eurasian culture and exported across the world.

And its almost as if the ADL are bad faith actors looking to accuse anyone they dislike of being a "white supremacist"

You don't sound insane at all, friend.

Ahh yes, the eternal white victim who has faced slavery, lynchings, forced segregation in ghettos, systemic racism for 350 years. Lets all join in for a pity parry as he cries into his mypillow.

Do you think the history of the world starts in 17th century America?

anti-Semitic is more accurate
They only use the term white supremacist as a supporting insult

White people using white symbols? Crazy.

Why is "white nationalist" in quotes- because you know damn well that it isn't really? Of course they won't be arresting people in the USA over a rule the army made for its soldiers, do you even understand the news here?
>context is important.
This is more of a blanket ban where context isn't even relevant
What would be the context anyway?
You seemed to imply that race and nationality would be significant, do you think they would be treating people differently based on their race or something?


THIS and i have seen rightoids from other countries lose support like modi who used to be untouchable but post farmers protest people are starting to not like him again

Fuck off and stop appropriating pagan European symbols you fucking Christcucks.

You can't engage in the northern crusades one moment, pledge your soul to Jesus the next, and then think you've got any claim to your pagan heritage you traitors.

Why the fuck is some cunt with English heritage using Celtic symbols? The English have spent the last thousand years persecuting the celts and the Irish. If some fat American twat whose mother's line comes from England with a bit of French and raped slave and whose father is fifty shades of Mutt from poland comes along with his "CELTIC CWOSS!" he can fuck right off where he came from and eat shit.

Missing $500 million
Only 5 trained fighters

The swastika was a favored symbol of Thor, you retarded niggermutt. Not to mention it was a symbol of the Aryans, our actual ancestors from which we derived our real gods, languages, and cultures. So yeah, its a fucking white symbol.

>the WP “okay” hand symbol
Jesus fucking christ, meme magic is king.
What the fuck is going on

how many blacks alive today have been a slave? fucking cry babies. get over it. also, the majority of slave owners where jewish btw.

Sounds like what happened to the Slavs, except replace lynchings with ethnic cleansings. Oh, and it's gone on for over a millenium. Enslaved by the Romans, and by the Ottomans. Ethnically cleansed by the Nazis and the Ustascha, not still whining about it even when the racism directed towards them is so strong that Britain ejected itself from the EU and doomed itself to economic collapse just because it didn't want another Pollack to step foot on the shores of Albion.

But the Slavs aren't sobbing about it like you crybabies. Russia just built a church where you have to literally step on the shattered remains of the Nazi war machine to get inside as one big mockery of their former tormentors, while black people are so fragile that a line-up of six letters is enough to shake them to their core.

Unfortunately as white people go extinct there's gonna be nobody who feels guilty about what was done to you and you'll actually be judged on your own personal merits.

When "white" people are gone ("white" as in the narrow definition of white) all they will do is start on the next bit
>those slightly less brown assholes are tormenting us more brown assholes! this is racism
See: Brazil
See: South America as a whole.

The entire shining path insurgency in Chile was basically a conflict between the indo-Chileans and Hispanic-Chileans (and their Japanese President xD).

>Chile was basically a conflict between the indo-Chileans and Hispanic-Chileans
*Peru was basically a conflict between the indo-Peruvians and Hispanic-Peruvians.

I was going to write something about Chile and Pinochet and the role race played in that whole saga but decided against it as its not as cut and dry
>and my brain stuck with Chile.

>how many blacks alive today have been a slave? fucking cry babies. get over it.
Ever heard of Jim Crow apartheid and the systemic racism and white privelege that is ubiquitous even today?

>also, the majority of slave owners where jewish btw.
No they weren't, sturmdrumpfer. The majority of slaves were owned by plantation owners. How many Jews do you know that were ever involved in farming? By your logic, the majority of large cattle ranchers in TX were jews, lol.

Small farmers and some more wealthy towns people might own a few slaves but they were treated surprisingly well in some cases like family. The brutality was primarily confined to the plantations.

>white privilege that is ubiquitous even today?
All you have to do is stop using this term and people would be far more interested in what you have to say.

Because you enjoyed getting raped by your dad


You lack reading comprehension

Paying tributes to God and Porky is not communism you fag

Try reading the fifth New Testament Bible book "Acts of the Apostles." The early Christians, some quite wealthy and others extremely poor, literally pooled their wealth together for the benefit of the group. The modern Christian loves to ignore every aspect of Jesus and the early Christians which clearly demonstrate the goal of a global, socialist organisation built on a foundation of the morals and ethics Christ taught. Instead, they pretend Christ is rooting for an arbitrary geographical boundary called a "nation," in their case the US, to the detriment of every other human being. Sorry, US modern christcucks, Jeebus wasn't a bare shirted bloated belly, beer swilling fan in the stands rooting for his favorite foosball team.

>Try reading the fifth New Testament Bible book "Acts of the Apostles
No, I'm just telling you that what I responded to is about paying tribute to God and Porky and that is not biblical communism
I don't give a shit about your argument, the rebuttal I replied to was shit poor
Also, modern Christianity still pools resources and helps people like feeding them food or clothing them or travelling to Africa to build homes.
Democrats just raise taxes and pay for homeless peoples drugs so they get voted for more

>Also, modern Christianity still pools resources and helps people like feeding them food or clothing them or travelling to Africa to build homes.
Nope. The charlatan megachurch conmen carnival barking grifters take 90% of the donations for themselves, give 5% to their favorite Republicant candidate guaranteed to rape and pillage the middle class and poor and 5% to missionaries to spread the gospel of Mammon.

>Democrats just raise taxes and pay for homeless peoples drugs so they get voted for more
Keep voting contrary to Christ's teachings. Satan has a very special place reserved for hypocrites, sturmdrumpfer.

Vote for Porky, oink oink

>The charlatan megachurch conmen carnival
Catholicism is a construct of porky
The people who volunteer for their local community churches are not and do more than you lining porky's pockets

Yup. Cope.

>Keep voting contrary to Christ's teachings
This is your brain on leftism- thinking you can vote Christ's teachings into play.

Hi Chang

Your first source gives no information whatsoever about how con men carnival barkers disperse the grift they con out of their parishoners. None. Cope harder, sturmdrumpfer.

Not going to your mormon website whose entire foundation is based on Joseph Smith (aka the 1st of the long line of religious hucksters) who established a cult based on him copying down the text from golden tablets the angel Moroni showed him and swept back up to heaven before anyone else could see them, lol! But he had so much faith that he was shitting his pants and furiously giving them the masonic hand signals when the townspeople of Carthage, IL came to haul his ass out of jail and lynch him.

kikes bought the niggers and shipped them over, retard

>Chang effort posting

Little piss ant

>first article is literally how much money people give to the church
Did you even read it?
>second article has exactly zero transparency, and even if you take it at face value they donated 2.5 billion over 25 years, out of a 100 billion that is the net worth of latter day saints. How much of that 2.5 billion was clothes and other used garbage that even the goodwill wouldn't even take? Most of it I suspect.

The Founding Fathers were all Christians and went to church every sunday, George Washington had his own favorite church he would attend. Separation of Church and State is not an American ideal as it predates America, it's simply saying that justice should be blind to society pressures and and rest solely on facts and evidence, not emotional whims. But none of that has anything to do with being anti-Christian if anything it was more anti-catholic

>Most of it I suspect
You smell that?
*Sniff* *sniff*
That's cope, pure cope.

"Ok hand symbol" like Obama and Psaki?

Many of the Founders were outright Deists or Christian Deists like Washington. Most had no similarity at all with the modern Christian right who are striving to turn the US into a Christian sharia law nation, although a small few did.

the british establishment had been funding propaganda for hundreds of years to enforce the belief that irish were subhuman

it was a Dab Forums psyop, it's not really a nazi symbol dumbass. you've been gnomed

I don't know what "Christian Sharia Law" means though, it makes absolutely no sense because in 1776 you better believe society abided by Christian morals and they were very strict about it

None of those symbols have anything to do with white culture. White culture is christian.

Yes, the genocide of Native Americans, slavery and witch trials were very Christian. Thx for proving you know what Christian Sharia Law is and if you need a living example, take a stroll through good 'ol MS and AL.

>duh ebil Christians!
Atheist communists put a 100 000 people in the ground over the last century. Whats your point?

>White culture is christian
Nope. Even the minority of whites pretending to be christian are the epitome of anti-christian. They have much more in common with ISIS or the Taliban than any moral or ethical teachings of Christ.

>take a stroll through good 'ol MS and AL.
Also, confirmed for never having been to either. Jackson, Birmingham and Mobile are big cities all the same vice as any other city in America and the small towns are no more or less conservative as the small towns in upstate New York.

You changs need to work on your cultural understanding, its what makes you so easy to detect.

>Christians arent Christian
Fuck. Outta. Here.


I'm going to wear one anyway and sue anyone who has a problem with it. If this is real which I doubt it won't hold water.

Yeah just checked, not only is this bullshit but Biden was sworn in with his family bible which had a celtic cross on the cover.

The Witch Trials were not an unusual thing in Christian society and very few people actually wound up being convicted interesting enough. The witch hunting stuff was as every bit as sensationalists nonsense as the mass hysteria against witches was, just two sides of the same coin but you know, it did help to preserve peoples decency and Christian values

Also I have nothing at all against native injun tribes, hell half our states are Indian names so clearly the people settling there didn't even hate them as much as some Dab Forumstard does today

>Modern conservative Christianity embodies and promotes the exact opposite of biblical Christian teachings
Learn to read.