Trump’s lie that the election was stolen has cost $519 million

What a POS. How much money did his family steal from the American people in addition to everything it is costing us.

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He should be responsible for reimbursing back all of the wasted taxpayer money, but we all know that he will just file frivolous lawsuits costing more taxpayer money. Such a crook

Half a billion on one dude’s ego.

Epoch Times/Falun Gong helped in spreading stolen election propaganda.

Can he be sued to recoup the loses?

I'm sure it would be pretty ironic if all of Trump's properties were seized by the government and sold.

Get help, son.

Trump killed 500,000 americans.
500m is about $1,000 per american.

This is fair.

anyone who believes Biden got 81,000,000 votes is deeply retarded.

Vlad, pls, your Psyop game to get your puppet reelected failed. Go lace some dissident's wife's panties with poison to assuage your feefees.

Just fucking go away already, I don't care if you're trolling or actually believe that. Go away. 60+ court cases, 0 evidence.

Imagine being such a solipsistic narcissist that you believe killing more Americans than WW2 and with a few thousand more, WW1 combined, and feeling no remorse, no regret, no compunction, but congratulating himself on "the best pandemic response ever in the history of the universe...biggly...everyone is telling me that...every country's leader is calling me and asking, "How did you achieve such miraculous success? I humbly admit to them it was all my own stable genius ingenuity...Sometimes I just amaze myself, Idk, everyone tells me that OK? I'm really the greatest President in the history of the Universe, so it could only be an anti-christ, libruhl fraud election know...right, proved I won in a landslide...right? Yeah...the commies stole it from YOU, not me, your favorite President for all time, ok?

>Imagine being such a solipsistic narcissist that you believe killing more Americans than WW2
Imagine being such a propaganda slurping, brain dead automaton that you think Trump directly killed all of these people, yet the Democrat Governors who's emergency orders helped directly cause mass outbreaks in nursing homes are not.

Whitemer is facing a recall, SCOTUS told Newsom to stop being a tyrant, and Cuomo is finally being investigated for causing a fucking mass die off- and you all will not stop bleating about Trump.

Their job is to focus all conversation on Trump. That is the purpose of Dab Forums.

Oh yeah? Where's your evidence proving otherwise? People saying "trump couldn't have lost! He has more twitter followers" in sworn affadavits really is convincing. Totally factual right there.

>Where's your evidence proving otherwise?

I await your next adhom with great anticipation.

Makes sense, CNN's ratings have gone into the toilet now that Trump isn't their golden goose anymore

And yet, literally everything on that page has been disproven. Irs like you purposely come here so we can laugh at your ignorance.

>asks for source
>gets source
>"no this has been disproven"
>does not provide source

It's not my fault you're ignorant to what the 60+ court cases said.

>still making claims
>still not providing sources

>Still don't give a fuck
>Still couldn't give two shits

I have the facts on my side. Not only do I have facts on my side, but now I have most of the country on my side.

Its amazing.

> I have the facts on my side!
> Refuses to post any citations at all.

Nope. Still not gonna. Keep coping bitch.

We won. You lost. You can't prove otherwise.

[citations still needed]

>g-guys look, I have strawmen that totally, just totally, exonerate Trump's criminal negligence resulting in American deaths exceedeing both world wars
Too bad Trump was such an unaware narcissist so full of hubris that he gave interviews in March which he authorised in writing could be taped, where he clearly stated that he knew how deadly and dangerous the coronavirus was yet intentionally pretended and would continue to pretend it was nothing because the "American people are too stupid to handle the truth." That's your Dear Leader, cultist, and that's exactly what he plays you for - a tool and a fool.

You want proof? Ok. Who's in the white House right now signing a record breaking amount of EOs?

Not trump.

So there you go. All the proof anyone needs to see who won.

>you think Trump directly killed all of these people
Bin that mask, user.
Your supreme leader wants you to.

May GLORIOUS leader Biden leave waste of enemies by his signature of executive decree of american regime

*citations required

Don't worry user, several dozen judges already saved us the trouble by going over all of the citations and laughing them out of court.

> Made-up bullshit that even Newsmax and OAN laugh at as impossibly retarded.
That might be your "source," user. But we ere looking for something from the reality we live in. How about something fact- & reality-based?

trump won lol

Were still playing the game where we pretend cases dismissed on questions of law were instead dismissed on questions of fact?
>not sure if genuinely this low-info or an actual shill

I mean, we're all still playing the game where bullshit conspiracy theories aren't taken seriously in a court of law. Not sure what game you've switched to, cultist.

>its a shill
Thanks for clearing that up.

No problem, cultist. Always happy to communicate reality to people incapable of engaging with it.

>muh shitty fucking ad homs change minds!
Dab Forums has the most incompetent shills

If I asked you to teach a rotten tree stump calculus do you think it would be fair to call you incompetent if you failed? That's exactly what happens when anybody tries to convince a voter fraud cultist of reality. Its the stump's fault it doesn't have the capacity to learn. The competence of the teacher isn't a factor.

>getting baited into a (you) that easily
Most. Incompetent. Shills.

Most. Cringey. Shitposters.

the election was stolen though

Trump is directly responsible when he is in charge of the federal response and does less than nothing
He knowingly (and obviously, to anyone with working eyes) downplayed the virus's seriousness and outright lied dozens of times about how to cure it, whether there was a cure, the source, how to prevent it's spread, etc. We all know the lies, because this happened 4 months ago and most of you are still high on the fumes.
It's hard to pretend Trump didn't mess up and spread falsehoods to retards when there's still thousands of those same retards running around spewing bullshit everywhere

it wasn't a lie. there was plenty of evidence
what the fuck is wrong with you people?

>cases dismissed on questions of law
Welcome to the US judicial system where people on death row who produce evidence their DNA was in fact not at the crime scene at all, but was from an unknown perpetrator, is dismissed and he still must die by the State's hands (aka YOURS). Feels good, now that the shoes on the other foot, doesn't it magat cultist? Only the shoe you're wearing has the seams dissolved and the sole looks like a Kyle Rittenhouse gaping bum hole, lol.

China backed and was heavily involved in the election fraud, especially the machine hacking.
China backing means essentially infinite shills are available; this is noticeably different from when Israel uses shills primarily in overwhelming magnitude.
Everyone paying attention knows overwhelming fraud occurred.

How much did the left waste on their nothingburger russia trials and the nothingburger Kavanaugh trial and all of the other fruitless trials dems tried to pin on the Trump team

And let’s keep paying for his scumbag children to reap the rewards on the hard earning and honest taxpayers.

>China backed and was heavily involved in the election fraud, especially the machine hacking.
>China backing means essentially infinite shills are available; this is noticeably different from when Israel uses shills primarily in overwhelming magnitude.
>Everyone paying attention knows overwhelming fraud occurred.
"...a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information."
- Molly Ball, Time Magazine

>$519 million
HAHHAHAHAahaha... Oh, hell no. It's gonna cost a whole lot more than that.

>muh Quaken! 2 more weeks, lads! "Storms" a brewin'!