I didn't make this stuff up and I aint even lyin'!
I didn't make this stuff up and I aint even lyin'!
"My name is Bruce Castor. I am the lead prosecutor -urrr... lead counsel for the 45th president of the United States."
"We are generally a social people. We enjoy being around one another, even in DC."
"We recognize in the law -- and I know many of you are lawyers, probably lawyers, some of you -- I have been a lawyer 35 years -- longer than me, many longer than me, probably."
The Capitol, the very subtle of our democracy, literally the symbol that flashes on television whenever you're trying to explain that we're talking about the United States, instant symbol."
"I'll be quite frank with you, we changed what we were going to do on account that we thought that the House manager's presentation was well done."
"After he's out of office, you go and arrest him."
"President Trump no longer is in office."
>I didn't make this stuff up and I aint even lyin'!
tRump is so furious at lawyers with opening arguments today that he aint even gonna pay them!
>implying a serial criminal and conman like don ever pays anyone for anything if he can avoid it
>implying a serial criminal and conman like don ever pays anyone for anything if he can avoid it
That's why he attracts shysters who just want some fame in lieu of payment
trumps lawyers know he gonna get off, so they don't gotta do nothing.
tRump picked these 2 guys from slim pickin's, so a foolish man picked some bad apples from a barrel of bad apples
>spend entire months flaming Biden for saying he's running for Senate
>stuck with a lawyer who can't figure out whether he's on the prosecution or defense team
Too bad 44 senators already want this trial stopped. Dems are just wasting their time.
>implying Trump should get away with his crimes scot-free while hundreds of his followers spend years in jail for him.
You should stop being obsessed with spooks. Trump's one of those people who know how to be an asshole and get away with it. He's far from the only person who could do this, he's just the loudest. It's just how the world works.
Aquit or Convict, Trump's not gonna tip toe away from all of this shit into private live without a spanking.
Plus 14th Amendment.
Fuck that. Punish the fucker. I don't care if the others still slip through the cracks somehow, 1 is infinitely more then 0.
Sad, but true.
This. There is no January Exception, someone's getting spanked.
>H.. he is Gunna get spanked!
No, he isn't. We know they don't have the votes to convict. This is a waste of time and is only further dividing the country.
high crimes and misdemeanors
14th Amendment mother fucker. Even then we are NOT just letting everything fizzle out and act like nothing happened at all.
Don't downplay any of it you fucking bastard.
They don't have the votes.
>14th amendment!!!
Is this your version of "two more weeks!"
You seem to be confused enough to think because the Republican partisan hacks in the Senate won't vote to convict it automatically means Trump didn't do what he's accused of. This isn't going away. This is going to be talked about for years to come.
>Partisan vote in the house
>Noooo you can't have a a partisan vote in the Senate
You don't have the votes. No one cares. He will run in 2024 and it scares the shit out of you.
>Dems are just wasting their time
Not at all. House Impeachment Managers are presenting evidence that will be seared into Americans' brains like 9/11 and 12/7, another day that will live in infamy for the rest of our history. Even the spineless and gutless Republicanr Senators have stated how viscerally shocking the evidence is and that they make a strong case for Trump's culpability dating as far back as 8 months prior to the election.
Everyone except zombie Q and magat cultists now know Trump is as guilty as Judas Iscariot. The fact Rep Senators have been castrated by Trump is meaningless. The American people are all that matter and they see the truth.
>presenting evidence that will be seared into Americans' brains
Seared into the brains of Americans like the last impeachment that didnt stop Trump from growing his base by ~10 million votes and resulted in an extremely close election where biden won by barely 120 000 votes?
Its a waste of time. No one cares.
At least you can admit that Biden won
30% of Americans can't find the US on a blank world map let alone Ukraine. And although he was guilty of attempting to extort the Ukraine govt. to manufacture dirt on Biden, his presumptive political opponent, Americans were bored. The Crap in Cap insurrection coup attempt which began being orchestrated 8 months prior to the election by Trump and culminating in his Brown Shirt wannabes attempting to overthrow US Democracy, nullify the legal, certified election results and assassinate elected officials in order to crown Trump King, is entirely a horse of a different color.
>30% of Americans can't find the US on a blank world map let alone Ukraine
citation required.
> he was guilty
Senate says otherwise.
No one fucking cares.
If by seared he means the news has been off for the last 3-4 days, or on weather, sure.
Sick of it.
Don't know, don't care, won't remember.
>No one fucking cares.
Several people in this thread care. I care. You're objectively incorrect on this matter, at least.
No one cares that you care.
Mind you, this was in 2007, the red State Republicans have put a full court press on defunding education for 14 years since then so the ignorance certainly increased by at least 10%.
During the pageant, Upton responded to a question posed by host Aimee Teegarden: "Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can't locate the U.S. on a world map. Why do you think this is?" Upton responded:
>I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future. For our children.[3][4]
>it scares the shit out of you
Not that user but I hope he does run so he can continue to lose elections and handing senate seats over.
I remember this shit, what a glorious day to be an American
Every American with a shred of integrity, ethics and love for this great nation (apparently only Democrats, nowadays) cares that you don't care if Americans care, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz and Lisping Lady Lindsey, and 44 other spineless, gutless eunuchs castrated by Trump. Shameful, pathetic and embarassing which is why true Republicans instead of magat RINOs are leaving the party in a flood that makes Katrina look like a kiddie pool splash.
You know, along with fast food, it really is the apotheosis of America.
>seared into Americans' brains like 9/11 and 12/7
Cope, seethe, cry, gnash teeth, scream like a know the drill magat.
Does anyone genuinely believe an unarmed riot where 5 boomers died is on the same level as 9/11 or Pearl Harbor?
Add a dash of Jerry Springer and you've got the Ignorant American package.
>treating the riot like 9/11
Man, this is some next level assblasting.
What's next, gonna link fox news?
The most recent poll I can find shows (National Geographic Roper poll, 2006) that 94% of young Americans can locate the US on an unlabeled world map. The response was awful, but the question was equally nonsensical.
Fox News famously cut the feed to the trial when they were showing footage of Trump insurrectionists assaulting police.
>unarmed riot
>armed insurrection to overturn legal, certified national election results, assassinate elected officials and crown an orange fool 2 yo toddler king
In fact it was worse than 9/11 or 12/7 because those were simply tactical strikes to inflict psychological and in the case of Pearl Harbor incapacitate the Pacific US naval power. 1/6 struck at the very foundation of the US Constitution and the nation we all (excluding the modern Trump GOP) love. Ironic that it's the Democrats who have to school Republicans on what America, and the love for it means. And no, your popguns aren't America, tool.
But things are changing. In the past being an ex president would exonerate you for most things, but this is inciting insurrection and literally trying to usurp democracy, that on top of being a russian collaborator and pedophile. Trump could actually come out of this badly. Republisharts may take the opportunity to be rid of him and his influence and vote against him.
Dems may be able to ensure he can never run again even without spineless gop worm support.
>muh foundation
This really will be stuck in your anus for all time, won't it?
>Most of the people in the US except me are stupid. Especially those who disagree with me. I must make decisions for them to save them from themselves
This is your brain on American progressivism, truly the modern bourgeoisie of American society
>n fact it was worse than 9/11 or 12/7
Its hard to make that claim just because of the difference in loss of life. However we're still in the wake of 1/6 and we have no idea of what the international consequences of it will be, something that the american media and leaders will never publicly acknowledge because if us plebs were aware of the situation it would only be exacerbated.
The Myanmar coup is a perfect example, using Trump's exact MO of bullshit voter fraud claims the army just straight up removed the sitting government. Democracy had already been in retreat around the world, in Africa, Hong Kong, SEA, the V4 nations are teetering, etc. America doesn't have the prestige anymore to support democratic movements around the world, so as of 1/7 we returned to a multipolar world.
80s to 2000s
>AMERICA SUCKS, americans are stupid, down with the machine!
>fucking patriots are just a bunch of rednecks
>other side says: god bless israel, go bush!
Obama era
>H O P E
>THIS GREAT NATION that we totally always loved is under threat! we're the real supporters! Time to act just like the bush supporters!
>down with trump, the government is corrupt! Rage against the machine!
>THIS GREAT NATION that we totally always loved is under threat! we're the real supporters! Time to act just like the bush supporters!
Occupy Wallstreet and maybe gamestop fiasco would be the only part that's had people avoid this swing.
hahaha look at me mom! I'm trying to gaslight the kiddies on a lithuanian anal stretching BBS about how the attempt to overthrow democratic elections and execute politicians was no big deal! Godamn I'm edgy! Wait'll I tell the incels over at Dab Forums about this psyop! Trump 2024 is definitely gonna happen! One day at a time...
>irrelevant, inane, off-topic rhetoric
You are one sad, strange little man.
Seems pretty on point, but nice attempt at a weak ad hominem. I guess coping yourself into a pretzel while still keeping that 14 year old edge comes natural since November huh?
>America doesn't have the prestige anymore to support democratic movements
Thats more to do with your meme elections than the conduct of any of your major political actors.
>no voter ID
>voter rolls that your name can stay on almost indefinitely
>unsolicited mail-ins
>drop boxes for ballots
>ballot "harvesting"
>ballot "curing"
>electronic voting
>partisan election officials
>no dedicated election courts
>no dedicated oversight body
>non-standard audit procedures
>partisan audit officials
With regulations and procedures like that the only real surprise is that it hasn't been and issue until now. Having mechanisms and procedures in place to have free, fair and transparent elections is step 1 of having a functioning democracy. There are 3rd world African countries like Botswana that have better elections than America.
Your elections are ridiculous and you should be embarrassed.
>Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding.
>Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding.
>Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding.
shut the fuck up fag
user, it's great to say Fuck That, it's great to say Punish The Fucker. But it doesn't happen that way. He'll throw money at the problem, his biggest democrat opposition will make a song and dance and slyly pocket his bribes, and he'll go on like all the wealthy do without fear of reprisal.
I'd love to see him go down, you'd love to see him go down, every single democratic serf and every republican peasant who didn't believe in the cult that dominated their party would like to see him go down. But the only way it happens is if they go full Epstein, and then all that means is the people who are much fucking worse can go on raping children while everyone busies themselves with prodding the sacrificial lamb's corpse with a stick. But you know what? This isn't far enough for a Full Epstein, Trump inciting a riot doesn't implicit anyone other than Trump so there are no people in the background needing him to commit suicide so they don't get discovered.
To the wealthy, five units died when the merchandise had a glitch.
absolute chimp tier analysis
So basically what you are saying is the democrats got more people to vote for them and won the 2020 election? Hmmm...
Cope Springs Eternal.
Yep, that's what they're bitching so hard about.
This is a cool story and all, with an edgy faked suicide twist to boot, but all it takes is for a handful of conservatard politicians to show some spine and vote for justice against trump.
Any one of these same spineless toadies could have been killed or injured in the terrorist attack, but that seems lost on them.
>no voter ID
>voter rolls that your name can stay on almost indefinitely
>unsolicited mail-ins
>drop boxes for ballots
>ballot "harvesting"
>ballot "curing"
Allowing voters to correct ballots is promoting democracy and likely helped Dear Leader Drumphus the First more than Biden because many of his supporters are dementia addled boomers who stare at Fox News 24/7.
>electronic voting
Secure machines backed up by a paper ballot print out the voter verifies? Yeah, that's really dangerous! The irony is my shit hole red State uses machines but there's no option to print out a ballot to verify. Go figure, no wonder the State remains red forever.
>partisan election officials
Yeah, and in the contested swing States they were almost all Republican diehard Trump supporters, although unusual in that they still maintained their integrity.
>no dedicated election courts
Our judicial system is fine thank you and in Trump's 60+ lawsuits almost 1/3 were handled by Drumpf appointed judges.
>no dedicated oversight body
The fuck you talking about? Every State has an oversight body of election officials. The Constitution mandates States have the sole jurisdiction in conducting their elections. No politburo here, Vlad.
>non-standard audit procedures
>partisan audit officials
>With regulations and procedures like that the only real surprise is that it hasn't been and issue until now.
We didn't have an "issue now" other than a President with the emotional stability of a 2 yo and his lickspittle enablers screaming the only way he could possibly lose was through fraud 8 MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION TOOK PLACE and following through culminating in 1/6.
Don't forget Vlad, when Trump lost the Iowa primary to Cruz in 2016 he screamed fraud; when he lost the popular vote by 3.5+ million to Clinton he screamed fraud; prior to the 2016 election he screamed the only way he could lose to Clinton was through fraud.
Nice attempt at a weak ad hom, but spouting off nonsense like gaslighting and psyops really has nothing to do with it. And why would trump be running in 2024? So once again, .
>jumping to extremes
dat pearl clutching. I love how now police lives matter and politician lives matter.
>but all it takes is for a handful of conservatard politicians to show some spine and vote for justice against trump.
Disregarding your belief that the wealthy are paragons of virtue and nobody has ever been killed to keep a secret, you claim that all we need is for Conservatives to lock step with the Democrats, an anomaly in the two party political competition, one you even acknowledge exists as you yourself say they don't even seem to consider how easily they could have been killed in an outright terrorist attack Trump inspired.
Why would they be upset that they could have been killed if that fact is lost on them?
Gerrymandering alone is a bigger problem for America's democratic integrity than any of these other "issues" combined. Curious that you didn't mention it.
>no voter ID
Would be nice, but a free national ID is commie-talk, apparently.
>voter rolls that your name can stay on almost indefinitely
Georgia, and several other states, had unique ID’s for their voter receipts, that folks could check online, thanks to Dominion's shift from the old Diebold machines, which provided no receipts at all.
>unsolicited mail-ins
This is illegal in most states, though I’ve never really seen the problem with it, so long as the system only allows one vote per registrant.
>drop boxes for ballots
Those distributed illegally, such as all those put up by the GOP in blue districts, so they could dump the boxes, yeah. But if you can dump them in an official voter station or post office?
>ballot "harvesting"
If you can sign over your life to someone via power of attorney, surely you can assign someone to drop off your absentee ballot.
>ballot "curing"
This is part of the auditing process that requires bipartisan agreement.
>electronic voting
My inner paleoconservative agrees, things were much more transparent by paper, hanging chads and all.
>partisan election officials
Fine, so long as they are opposing and independent parties, which there were.
>no dedicated election courts
We had them.
>no dedicated oversight body
It’s called the FEC (which Trump helped cripple, along with the post office.)
>non-standard audit procedures
Every state has standard audit procedures, as every state has its own voting rules.
>partisan audit officials
Fine, so long as they are opposing and independent parties, which there were.
To think, Chucky Schumer had the audacity to compare December 7th to a few hours of unrest. How the fuck do these drama queens get re-elected, ever?
>attempting to overthrow US Democracy through a coup by brown shirt wannabe insurrectionists at the request of a sitting President to nullify the ceremonial acceptance of legal certified election results and assassinate elected officials including the VP and crown Trump, Drumphus the First, King of the Universe, is just a few hours of unrest
You are correct. It was far worse than 9/11 or 12/7 which were merely tactical strikes against the US. 1/6 was an attempt to destroy the US itself.
cant wait for retard republicans to make ignoring the law legal. that'll show them libs whose boss, right before you criminal fucks get frog marched into a cell.
but only after they burned down a local black business.
Each of those events lead to war, unless you think this will actually lead to Civil War 2.0, then it's not a big deal
Trump delayed vote so mob could get to Pence!
"When you look at the evidence today about the president's call to Sen. Tuberville, asking him to delay the proceedings, to add objections, to spread it out, you could see that it's like a Pincer move," Whitehouse said. "On one hand you're getting your mob up to the Capitol, to do this damage and disrupt the counting of the electoral votes, but at the same time you've got to open the window of time during which those electoral votes are counted in order to allow the mob to have its effect, to actually do the damage, to perhaps catch someone. But at a minimum to be able to disrupt."
He continued: "If this thing had gone smoothly and orderly, without objection, we might have been done by the time the mob had breached the Capitol. So, there's a possibility of there having been some connivance between those who tried to create the delay and that being used to open a window long enough that the mob could fight its way in and disrupt the count. So, all of that remains to be seen, but it struck me that when the president called Sen. Tuberville for that specific purpose, that could easily have been a similar call to another colleague."
Guilty of what, exactly? Be specific.
You gotta blames someone for all of joe biden a upcoming failures
They already ignore the law and don't give a shit so what would change? Ignore and obstruct has been their MO ever since Obama.