>Democratic congresswoman refuses to return contribution from accused child molester Jeffrey Epstein
>Democratic congresswoman refuses to return contribution from accused child molester Jeffrey Epstein
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What's the difference between keeping these donations to use for her constituents and electorate and the massive reparations epstein would have had to have made to victims and society had he lived to be sentenced?
Yeah like, guy is fucking dead. Not like he'll be getting it back.
At least put the sick fucks money to good use.
NO NNOOO! conservasharts want her to give it all back to epstein's brother! Think of his family! And ghislaine has all these legal bills to keep her silent!
>post a pic of the NYpost version of the story
>links to CNBC
I see what you did there
This, it's just the right wing virtue signaling, again.
>I have no problem or concernes about this politician taking money from a known sex-trafficer and pedophile
Amazing what having a (D) next to your name can get for you.
Tell us more about how outraged you are.
Me pointing out what cult-like hypocritical pieces of shit you guys are isnt outrage.
The funny thing is they always cried about the left supposedly virtue signalling, now they are doing. Also what is the point of giving a dead man back his money he foolishly gave.
democrat leading group are jewish fascists..
In order to call others hypocritical pieces of shit it helps to not be one yourself. Look in the mirror.
Says the bot who voted for a Jewish asset.
Sounds like someone still has a little bit of seethe going on there and forgot to take their copium today to soothe that assravage left over from November!
If IRL becomes a bit too much for (you), (you) could always go back.
Back to a magical land of forever alone and adventure built just for (you)--->
You are right, however it doesn't matter when it comes to politics. The money came from a bad man and therefore is tainted as are you for taking it. You could use the money to fund organ donations for sick children and it wouldn't matter. And no, this kind of grandstanding bullshit isn't limited to a single party
>inb4 both sides shill spam
Smear campaigns are not limited to a single party and you are naive if you think that they are.
Holy crap,all dems and reps should board Titanic and leave America.
You have no idea who I am or what my positions you are. So far the only thing you know about me is that I think your full of shit for your use of selective outrage.
I agree.
No, too many survived that trip.
We should wait until china finishes their time machine and start giving them free time travel tours to may 30, 1626 where they can view the beautiful Wanggongchang Gunpowder Factory and take an interior tour of the factory
Are you outraged?
No. I am quite used to your behavior by now.
No, moron, the story. Does it outrage you or not?
Evil money can be cleansed if put to a good use
i would pay my rent with it
ITT: People that think it doesn't matter where campaign donations come from so long as it's used in a way they like.
this is racist wtf :(
>this is racist wtf :(
and? racism is not only natural, it's the norm. If you aren't racist you should really think twice about how "normal" you really think you are, because you're the odd man out.
t. Grog, who was one of the first Neanderthals to attack Og because he was from a different cave
you must be 18+ to post here, this is an adult board
No it isnt, it has people who argue for racism on it. Most people grow out of it in childhood.
>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
you, xir, are a 40%er faggot, commit rope
Based and checked.
No, they don't. Children have no racism, it's taught and reinforced by their parents and other authority figures. Elliot's landmark case study segregating a classroom by blue eyes/brown eyes clearly demonstrated that.
Further, the willingness of average people to obey authority, even when it means killing another human, illustrates how systemic racism can easily be extended to genocide.
A study that shows that children *CAN* be taught to be racist does not state that children *ARE* taught to be racist.
The United States is unironically one of the least racist countries on earth.
>The United States is unironically one of the least racist countries on earth.
The multiple daily examples of systemic racism and white privilege beg to differ with you. But good to see you're worshipping the "1776 Commision" chaired by the white evangelical sharia law nationalist, Phil Bryant, the ex- Governor of that bastion of racial and social justice, MS.
>hiding her face to conceal her identity
>but doing it through shitty memes to appear "based"
why are you trying to minimise the outrage people have over pedo cult?
Because you sound like a 78 year old former PTA mother.
>The Federation of Racist Slavers is unironically one of the least racist countries on earth.
Sure thing, Cletus.
You're fucking retarded. Even babies are racist.
The USA voted for a black president twice and for countless other minority politicians. Europe is far more racist than America which is a good thing, as we'll never let Europe turn into a 56% white shithole.
Even Mexico outlawed slavery in the early 1800's which led to one of their biggest beefs with the white illegal immigrants in Northern Mexico (later TX after the land was stolen) who wanted to own slaves and finally led to the peaceful Mexicans having to slaughter them at the Alamo. The US was founded on slavery, enshrined it in the Constitution, continued to subtly implement it even after the 13th Ammendment through Jim Crow apartheid and argued for even today by the rightwing GOP white nationalist/supremacists.
Stop gaslighting, Republican, and own it.
Only white babies are.
>The United States is unironically one of the least racist countries on earth.
yea nah that's blatant bullshit
Get a passport and go see for yourself.
>Chang turning the D&C up to 100
I would but you've banned Europeans from entering your country.
He's right you stupid faggot.
t. European who has visited over 20 states
corporations support BLM, government departments discriminate against white men to increase "diversity", why would anyone rational believe racism in the US is a huge problem
Institutionalized Racism and sexism exists in America except its entirely aimed at white males. Equal Opportunity in hiring and college admissions and Critical Race Theory is quite literally racism at an institutional level. Ask leftists what kind of institutional racism exists for nonwhites and they'll cite the disputed (and factually/statistically incorrect) claim that white cops unfairly profile blacks
>Institutionalized Racism and sexism exists in America except its entirely aimed at white males
Conservatives are the biggest fucking snowflakes on the planet. You people can't take more than three breaths without coming up with new reasons why you're a victim.
Not an argument. Just a bunch of emotional seething. Go ahead. Come up with some institutionalize types of racism against blacks. Not a bunch of vague sociological claims, something based in fact, not your emotional world view. You live in a society where an unqualified black will get hired for work or admitted to college over a qualified white based purely on skin color. A society with black only scholarships, black only student unions, black only housing benefitd and social programs, government funded black only child support programs, black only charities, dozens of othet benefits ONLY blacks get, yet if you try to suggest the same treatment for whites you are slandered as a racist Nazi. That's REAL institutional racism . Youre fucking stupid.
>Not an argument. Just a bunch of emotional seething.
I did the exact same thing you did - just spew my feelings. Your feelings of victimhood have nothing to do with the data of racial disparity in America.
>Come up with some institutionalize types of racism against blacks. Not a bunch of vague sociological claims, something based in fact, not your emotional world view.
People with black sounding names are statistically less likely to be called back for job interviews in comparison to equally qualified candidates with white sounding names. Jurors are more likely to try black children as adults in comparison to white children who have committed equivalent crimes. Blacks and whites use marijuana at almost identical rates yet blacks are almost 10 times more likely to be arrested for it. In every major city the average disparity in income between black and white families is consistently large - in boston, for example, the median net worth of a black family is $8 while the median net worth of a white family is $274k. I could keep going but I'm going to bet you're one of those race realist dipshits and you're going to say this is all because black people are genetically dumber and incapable of working as hard as whites.
>A society with black only scholarships, black only student unions, black only housing benefitd and social programs
Why is that? Why did blacks start their own scholarships, unions and colleges? I'll give you a hint - because they weren't allowed into white ones and had to develop their own to survive.
>You live in a society where an unqualified black will get hired for work or admitted to college over a qualified white based purely on skin color
False. You have no idea how affirmative action works. This is just some right-wing propaganda you've been brainwashed into believing.
>yet if you try to suggest the same treatment for whites you are slandered as a racist Nazi. That's REAL institutional racism
You're such a dumb fucking crybaby.
Not him but are you black?
>Come up with some institutionalize types of racism against blacks.
Black defendants with multiple prior convictions are 28% more likely to be charged as “habitual offenders” than similarly-situated white defendants. Black men are twice as likely to have charges which carry mandatory minimum sentences filed against them than similarly-situated white men. In a criminal justice study, two groups of mock jurors were given a collection of race-neutral evidence from an armed robbery, with one group’s alleged perpetrator being shown to be light-skinned and the other dark-skinned.
Jurors were significantly more likely to evaluate ambiguous, race-neutral evidence against the dark-skinned suspect as incriminating and more likely to find the dark-skinned suspect guilty. Between 1990 and 2010, state prosecutors struck about 53% of black people eligible for juries in criminal cases, as opposed to 26% of white people. The study’s authors testified the odds of this taking place in a race-neutral context were around 1 in 10 trillion. Examination of federal data indicates Black Americans spend about 10% more time in prison when compared to comparable Whites who commit the same crimes. A study of first-time felons in Georgia found black men received sentences of on average 270 days longer than similarly-situated white males. The Urban Institute analyzed the histories of four probation offices and found black people were 18-39% more likely than similarly-situated white people to have their probation revoked.
None of that is institutional racism. Just more sociological claims with no basis in fact and the income thing isnt an indicator of racism but an indicator of black incompetence and laziness. Do you know what institutional means? Equal Opportunity is an OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT MANDATED POLICY. The existence of programs, scholarships and benefits purely for black people is an OFFICIAL types of racism levied against whites. In fact i dispute these claims that black names are less likely to get call backs for jobs, go ahead and provide a recent source for that claim. Either way it doesn't matter because THE EXISTENCR OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IS GOVERNMENT MANDATED ANTIWHITE RACISM THAT NULLIFIES THAT ENTIRE ARGUMENT
I pointed at factual things that exist on an institutional level and all you can do is vaguely make sociological claims based on flimsy advocacy studies that seek to prove conclusions they've already made.
More sociological nonsenze based on flimsy advocacy studies meant to come to conclusions that the people have already came to. Most perceived notions of heavy handedness by law enforcement of blacks is due to the black penchant for criminality, low impulse control and penchant for violently resisting arrest. This is merely more proof that the problrms black face today are all due to their own faults.
>None of that is institutional racism.
It 100% is.
>Just more sociological claims with no basis in fact
Its all data from peer reviewed academic studies.
>the income thing isnt an indicator of racism but an indicator of black incompetence and laziness
Called it. There's no factual argument I can give you because whenever I point out a disparity you'll just dismiss it by saying its only happening because black people are inferior. You don't disagree with me because the data doesn't support me. You disagree because you reject the concept of data all together. Every time I show one of you people data you just call is flimsy or bias or corrupt and completely ignore all aspects of reality that don't agree with you.
There is no government mandated anti-white racism. This is a delusion that your brain-worm addled mind has internalized as a result of years of right-wing propaganda.
>The existence of programs, scholarships and benefits purely for black people is an OFFICIAL types of racism levied against whites
You're right. When blacks were prohibited from getting scholarships and programs they should of just laid down and died because developing their own resources is unfair to the whites that were discriminating against them.
>I pointed at factual things that exist on an institutional level
You didn't. You whined and lied and when I posted facts that proved you wrong you continued to whine and lie because you don't care about reality. You just care about being a victim.
None of it is
A study that finds people dont like blacks isnt an example of INSITUTIONAL RACISM (a dislike that blacks bought upon themselves for being too 1350). I pointed at government, educations and workplace mandates that are enforced by law . that IS institutional racism. Its like you idiots don't even know the definitions of the terms you use.
>More sociological nonsenze based on flimsy advocacy studies meant to come to conclusions that the people have already came to.
Yes, all data you disagree with is fake. I know.
>Most perceived notions of heavy handedness by law enforcement of blacks is due to the black penchant for criminality, low impulse control and penchant for violently resisting arrest.
Yes, all of the data is fake, despite you having zero evidence that their methodology is flawed and even if the data IS correct its only because black people are inherently evil and its their own fault. You have a convenient excuse for why all of the data that proves you wrong is false and the best part is you don't even have to explain why. You can just scream "FAKE NEWS" and give yourself a pat on the back. I don't know why I bother talking to you delusional right-wing dipshits. You wouldn't be a delusional right-wing dipshit if your brain was capable of engaging with reality in the first place.
>A study that finds people dont like blacks isnt an example of INSITUTIONAL RACISM
The fact that you were dumb enough to write this sentence out gives me all the comfort I need in abandoning this conversation. You are actually too stupid to talk to.
>Its all data from peer reviewed academic studies.
>peer review
So they're worthless? Gotcha.
Pro-tip: if the only thing propping up your pseudoscience with any remaining credibility is peer review alone, your entire field of study is already dead.
>So they're worthless?
No they're academically sound its just that your entire ideology is anti-intellectual so, of course, any data that disagrees with your worldview you just dismiss as worthless because you're too dumb to engage with it.
>all conclusions based on data that are 'upheld solely on peer review are fake
There's a reason social science isn't considered a real science.
>No they're academically sound
Academically sound, in social science, means a bunch of people agreed with the finding in order to get support for their own finding down the road, so everybody gets paid.
>your entire ideology is anti-intellectual
Any field of study that exists solely based on peer review is anti-intellectual. Without peer review, social science would be regarded as little more than astrology for bitter leftist women and insecure minorities
People not liking blacks (because blacks are assholes) is not INSTITUTIONAL RACISM. its merely the consequences of black behavior
Blacks making less money than whites is not Institutional racism (or even racism) its an example of black stupidity and laziness
Policies enforced by law at the government, higher educational and workplace environment ARE examples of institutional racism. Special benefits handed out by the government especially for blacks is institutional racism. The existence of black only groups, charities, student unions WHILE NOT ALLOWING THE SAME PRIVILEGE TO WHITES is an example of institutional racism. Youre a retard, youre dishonest, and youre factually wrong. Cope harder noglover.
Holy confirmation bias, Batman! Jeepers creepers, where'd ya get those peepers?
Pure cope. Go ahead and try explaining how pointing out existing policies and institutions is confirmation bias
You know whats the real confirmatiom bias? Taking studies examining police dealings with blacks and deciding its an indicator of racist policing and not the fact that blacks are criminalistic and violent. 13 do 50
Did you even read his whole post or did you start kvetching after the first sentence
more proof the dems are pedos
Very gay post user
Less than 2% of 13% you mean.
>There are no racists in America!
>Just a lot of lazy, low IQ black people
>I am suffering as a poor white man, why do they get all the handouts? :(
>I want some, too...
Sorry Billy-bob, we'll make sure your food stamps are delivered shortly, our bad
t. Retard
We are discussing institutional forms of racism not blacks getting their fee fees hurt that they have to face the consequences of their actions.
Damn straight! White Billy Bobs like us'n proud 'murrican patriots collect 60%+ of the social welfare gibsmedats! You'all atheist, socialist, commies is holdin' out on us'ns! My sister-wifes 6 youngins is hongry, ya hyar?
Cope harder, Jimmy John, lol!
Its crazy that Bill Clinton's visits to pedo island haven't been discussed more. How the FUCK is someone as public he getting away with being a pedophile?
kill yourself pedo libtard
holy soýboy.
Ask your Dear Leader Fuhrer.
Because the job of the shill is to focus the discussion on the one time Trump flew from Florida to Atlantic City on Epsteins Jet
>with Trumps elderly aunt
she can launder the money through "children's groups" while still keeping it in pedo circles and probably get at least some re gifted to her
off the top of my head:
they put a pedo in charge of the amber alert system so certain alerts never make it out
the un was involved in child sex trafficking
israel and mossad, enough said
boys town
the groups created to round up kids from disaster areas, names are slipping my mind, but they kidnapped a lot of kids from Haiti
also masons aren't too far back in my family tree so i know rigged trials to let pedos off are a thing at the least
its up to 13/56 by the most recent numbers. get with the times.
Tell us ,more about how the pedophiles outraged you.
Why do leftists accept money from pedophiles for political favours?
It’s like blood money, except it’s from rape so it’s rape money
just look at the "BLM" mission statement, very little to do with black people, lots to do with lgbtpedo+