Kenosha County Court rejected the false claims DA's office in Rittenhouse case
>KENOSHA, Wis. —
>A Kenosha County judge has denied two motions from prosecutors to issue an arrest warrant for Kyle Rittenhouse and raise his bail.

>Rittenhouse, now 18, appeared virtually before a judge Thursday afternoon.

>Prosecutors said he violated the terms of his bail by not registering his current address with the court.

>"We've got a bond violation here," District Attorney Thomas Binger said. "There's no dispute about that. The defense has acknowledged that. They've acknowledged that they've failed to update the court within 48 hours, he moved a couple of months ago."

>He asked the judge to issue an arrest warrant and increase Rittenhouse's bail by $200,000.

>The judge denied those motions.

>"Most people out on bond, we don't know where they are," Judge Bruce Schroeder said. "To issue a warrant now for a defendant who has appeared at every hearing, that would be breaking the law, and I'm not going to do it."


Attached: OH MY GOD A NINTENDO SWITCH.jpg (803x399, 61.7K)

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The prosecutor in this case is a dumbass.

Did we ever figure out why he failed to notify within 48 hours? I'm not digging through that old thread full of mudslinging.

Sounds like something people out on bail do all the time

Yeah but if you're brown they hunt you down, beat you senseless or shoot you, throw you in the slammer and confiscate your bond. However, if you'te a dindu nuffin' white supremacist twink pussfag out on $2 million they give you a wink, a nod and a pat on the back. Literally the definition of systemic racism and white privilege.

going to guess because the left has been making further murder attempts. remember the whole reason he's on trial anyway is that he survived other attempts to kill him.

This is why conservatives have lost every popular vote for the last 20 years

The fact he continued to meet all of his mandated court dates is why this isn't a huge deal.

Why is the DA self sabotaging?

Noooo! You can't just let him go free like that! He used an assaulterino!

>the definition of systemic racism and white privilege
You really are an idiot
Bail is to assure people come to court, not to penalize them
If anything they should lower his bail for continuing to show up to court as requested when his address isn't even on record (because DA wants him dozed)

Closer to 16 years

IIRC the defense agreed to register the address as long as it was not publicized. The dumbass prosecutor denied the request.

You are a moron. Everything about your post is completely retarded. Woke useful idiot.

Even useful idiots are useful

Just more proof we need judicial reform and to add seats across the board so corrupt judges like this can be mitigated.

He knows he won't win so he's hoping to find another way to fuck over Rittenhouse. Send the cops after him hoping for a Ruby Ridge, publish his address so a psycho can do him in, throw him in jail on bond violations and let the convicts work him over, its all to stop Rittenhouse from getting his day in court. There was no reason to reject keeping Rittenhouse's address sealed other than fucking him over.


Jesus you people are fucking insane. Watch the video you woke ass faggot, he's explains how each of his decisions are consistent with how he treats other cases. The DA is a prick, just like the plaintiffs.

Trump's the only person to have hid out in a bunker on numerous occasions.

The website they swarm from is called bunkerchan, user. They chose to call it that, not us.

>Send the cops after him hoping for a Ruby Ridge, publish his address so a psycho can do him in, throw him in jail on bond violations and let the convicts work him over
This is the part of me that is jealous of conservatives. I wish sometimes I was dumb enough that I could just make shit up like this and so confidently pass it off as the truth that even I believe it as I'm making it up. Life must be so simple when all you have to do to justify any belief is just invent a delusion in your head and insist that everybody who doesn't take you seriously is in on the conspiracy.

Why didn't Binger agree to keep the address sealed? What rational explanation do you have for that?

Wild guess: Strategy. The DA's case relies on insisting that Kyle was unreasonable, that there was no threat to him, just peaceful protestors that he shot in cold blood, as much as possible. If there's actually a bunch of crazy motherfuckers trying to kill him, it weakens the prosecution's case.

Also, the DA knows the case is public as fuck, so he has to make moves for the sake of an ignorant public's appearances, even if they're completely idiotic.

Judge seems to disagree with you on his personal risk. You don't have to go particularly far to find the sort of shit presented at his hearing.

He would've agreed to keep it sealed if Rittenhouse could provide an example of a credible threat to justify doing so - this is standard practice. Why couldn't Rittenhouse follow through?

Fag your dumb

Playing the public like dumb flutes works for most politicians

All americans had lost every "popular vote". Your elections are fake.

>an example of a credible threat to justify doing so
All those people on the internet who want to see him raped and murdered don't count?

>if Rittenhouse could provide an example of a credible threat to justify doing so
>needing to justify not publicizing an innocent (not found guilty yet) person's address
Why the fuck would making someone's address public ever be standard procedure? You need to justify making it public.

Lol @ the absolute seethe in this post. None of the guys he shot were brown, and one of them was even a child sex offender. Good riddance

>wish sometimes I was dumb enough that I could just make shit up like this and so confidently pass it off as the truth that even I believe it as I'm making it up
You already do this most days when you wake up and pretend that you can ever be a real woman.

Lmao the DA is clearly angling for a career in politics

> of the guys he shot were brown
Learn to read Cletus, the post was making an anology between judicial double standards, not about the guy who was shot in the back by twink boi.

The DA and the negress lawyer were also getting their panties in a knot about him underage drinking despite the fact that its legal in WI.

Why would it matter to begin with? It takes no effort to agree to keep the address sealed, there is no good reason not to keep it sealed. Appealing to 'standard practice' is irrelevant, the request to keep it sealed was put forth and there was no reason to refuse.

DA agrees that Kyle is in danger check out 13:00

Are people really like this? Imagine drowning in critical theory propaganda like this. How do you function in society?

Based, lad's going to walk.

Kyle tried to turn himself in to the cops. How many of these police killings have that happen?

I'm not going to watch that doctored video

>Are people really like this
I want to believe that they are paid to be like that, but regrettably I dont think that is the case

>unedited 1 hour long bond hearing

Hears a video link to one of the full hearings


You forfeit the argument and admit that you're wrong. Thanks for playing.

Didn't watch much but whoever than binger guy is looks like a prick. I can see he spent A LOT of fucking detail to his hair and the appearance/direction of his shirt and tie, they are freaking perfect and it's apparent that's what he prepared before this hearing; his appearance

>He hasn't given us credible evidence of being in danger
>Kyle is not at his old address, someone else is, and they are in danger because that address has been published as Kyle's and they are in danger living at Kyle's published address
>but Kyle has not given us any credible evidence that he's in danger if we don't hide his address

Lololol I was right this guy is as dumb as he looks I bet you he got to where he is by having Rich parents and brownnosing

What's it like living with the u.s on your mind every waking moment?

That's how conservative kids tend to work.
Or be grifters.
Ku Klux Kyle is definitely not the latter.

Go pray to your "1776 Commission" (oops, doesn't exist anymore), put your hand over your shriveled husk of a heart and sing the white christian nationalist Anthem, all while signing loyalty oaths to the white race in triplicate with your withered left hand.

I can see you spent A LOT of fucking time studying that guy's appearance, it makes me think only one thing; you're a faggot

Get with the times grandpa, being a homophobe is out of style

>being a homophobe is out of style
No it's not, shut up faggot

>can't follow English very well: the post

You awfully interested in gays aren't you Mr. Closet Case

When calling you a faggot stops getting a reaction out of you, we'll stop calling you a faggot

>I'm going to keep acting like a giant faggot while calling other people faggots
Got it
Who is "we"?

Why do you think he's here as opposed to leftypol or regular pol? He's a lightweight who can't handle primary source information. We could replace him with a bot and it would be an improvement.

>Got it
Good going, faggot.

>Who is "we"?
Me. That faggot. The other faggot over there. Possibly even you, if you're not so much of a fag as to be afraid to samefag for a joke. Don't sweat it.

This. Nice.

trannies absolutely SEETHING.
king rittenhouse bodied two of your pals, and blew off the masturbation arm of a third jew.

Kyle has been cleared on the civil cases.
Now it's the criminal cases.
Bros is gonna walk on the manslaughter charges as it was obvious self defense, though I think he will be charged on the weapons.
Stay mad you fucking bunkertrannies

I mean.. dude got attacked, knocked to the ground, and defended himself against his attackers
Idk wtf people want here