U.S. - Texas is freezing - 1 dead 4 million without power - rotating blackouts
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Maybe Texas needs some of that "magical" Australian coal.
If you are wondering why Texas's electrical grid is on the brink of collapse, it's because Texas is the only of the lower 48 states with its own power grid. The reasons for this boil down to "fuck the federal government."
This does not work well.
In 2011, and on other emergency occasions, Texas has had to borrow power from Mexico, who are objectively better neighbors than us.
On the last big winter storm I was here for, much of Dallas lost power for 2 weeks. We had electric workers from like a dozen states come to help.
The message of all this is that Texas's toxic style of libertarianism is not real. "Rugged individualism" repeatedly gets us into trouble and we have to be bailed out by our neighbors.
Anyway, 100,000 people in DFW have to boil their water now because the treatment plant broke.
>texans will use this article to debunk global warming
The coal generators froze.
we need to get everyone in texas to crank up their heat so when the rolling blackout hits they can stay warm.
What they need are less Californians shutting down the state's coal and nuclear plants in favor of wind turbines that freeze in the cold, that then require fossil fuels to heat so they can run at a net loss.
Texan here. It's colder than normal in my backyard today so that proves global warming is a libruhl, atheist, commie, socialist plot to stop me from visiting the stockyards at night for my rendezvous with Bessie the cow.
>further proving my point
Gee, if only Texas had some other form of generating power- say Nuclear, that leftists hadn't advocated shutting down because of their fee fees.
>lefties absolutely obsessing over Texas
>As is the norm
Yes, we know texas. Everything is the left's (tm) fault. You have no responsibility at all to make sure your state functions.
we know
>You have no responsibility at all to make sure your state functions.
Why would you say this when the flagship leftist state of California has rolling blackouts near constantly?
Holy shit dude, it took a fucking POLAR VORTEX to break Texas. Fuck outta here with your cope.
Nobody cares about Texas. Everyone is just laughing at how their bright idea to work on their own grid paid off in the end. Look at all the neighboring states doing just fine compared to the nearly half day power outages in Texas.
>nobody cares about Texas
>he says while talking about Texas
>you can't discuss a rare and funny occurrence without being concerned
Thanks for the philosophy lesson, lad.
>cares so little he has now made multiple posts on the topic, most of which are in response to shitposts.
>respond to a snarky shitpost with the same type of shitpost
>>wtf you do care then!!1
wew lad
Ted Cruz proves he's not obly the master at attempting to overthrow Democracy, but at stepping all over his own tiny wee-wee, aka inserting hoof in mouth.
>As the Golden State grappled with its first rolling blackouts in nearly two decades, Cruz blasted it for being “unable to perform even basic functions of civilization, like having reliable electricity.”
>Cruz’s dig was a transparent attempt to equate the grid failure with the Green New Deal. “Hope you don’t like air conditioning!” he tweeted in a display of middle school back-of-the-bus wit.
Texas' power grid issues are, right now, caused by people who wanted it to switch to certain renewable forms of energy as part of the GND. The same issue created by leftists in Cali has been created by leftists in TX
Oh I'm laffin'
Because you have no retort and can't argue otherwise because it's a factual statement, we know
I suggest reading what ERCOT recently announced regarding the state of their natural gas spending. They have also reported that the initial issue was frozen instruments at all power plants, including the natural gas plants.
Only steers and profiteers from texas
>In 2011, and on other emergency occasions, Texas has had to borrow power from Mexico, who are objectively better neighbors than us.
> We had electric workers from like a dozen states come to help.
I find these claims very plausible but I would like to see some sources.
>Texas gets hit by a once in a life time extreme climate event
>power goes out
>A completely unremarkable day in California
>power goes out
>If you are wondering why Texas's electrical grid is on the brink of collapse
>brink of collapse
ACTUALLY, Wind turbines were over producing their quotas before the freeze.
If only TexASS fitting their turbines with heaters to keep them from freezing like any non retarded, non right wing government would do.
or natural gas actually gets to be used, which some politics is keeping it not.
(((public utilities)))
>If only TexASS fitting their turbines with heaters to keep them from freezing like any non retarded, non right wing government would do.
Do you know where Texas is and what its climate is? What you are doing is the equivalent of shitting on Belgium for not being ready for a drought.
It's not public in Texas, they're the only one of the lower 48 states to not have Federal grid.
This clusterfuck is entirely the fault of capitalism and deregulation.
Our electric grid is owned by a non profit organization and a company in california. A public utility is still a public utility.
>This clusterfuck is entirely the fault of capitalism and deregulation.
Or maybe its the fault of, you know, A POLAR VORTEX
Texas does get it's share of snow and cold days, but it is very infrequent when it lasts for long periods at this severity. That being said, it's not a once in a century phenomenon, and choosing to not weather-proof is largely due to the way their grid runs for a profit. Just look at how they took forever before they decided that it was worth paying more for natural gas while commuting the costs to their customers.
>it's not a once in a century phenomenon
Its exceptionally rare.
>and choosing to not weather-proof is largely due to the way their grid runs for a profit
>forever before they decided that it was worth paying more for natural gas while commuting the costs to their customers.
Your complaining about them pushing costs onto consumers while at the same time advocating them taking precautions for unforeseeable events that would push costs onto consumers?
>forever before they decided that it was worth paying more for natural gas while commuting the costs to their customers.
There have been ice storms 3 (three) times in the last century: 1951, '83, '89.
Lets be real, your latching onto this event to push your ideology and will say or do anything to justify your world views. I mean holy shit, your kvetching about a once in a blue moon blackout in Texas while ignoring that blackouts are a year round phenomenon in California (excluding blackouts resulting from fire).
fuck outta here with this transparent shit.
what you described are propertires of a government/ public entity, not a private one. Has nothing to do with capitalism.
>expecting a socialist to understand capital flows
>push your ideology
I'm basing this off the fact that all their neighbors in a similar position don't have nearly the same number of outages due to the way the regulations were set up. Even northern texas is still up and that's only due to not being managed by ERCOT.
Basing standards on all realistic (once every century is still "realistic") possibilities of weather is something that all public utilities should account for. The fact that ERCOT got away with this only because the way Texas set up their infrastructure is pitiful. Hopefully this gives them a well-deserved lesson.
I never brought up capitalism. I'm blaming the Texas government for treating a public utility the way they do.
>got away with this only because the way Texas set up their infrastructure is pitiful
Because of a single blackout? And what then is the diagnosis for California?
>once every century is still "realistic"
No, its the exception not the norm.
Utter bullshit. Post source other than some rightwing echo chamber or stfu.
>There have been ice storms 3 (three) times in the last century
And '29. '40. '56. And '60. Plus '78. And '93. In fact, ice storms are a common enough occurrence that you're full of shit.
>pushing ideology to justify world views
Projection: a thesis by user.
This is a good time to note that the electrical grid in Texas was deregulated, privatized, and removed from interconnected networks to avoid federal regulation and increase profits to a small number of wealthy individuals.
They could have easily winterized the grind like any sane company, but because they prioritized profits and Texas didn't mandate it, they didn't.
Notice how the north is getting hit much harder and no one is freezing to death without power in mass.
>a single blackout
I believe you are confusing the scales here. Rolling blackouts are bad but unavoidable in certain scenarios. The blackouts in Texas have lasted far longer and occurred much more frequently than anything exhibited in california, which would be the standard 15-45 minute rotating blackouts. Only northern and east Texas have anything remotely similar to what california had been experiencing all summer due to their constrained power supply.
>it's the exception not the norm
And it will be the "exception" every 20-40 years it happens, right? Fuck off, you don't know shit about how public utilities should run aside from "muh deregulation".
Already refuted, the cause of the failures were deregulation and private companies. The gas sector in Texas alone managed to lose 23,000MW.
>6 times in 120 years!
>Ha! Gottem!
>we don't need precautions for something that happens 15% of the time
>we don't need precautions for something that will only get worse as climate change gets worse
>deregulation wins again :^)
>No no no you can't just have your own power grid!
Can't help but notice you weren't too upset when California started having its first rolling blackouts in 19 years just a short while ago.
>This is a good time to note that the electrical grid in Texas was deregulated, privatized, and removed from interconnected networks to avoid federal regulation and increase profits to a small number of wealthy individuals.
It's also a good time to note that one death for extreme weather is not bad
it's also a good time to note that in California electricity gets shut off to nearly half the state every day it's windy out. This happens about 10 times a year or so.
It's also a good time to note that there are 84 deaths behind what California electric companies were responsible for in 2018 during the camp fire
It's also a good time to know that California's pg&e is regulated completely by the California energy board which only regulates PG&e and many of their board members are shareholders with PG&e
It's also a good time to know that 19,000 buildings burned down as a result of this power company that was portrayed to have been 'regulated' but was in fact owned by the same people regulating it because that's just how business is done in California.
>I can't read a list
Aug. 2020 were the first rolling blackouts in CA since 2000, cow fucker. Your cow fart smelling State drops into the 30's and your electricity shuts down. You better hope you go blue sooner rather than later so you can get a competent government, ffs.
>No no no! Stop making comparisons!
>Stop calling out bad faith arguments!
>Bad faith!
There, I summerized your pending contributions to the thread
Yes. Look at this thing you are advocating, look how it is shit.
>Now he's using a strawman and False Dilemma Fallacy
Looks like the shill is trying to adapt.
>Fallacy fallacy
>I have run out of argument and will now start obfuscating
What you could have done, were you not a fragile tourist, is cite an example of a regulated and stable grid as a counter to the comparison. Instead you got ashurt.
>Actually uses a fallacy fallacy after incorrectly cites it.
>Ad hominem
You're just upset all your fallacies are being called out instantly here as opposed to people falling for the bait.
The facts remain, Texas is a failed state in this situation because of massive deregulation and corporate greed.
The polar vortex is the fault of capitalism and deregulation, brainlet.
Claims without sources will be refuted without sources
So we can't compare systems while you clamor for one system over the other?
>freak storm has consequences that are difficult to address
Anyone that thinks Texas should have wasted money to proof the power grid for this may as well tell us to buy meteor insurance too.
>difficult to address
>but not for the power plants not managed by ERCOT that are also in Texas
really makes you think
>If you are wondering why Texas's electrical grid is on the brink of collapse, it's because Texas is the only of the lower 48 states with its own power grid. The reasons for this boil down to "fuck the federal government."
>This does not work well.
okay fed bootlicker
Not that user, just the thing is we're talking about Texas.
If you want to talk about California there's plenty to shit on like any other state. But if an actual conversation about Texas is being had and your first instinct is give California attention instead of addressing the point or highlighting another strength of your state to be proud of then on any debate stage you're just silently nodding along to how bad things are in Texas.
>Having a more resilient electric grid by having it better integrated with the rest of the country is bootlicking
This, trying to bring up California while Texas is completely failing is whataboutism, furthermore trying to say our only options are Texas or California and not some third system, is a false dilemma fallacy.
>Aug. 2020 were the first rolling blackouts in CA since 2000, cow fucker.
fucking liar, I am Californian and the entire state has blackouts every other year during the summer or whenever there is a statewide fire which is basically all the time.
The one nice thing is we no longer have a vindictive psychopath as president who engaging in political revenge by withholding federal support during a disaster and getting Americans killed as a result.
>furthermore trying to say our only options are Texas or California and not some third system,
thats literally the case though and why people are jumping on this.
>The one nice thing is we no longer have a vindictive psychopath as president who engaging in political revenge by withholding federal support during a disaster and getting Americans killed as a result.
That is pretty nice. You won't see Biden withholding disaster aid because he thinks a governor said something mean about him or some retarded preschool level shit lol
The problem is the California argument is a strawman. So figuratively is a bullshit argument to make to defined Texas's broken system.
Remember these are the same people trying to say green energy is bad when the fault is deregulation and the greed of the power companies.
of course california isn't having a problem with cold, their state is always on fire
so much for global warming
We bring up California because people are trying to turn Texas into California 2. People are treating these power outages as though they prove anything except that Texas isn't used to or prepared for extreme cold and ice, because why the hell would we be? And they're going to use this freak occurrence to champion some political bullshit. Texas doesn't need to ice proof it's power grid for a situation that only arises once every 30 years, regulations and federal grids have nothing to do with it.
>The problem is the California argument is a strawman. So figuratively is a bullshit argument to make to defined Texas's broken system.
Your blowing up a one time thing and trying to focus on it as much as possible because the moment you take a step back and compare it to other systems your rhetoric falls apart.
>Remember these are the same people trying to say green energy is bad when ...
Do you consider nucleur energy green energy? if not then fuck off
>See guys, it's cold out. Completely disproved
>Just ignore the icebergs shrinking
Laughing at =/= obsessing over.
>A one time thing
>Forgetting 2011
>Thinking this was acceptable given how easily it could have been avoided.
>Nuclear Energy
>Wanting even more government subsidized power when he's trying to argue Texas is doing it right.
>Just ignore the icebergs shrinking
>there are iceburgs forming in texas
how about we use gas and coal in the winter and wind and solar in the summer
>Black ice counts as an iceburg
I can't tell if Texas needs to reform its education or its energy grid first right now.
Regulations define how the public utilities should operate. Of course they have something to do with it. As for the federal grid, that has more to do with energy sharing which Texas has occasionally requested to meet demands of their customers on their side. That's not exactly strained for them, yet.
Also general weather-proofing has always been a reasonable thing to expect from electrical infrastructure, especially in places like nuclear plants where instrumentation is sensitive to the weather.
Why not just use wind and solar in the winter then?
This, the only reason some of the turbines froze because the private companies in charge were to cheap to winterize them.
>Texas is big red!
>We are independent!
>Don't need no librul help
>Except everything that goes wrong is libruls faults (just like COMMIEFORNIA) and we need federal stimulus QUICK!!
a california company literally owns oncor energy
>The problem is the California argument is a strawman. So figuratively is a bullshit argument to make to defined Texas's broken system.
is it really?
If you realy cared, you would be acting regarding Californias broken utility system that murdered 85 people 2 years ago and destroyed nearky 20k sturctures.
you would realize that "yeah, its not so bad that in 1 year of unprecedented weather in texas 1 person dies, whereas in California an ENTIRE FUCKING TOWN BURNED TO THE GROUND because of broken utility management"
but no, faggot. your issue is with texas because theres people there who vote different than you
you dont give a shit about US people or your countryman your a fucking shill who tries to ram your viewpoint down peoples throats.
Yeah theres problem all over the US. maybe you should focus on clean water in michigan maybe you fucking faggot? that seems like more of a pressing issue than abnormal weather in texas you faggot
oh wait, you dont give a fuck about screwed up things in a state as long as your favorite brand of porky is in power
you make me sick
No one cares about costs being pushed onto you one way or the other, you're the one who brought up
>Muh economy
>Muh optics
Because of course you did, your brain is rotten
The issue at hand isn't costs being passed on, it's corporations skimping on safety to save a buck. Which normally I doubt you'd defend, but in this case it's political so CLOSE RANKS!
It's almost like we're coming out of an ice-age or something.
>We must be independent, unlike commiefornia
>That's why I support Big Nuclear, a form of power that is incredibly popular with socialist states because of the reliance on government for every aspect of their creation, service, and maintenance
Also for the record, as a proud socialist, I do support nuclear power, and I'm glad to see the right is coming around on big government. Big doesn't necessarily mean bad.
Typical of leftists to use a terrible natural disaster to push for socialism and global warming propaganda
Source? Your falseflag anecdote does not count repukelicant.
That would hold value if the right didn't use any event to go THAT WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED IF EVERYONE WAS ARMED! And say shit like Japanese Earthquakes are God's punishment for Pearl Harbor.
>it's california's fault a public utility can skimp on safety measures that aren't required
libertarians are weird
"Left", "right', "commie", ""fascist", "liberal", "conservative", "socialist", "Democrat", "Republican"...
A two party system with both serving their capital over class masters and a toxic political environment that stops anything from progressing along best-practice paths.
Would say 'murica, but literally this is everywhere in the first world.
Hey faggot get your head out of your ass just because your a dipshit who can't Google doesn't mean other people are wrong
We're having about 45 different areas of the state who have their power shut off right now because of what we are discussing, and this is just around the Bay area
Kill yourself you are a waste of a human being who can't see your fellow countryman past which way you think they vote
You are scum
Imagine the year is 2121 and there's still dipshit conservatives saying shit like "Typical of leftists to use the fact that millions of people have been killed and displaced by rising sea levels, deadly heat waves and violent natural disasters to push the idea that maybe we should do something to stop it"
You guys are so fucking dumb.
Rent free
Look at yourself, who can't see past the ballot one casts
Your just as blind, focusing blame on the approved boogeyman of your masters
you partisan pieces of shit are the scum of this country
>Imagine the year is 2121 and there's still dipshit conservatives saying shit like "Typical of leftists to use the fact that millions of people have been killed and displaced by rising sea levels, deadly heat waves and violent natural disasters to push the idea that maybe we should do something to stop it"
Just, I mean wow
You misrepresented his argument, stood up a strawman if your own design atop your own falsification of your opponents argument and then knocked it down with all your might
...an argument that was not made by anyone but yourself during your mockery of your opponent you attacked
And then you call him dumb
Just. Wow.
So funny thing about this I'm actually quite familiar with the issue for multiple decades now Californians have been desiring cleaner energy for their infrastructure
Which is a great desire I see nothing wrong with it.
The issue lies in what has been done to accommodate their desires.
the production of nuclear and fossil fuel energy has indeed decreased dramatically in the state, yes.
but that Gap has been replaced by purchasing the same fossil fuels from other states, mainly Nevada and Arizona.
There's no issue with wanting cleaner energy for the state but all they have done is shuffled around where the dirty energy comes from rather than make the real effort to produce it themselves.
I actually need to pay an extra fee on top of my normal electricity bill if I want to have my electricity be from clean energy sources.
So it's kind of a joke they just removed the dirty energy producing in the state, let another state produce it for them and then charge people extra money if they want clean energy.
I pay taxes just make the fucking clean energy. Don't dick me around and continuing purchasing the fossil I don't want anyways
its Trump Derangement Syndrome. Liberals turn into rabid dogs whenever they meet anyone who disagrees with their hivemind ideology
>its Trump Derangement Syndrome. Liberals turn into rabid dogs whenever they meet anyone who disagrees with their hivemind ideology
It's far past tds. They are programmed to hate what is different than them
The rabid zealots of both sides are just as irrational as each other and can't understand that their countrymen are on the same side as they are.
They are made delusion and tricked into thinking the bad guy votes red (or blue) because that's what their electric propoganda boxes have programmed them to think.
>both sides
ok shill
honestly id be a little worried if it didnt snow. its been a solid 70 degrees in my area all winter. i almost forgot it was supposed to be cold
>Imagine the year is 2121 and there's still dipshit conservatives saying shit like "Typical of leftists to use the fact that millions of people have been killed and displaced by rising sea levels, deadly heat waves and violent natural disasters to push the idea that maybe we should do something to stop it"
Imagine thinking that polar ice-caps always existed. Maybe google the Late Cenozoic Ice Age, which is also known as the Antarctic Glaciation. Maybe do some research on the actual history of the planet so you can drop this Anthropocentric Global Warming bullshit, and actually approach the argument for clean and renewable energy from the side of preventing pollution and ecological collapses and the modern extinction events which are things that are inarguably human caused. That way we can move the debate on renewable energy from this global warming trap it's been caught in from the start and actually MAKE SOME FUCKING PROGRESS. Because renewable energy is one of the most important and most needed advancements in human history and you retards bog it down in climate change so you can scream at uneducated republicunts while exposing your own woeful understanding of Earth's history.
>53 million years ago during the Eocene Epoch, summer high temperatures in Antarctica were around 25 °C (77 °F).[15] Temperatures during winter were around 10 °C (50 °F).[15] It did not frost during the winter.[15] The climate was so warm that trees grew in Antarctica.[15] Arecaceae (palm trees) grew on the coastal lowlands, and Fagus (beech trees) and Pinophyta (conifers) grew on the hills just inland from the coast.[15]
Texas get 1 inch of snow and their power grid shuts down and a dozen people die.
It doesn't change the fact that Texas is a failed state right now because of deregulation and greed now matter how desperate you are to change the subject.
What we should do is fully nationalize all utility system.
Meanwhile if you need more proof that Conservatives are psychopaths, here is the Republican Mayor of Colorado City.
over my dead body commie scum
Your dead body is already frozen to death because your corporate overlords deemed you expendable.
So you've got the cold and dead part down.
meanwhile hundreds of californians have been killed due to mmismanagement causing wildfires and rolling black outs
Based Tim did nothing wrong. Seethe harder you lazy commie faggot. Imagine being so retarded you choose to sit around and freeze instead of, I dunno, maybe take a jog to keep your internal body temp up or buy a blanket.
Stay frozen and be thankful that Biden is willing to stave you with federal funds.
Trying a bit to hard there redditor.
>Texas is the only of the lower 48 states with its own power grid
Bullshit. There is no Federal power grid. ALL the power grids in the U.S. are privately owned, &/or independently operated. Even states like Pennsylvania with its largely state-run PECO (Pennsylvania Electric Co.) power grid still has sections that rea independently run/operated.
One of the great repugnicon sperge-outs for decades has been to prevent a standardized Federal power grid at all costs. It would be too efficient, drop costs to customers too much, be far too stable, and cut off profit margins to private energy corporations.
In fact, President Joe Biden has been advocating a Federal power grid for decades (he used to work with Senator Al Gore on this). repugnicons have been wailing and fainting and clutching their pearls throughout the 2020 election and his current presidency that Biden is going to implement a Federal power grid policy.
Hundreds of thousands of deaths could have been prevented over the last six or so decades if the U.S. had Federalized the power grid after World War II. But, right-wing shitwit tools pf the corporations have killed every effort so they could privatize it and keep it in chaos to maximize profits at the expense of American citizens.
It's the same reason these traitorous monsters are trying to break the U.S. Postal System. These are supposed to be public utilities, a human right to have access to. Like clean water and clean air. But there's no profit in that.
If they're not obligated to help Texans aren't obligated to pay taxes.
>Things that didn't happen at all.
>In fact, exactly the opposite happened.
Shut the fuck up, Qaren. You're too fucking stupid to be on the Internet.
Great argument but conservatives are the ones who claim climate change doesn't exist. They're the ones that block all clean energy initiatives because their sole political platform is promising out of work coal miners in Bumfuck, North Dakota that they're gonna keep the mines open forever. Also, of course the ice caps haven't always existed, dipshit, but them melting right now while 8 billion people live on this planet will be fucking disastrous for human life if we don't do something to prepare. Conservatives are the ones who stand in the way of us doing anything to solve the issue. Nothing you've said counters the point that I made.
>Imagine thinking that polar ice-caps always existed.
>things user didn't say
Your claim that because the Antarctic once had trees shows your ignorance on both anthropocentric global climate change and evolution in general: time. So unless you think the biodiversity present today is the same as those present in tens of millions of years ago (or can adapt in a fraction of a fraction of the time), then you're blowing shit.
The town did pay taxes and for the utilities and the Republican mayor says they are not entitled to either their services that they paid for, or the government they fund.
I'm pretty sure revolutions against governments have broken out for less.
BTW, the psychopath did resign as Mayor, but like all other Republicans, he's blaming everyone else for it and using his family as a human shield.
That literally did happen though
You can easily find this with a Google search.
I'm sure there are even Wikipedia articles on the subject
Holy shit son
You must hate the ca governor
>just google it everyone knows
Amazing argument
>The town did pay taxes and for the utilities
They paid for their utility bills ahead of time ?
Either your full of shit or Texans are great people to have as customers
Is it bad that the thought of Americans freezing to death makes me horny?
Fucking retard, read my post again, with this handy tip.
I'm saying that bringing up global warming only serves to bog everything down into a debate about its legitimacy, rather than the legitimacy and other undeniable benefits of renewable energy. Conservatives stand in the way because rather than force the debate down a path they can't possibly argue against you drive it into a roundabout so it can go around and around and around about a central issue of anthropocentric global warming. Conservatives will ALWAYS deny it, whether argued as Anthropocentric or not, so don't bring it up at all. Argue the shit they can't deny. You can just as easily get a cup of drinking water from an area where fracking occurs and tell some smarmy republicunt to take a sip and watch that motherfucker stutter and squirm because he CAN'T argue.
I agree with you, I just want the debate for renewable energy to move on from an argumentative dead end.
And preparing for our departure from Icehouse Earth to Greenhouse Earth, as has happened every few hundred million years, is a far different debate to renewable energy. The planet has been shifting in and out of glacial ages well before Australopithacus decided to stand up, and it'll continue to do so whether we're burning coal or turning turbines. Unless you think we can set up enough fucking turbines to keep the planet cool by acting like big fans.
Windmills do not work that way.
Yup, Texas is full of people who pay their bills, it's a shame they vote for evil Republicans.
>I'm saying that bringing up global warming only serves to bog everything down into a debate about its legitimacy, rather than the legitimacy and other undeniable benefits of renewable energy.
That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read. The two things are indelibly linked. Renewable energy is necessary because of climate change. You literally can't have a conversation about one without the other. On top of that, the only reason its legitimacy is even a conversation is because of anti-science, anti-intellectual conservatives who constantly put roadblocks up to cease human progress and satisfy their fossil fuel donors. OF COURSE its legitimacy is a valid topic of discussion. Making people more literate and aware of the science is a massively important tool into turning these issues into actionable legislation because if NOBODY knows what the science is and NOBODY believes its even fucking real then how are we going to vote for it? You're such an unbelievable dipshit for dying on this incredibly dipshit hill that doesn't even have anything to do with the point I brought up.
>The planet has been shifting in and out of glacial ages well before Australopithacus decided to stand up, and it'll continue to do so whether we're burning coal or turning turbines. Unless you think we can set up enough fucking turbines to keep the planet cool by acting like big fans.
Green energy is not only about addressing finite resource but also about slowing this process down, you fucking moron, not stopping it. I'm flabbergasted with how stupid you are right now. I'm so flabbergasted I've actually convinced myself you're doing it on purpose because its difficult for me to believe you could naturally be this fucking retarded.
>That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read. The two things are indelibly linked. Renewable energy is necessary because of climate change. You literally can't have a conversation about one without the other.
We need renewable energy to prevent the man-made mass extinction events we have caused through ecological destruction. We need renewable energy because in the long-term it will work out far more economically beneficial. We need renewable energy because resources can run out. Wow, I just argued for renewable energy without needing to bring up climate change.
>Green energy is not only about addressing finite resource but also about slowing this process down, you fucking moron, not stopping it.
i wonder if the procession of equinoxes happens faster than we are taught, i rememer when the coldest part of winter was in december, then later january was coldest, and now it's february
40 yo's perspective
California is not leftist, it's liberal.
>man-made mass extinction events we have caused through ecological destruction.
Doesn't that fall under climate change?
Why is climate-dependent energy generation like wind and solar considered a good response to climate change?
It looks like a lot more than one inch in my neighborhood.
Climate change is mostly revolving around temperature. The winds and rays from the sun will still be there.
The thinking is that less pollution from coal = slower climate change
But I prefer nuclear, Austin uses it alongside coal and natural gas. I like gas too, though I acknowledge it may not be the best for the environment, its just very convenient.
The climate is always changing, yes, but those are processes that occur over tens of thousands of years as the continents slowly move and the orbit and rotation of Earth gradually alters. The rapid pace of climate change we're seeing right now is something different and is entirely human-driven.
This. You look on a graph of how the earth's temperature changes and you see a massive fucking spike out of nowhere starting in around the 1800-1900s or so.
I think conservatives would be more receptive of anthropocentric climate change if it weren't used as a front for attacking free market economics. Consumers can boycott businesses that pollute too much and they can demand greener tech (and they do, and many companies have responded with greener tech), but instead people insist on going over the consumers head and using government power to regulate. The baffling divide over nuclear is also part of the problem, there is no reason to prefer solar and wind over nuclear, but there is a reason to prefer nuclear over solar and wind. I sure wish we'd master fusion though and solve the issue once and for all.
Vostok ice cores say different
>M...muh hockey stick!
>.S. - Texas is freezing - 1 dead 4 million without power
that is fucking nothing. In the Ukraine whole districts half of the size of Texas switched off power for fun and giggles and people are dying at thousands. there are riots and blockades by local population when people walk out with whole towns, with none giving a flying fuck about.
I agree that the Texas situation isn't that big a deal, but comparing Texas to Ukraine is a bit unfair, we expect a lot from Texas that we don't expect from Ukraine.
>Vostok ice cores say different
What graph are you reading to come to this conclusion?
Yoo! are you ok?
The problem is the shit like the green new deal creates more and better paying jobs than the dying fossil fuel market.
The reason why conservatives are told it's bad is because it's all their propaganda feeds them.
Abbot just went on Fox Propoanda to place the blame on his failures on the green new deal and just spread a bunch of lies ignoring the fact that the reason the grid failed was because of their deregulation, refusing to be apart of the national grid, and over reliance on fossil fuels Apparently the natural gas is frozen now which fucks over 40% of the energy of the state.
>the green new deal creates more and better paying jobs than the dying fossil fuel market.
[Citation needed]
>because of their deregulation, refusing to be apart of the national grid, and over reliance on fossil fuels
Lol, it's every single bunkerchan talking point in one sentance.
Anyone else notice how a lot of the shills have been using this term lately?
>Look! Word use!
>No no no ur a shill
Mirroring isn't very effective user.
Why are you nervous?
>ridicule shitty shill post
>Instant mirroring
>instant "no u"
This isn't a news comments section. People read the threads over and over again and we notice word use patterns. Be better at your job.
Why the fuck can't we just use Thorium? It's nuclear without the drama.
The fact that we aren't generating 90% of our power from nuclear is a testimont to the emotional stupidity of our species.
Sure, some places are too dangerous to put reactors - but everywhere else should be blanketed in the.
Bunkerchan is a website whose users organize raids on Dab Forums. No tinfoil, they have threads on there discussing it openly.
It's more expensive to make thorium fuel rods than uranium ones, and thorium reactors haven't actually been successfully created so the costs of research and development are very high.
>Let me hurt some feelings while I have a minute!!
>No one owes you or your family anything; nor is it the local governments responsibility to support you during trying times like this! Sink or swim, it’s your choice! The City and County, along with power providers or any other service owes you NOTHING!
>If you have no water you deal with out and think outside of the box to survive and supply water to your family. If you were sitting at home in the cold because you have no power and are sitting there waiting for someone to come rescue you because your lazy is direct result of your raising!
>Am I sorry that you have been dealing without electricity and water; yes! But I’ll be damned if I’m going to provide for anyone that is capable of doing it themselves! Bottom line, quit crying and looking for a handout! Get off your ass and take care of your own family!
Why are Texan politicians so based?
Conservatives are generally self reliant. The conservative ideology is one of individuality, freedom from slavery, and hard work, it’s made us much tougher then libsoys whose socialistic beliefs makes them weak and over dependent on hand outs,
The issue of nuclear plants being built in areas prone to natural disasters like earthquakes or floods can be somewhat mitigated. What has not been adequately addressed is the storage of radioactive waste generated by them. The current modus operandi is to store them underground in facilities and containers that will degrade long before the waste is rendered harmless. Iow, like most of the cuntservatives policies, it's "oh well, let the next generations worry about it, fuck them, we want our Mammon tribute NOW!" But it's also true that those storage containers can and have failed even now. That's why you won't see reactors or waste facilities near any guarded enclaves of the top 1% plutocrats.
>Mammon tribute
Do you expect people to take your views seriously?
He wasn't saying TX doesn't have its own, he was pointing out that there isn't some unified, federal grid in the other states.
What about Thorium?
That's the sad truth, and I'm glad you pointed it out. While these faggots are bickering, 20+ retards have died from the cold in Texas. Mmm.
I completely agree with what this guy says, but it shouldn't come from a governor's mouth. What a shitbag. It is your duty to give to the people when 4 million people pay you 30% of their salary monthly. In other words, based nigger.
it's good to see all those anti-prepper anti-horder types die; feel sorry for the preppers and hoarders that had their stuff taken away and will now freeze to death because of it.
those 5 spare blankets and arctic gear are looking pretty cozy right now, and a 1x jacket can be combined with a 3x
>you filthy no-account TX citizens, just burn your furniture for heat on your kitchen floor and go dip water out of the fracking runoff streams. Fucking pussies. Go forage for horny toads and prickly pear for your meals, damn straight!
So a non existent boogyman
because as the kinetic energy level of the world increases, there will be an increasing amount of harsh sun and strong wind
While the amounts of coal and oil we have will inevitably run out because we simply cannot make more, the amounts of wind and sun we have are not just limitless, they're increasing on average.
the main argument against nuclear is the same one against fossil fuels though: it's not a sustainable practice long-term due to the toxic biproducts and the scarcity of material needed.
Nuclear is certainly a good enough solution, it's far better than our current methods. However, it is not the most future-proofed of what we have available.
If we pick the "good enough" solution right now, we're very likely going to keep doing the "good enough" thing until the can has been kicked so many times down the road and the nuclear waste has started piling up so high that things are a bit messy.
Why pick the easy, good enough thing now when we could just bite the bullet and do the hard thing that will actually fix our problems long-term?
remember "white reflects light" all the snow and ice is reflecting light back into space.
if you have snow or ice around you anything you can do to darken it helps, some dirt or powdered coal sprinkled on top can help capture sunlight and turn it into heat.
just remember when things start getting too hot in summer to go back to painting stuff white
>What has not been adequately addressed is the storage of radioactive waste generated by them.
>If all the electricity use of the USA was distributed evenly among its population, and all of it came from nuclear power, then the amount of nuclear waste each person would generate per year would be 39.5 grams
>If you want raw numbers: in 2018, there were just over 80,000 metric tonnes of high-level waste in the USA. Between 1971 and 2018, nuclear reactors in the USA generated 3000 GW-years of electricity to make this waste.
Based science denying retard.
By products from nuclear waste are a complete non-issue.
>and do the hard thing that will actually fix our problems long-term?
Because renewable s are not a long term solution
You still fail to address the issues with storage, science denying retard. Are you pretending there isn't one just like you pretend man made global warming isn't an issue either?
>Because renewable s are not a long term solution
The fuck kind of drug are you on, I want some of that!
1(ONE) dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 million with out power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's the END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come back when there's almost 500k DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0/10. Try harder, chang.
There is no form of sustainable enegry that is capable of providing the base load needed to maintain grids. Sustainables can only "top off" load.
Beijing Biden helped to crash Natural gas stonks and created a big logistical hiccup with the paris accord drama. Tons of producers in my state aren't producing. This is a hostile takeover.
Kinda makes you wonder, with his SON WORKING FOR BURISMA
see:Follow the money and you will have the answer. Don't listen to parrots, don't listen to shills.
Well perhaps if we spent a tiny fraction of the $billions Republicans give in subsidies to the fossil fuel carbon dumping industries on developing upscaled renewables then we might get there. You act as if it's static, it's not. Same bullshit argument the right uses regarding organic sustainable agriculture - it could never produce enough food. If a fraction of scorched earth megacorporate ag subsidies went to developing large scale sustainable agriculture it could.
>anyone gives a shit about your unsubstantiated claims
That's a good thing, I don't want major earthquakes in my area. Which is what fracking causes.
Also natural gas sucks in the winter given that's the main power source in Texas and it's totally failed.
Power has been unstable since this weekend. Getting a little worried here.
It's just propaganda pushed by those who want to divide us and reinforced by the idiots who hate others based upon how they think they vote while giving porky a free pass to keep stealing, cheating and using them like tools
3rd world problems
T.New England
If his constituents were smart they’d burn him at the fucking stake
Rick Perry just said for you to suck it up better to die freezing to death than having the feds help.
There's enough thorium to last over a thousand years, by which time we'll have better options. I can't say how much uranium exists, I haven't looked into it. But the reason to go nuclear instead of renewable is that nuclear can output a lot more power and is more reliable for steady power production.
He's right, fuck the feds
REMINDER:Beijing Biden helped to crash Natural gas stonks and created a big logistical hiccup with the paris accord drama. Tons of producers in my state aren't producing. This is a hostile takeover.
Kinda makes you wonder, with his SON WORKING FOR BURISMA
>Texas has the capacity to generate enough power to prevent rolling blackouts.
>Federal government says it can't do that without violating pollution laws.
>Drags their feet and lets 4 million Texans be without power, even leading to fatalities, because of it.
If anything, it goes to show the fed has more concern for its own agendas than its people. energy.gov
>Hunter again
Nice to see the Russian shills are back with something new.
>the son of the president should be ignored and never mentioned, stop talking about Burisma
I don't know, user, I don't think we ever got a satisfying answer for all of that shit.
fine. die. but do it quickly so you cost your state government the least to clean up your rotting corpse in a week when it warms up again.
Here's some bootstraps, hang yourselves with them if the idea of being part of america is so unappealing.
Wehat are got was that it was such a non-story your man Trump tried to extort the ukrainan president into substantiating it, which is the source of one of his impeachments. If you don't consider that satisfactory, it's your fault.
Heh. ONE of his impeachments. Only man in history you can say that for.
heh nice goin
as a Californian who is smart enough to live away from new development on the outskirts, and a prepper, I am having a good laugh at texas. everyone there is straight up retarded wannabe victims. neck urself, texas kthx , you are as embarrassing as florida and alabama
Matt Taibbi: Hate Inc
obviously in the process of prepping still but whatever ur not invited to my compound
A weeks worth of hormone meds, cheetos and mountain dew isn't prepping user. And your $2,000/mo studio apartment is not a compound.
>So a non existent boogyman
huh odd seems very real to me
>1(ONE) dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but it couldnt have been from the blackout because every death has to be from corona!
>It doesn't change the fact that Texas is a failed state right now because of...
lmao calm down its just a blackout
If by $2000/month studio apt. you meant his mum's basement, then yeah.
Kinetic energy level of the planet? What are you talking about brainlet?
>sun is limitless
Clouds and nighttime have entered the chat.
20+ people are dead. There's damage to infrastructure that's gonna take years to fix. That's a natural disaster at least.
Heads are gonna (Figuratively) roll for their EOs though, considering they were the ones who decided to remove weatherproofing as a requirement for power plants... leading to shit like wind turbines not working due to no weatherproofing and a fucking nuclear reactor being forced to turn off due to the coolant freezing solid, once again due to shitty/no weatherproofing.
You know moonlight is reflected sunlight right?
Even on a cloudy day solar panels still work, just slightly less efficiently. If there was no sunlight you wouldn't be able to see shit.
your fake link doesn't work, obviously. try again
The problem with solar panels is the amount of coal that is burnt to make the silicone for said panels
That's barely a problem considering it's much, much less then the amount produced from using coal to make the power the panels do.
>20+ people are dead.
Ukraine and Germany are engaged in simplification of the procedure for legal entry and employment in Germany for Ukrainian labor migrants.
This was announced by the German Ambassador to Ukraine Anka Feldgusen during a virtual meeting with Ukrainians on February 17, which was broadcast on the Facebook of the German Embassy.
"We are all very dependent on the further course of the pandemic. My colleagues here and in Germany are working intensively to ensure that labor migrants can go to Germany, for example, to work on farms, pick fruits and strawberries," Feldgusen said.
She added that the topic of labor migration a year ago was very difficult, since the visa-free regime allowed to stay in the EU countries, including Germany, for up to 90 days. At the same time, the diplomat recalled that there are special rules for legal labor migrants, for example, the possibility of an internship in Germany as part of training at Ukrainian educational institutions in specialties related to agriculture.
“We didn't even know about it before the pandemic. Now we need to find another legal base so that these people can legally enter Germany and work there. We are already here in contact with all the institutions that are involved in this, and I hope that in this there will be less chaos than a year ago, "Feldgusen summed up.
Bro we're talking about Texas.
Another problem is unironically capitalism. It is much more profitable to burn coal to make electricity than it is to burn coal to make solar panels. Hell, a huge amount of silicon production goes straight to computers, with a tiny sliver of it going to solar.
Fair. But that's not really an environmental issue as much as a greed issue.
Texas may not have reason to spend for weather proofing (yet). But it is a fair point to bring up lack of regulations being part of the problem when there are a multitude of situations outside of the cold power sharing could help.
All the muh fossil fuels vs. solar/wind arguments are dumb as fuck.
jesus fucking christ man we solved this issue in the 1940s and 1950s. Just fucking use it.
He was forced to resign:
the water to cool the reactors froze. so shits shut down, cleetus. next time vote for people who put more than the bare minimum effort into keeping a reactor running
>One of your senators fled the country
>The governor is to busy trying to smear political rivals to help his state
Yup, it's a failed state.
>Use type of energy no one wants to deal with.
No. We want green, not green glowing.
I mean, the whole "Nuclear is better" argument does have some merit.
But yeah not winterizing your fucking reactor is dumb. Literally the only reason it wasn't required was because they made it so plants didn't have to do it, so of course they didn't do it and well...
Very true, brother. Time to go full accelerationism
>But yeah not winterizing your fucking reactor is dumb.
From a quarter-by-quarter profit maximizing standpoint, it makes sense.
>texas is a failed state
>because of a blackout
So california has been a failed state for years?
>the water to cool the reactors froze
[citation needed]
Non-American detected.
Its a stupid argument. Texas having a blackout due to a once in a generation extreme climate event or California having blackouts because fires destroy their power-grid is childish partisan nonsense.
>[citation needed]
Not him, but:
>One of the two reactors of the South Texas Nuclear Power Station in Matagorda County shut down, knocking out about half of its 2,700 megawatts of generating capacity. On Monday, Unit 1 went offline cold weather-related issues in the plant’s feedwater system, said Vicki Rowland, lead of internal communications at STP Nuclear Operating Co.
Thank you for the citation. Now we can have an informed discussion.
Take a moment to look up the location of Matagorda County, then take a moment to consider the climate of said county. Now, with these two data sets in your mind consider weather or not cold weather preparation is something that a reasonable person would foresee.
I doubt that there's very many nuclear reactors in the world that could reliably operate buried under four feet of snow - having only one tower go out is almost impressive.
It's true, US reactors are always made on a budget, but they also always go well over it, even that's usually just corruption and does little to make the reactor better, so much as delay its finish.
Not surprised to twatter and plebbit filled with liberals dancing in glee over texans dying and suffering.
Seeing as it froze in Houston twice in the 80s, ice is something I'd expect them to factor into their cost/benefit analysis (and then probably ignore.) But anyway the point is, nuclear plants aren't coldproof unless they're coldproofed, just like any power generation. Sorry if that sounds obvious.
News needs obvious. It has pure shitposters who have never seen outside.
>You see, Houston froze twice 30 years ago so although the designers were mostly concerned with Hurricanes they should also have considered that too!
>But anyway the point is, nuclear plants aren't coldproof unless they're coldproofed, just like any power generation.
No shit. Its almost as though you design thing to operate under a certain set of conditions, and when those conditions change the thing doesnt operate so well.
>only the strong will survive, the weak will perish
Damn, really saying the quiet part out loud there.
>and when those conditions change the thing doesnt operate so well.
but I thought climate change was a librul hoax, like the china virus?
It's all so tiresome...
>waaah they dont love us after we spit in their faces
wouldnt you fucks be calling libs cucks if they loved you in spite of that shit?
the co2 thing is bs, any extra co2 will be sucked up by a surge of plant and algae growth
light absorption/reflection otoh is the primary driver of climate
summer and winter are the sun being a few degrees off
white stuff, be it painted buildings or snow and ice, reflect light back into space without it ever becoming heat
clouds are a mixed bag during the day, they reflect but both at the sky and at earth, at night they are definitely insulation
black stuff; roads, parking lots, solar panels, stuff pained dark colors, etc.; turn light into heat
the carbon thing is pushed solely as a genocide method, they know putting up solar panels will just make earth hotter
this is also why all the snow and ice up north create a path for cold air to come down without being warmed
Conservatives calling this 'based' will be quoted as historical evidence to explain the failure of the USA as an empire.
>drops into the 30's and your electricity shuts down.
It was -1 in just north of Dallas, normal lows are in the 30’s and 40’s
"based" just isn't a good word to use, urban dictionary list it as meaning debased, but it's use here tends to mean factual or based in reality, perhaps because of how often the word is used by shills
>California is not leftist, it's liberal
Leftist >liberal>progressive > socialist >marxist >communist
Tomato tomahto
>20+ people are dead.
Most of those were carbon monoxide poisoning. That's not a failed state its dumb people killing themselves by not knowing how to use a blanket instead of a heater.
>There's damage to infrastructure that's gonna take years to fix
Citation needed
>considering they were the ones who decided to remove weatherproofing as a requirement for power plants
It was the right decision from a risk assessment perspective. Nobody expected a massive ice storm hitting Texas, the chance was too low to justify the cost.
>But I prefer nuclear, Austin uses it alongside coal and natural gas.
What do you prefer we do with the waste that we don’t have any idea except to bury it at Yuca mountain?
That’s not true, Hunter and the big guy depend on Ukraine
So bury it at Yucca Mountain. Or somewhere else, its not like the USA is lacking in empty space.
Prepped to a Cali means having entered,Doritos almond milk to last a week
Economically, they're actually not all that liberal. Despite the taxes, they definitely prioritize the big guys' interest over the little guys. Remember, they're the state that Reagan came from, and Pelosi treats corporations with kid gloves, enough so that conservatives can call them elitist and be correct. Culturally though, they're extremely left. They're kinda in the same spot as New York on the liberal spectrum, being very business friendly but culturally liberal. This is in comparison to the old midwestern blue wall for instance, that were culturally conservative but fairly liberal in economic matters (distrustful of large corporations with a very strong union presence in politics, for instance).
And to be fair, aside from the large metropolitan areas, California like most other places vote red.
>the co2 thing is bs
Too bad every climate scientist and staistician except those hired as shills for the carbon dumping industries disagree with you.
Where is all the global warming?!
So much for eco freaks and their wind turbines.
>eco freaks
southern hemisphere, daylight side
I still remember people, many of which are Texans, laughing at the expense of California. Just desserts.
>texans dying and suffering.
from what I know it was like one person who died. I would bet my money they were a CA transplant too lol
if china exported oil I might believe you, but china makes the turbines and panels so has the big shill money, also bill gates is a known malthusian so anything he is for should be regarded with suspicion
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Thoughts and prayers. I consider myself liberal but I'd never wish this on anyone. Well, except folks who put pineapple on pizza.
Cuckifornians have this happen to them every summer. Meanwhile it took once in a lifetime low temperatures to crack us and you already know our government will get to managing the problem immediatly. Meanwhile, in 4 months, california will go back to having rolling black outs because they are perpetually mismanaged
texas is expecting another round of lows tonight and tomorrow night, so they probably won't even bother trying to fix any power or water stuff till monday unless it's for a hospital or the mayor's house
>"based" just isn't a good word to use, urban dictionary list it as meaning debased, but it's use here tends to mean factual or based in reality, perhaps because of how often the word is used by shills
sure thing redditor
They have rolling blackouts every 20 years. Texas has 'em every 10. Cope and seethe and enjoy freezing to death. I'll keep laughing at you from Arizona, which can somehow hander a little cold spell better than you.
the adobe and cave dweller master race
And yet, our electricity and water are more reliable than yours. Who's really first world here?
>They have rolling blackouts every 20 years.
We have planned blackouts yearly every time it gets windy after our power company burned down an entire fucking city
earlier this week there were 45 towns without their power because it's cheaper to turn off electricity to customers than it is for California to invest in infrastructure or pay wrongful death suits
of the county I'm in who have a certain power company ran by the state energy board has to buy a generator and keep it fueled because whenever it's windy they shut off all the electricity to his whole neighborhood
>freezing to death in -3, - 5 etc celcius
Lamo nigga I sleep naked with the window open all winter with just a sheet and I don't freeze to death, I close the window at - 5 mind you. Aren't texans encased in blubber to keep them warm?
>texans will continue to refuse to weatherproof their power infrastructure to withstand these pathetic temperatures while blaming everyone else but themselves guarenteed
dumb zonie, you are just a dumb californian who's very far inland.
Texas: Proud to be the first state declared a third world country.
>Aren't texans encased in blubber to keep them warm?
>texans will continue to refuse to weatherproof their power infrastructure to withstand these pathetic temperatures while blaming everyone else but themselves guarenteed
yes and yes, its the californian transplants who are really suffering. whoever is left of them after the cold will get wiped out when the next hurricane comes
wasn't slamming, good way to get geothermal warmth, just watch out for the radon
won't be the last, biden's opening the door for more 3rd world to come up north
on one hand i worry about job shortages
otoh once antifa/blm and the cartels go at each other there might be fresh opportunities after the blood is mopped up
This isn't the misery olympics Ivan.
MS, AL, AR and OK all die hard red States beat them to that acclaim long ago. But if TX doesn't turn blue soon, the damage the right has inflicted will keep accumulating to the point where they'll join that club.
Karma is a biaatch.
>better power infrastructure is bad
ya after this and another hurricane we will see how many cali transplants are willing to stay or go there.
just launch it into the sun yo
>Texas has 'em every 10
What are you talking about? I've lived here for 25 years and I don't remember anything like this ten years ago.
This is your brain on facebook. Much of the power generation failures have been gas sources insufficiently winterized to operate in such conditions. All renewables combined are but a fraction of the generating capacity of the state.
"Snow Job" is the twenty-fifth episode of King of the Hill. It was first aired on February 1, 1998. The episode was written by Cheryl Holliday, Alan R. Cohen, Alan Freedland, and Jim Dauterive, and directed by Adam Kuhlman.
The Hills help celebrate the Strickland Summer in January Picnic, in which Strickland Propane employees and their families gather in a park for some hamburgers on the grill. The festivities are cut short when it suddenly begins to snow. Reacting quickly to the heating crisis, Strickland orders his staff into action in hopes of getting the jump on the electric company. Later, while ogling a company girlie calendar, Strickland suffers a heart attack. At the hospital, Strickland assigns Lloyd Vickers, an MBA-type in his thirties, temporary control of the company. Hank, meanwhile, is assigned to tend to Strickland's dogs, much to his embarrassment.
Meanwhile AOC, the ultimate villain of the fascist right and whom Texas Republicans have been attacking instead of saving the people in their state, has just raised a million dollars to help the people of Texas.
By “compound” you mean your $2000 a month one bedroom with three bags of cheetos and a pocket knife from chinatown as your defense systems?
>$2000 a month one bedroom
That's a nice fucking compound.
You must live somewhere near porky if you meant that to be poor
As a Texan, I'll give credit where its due and thank AOC for her help. I never doubted that she was a compassionate person, I just don't like her policies.
>Meanwhile AOC, the ultimate villain of the fascist right
You mean the Democrats with this, right? Literally every one of her policies such as debt forgiveness and Medicare for all have been blocked by Democrats who control all three houses, not Texas republicans.
Good on her, though.
I think he actually lives someplace sane and not Street Shitter, California. Where you have to wade through homeless to get to the grocery store, see the bodies of the poor piled up on every corner, but still tell yourself that Left wing policies are the greatest in the world because the state makes tons of money for Porky.
Because this has happened before, this happens every ten to twenty years on average for Texas.
>That's a nice fucking compound.
No that isn't, your brain has been poisoned by neoliberal politics if you think living in what is essentially an expensive pod or a ghetto for as much as someone can live like a king in any European city is "a nice fucking compound".
You can literally raise a family on that in places that aren't cucked beyond belief. You have ZERO right to make this post when every one of the places you listed are still utopia compared to your debt slavery hellhole.
You're an embarrassment and it feels good knowing that you've been priced out of marrying or breeding by the people you think you're preparing against.
>If you are wondering why Texas's electrical grid is on the brink of collapse, it's because Texas is the only of the lower 48 states with its own power grid. The reasons for this boil down to "fuck the federal government."
Retard. Other states have their independent power grid as well, it's just that it requires other states to not be suffering the same thing.
Propaganda spewing loser.
Low IQ Dipshit. That's not what the article is saying at all.
Is Joe Rogan ok in his bunker? Did he take Alex Jones advice?
I just donated to Retard texans thru AOC.
-blaming windmills wtf
>never doubted that she was a compassionate person, I just don't like her policies.
Yeah, so support the Republicant party that has 0 compassion or empathy for anything except themselves, the top 1% and corporations. Brilliant!
>another hurricane
So you admit man made global warming is increasing the rate at which catastrophic hurricanes are occurring. Maybe there is hope for you Repukelicants.
>So you admit man made global warming is increasing the rate at which catastrophic hurricanes are occurring
Debunked :)
Even your own source, written by a fossil fuel shill contradicts you. Has your brain become damaged due to suffering hypothermia in Texass because Repuglicants think you are as worthless as pond scum?
>There is some evidence that it is. Records of hurricane activity worldwide show an upswing of both the maximum wind speed in and the duration of hurricanes. The energy released by the average hurricane (again considering all hurricanes worldwide) seems to have increased by around 70% in the past 30 years or so, corresponding to about a 15% increase in the maximum wind speed and a 60% increase in storm lifetime.