A 'Scary' Survey Finding: 4 in 10 Republicans Openly Support Terrorism and Political Violence

White Evangelicals are particular dangerous according to the new data.


The mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol may have been a fringe group of extremists, but politically motivated violence has the support of a significant share of the U.S. public, according to a new survey by the American Enterprise Institute.

The survey found that nearly three in 10 Americans, including 39% of Republicans, agreed that "if elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves, even if it requires violent actions."

That result was "a really dramatic finding," says Daniel Cox, director of the AEI Survey Center on American Life. "I think any time you have a significant number of the public saying use of force can be justified in our political system, that's pretty scary."

The survey found stark divisions between Republicans and Democrats on the 2020 presidential election, with two out of three Republicans saying President Biden was not legitimately elected, while 98% of Democrats and 73% of independents acknowledged Biden's victory.

The level of distrust among Republicans evident in the survey was such that about 8 in 10 said the current political system is "stacked against conservatives and people with traditional values." A majority agreed with the statement: "The traditional American way of life is disappearing so fast that we may have to use force to save it."

The survey found that to be a minority sentiment — two out of three Americans overall rejected the use of violence in pursuit of political ends – and Cox emphasized that the finding reflected "attitudes and beliefs" rather than a disposition to do something.

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That result was "a really dramatic finding," says Daniel Cox, director of the AEI Survey Center on American Life. "I think any time you have a significant number of the public saying use of force can be justified in our political system, that's pretty scary."

The survey found stark divisions between Republicans and Democrats on the 2020 presidential election, with two out of three Republicans saying President Biden was not legitimately elected, while 98% of Democrats and 73% of independents acknowledged Biden's victory.

"If I believe something, I may act on it, and I may not," Cox says. "We shouldn't run out and say, 'Oh, my goodness, 40% of Republicans are going to attack the Capitol.' But under the right circumstances, if you have this worldview, then you are more inclined to act in a certain way if you are presented with that option."

The AEI survey found that partisan divisions were also evident along religious lines. About 3 in 5 white evangelicals told the pollsters that Biden was not legitimately elected, that it was not accurate to say former President Donald Trump encouraged the attack on the Capitol, and that a Biden presidency has them feeling disappointed, angry or frightened.

On all those questions, Cox says, white evangelicals are "politically quite distinct." Majorities of white mainline Protestants, Black Protestants, Catholics, followers of non-Christian religions and the religiously unaffiliated all viewed Biden's victory as legitimate.

The AEI survey found that white evangelicals were especially prone to subscribe to the QAnon movement's conspiracy theories. Twenty-seven percent said it was "mostly" or "completely" accurate to say Trump "has been secretly fighting a group of child sex traffickers that include prominent Democrats and Hollywood elites." That share was higher than for any other faith group and more than double the support for QAnon beliefs evident among Black Protestants, Hispanic Catholics and non-Christians.

"As with a lot of questions in the survey, white evangelicals stand out in terms of their belief in conspiracy theories and the idea that violence can be necessary," Cox says. "They're far more likely to embrace all these different conspiracies."

The survey also found "considerable cleavages" among Americans with respect to pride in their national identity. About 6 in 10 said they are proud to be an American, but the finding varied along generational and race lines, with significantly lower levels of national pride among younger and nonwhite people.

The AEI report was based on a survey of 2,016 U.S. adults conducted between Jan. 21 and Jan. 30.

>Survey: Do you believe A?
>Article: Survey says 4 in 10 Republicans believe B.

I don't see how this would be shocking. Biden wants to ban and confiscate guns and dems want to end the filibuster and pack the courts to have single party rule. What else would you do when authoritarians are trying to make half the nation have zero representation?

>More than one in three (36 percent) Americans agree with the statement: “The traditional American way of life is disappearing so fast that we may have to use force to save it.” Six in 10 (60 percent) Americans reject the idea that the use of force is necessary, but there is significant partisan disagreement on this question.

>A majority (56 percent) of Republicans support the use of force as a way to arrest the decline of the traditional American way of life. Forty-three percent of Republicans express opposition to this idea. Significantly fewer independents (35 percent) and Democrats (22 percent) say the use of force is necessary to stop the disappearance of traditional American values and way of life.

>Although most Americans reject the use of violence to achieve political ends, there is still significant support for it among the public. Nearly three in 10 (29 percent) Americans completely or somewhat agree with the statement: “If elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves even if it requires taking violent actions.” More than two-thirds (68 percent) of Americans disagree with this statement.

>The use of violence finds somewhat more support among Republicans than Democrats, although most Republicans oppose it. Roughly four in 10 (39 percent) Republicans support Americans taking violent actions if elected leaders fail to act. Sixty percent of Republicans oppose this idea. Thirty-one percent of independents and 17 percent of Democrats also support taking violent actions if elected leaders do not defend the country.

>However, although a significant number of Americans—and Republicans in particular—express support for the idea that violent actions may be necessary, there is a notable lack of enthusiastic support for it. For instance, only 9 percent of Americans overall and only 13 percent of Republicans say they “completely” agree in the necessity of taking violent actions if political leaders fail.

God wins

>country founded by rebels who fought and killed for their ideals
>lionize these men and their actions as heroic
>founding father explicitly said they were giving citizens the right to have guns so that they could go kill the government if they start getting too tyrannical
>wtf why do people think violence is ok? How could this have happened?
fooking shocker m8

Make sense to do these things given the right wing attempted a violent coup to destroy the government the longest surviving democracy in human history because of a Big Lie.

It's amazing how people suddenly start supporting porky thinking porky is finally a good guy as long as porky shovels their favorite color into office

WTF I love the FBI and the cops now that they want to arrest the orange man

And still didn't cause even a tenth of the damage done by the left wing in the last 12 months? Some coup.

>and pack the courts
Conservatives vocally pushed their morality aside to elect Trump in 2016 just to pack the courts. They admitted he was an asshole back then but the courts were more important. Why should anyone give a shit now?

At least half a billion in damage for one day. Imagine how much damage they'd do if the coup latest multiple days.

Did we really need a study to know that religious fundamentalists are likely to approve of political violence?

>And still didn't cause even a tenth of the damage
For the 1st time in US history, a dictator wannabe incites and provokes his cult of loyal zombies to overthrow US Democracy by stopping the Constitutionally mandated act (largely symbolic) of Congress accepting the legal, certified electoral votes, assassinating elected officials and crowning a morbidly obese bumbling incompetent as God Emperor for Life all while Crapping in the Cap, has caused more damage to the foundation of the US than any other occurrence in our entire history. Nothing, and I mean nothing even compares and every American other than Orange Fool worshippers knows that full well.

>The survey found that nearly three in 10 Americans, including 39% of Republicans, agreed that "if elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves, even if it requires violent actions."
Lie down and do what porky says, poorfolk.
You have no right to question porky. Do what porky says and if feel exploited by porky then suck it up you have no right to complain

Yeah I stopped reading there.

lol imagine being so stupid that you believe this

Then maybe D.C. could also be an autonomous zone.

>boogyman theory put into a declarative statement that throws all blame on the other side > reality of what actually been happening for years

I suppose you're going to tell me that all those voter suppression tactics was because Biden was going to do it anyway.

Yeah I can see the attention spam doesn't extend to looking out a window and stepping away from the Newsmax cornflakes.

Well the guy you're pushing convinced you that 84 million people both want to kill you and don't exist at the same time so colorful rhetoric is something you should be used too.

Not the user you were responding to by the way.

Biden isn't going to confiscate your penis substitute snowflake, although the majority of Americans support making possession or sale of assault rifles illegal, it won't happen - yet. He wants sensible gun regulation the details of which will have to be worked out in Congress. High time too and it has overwhelming support of Americans other than the among the whacko gun nuts. Stop screaming the "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" like a purple haired vegan with nose rings the morning Hillary conceded to Blumphus.

Well DC should be granted Statehood.
The failed Trump Coup shows the flaws in allow a corrupt president to have the power over the national guard when he incites a terrorist attack on the capitol.

t. urbanite boomer

The problem is, they're christian and white. So no one is going to pay attention to it, and if they do, the right wing will cry bloody murder at the prospects one of their main voting blocs wants to engage in terrorism.

>Well the guy you're pushing convinced you that 84 million people both want to kill you and don't exist at the same time so colorful rhetoric is something you should be used too.


>Well the guy you're pushing convinced you that 84 million people both want to kill you and don't exist at the same time so colorful rhetoric is something you should be used too.

Sorry I can only put up with so much bullshit. Zombies was a new one so 2/10 for effort.

>"if elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves, even if it requires violent actions."
That's not supporting Terrorism you mentally disturbed pedophile retard. That question could be easily interpreted as defending America from foreign invaders. Shame on NPR for publishing a study that relies on such a blatantly loaded question.
And fuck you OP for posting trash that can be easily refuted using BASIC FUCKING LOGIC AND REASONING skills. Take your faggotry back to plebbit from whence it came.

It was a peaceful protest. It was less bad than any BLM protest because it wasn't private property and politicians aren't people anyway.
>Conservatives vocally pushed their morality aside to elect Trump in 2016
Trump was a good president. We didn't push any morality aside. Dems anti gun platform is immoral
> just to pack the courts.
Trump didn't pack the courts. He filled seats obongo refused to. Blame Obongo for refusing to do his job.
>They admitted he was an asshole back then but the courts were more important. Why should anyone give a shit now?
Dems want to pack the courts with human rights deniers who will ban guns and let them throw Americans in concentration camps again.
City cucks should have less say because they are retards who just do what propaganda tells them. The dems have outright said they want to pack the courts and end the filibuster and it is only a few senators like Manchin stopping them. Biden asked for a gun ban like 2 days ago, faggot.
>Biden isn't going to
He literally just asked for a gun ban 2 days ago
> your penis substitute snowflake,
Why are you obsessed with dicks?
>although the majority of Americans support making possession or sale of assault rifles illegal,
A majority of Americans do not support congress making a law to do that. Also, the majority does not have the right to deny the minority their human rights.
>assault rifles
define this
>it won't happen - yet.
So you are coming for our guns.
>He wants sensible gun regulation
define this
>the details of which will have to be worked out in Congress.
So, a gun ban. Fuck off you piece of shit.
>High time too and it has overwhelming support of Americans other than the among the whacko gun nuts. Stop screaming the "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" like a purple haired vegan with nose rings the morning Hillary conceded to Blumphus.
So you are saying no one is coming for our guns, but also you are coming for our guns?

>obongo refused to
This is literal gaslighting. I don't care whatever else you had to say and will say because any words from you can be a total lie like this one.

How is that gaslighting? Obongo literally refused to do his job and nominate any judges he was advised to from the senate. He decided he was too good for the senate's advice and refuse to do his job.

>A violent coup that killed 6 people was a peaceful protest.
Shhh, no gaslighting here.

4 of those were protesters who were murdered by cops or themselves. How many people did BLM murder and still be considered "peaceful"?

>Ignoring the violent coup part

Peaceful protests.

Literally living in a fantasy world. Kindly go play in whatever freeway that looks like an open field in your alternate reality.

Violent coup

They need to remember that they they rule with the consent of the governed.

A majority does consent, a majority large enough to secure the majority of electoral votes. If you don't like it you can violently resist the government (that the majority consented to) and get shot, which is fine to me.

This, Republicans already enjoy a system they've completely rigged in their favor through voter suppression and the electoral college and they still lost.

It was obongo's job to fill those seats with judges with the advice and consent of the senate. He refused to do that. Obongo refused to do his job.

>live like a slave or we murder you
Fucking authoritarian lefites.

I don't mind more peaceful protests where more Trump supporters get shot, it's more entertainment.

Like the peaceful protest in Kenosha?

I don't give two shits about those in Kenosha, Trump supporters getting shot is still more entertaining though.

>Losing an election means you're a slave.
These delusions are why the fascists attempted a coup.

Cool story, Chang.
Dems are the fascists who are trying to ban guns and speech. Dems are the ones trying to pack the courts, add states to give them a lead in the senate, and end the filibuster so they can have single party rule.
Isn't it amazing how their schedule is
>impeach Trump
> go on vacation
>try to ban guns
without sending out covid checks?

>Republicans tries to overthrow democracy and install a dictator
>Calls the other side fascist
LOL, okay Ivan.

it's not "terrorism" if the violence is defensive. You're the ones who started this war, don't cry when Republicans start treating you the way you already treat them.
And I don't need a survey to know that about 9/10 Democrats support actual terrorism and political violence, even if you aren't open about it.

Why don't you try and do something about it, then get shot?

>Terrorists trying to justify their use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

Election was rigged. Protesters were trying to get fair results, Chang.
>we need to shoot anyone who isn't willing to live as a communist slave

>dems want to end the filibuster and pack the courts to have single party rule.

Blame the GOP for their unprecedent usage of the filibuster making it impossible for the government to function otherwise.

Trump is a literal capitalist billionare, he IS porky.

They are using the filibuster because that is what their constituents want. Dems refuse to compromise or pass bipartisan supported bills. Dems want to run the country as a single party authoritarian system that had no regards for the constitution or individual rights.

I never shot anyone or ordered anyone to be shot. Every society would shoot violent rebels, so if you're willing to be a violent rebel like most conservatives, you'd have to be willing to get shot. The Founding Fathers knew this and embraced it.

Course, you'd be dying for a billionaire scam artists while the Founding Fathers fought for their homes and society, that's a minor difference.

Says the fag who voted for the man supported by the 1% who just 2 days ago sent a press release out about how he wants to deny Americans their basic human right to keep and bear arms.

>the REAL terrorists are the innocent civilians engaging in self-defense, or those who go to war against oppressive, violent terrorists

I didn't vote for anyone and it wouldn't have mattered if I did; I live in a red state. I just find Trump supporters getting shot entertaining, and your seething and mental gymnastics entertaining.

Minority parties filibuster bills no matter their level of bipartisan support, they literally drop filibusters on bills they end up voting for a week later. The goal isn't to stop unpopular legislation from getting passed, the goal is simply to delay and obstruct the legislative process as much as possible so that they can then accuse the majority party of inaction and incompetence in the next election.

The filibuster isn't some inherent element of American democracy like you seem to think it is, there's no mention of it in the constitution and the first filibuster didn't even occur until the 1840s. The average year since 2008 sees more filibusters than the entirety of the 20th century combined. It's a tool for obstruction and electoral strategizing, nothing more.

>Dems refuse to compromise
wow so do the reps

Not every society will shoot violent oppressive authoritarians.... but Americans will so watch your fucking step.
The Founding Fathers knew this and embraced it.

literally this.
they love it when corporations are on their side, they are just too dumb to realize thats whats happening

Sure, go ahead and get shot out there, more entertainment for me.

Nice bait, Shareblue. We all know blacks are the actual problem.

>voted for the man supported by the 1%
Yes, despite Trump giving corporations $trillions in tax cuts, eliminating consumer, worker and environmental protections so corporations could continue their scorching of not only the earth, but the American people as well, corporations supported Biden.

Boards of Directors aren't stupid. They realised Trump had entirely trashed the US economically, domestically and internationally and would continue to do so ultimately severely impacting their bottomline. It's really just a sad commentary on how much of an incompetent imbecile the Orange Fool was.

>who just 2 days ago sent a press release out about how he wants to deny Americans their basic human right to keep and bear arms.
No snowflake, he called for bipartisan sensible gun control legislation which the vast majority of Americans support. Don't you have a purple haired vegan with clit rings to join for a cafe americano at Starbucks? You sure sound like her only the polar opposite.

How hard are you going to seethe when Kyle is found Not Guilty for killing 2 of your comrades in self defense?

None, I had to think for a second before I could even remember the guy's last name, despite his numerous appearances in the news. I don't even remember his kill count, was it 2 or 3?

See, you don't get it. It's not just the left that finds Trump supporters to be retarded clowns, it's everyone besides Trump supporters.

>Obongo literally refused to do his job and nominate any judges
>Obama nominates judges and Moscow Mitch refuses to hold hearings one of which was a SCOTUS justice 9 months before the election and Turtle Head said we have to let the American people decide yet rams through the Orange Slimes cavewoman activist Justice 2 FUCKING WEEKS BEFORE THE ELECTION
This is why cuntservatives lost and will continue to lose - their hypocrisy, moral, ethical degradation and accepting overthrowing the US Constitution and Democracy itself are valid political tactics.

>found Not Guilty for killing 2 of your comrades in self defense?
I'll have things that will never happen for $2000, Alex. How hard will you seethe when the little pussfag is sent to prison for many years and after his owner loosens the little twink bitch boi up good and proper rents him out by the hour or night to Tyrone and his bunch, lol!

You dont know what violence is

just grab a beer and lets see what happens .

they like isis say they love their flag so much you see them waving the anti american flag so funny red necks .

>Election was rigged

Why bother asking them? You already know what you're going to get.


biden would have still one the popular vote regardless
so this doesn't mean that much

They're alleging that the votes were very carefully stolen in counties and states where it mattered. Again, without evidence, as you can see here:

>without evidence

The link is literally a repository of hundreds of evidence

>Hundreds of evidence
This is grammar well
>Hundreds of pieces of evidence
lol no, heavily edited screengrabs taken from Facebook or Twitter is not evidence of anything
And that's all that's there and has ever been there
Y'all are suckers, stop falling for obvious photoshops

"Evidence" is in the URL, that's for sure, but that website contains about as much evidence as the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea contains Democracy.

Hopefully both the Qtards and congress wipe each other out and we are free of both

the letter of the law says violence is bad and gays have mental disorders
but the enforced "law" says non-violence is terrorism; rampant murder and arson is "peaceful"; and gays are a protected class

The vast majority of these do not allege systemic fraud of any kind, and those that do fail to prove it.
>Registrant of hereistheevidence.com
>6 Thornes Office Park Monckton Road
>City: Wakefield
>State / Province: West Yorkshire
>Postal Code: WF2 7AN
>Country: GB
What are the Bongs trying to pull and why are you in favor of foreign interference?

Based Republicans giving leftists a taste of their own medicine.

lefties are so unaware of themselves

This is what you call cope.

Being blocked by those mean old Republicans who prefer to let people die.

>People infected with the BLM virus dies
Not an argument. Where's your 2k cheque, cuck?

Ask Moscow Mitch and the Repukelicants who oppose it, cultist.


This is hardly a surprise. They hate America because that's where them librul socialist buzzword buzzword buzzwords live. They'd legit rather burn the country down than share it with people different than them.

>End the filibuster
Good. Both sides have abused it for years to make it so not a damn thing ever gets done.

>They hate America because that's where them librul socialist buzzword buzzword buzzwords live. They'd legit rather burn the country down than share it with people different than them.
Which group of protestors burns American flags again? Also which group was burning US cities down last summer?

For a nation with no history, you are sure quick to forget that you born of terrorism and political violence.
Looking back at how the United States was consistently floundering from it conception until it it began preparing to back the winner of WWII, I'd say terrorism and political violence are pretty much all they have a middling competence for.

No cities were burnt down, Tucker. As far as the flag goes who gaf? You white nationalist/supremacists desecrate the flag every time you drape yourselves in it or wear clothing duplicating it. I'll bet you think those football players quietly kneeling during the national anthem were traitorous terrorists too.

>bUt wHAt aBOuT ANtiFa
Get some new material. Whataboutism wasn't a valid argument the first time and it's even less valid the 598, 867th time.

>Single party rule
If you can have single party rule in an open democracy (Which we don't due to wide spread Republican voter fraud) It just shows the Republicans sucks.
And it makes sense, conservatives are just authoritarians who worship cult of personalities and don't have any actual policy platforms more than give power to the rich and be against anything the left comes up with regardless of how helpful it is to the America people.


t. irrelevant country

So what's going to happen differently now than the other times it was reported religious fundamentals approve political violence?

>a couple thousand fringe nuts storm the capital
>libs propagate the narrative that half the country is insane radicals and we must take away all guns in response, directly contradicting the constitution
Fuck you faggot (shill)

Given they're white and christian, nothing.
If they were brown and Muslim on the other hand...

>Violent coup happens
>Almost half the political party that staged the coup supported said coup
>Why would real Americans say these people are a threat to America?!

>The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it's natural manure.

They supported storming the capital, not staging a coupe. That's a false equivication you retard. Maybe if the dems hadn't labeled him as a tyrant for 4 years, people on the right might have actually believed the election results. This is the world that the left created you faggot

>it's the left's fault that Trump spent 8 months prior to the election stirring up his cult saying the only way he could lose was through fraud and when he lost continued driving them into a frenzy with the Big Lie culminating in them attempting to overthrow Democracy by preventing the Constitutionally mandated acceptance of legal certified electoral votes.
That's a new one! Have you passed that on to the right wing bobbleheads? You might earn a couple rubles for your trouble.

>the populis lost faith in the elections because the left wing media compared the duly elected president to Hitler 2.0 for 4 years, creating an environment ripe for conspiracy, as he obviously was not the authoritarian dictator that waged genocide against trannies and blacks that the left wing media depicted him as
>but the left didn't do anything, they was good boys
Trump is a conman, he wasn't good for this country. But I'd argue that the lefts fear mongering was even worse, and that the riots at the capital (or the coup as you like to label it in typical propaganda fashion) was a direct result of the left's efforts to cast half the country as unworthy of it sovereign right. But keep being trying to defend the billion dollar media companies that are getting richer from dividing thus country (again, leading to the populism that got Trump elected). You're not a revolutionary, you're a boot licking faggot

You're acknowledging he literally wasn't a good choice to be in office. They were right.

>Implying there has been a good choice in the last 50 years
Its the dogshit democrats or the dogshit republicans, most people vote based on which team they hate more.

There is no right faggot. He was elected president by the people. The left didn't just say he was bad for the country, they created an atmosphere of conspiracy through fear mongering and false accusations. And they sidelined half the country in the process. Thats going to make some people wary of main stream media, the establishment, and ultimately the elections. Stop being such a faggot and try to think about what you are suggesting.

and I thought pol was stupid

Yes the left did oppose his policies as being harmful to the country and in many cases, correctly so. And what you cultists refer to as "fake news" was literally reporting Trump's public record statements and actions which were abhorred by not only the left but the center and all but the most fervent cultists on the right. The irony of Trump being a populist is he did nothing to improve the lives of the disenfranchised whites except throw them a handful of chicken scratch in tax cuts and encourage their woe is me victim mentality and throwing out boogeymen (often along racial lines) to direct their ire against be it hordes of rapist, drug dealing gang member hispanic mothers and children seeking asylum, the news media, the Democrats, blacks, muslims, Republicans who looked cross-eyed at him, etc.


>sidelined half the country in the process
Had no idea that being in command of all three branches of government and a majority of state governments was being "sidelined."

Seethe harder when the 2020 census shows you at 55%-60%, snowflake sturmdrumpfer. 2030 you'll be a minority and qualify for affirmative action, LMAO!

It's not that I particularly want it or don't want it. It's the categorical imperative of the demographic trends and the inevitability of the recessive nature of the white skin color gene. Look at Obama - half white, half black, but although he had more intelligence and class in his pinky finger than Trump's entire morbidly obese body, for example, he is still classified as black. It's a perfect example of why it makes no difference if whites are genocided because it's simply a natural occurrence and there are no active agents conspiring to make it happen.

Paranoid schizophrenia can be treated with meds, user. Pls seek help. Thank god you don't own guns, ffs.

If they don't post how they worded the poll, then the poll is bullshit.
This is how poll manipulation works, you use poll wording to imply things that the people answering it never meant at all.

>Poll, do you like Kittens?
>Yes, I do

Fuck off with this propaganda bullshit, bunker tranny.

Not him, but to recap your conversation:
>Heh, fucking whitey, you SNOWFLAKE DRUIAAMPFRT is dying out can't wait for white genocide you'll be a minority and America will be brown, LMAO!
>Dude fuck off. Why do you want whites disenfranchised? Don't you think that will make OP's problem worse?
>Wwwaaaahhhhhhhhh MEEEEEDDDDDSSSS
Take your meds.

>The survey found that nearly three in 10 Americans, including 39% of Republicans, agreed that "if elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves, even if it requires violent actions."

>4 in 10 Republicans.

Are liberals this fucking stupid?

This too. That's another way opinion polls are manipulated, ask opinions in the positive and then affirm the negative from them, even if one does not imply the other at all.

No, they're hoping that everyone else is that stupid. As you can tell from this thread; most lefties and bunker trannies actually are because none of them read fine print, they just read headlines so they can wave victory flags at the dumbest shit.

Democrat Lexicon;

Terrorism = non-Democrat voter.

Peaceful Protest = Burn MoFo, Buuuuurn! If it's on fire, it ain't Democrat.

Democracy = Only Democrats votes count, dump everything else.

Our Democracy = We're in power now, so F-off.

Insurrection = What makes you think it was us? The media apparatus we control said it wasn't.

Disenfranchised voter = somebody's vote we ripped off and mailed in.

Rioter = non-Democrat voters

Mainstream Media = bought and paid for by the Democrats and KKK.

Freedom of Speech = One Voice, One Twitter, One lobotomised Nation

Lay down and listen to what porky says, poorman.
Don't dare to want things better than the way they are.

That and OP is a paid shill. He is paid to come here and post anime pictures followed up by extremely dishonest headlines, while using sources that are basically just blogs that pretend like they aren't blogs. All his faggy threads are the same.

The storming of the capitol was part of the coup.
Nice failed attempt at nitpicking. But half the Republican party is filled with traitors.

>What is rounding
Also turning people into fractions is a right wing racist thing. So of course you'd be in favor of it.

I found the Kenosha Hat Trick more entertaining.

We must not underestimate the low intelligence of Americans, where 60% of adults believe in Creationism (pseudoscience) rather than evolution theory. Trump is just a symbol of arrogant, selfish, and poorly foresighted Americans.
His supporters, who are easily deceived by conspiracy theories and fake, are victims of inadequate low-level education.
What they need is not punishment, exclusion, criticism or neglect, i.e., hatred, but media/science literacy, logical thinking, problem-solving ability, treatment of delusional personality disorder by psychotherapy/counseling, i.e., love.
Thanks to political amateur Trump administration, the USA had been ridiculed from all over the world, and its international credibility, leadership, and persuasiveness have been lost. Now is the time to make America great again.in real

"Emotions Self-Responsibility Theory"

Your welcome we saved you from having each school day start with Heil Hitler.

lmao leftoid "The media says it, I believe it, that settles it" is no different than "The bible says it, I believe it, that settles it."

You're both retarded.

Only when they act like wiggers. Don't really care what color you are, at that point.

Sadly, that isn't at all what happened.

Though it's true, I'd rather just make sure all the options on the ballot are sane, rather than stop the retards from voting. Ethnically, they should get a vote, they have to obey the same laws, and, while it's increasingly likely the politicians will understand their position, it's very unlikely they will ever use it for their benefit, if they can.

Feel free to find the data that's contrary to this.
The right wing fascists declaring it's wrong because it goes against Trump even though they've accepted it before, ala media calling the election, is peak hypocrisy.

You're responding to a seething Chinaman.

said seething Chinaman ->

>Everyone I don't like is from China
Okay Ivan.

Wow that’s pretty based and gives me hope

There’s nothing american about you and your political goals. Nothing you advocate is found within the roots of the nation or the principles that guided the drafting of the constitution. You’re a foreign entity that has roots in marxist movements and your principles are derived from there. Please don’t call Americans “traitors” for questioning mass mail in ballot elections, when it’s completely to reasonable to doubt its legitimacy especially with career politicans actively suppressing verification measures of those mail in ballots.

You are a fool, an idiot, and a useful idiot at that

>I-I believe there was fraud because Dear Leader said 8 months before the election if he lost it could only be due to fraud but if he won it was because Christ had ordained it and made the elections fair. Welp, he lost! Ipso facto that means it was fraud committed by Satan worshipping Democrats.
>muh evidence! muh Marxism! muh 2 weeks! muh storm!
Loony bin is thattaway zombie cultist, lmao.

Are these Dab Forums posters dumb & young or paid? It’s pretty low iq posting and it’s so stupid I think it’s paid shills

>these Dab Forums posters
Way to admit you're not from around these parts.
I hope you're Russian so you at least get paid, it would be really pathetic if you're a fascist who supports Trump and does this damage control for free.

Being paid is such a 20th century concept

I know, truth is painful for you cultists, but perhaps we can crank up the de-programming internment camps to give you the help you need to come out of it. The sooner, the better, quite frankly.

Do you ever notice you have no viewpoints that isn’t cultivated and promoted by mass corporate outlets?

Have you noticed you respond to rage when you hear certain words instead of preparing a reasoned response? Do you hear opposing views waiting to hear something so you can jump on and label the opposing party instead of listening?

No, you just assume that because of your programing.

>Have you noticed you respond to rage when you hear certain words instead of preparing a reasoned response?
These are called "thought terminating cliches". Conservatives love them because it encourages and emotionally incentivizes their acolytes to turn their brains off the second they hear a term that has been designated as leftist propaganda. Notice that they don't measure the quality of their biggest media figures by their arguments but rather the intensity of their anger/opposition to the left. The angrier, the louder, the more defiant the better.

I can give you the prescriptive argument but the belief in white supremacy is not based on any kind of measured concern for world as a whole so I don't know if the foundation even exists for me to engage with it. If you genuinely, axiomatically believe that the lives of non-whites are worth less than your life simply because you are white then, according to your moral system, being a white supremacist is the only logical choice. I just think your moral system is fucked and, to varying degrees, based on the lie that there's some global conspiracy to destroy this arbitrary construct of whiteness you've dedicated your entire identity to embodying.

Because white supremacists are, to a man, unsuccessful pieces of shit desperate to blame anything and anyone other than themselves for their shit lives.

Not an argument, you leftists believe that white live don't matter.
>you genuinely, axiomatically believe that the lives of non-whites are worth less than your life simply because you are white
Why shouldn't I stand up for the superiority of white people when you support nigger supremacist terrorist who do want to genocide the white race?
>Your moral system if fucked if you don't worship niggers
Why shouldn't I be a white supremacist when you leftist, and the entire western leftist establishment that supports you openly hates the white race?
>arbitrary construct of whiteness
Funny how you subhuman leftists we so brainwashed that you convince yourselves that the race that you are actively to destroy and villifty simultaneously doesn't exist
>You are a peoce of shit if you don't worship nigges and hate your own race
Being a white supremacist is literally the only morally correct position into take when you leftist bigger worshippers actively want to genocide the white race for your bigger supremacist masters

>Not an argument, you leftists believe that white live don't matter.
No. This is a strawman and doesn't even remotely resemble my position. White lives not mattering more than the lives of others is not equivalent to thinking white lives don't matter. My positions are based on what is good for the greatest number of people who live in society - not what is best for individual races.

>Why shouldn't I stand up for the superiority of white people when you support nigger supremacist terrorist who do want to genocide the white race?
I notice that you haven't engaged with anything I've actually said and you just keep making up these wild strawmen and arguing with them instead.

>Why shouldn't I be a white supremacist when you leftist, and the entire western leftist establishment that supports you openly hates the white race?
Again, I can't argue with your feelings. If you want to give me an actual position that I support that quantifiably harms "white people" I'd be more than happy to engage with it. I do agree with you - if you have been convinced of the delusion that anyone to the left of you hates white people then I understand why you'd believe your position. That being said, the reality you live in is false.

>Funny how you subhuman leftists we so brainwashed that you convince yourselves that the race that you are actively to destroy and villifty simultaneously doesn't exist
The construct of whiteness has changed drastically over the years. When Germans first started immigrating to the U.S. they weren't considered white. Much later when the Irish and Italians immigrated they weren't considered white either. If you combine this with the fact that there is no genetic foundation to race I just don't understand why I should base my worldview on a very arbitrary, evolving concept like whiteness. Not even the Europeans you strive to model yourselves after view race like this. To them, people are either French or Irish or German - not white or not white.

>actively want to genocide the white race for your bigger supremacist masters
If it were actually true that everybody who wasn't a white supremacist was out to genocide white people, you would in fact be correct: the only morally correct position would be to be a white supremacist.

The problem with you is not that your moral reasoning is incorrect, but that you have an utterly batshit conception of the world that doesn't even remotely resemble reality.

>My positions are based on what is good for the greatest number of people who live in society - not what is best for individual races.
Then why do you believe the White race does not matter?
>you just keep making up these wild strawmen and arguing with them instead
Another lie, I'm just repeating back your own beliefs, why do you hate the White race?
>if you have been convinced of the delusion that anyone to the left of you hates white people then I understand why you'd believe your position. That being said, the reality you live in is false.
Another lie, name one explicitly pro white leftist organisation, you cannot because the leftist establishment hates the white race and only want to destroy it.

>If you want to give me an actual position that I support that quantifiably harms "white people"
You only support the lefts objective of white genocide in this post
>It makes no difference if whites are genocided because it's simply a natural occurrence
>Seethe harder when the 2020 census shows you at 55%-60%, snowflake sturmdrumpfer. 2030 you'll be a minority and qualify for affirmative action, LMAO!

You parrot your masters ideology, and cry for white genocide

>there is no genetic foundation to race
Why do you leftists deny settled science whe it goes against your anti white programming? Race is settle science
>Not even the Europeans you strive to model yourselves after view race like this. To them, people are either French or Irish or German - not white or not white
I'm not American, unlike you mutt leftists. Despite what lies you are spouting,
Im not American unlike you who has no idea of what Europe is like. Europe has always been distinctly white and has never been the HBO Disney bigger fairytale world that you think it is despite the infection of American leftist subversion

So you still haven't provided me with a single argument based in truth as to why I shouldn't support white supremacy

Name one leftist organisation that does not openly hate white people and courts black supremacists and Zionists.
>you have an utterly batshit conception of the world that doesn't even remotely
Wrong, why do you leftists hate the white race and why do your caprialist masters support your vilification of the white race?

>Name one leftist organisation that does not openly hate white people and courts black supremacists
The World Socialist Website.

>and Zionists.
Why do you give a shit what they get up to in Israel? The other billion square miles of Earth not good enough for you?

Not an argument.