Lancet Report: 40% of U.S. COVID Deaths Were Preventable #M4A now

As the U.S. death toll from COVID-19 approaches half a million, a new report says nearly 40% of the deaths were avoidable. By comparing the pandemic in the U.S. to other high-income nations, the medical journal The Lancet found significant gaps in former President Donald Trump’s “inept and insufficient” response to COVID-19, as well as decades of destructive public policy decisions. One of the report’s recommendations is reforming the system to a single-payer model like Medicare for All, which President Joe Biden has so far rejected in favor of bolstering the Affordable Care Act. “The Affordable Care Act still left millions of people — 29 million people — without healthcare insurance coverage,” says Dr. Mary Bassett, one of the authors of The Lancet report. “Single payer would address that.”

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>40% of U.S. COVID Deaths Were Preventable
So US politicians killed 200k people because Corporate payoffs to them?



>significant gaps in former President Donald Trump’s “inept and insufficient” response to COVID-19
The one where he closed the borders and got a team to look into it while the democrats wanted people to dance in chinatown?
>orangeman bad

almost 100% of covid deaths were preventable if we had nuked wuhan, event 201, bill gates, israel, and new york

>orangeman bad.

He steal bread from starving children's charity to make his belly bigger.

Orangeman very bad man.

>Didn't buy vaccines
>Kept insisting it "wasn't so bad" and it was "Just a flu" causing people to continue spreading it
>No mask mandates so more spreading
>Literally holds massive events that spread it even more

>The one where he closed the borders
You mean the plan where he only closed travel to China, forgetting that it was a pandemic and the disease was already global? Oh, and this border closure had exceptions for American citizens, because he seemed to think that Americans couldn't carry the disease or something (and this might not even be a joke, I remember faggots on this site claiming that only asians could catch the virus and that Italy was hit hard "because it has a large asian minority" or some shit). It's almost as if he didn't close the borders at all, and just did some minor action so rabid nationalists could label it a win. Hell, the overly narrow travel ban is what prompted those dumb chinatown comments to begin with, a proper shutdown never would have prompted them (though I'm sure they'd still complain, this is American politics after all).

The irony is, had Trump even half heartedly dealt with the pandemic as the virologists and CDC were recommending, he likely would have won reelection. And he admitted in the March taped interviews with Bernstein that he knew it was 10X more deadly and contagious than the flu, but preferred to lie to the American people because he so despises them he believed "they cannot handle the truth." And he was warned by his campaign staff that he needed to strongly address the pandemic because his ignoring it was not playing well among independents, suburban soccer moms and even those of his base 65+ yo. So what does the bumbling fool do? Hire Atlas, a radiologist ffs, to be the MD authority professing "herd immunity" by infecting everyone as the solution.

If I were conspiracy minded like 60% of the Orange Fool's base, I would believe Putin called him up and said, "Look Donny, you fucked America up internationally by pulling your head into your shell allowing China and us to fill the void you left, but we need you to destroy America economically and domestically. OK, Donny? You remember that info we showed you at the summit can be released any time, right Donny? Get to work, and complete your destruction of America."

>One of the report’s recommendations is reforming the system to a single-payer model like Medicare for All
And there it is.

For those who cant see it
>Company in the medical industry
>Advocates for a model that gives a blank cheque to the medical industry
>At taxpayers expense

>had Trump even half heartedly dealt with the pandemic as the virologists and CDC were recommending
What reccomendantions did they make that Trump did not follow through with?

>President does not have the authority to mandate a lockdown

Spoiler alert: Ridiculed mask wearing and social distancing; hired Atlas to recommend infecting everyone to achieve herd immunity, devil take the hindmost; when States followed CDC guidelines on shutdowns, mask wearing, social distancing, etc. encouraged his cult zombies to ignore them, take over the State Capitals and kidnap the Governors; praised the Governors who ignored CDC guidelines; held super spreader events in total violation of CDC guidelines; ordered Kushnar to stop testing so there would be no cases of Covid despite CDC stating there was a critical shortage of testing and contact tracing; claimed MD's and coroners were drastically inflating the # of deaths from Covid although the CDC and every epidemiologist/virologist stated if anything they were under reported; and on and on and on.

In short, Trump completely self destructed taking down the US economy as well as 1/2 million people by not even trying.

>the Republican millionaires and billionaires in Congress and Republican presidents all happily use government socialised health care yet claim it would be a disaster for the American people because the poor, downtrodden, suffering insurance megacorporations who fund their campaigns would have their feefees hurt
Keep slurping that corporate schlong, knob polisher. Go read Animal Farm. Protip: You ain't one of the pigs living in the farmhouse, you're out in the cold barnyard. Wake up.

Enjoy your way over priced health services BRaNE-washed Burger CUCK

the Republican millionaires and billionaires in Congress and Republican presidents all happily use government socialised health care

No use trying to convince the Hannity watching branewashed fools what's good for them.

Abraham Lincoln? Jacques Abbadie? Denis Diderot? :"You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

(sac)ashit:You can fool most of the people most of the time

>no no no stop pointing out the horrific flaws of the single payer model!!!
>ur porky!
Single payer benefits no one but porkey, dipshit.

Slavery is illegal so you can't own niggas like that.

Cant help but notice you havent cited anything he could have done but didnt.

Can't help but notice that he could've avoided all those mistakes by shutting the fuck up for a few months.

>Single payer benefits no one but porkey

No, you branewashed cuck.

If the US gov allows stealing helth insurance companies as the middle man, then porky wins.
Here in Canada and other civilized countries, the health insurance companies are castrated.

The Government is the health insurance supplier.
That's right burger...socialised medicine.

The bid "S" word...the boogieman..horrors!

So, you cant actually cite anything he should have done but didnt?

>Here in Canada
Opinion discarded.

They're in that post you responded to, sorry you're too retarded to address a single one of its points.

The President does not have the authority to tell the states what to do. So as I said, what should he have done?

>Here in Canada
Why would the US want to emulate a 3rd world country that brutally oppresses its native population?

>tell the states what to do
Bro I get it, you can't read and like to respond with words that no one else is saying.

Still waiting for you to outline concrete steps for what he should have done but did not.

lol, baiting this hard

Not even him but

>Advocate on national television that folks should wear masks
>Use the DPA to make something useful besides ventilators, which are only useful for the worst 10% of cases, after selling most of the stockpile off a couple years prior (lol)
>Reform the pandemic response team, which he had also disbanded a couple years prior
>Actually set up a national response, with effective cross-country testing and creation of a single database to compile infection rates, and make it available to the public so we aren't left in the dark
>Cancelled rallies which became super spreading events
>Host actually coherent press briefings instead of using them as a means to take potshots at democrats
>Stayed in the WHO

Instead he did the opposite of most of the things I listed, which is what got us to where we are. And these are just the things a random asshole on the internet could come up with. Let alone the broad and sweeping powers of the presidency and the entire US government.

Well that and Trump was focused on getting re-elected and didn't care how many Americans he murdered.

The shills will just keep repeating whatever they think will make former president Trump look like he wasn't a total fuck up and shift the blame onto the democrats no matter how much it can't stand up to scrutiny.

Fuck the poor. Why should my labor be stolen at gunpoint because the lazy fuckers want free shit? Let them starve and die of preventable illness. Hell, I'd gladly pay more if it meant armed guards would stand outside of hospitals and prevent democrat voters from getting treatment

He did exactly one thing, the bare minimum, and then spent the next several months downplaying the severity in order to win re-election
And you want to praise him for that?

What a brainwashed moron.
Thinks there's a difference between Democrats and Republicans.
Corporate america has their cock so far up yor ass, you think it's just chronic constipation.

It's weak minded cows like you that are and will lead to the end of the human race.
Our AI overlords will cull you out and keep the rest of us as pets.

cool story, fag. Dems are the ones who vote to ban guns, and therefore I want them to die of preventable illnesses