Protesters slam French ‘anti-Muslim’ draft law ahead of parliamentary vote

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France is not anti-muslim, they're pro free-speech which is something muslims are against. The rhetoric comes from the constant attacks by muslims on Christian people, and if Christians did the same thing you better believe there would be much more backlash against them. France is not nor has it ever been a muslim country. Christians aren't the ones who cut off peoples heads when ever they post a picture of muhammed

>The government insists the bill doesn’t target Muslims. It seeks to halt the issuing of virginity certificates, the practice of polygamy and forced marriage. It would crack down on fundamentalist teaching by requiring all children three and over to be in school, and tighten rules on the funding and functioning of mosques and religious associations.

Sounds pretty good. My only question is what the last clause means.

No more Saudis throwing Wahabbibucks at mosques so they can preach a school of Islam that gets pretty much every other school of Islam readying the fucking stakes and torches pre-emptively because the Wahabbis like to kill "lesser" Muslims as much as they do Infidels.

Like most Christian white nationalists, you forget about what Christians were doing when they had been in existence the @ same length of time as Muslims. They were committing just as many atrocities against people or more than the Muslims of today. Basically all 3 Abrahamic religions are all equally despicable and singling out Muslims is simply ooga-booga tribalism.

So do the prior actions of the Christian peoples of Europe centuries ago justify Islamic retribution today?

When is the west going to realize the best weapon against islam is state atheism?

>whatabout christians a thousand years ago!

Nice bait

I didn't say that. But to pretend Christians and Jews don't stink just as high in God's nostrils as Muslims is ignoring reality.

>Europe centuries ago justify Islamic retribution today

what exactly are you talking about?

The "we all suck equally" argument isn't particularly compelling in the wake of numerous terrorist attacks carried out on native Christians by Muslim foreigners, especially when many of these attacks are justified by Islamic doctrine. Tribalism is ugly, I agree.

>macron trying desperately to get to the right of le pen
The neo-libs are terrified of whats coming

You know Muslims view the west and Israel as committing terrorist acts when they invade their countries and kill hundreds of thousands of civilians termed "collateral damage" by the west, right? One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

>But to pretend Christians and Jews don't stink just as high in God's nostrils as Muslims is ignoring reality.
What fucked up god do you worship lmao?

Right, however here we're seeing the French government make preventative measures to protect it's people and culture, within their own borders. This topic isn't about law in the Middle East, though I suppose French citizens could take matters into their own hands now, and go over to start beheading Muslim teachers and artists in accordance with your cyclical view of justice.

freedom of religion is freedom of religion; it's morally wrong to tell people they can't torture and kill other people that they don't like

Seems to me that this bill is aimed at ensuring the more absurd aspects of Islamic culture such as virginity certificates, and polygamy, stay out of France. It's interesting to note that Mormons in the Unites States would also like to practice polygamy, yet are unable to do so because of American law. Would you say these peoples' religious freedom has been stifled?

Freedom of religion is not freedom from consequences

>"its morally wrong to tell people they can't torture and kill other people that they don't like"
France is making moves, because of logic like this, if you're still confused.

I've got news for you. There are still groups of mormons who practise polygamy although it is officially prohibited by the church and a violation of federal law.

Islam does not belong in France.

>suppose French citizens could take matters into their own hands now, and go over to start beheading Muslim teachers and artists
Have you seen the civilian death counts as a result of the western coalitions (which France is a part of) actions in the wars in the mideast since the early 2000's? It's well over 1/2 a million. You don't think that results in a certain percent becoming radicalized into terrorist actions? How well would you take it if your immediate family were annihilated in a bombing raid that went awry? It's not like these terrorists spring up out of Hell as Satan's spawn for shits and giggles.

So why did Charlie Hebdo have to die?

For 1200 years Muslims have constantly attacked Christians and France was never a muslim country to begin with

And I seem to recall about 99% of the people being against those wars from the start

Your argument is essentially "other people did it too so there is no use trying to stop it.

>But what about muh Christians
Every single time leftoids say this when their precious Muslims get criticised


I said all 3 Abrahamic religions are equally despicable. I'm just calling out the hypocrisy of the christians and jews pretending otherwise and claiming their shit don't stink in the pantheon of the Gods' nostrils.

>A collective of Muslim, anti-racism, left-wing, pro-Palestinian


Thanks for your input Mordecai ben Shekelstein.

You're welcome, Cletus, anytime.

wow theres that word again!