
Not even Sen. Ted Cruz can defend what's going on in Texas, and that's saying something.

Cruz tweeted that he's got no defense on the winter storm after many called him out for mocking California's power outages last year.

In August 2020, Cruz made snap remarks to a tweet from the Office of the Governor of California, which urged its residents to conserve energy during a heatwave. At the time, California rolled out its first rolling power blackouts since 2001 because of the hot temperatures, according to FOX Business.

Cruz's tweet left the senator looking pretty dumb right now as the state he's representing currently has 4 million Texans without power after a brutal snowstorm took over Texas on Valentine's Day and his response for help has been silent. The freezing temperatures forced the state's grid operator – the Electric Reliability Council of Texas – to initiate rolling blackouts beginning early Monday morning.

Other urls found in this thread:

energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2021/02/f82/DOE 202(c) Emergency Order - ERCOT 02.14.2021.pdf

Hopefully his constituents left without power or heat wise up that Ted Cruz doesn’t care about any of them. He just wants to be butt buddies with Trump and continue peddling false lies and distract.

Let’s see how thoughts and prayers turn their heat back on.

Jesus get over yourself Trump isn't even president. Why do people like you love talking about him so much. Let that turd be history an move the fuck on. You retards are the only ones still giving him the spotlight.

Because that turd is still staining the walls.

>Cruz tweeted something last year
Wowee zowee!

Maybe he should be complaining about California and fixing the utility company here that murders people yearly and burned an entire city to the ground in 2018
the majority of Californians lose their electricity every time it's windy out because it's more cost-effective for the utility company to turn off customers electricity than it is to invest in infrastructure or pay for wrongful death suits

He's a fucking partisan hack that doesn't care about his country only his party
The reasons he is in office is because of a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information

Tbf, Cruz did support Trump's cult zombies Crapping in the Cap, so there's that.

Ted Cruz should just move back to Mexico where he came from and stop growing out that pedo goatee.

REMINDER:Beijing Biden helped to crash Natural gas stocks and created a big logistical hiccup with the paris accord drama. Tons of producers in my state aren't producing. This is a hostile takeover.
Kinda makes you wonder, with his SON WORKING FOR BURISMA

>Texas has the capacity to generate enough power to prevent rolling blackouts.
>Federal government says it can't do that without violating pollution laws.
>Drags their feet and lets 4 million Texans be without power, even leading to fatalities, because of it.

If anything, it goes to show the fed has more concern for its own agendas than its people. energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2021/02/f82/DOE 202(c) Emergency Order - ERCOT 02.14.2021.pdf


Texas's natural gas lines are frozen too. At least one Reactor is down because the coolant is frozen too.

"Friends" like Cruz, Graham, carry knives behind their backs.

tRump knows this, cause he carries one also.

That bitch, Pelosi, has a straight razor in her garter.

>conservatives have to actually LIVE with the absence of planning ahead that is conservative ideology and unregulated capitalism
thoughts and prayers.

California’s problems are due to decades of forest mismanagement/non management. California burns every year, some worse than others, but it consistently burns. It will burn year after year until there is a change in forest management. Texas’s problem is they had the coldest EVER temperatures for several days in a row and 10% of their grid is based on “green energy “ wind generators that froze. Think about that when the green new deal increases your electric bill, while making it unreliable. Texas will be fine next winter when temperatures fall to a low of mid 30’s instead of sub zero, and California will be on fire and suffering brown outs this summer.

He's not the only one:


I thought Texas wanted to secede from the union. Why should neighboring states be sacrificing their energy to help those who don’t want to help others?

Is Ted Cruz really in Cancun?

Why didn't the texas power company prepare for this eventuality when people need power and heat the most

Yes, he said there's nothing that could be done and went on vacation with his family to Cancun.
I'm sure the fascist media will find a way to spin this as an attack on democrats.
I mean they found a way to make the failure of deregulation and corporate greed into an attack on the Green New Deal.

Could've at least stayed to help out considering he helped fuck over the powergrid by making it so they didn't have to winterize.

Hey get a load of this guy rationalizing another elite privilege!

lol you have a lot of self-loathing don't you?

>and 10% of their grid is based on “green energy “ wind generators that froze.

This has been debunked a dozen times over. Why do you still repeat it?

why are you still repeating lies that were discredited ages ago?
>governor admits that the main problem was aboveground gas lines freezing
>doesn't admit this is his fault for specifically deregulating that exact thing but OK whatever let's not point fingers
>backtracks while on FOX, says actually it was wind turbines and blames everything on liberals
>despite Texas being run exclusively by conservatives for 20+ years, meaning this is all on their heads
>backtracks AGAIN later, actually it really was the gas all along teehee
you got the numbers wrong btw, it's closer to 20% of Texas' power is generated by turbine. Which continued to work just fine for the most part, in fact they picked up some slack from the gas plants. thanks to increased winds with the storm.
>meanwhile.... Ted Cruz sips a Margarita on the beach in Cancun

>Cruz tweeted that he's got no defense on the winter storm after many called him out for mocking California's power outages last year.
12% of Texas energy grid that comes from wind freezes and amazingly 4 million people (about 12% of the population of Texas) lose power.

Apparently this is somehow news.
>lets be real, its just leftists latching onto any criticisim of texas

>its been debunked!
Has it?

>you got the numbers wrong btw, it's closer to 20% of Texas' power is generated by turbine. Which continued to work just fine for the most part
This is objectively false.

>Things that happened before this morning don't count.
>Unless I need to QOPE by smearing a libturd.
Wowee zowee!
Nice fantasy universe (You) live in, Qaren.

>repeating lies published in an editorial in the Wall Street Journal
>all of which was debunked within 12 hours
>by anyone with a brain who looked at the facts
7% of energy in Texas is generated by renewables (all renewables, not just wind). A single wind generator was found to be frozen, and put back online within 24 hours.

The only thing repugnicons have is exploiting a crisis situation, leveraged with lies, for political gain at the expense of American lives. The entire party is based upon treason, and the useful idiots who have nothing other than Evangelical grievance culture.

>7% of energy in Texas is generated by renewables

Wrong, its 23%
>Reuters reported that wind generation ranks as the second-largest source of energy in Texas, accounting for 23% of state power supplies last year

Further, about half of that 23% was offline due to the Strom (about 11%)

Despite being an evil Red State, Texas is one of the national leaders when it comes to the adoption of Green Energy and losing 12% of their grid is going to cause problems.

Hasn't Texass seceded yet? I thought they had pulled themselves up by their own booty straps already, and returned $5 trillion in U.S. Federal infrastructure plus $500 billion in annual Federal spending that keeps their economy afloat. Not to mention another $500 billion paid out in Federal disaster relief over the past two decades in disaster relief for hurricanes, droughts, fires, floods, and exploding fertilizer factories. Their entire economy is based upon energy and resource exploitation, but they can't handle a little chilly weather?

Can't you simpleton fucks take care of a little bit of water falling out of the sky like the snowflakes that you are?

Other than all that, Texass has one Hell of a parasite economy booming along. Everybody gibdemdats free monies & stuff. Texass STRONK! No need for anybody! Real penis power! Send more guns!

FYI its 23% just from Wind ALONE

Rafael "Ted" Cruz was born in Canada from Cuban refugees.

LITERALLY: born on Canadian soil Canadian citizen and tried to run for President of the United States. Look up his long form birth certificate.

>Being this absolutely assblasted about the mere existence of Texas
It seems out superiority has caused some controversy.

When you elect people like Cruz and Abbott, well, the people of Texas are getting what they deserve.

>ha! you're getting what you deserve!
Low taxes, cheap housing and plentiful jobs?

Well, at least he didn't go shopping for shoes while Huston drowned. When "nothing can be done," then what else can one do? A Real Texas Man. Run away and hide, then come back after the disaster is "fixed" and claim credit. Babby needs that Senate paycheck and platinum-plated health care and pension. One does what one has to do to survive.

Expect another run for president in 2024. He made over $50 million on the last run in 2016.

Quick: what's 12% of 7%?

And, no, 12% of renewable energy did not go offline. Less than 1% did. So the real maths here is: Quick! What's 1% of 7%?

>>its been debunked!
>Has it?
Yes. It has. Fact-based Reality has a liberal bias. QOPE.

23% of the Grid comes from wind energy

Half of the wind turbines went down on sunday

These are the facts.

"Superiority", topkek

Compare migration between states. Texas is one of the top destinations for interstate migration. People vote with their feet.


Californians and Mexicans are turning Texas blue you idiot.

Oh the irony

So did half the natural gas.

And Tejanos are countering them
>And all that boasting and bragging about Democratic prospects of winning the Texas state House fell flat.



So we have gone from
>no no no the turbines didnt freeze!
>b... but whatabout the gas!

Maybe, just maybe, instead of being a partisan hack shilling for the form of energy that your ideology deems best, you should consider the fact that MULTIPLE forms of energy got broken by the storm and shut the fuck up?

>b... but they didnt freeze proof the systems!
Probably because they were more focused on making infrastructure Tornado and Hurricane proof you fucking retard.

>Wind only comprises 23%! Gas and Coal the rest! Its gases fault!
>Please ignore that wind also broke
You bunkerchan niggers are the fucking worst.

>How dare Ted Cruz to call out infrastructure issues in California last summer due to extreme weather!

Coupled with no water or electricity

The point is that wind turbines failed because they weren't winterized, just like the gas plants did. Not because wind power is somehow inherently more prone to failure.

SOME wind turbines broke, MOST kept working just fine. MOST gas broke. ALL coal broke.
Wind is 20%, the others are the vast majority
why are you blaming a fraction of 20% of the grid going down for the current crisis? By your own math this doesn't add up

But wind is inherently more prone to failure. It has shitty storage capacity, is heavy dependent on weather.

>the point is that an extreme and unusual event caused extreme and unusual results

>Not because wind power is somehow inherently more prone to failure.
And there we go the reason you are doing what you are doing - your reflexive need to defend renewables.

Half. Half the wind turbines broke.

>MOST gas broke. ALL coal broke.
[citation needed]

you've shifted, you sneaky little weasel
Reminder of where you started:
>Wind turbines caused the problem, it's the liberal agenda at fault for the crisis
and where you are now:
>Wind turbines in general are more prone to failure, even if they didn't cause it in this case they're still a shitty liberal idea that has no place in Texas
We're not talking about whether or not, in your opinion, wind turbines are a good long-term plan. We're talking about how, in this instance, wind turbines are definitely not the cause of the problem.

>no matter what I do, I MUST defend wind!

again, by your own math this still doesn't add up
I will take your numbers at face value, even though I shouldn't because they're wrong.
If wind makes up 20%, and half went down, and most of the grid is offline, then that means that a bit more than 10% of the grid's issues are a result of the wind turbines. 15% to be generous to you, and that is very generous given that the still-functional turbines were doing overtime thanks to the high wind.
So what's the other 85-ish percent? Again, why are you laying the lion's share of the blame for this at the feet of the thing that contributed by far the least?

Watching Americans argue is always funny. Schizos, the lot of you.

>Thinking I give a shit about your maths.
The numbers have been provided, with citations. Your opinion is irrelevant.

what the fuck
they're your maths, not mine
didn't you just say that the turbines are only 20% of the grid and only half went down? Clearly the crisis was caused by more than that, given that there's still around a million Texans without power. And you admitted that the gas and coal plants also failed, and those objectively handle most of the grid.

So why are you still sticking your head in the sand and blaming wind?

>your maths.
No. My citations.

OK, well your "citations" also don't add up to
>wind turbines caused this entire thing wtf librulsssss

>still thinks anyone gives a shit about his opinion
Yeah, okay bud.

I thought you started this by saying that you thought the wind turbines were responsible for the crisis?
If you're not saying that then I don't actually think I have a quarrel with you, though your maths still just don't add up...

>12% of the Grid drops in one day
>Nope... totally not responsible

yes, because you have yet to draw a reasonable line between
>12% of the grid goes down
>it's the turbine's fault
since, as you acknowledge, the fossil fuel plants went down as well.
Is a part of that 12% the wind? Yes. Is part of it the gas and coal, too? Yes.
How do you know which is which?

>yes, because you have yet to draw a reasonable line between
Because your retarded. 24% of the Grid is wind, half the wind got knocked out. Half of 24 is 12.

This isnt "math" its fact as found by the evidence I presented, with citations.

Half of 24 is 12! But since the gas and coal also failed, why are you attributing 100% of that 12% to wind? You seem to be making the case that
>half the turbines freeze
>this alone cuts power by 12%
>this causes the crisis
>gas and coal also freeze in an unrelated coincidence that does not impact the crisis in any way whatsoever
it's a bizarre argument

>B... BUT!
No buts.

Layman here, is capacity the same as total power generation?

Eh, close but not quite. It's peak ability.

Communists have seized Dab Forums. This story was already covered and they only promoted the Commie version to hide that Communist Eco wind turbines caused this.

Define Communists, Billy Bob.

chinese people and antifa that are here anyway to suppress info about china's hacking of the us election such as the detailed hacking logs released by election and voting machine insiders

So you admit you were home schooled by Evangelical Pentecostals, Billy Bob. Good to know.

>Cruz flies off to Cancun while Texans freeze to death w/o even cooking fuel due specifically to the kinds of policies he supports
>L-let the TX scum eat frozen cake, while I sun on the beach drinking Margaritas in Cancun!


Speaking of not caring, he was seen today on a plane to Mexico

>No matter what I do, I MUST blame wind!

>no no no you cant just, like, move around and stuff

Rafael Cruz clearly does not care about his constituents or the fake China flu. Traveling to Mexico and then spreading his germs all around Washington upon his return.

Proof positive that Cruz was the son of one of the 10% of Cubans who were part of the oligarchy under the corrupt, rightwing Fascist dictator Batista while 90% of Cubans were illiterate, starving and had no medical care. Like father, like son, but now he and the Trump party are attempting to turn TX and the entire US into Batista's Cuba.

It was on ABC world news last night. The actual percentage doesn’t really matter. What is relevant is that this is a hack hit piece. Right now, there isn’t anything that can be done. In the future? Maybe building more into the grid to prepare for the next 100 year winter storm.

I didn’t read the Wall Street journal. It all came from ABC, except for the part about California being their own worst enemy when it comes to forest management.

>conservashit cope in this thread

>>How dare Ted Cruz to call out infrastructure issues in California last summer due to extreme weather
They seem to have extreme weather every fucking year for the last 20. And don’t give us it’s climate change. There is so much land that is loaded with undergrowth and dead fuel, that it instantly gets out of control. This is a long policy of mismanagement.

"This is usually the time that elected officials want to show their constituents how much they are committed to helping them," said Mann, now a journalism professor at Louisiana State University. "It defies all common and political sense to leave the state for anywhere at a time like this, much less take a vacation to a toasty warm spot like Cancún while offering no help or support. It’s among the dumbest, most callous things I’ve ever seen a politician do."


It’s okay though, after hearing the backlash he’s flying home today.
The reason he went down there? School was out and his daughters wanted to hang out with their friends. So they went to fucking Cancun

illegal Immigrant Rafael Cruz coming back to spread the RONA to the fine people of Texas

Why do all these articles say "allegedely" and "purportedly" when they say he went to cancun? The only evidence is random photos that could be of anyone and from any time? Is this just fake news? I kinda detect fake news tbqhwy

>California being their own worst enemy when it comes to forest management.
Nope. CA only owns 3% of the forest land. Too bad Trump slashed the Forest Service budget so they weren't able to manage the vast majority of the forest the US owns in CA. Typical Republicant bullshit and then blame somebody else just like they're doing in TX.

>In California state, the federal government owns nearly 58% of the 33 million acres of forest, according to the state governor's office. The state itself owns just three per cent, with the rest owned by private individuals or companies or Native American groups.


Hey guys greenland has wind turbines.

oh no no no no texasbros


Yes, Republicants care so much about the common man.
>What do you mean you're suffering? Are you a corporation? Did you contribute $100,000+ to my campaign? No? Freeze your ass off and die of thirst or hunger then! Just fuck right off and die, TX scum! Btw, don't forget to blame the Green New Deal as you're dying, mmk'?

Exactly! But those libtards are going to take away my rights and my guns.

You need to be sent to a reeducation camp..


>Illegal Immigrant Father of the Year Right Here

Ted Cruz Blamed His Daughters For Trip to Cancun During Texas Storm Crisis

Finding out that Rafael “Ted” Cruz’s daughters are 10 and 12 makes this story more unhinged. Real class act

>EVERYONE: Kevin McCarthy is the most cowardly Republican out there.

Ted Cruz: Hold my Mojito


Meanwhile dozens leftist politicians broke their own covid guidelines, travelled, and threw extravagant, maskless parties and the media never lynched them for it. This is an obvious MSM hitpiece to distract from the fact that Chairman Bidens environmental regulations ans failing wind turbines are what is causing this entire disaster

Throwing your daughters into the fire and flying right back after receiving backlash and to make amends is the garbage fire PR I would have expected from the libtards.

The truth would like a word with you Ms. Fossil Fuel.

A Republican can never say, "Ok, I fucked up, my bad." It's always someone or something else's fault with those scumfucks.

To be fair, when was the last time any US politician said that?

You can’t do anything in California without some group litigating the crappy out of it. US Forest Service included. Sometimes these lawsuits do good, sometimes they tie up the agencies so the are unable to act at all.

No truer words spoken

It doesn’t matter who owns the land when the CARB shuts down a planned prescribed burn on private, state or Fed land.

Each party is shit for different reasons and neither fully represents the average citizen. The two party system is broken

>The two party system is broken
Nah. American political discourse as a whole is broken. I think the misconception among you "both parties suck" reductionist people is that getting rid of the two party system isn't going to fix what you think its going to fix. As of the 21st century, the variability in policy differentiations between candidates is fucking massive. Depending on the political leanings of any given district there are ballots with open socialists running against open white nationalists. This year we had Bernie Sanders, one of the farthest left candidates the country has ever seen going up against people like Tulsi fucking Gabbard who is essentially Republican lite. The problem isn't that people don't have the option to vote for people who have good polices. The problem is that the American people don't vote for them. Progressive candidates get fucking BODIED on a regular basis. Almost every meaningfully left candidate that the justice dems sponsored this year got crushed even in relatively blue districts. There's definitely a good argument for ranked choice voting and the removal of things like first past the post and the electoral college but the two party system isn't responsible for the problems we're experiencing now. People are uninformed and vote like idiots. Adding several new parties or destroying the DNC and RNC wouldn't remedy that.

The high-profile hedgehog/weasel, a potential White House candidate in 2024, said in a statement that he had accompanied his family after his daughters asked to go on a trip with friends, given that school was canceled for the week.

He blamed his daughters!
Ted Cruz truly is a very bad man!

Creating more options will promote diverse and nuanced political platforms. This will in turn limit the power that crappy wedge issues like "muh abortion" have in US politics. They will still exist, but be far less impactful as different combinations will mitigate them somewhat (traditionalist fundies v RINOs v Blue Dogs v Progressives, for example).

I am also for ranked choice voting and acknowledge that is a more realistic option, but it wouldn't necessarily remedy the way the party platform is set. I am just really tired of bullshit like abortion and 2A being the main determinants of a person's party.

>Creating more options will promote diverse and nuanced political platforms.
This is the part I disagree with. There is plenty of diverse and nuanced political platforms. The issue isn't a lack of availability but the fact that the American public overwhelmingly votes based on a very small, narrow selection of policy positions. The people who are in power are there because people keep voting for them, not because they don't have more options.

>I am just really tired of bullshit like abortion and 2A being the main determinants of a person's party
I agree but what you're critiquing is the dichotomic nature of political discourse in America, not the two party system. There already exists dozens of third parties, user. People just don't vote for them. Giving people more parties that they don't want to vote for won't change political discourse nor diversify political ideas in the mind of your average voter. Ranked choice will go much, much farther in alleviating these problems than just getting rid of the DNC and RNC. I wouldn't even know what that would look like. My basic point is that this issue has to be fixed through hearts and minds - not a radical restructuring of political affiliation. If people don't vote any differently then what does it matter what party affiliation the most popular candidate runs under?

The problem is that the FPTP, winner-take all voting system (which the two party system owes its existence to) encourages voters to side with the candidate they hate the least rather than the one they support the most if it stops a candidate they hate more from getting elected. This applies both the primaries and actual elections since they almost all use the same system.

It's like the captain of the Titanic being spotted in a lifeboat and then saying, "I was just checking it for leaks."

I believe the bulk of the forests in CA are under federal control. Not state!

I guess we are just disagreeing on why the US has such a narrow selection of policy positions which seem to continually be the deciding factor in elections. I suspect that the limited number of parties makes it easier for wedge issues to drive the outcome of elections and this parties build their identity around these issues. I know that third parties exist, but the two big parties have rigged the system to prevent them from getting real exposure. They are actively kept out of national debates and are not required to be given fair representation in coverage of political issues. I suspect that this lack of exposure reinforces the derogatory view that "voting for a third party is just throwing away your vote" which comes up every time there is a close election.

But again, I do agree that ranked choice would be much easier to implement and would have a much quicker effect since it wouldn't require as much of a restructuring of how the US political machinery.

Lying POS Garbage Ted Cruz has repeatedly slammed politicians for vacationing during crisis, yet that’s the entire GOP for ya. Let me tell you how to live your life and scrutinize your decisions, but leave me and my family out of it - even if we do what I told you not to do.


"Hypocrites. Complete and utter hypocrites. And don't forget @MayorAdler who took a private jet with eight people to Cabo and WHILE IN CABO recorded a video telling Austinites to 'stay home if you can...this is not the time to relax,'" tweeted Cruz in December.

He’s so fucking cheap that he tried to angle getting himself into first or business class. What a fucking joke. Cancun Cruz LMAO!

> The Senator quickly hopped on a flight back to Houston Thursday afternoon, hours after the backlash. He was reportedly trying to get an upgrade to business class, but as you can see he rode back in economy -- and passengers weren't shy about chatting him up.


Nero fiddled while Rome burned; Ted Cruz jetted to Cancún. And although the emperor was at least ensconced in a lavish, louche palace, the senator from Texas was stuck in economy class with the peasantry.

It is tempting to turn the “hypocrite” label on Rafael Cruz, but his sin is worse. Every politician is a hypocrite at some point. Cruz’s error is not that he was shirking a duty he knew he should have been performing. It’s that he couldn’t think of any way he could use his power as a U.S. senator to help Texans in need. That’s a failure of imagination and of political ideology.

I work in power & water.

Texas has been told REPEATEDLY to winterize their infrastructure for over a decade now, but politicians like fucking Ted Cruz have continually blocked it.

So yes, he has ABSOLUTELY no defense and is openly tweeting about it.

Not defending Cruz but he is a US senator. Aren’t these issues the result of utilities boards and the Texas state Congress and Executive branches?

>Aren’t these issues the result of utilities boards and the Texas state Congress and Executive branches?

Yes and no. Cruz was a huge proponent in ensuring that the electrical grid in Texas was deregulated, privatized, and removed from interconnected networks to avoid federal regulation and increase profits to a small number of wealthy individuals.

Capitalism at its finest.

It’s looking like power plants in Texas unplugged to avoid skyrocketing natural gas spot market rates that went to hundreds of $$ to avoid losses. An emergency order just passed this evening allowing them to charge consumers those spot market prices. Get ready to grab those ankles again as if Cruz hasn’t fucked your hard enough yet.

They are. CARB can, and does shut down prescribed burns, regardless of the agency.
More quantitatively — and related — fire suppression in California is big business, with impressive year-over-year growth. Before 1999, Cal Fire never spent more than $100 million a year. In 2007-08, it spent $524 million. In 2017-18, $773 million. Could this be Cal Fire’s first $1 billion season? Too early to tell, but don’t count it out. On top of all the state money, federal disaster funds flow down from “the big bank in the sky,” said Ingalsbee. Studies have shown that over a quarter of U.S. Forest Service fire suppression spending goes to aviation — planes and helicopters used to put out fire. A lot of the “air show,” as he calls it, happens not on small fires in the morning, when retardant drops from planes are most effective, but on large fires in the afternoon. But nevermind. You can now call in a 747 to drop 19,200 gallons of retardant. Or a purpose-designed Lockheed Martin FireHerc, a cousin of the C-130. How cool is that? Still only 30% of retardant is dropped within 2,000 yards of a neighborhood, meaning that it stands little chance of saving a life or home. Instead the airdrop serves, at great expense, to save trees in the wilderness, where burning, not suppression, might well do more good.

This whole system is exacerbated by the fact that it’s not just contracts for privately owned aircraft. Much of the fire-suppression apparatus — the crews themselves, the infrastructure that supports them — is contracted out to private firms. “The Halliburton model from the Middle East is kind of in effect for all the infrastructure that comes into fire camps,” Beasley said, referencing the Iraq war. “The catering, the trucks that you can sleep in that are air-conditioned…”

Only someone as terrible as Ted Cruz would:
1. Go to Cancun while the state he represents suffers from one of the worst natural disasters caused by corrupt republican policies.
2. Lie and blame it on his children for leaving for Cancun.
3. Be outed by his friends sharing texts with the media to prove he lied about why he came back so soon.

LMFAO! When your own friends and family turn your ass in (*ahem like the fuckin’ insurrectionist tRump twats who were getting turned in by their spouses and children) - you know you are a trash human being and have done fucked up your life.

>getting turned in by their spouses
Wasn’t that an ex spouse?

At least lying Teddy was scared enough of the unregulated gun nuts he encourages to exist to know he required police protection. But at least he'll be paying for that out of his own pock...oh wait. Pretty telling when you're scared of your own constituents because you were stupid enough to pull a Marie Antoinette stunt and then blame your own tween daughters for it. Even knuckledragging cavemen Texans aren't going to take kindly to that bullshit.

Boo hoo. Who is the real SNOWFLAKE here?!

“Our house is FREEZING,” Heidi Cruz wrote to the group, noting that their family “couldn’t stand it anymore” and had to stay elsewhere the night before. The text messages were leaked, and confirmed by a recipient on the text chain who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private conversation.

Heidi Cruz also texted to the group information for flights departing Houston on Wednesday and returning from Cancun on Sunday, with a note about the $309-per-night rate at the Ritz-Carlton Cancun.


Omfg and now Rick Perry Suggests Texans Voluntarily Go Without Heat to Fend Off Scourge of Socialism


At least 30 people have died, including a woman and young girl who suffered carbon monoxide poisoning. Cancun Cruz doesn’t care

Ironic, the more they say shit is "socialism" the more great socialism is beginning to sound. Shit's like Communist russia showing "dumb americans" eating burgers as propaganda in the middle of a famine.

Do you care of the 85 killed by California utility in 2018?
Ok then shut the fuck up

Ted Cruz and his family left their poodle Snowflake behind when they jetted off to Mexico, it has emerged, with the dog remaining in the unheated Houston house as the Cruzes sunned themselves.

Cruz said his home lost power at around 6pm on Tuesday night.

'It got cold, in the 30s in the house,' he told Sean Hannity's Fox News show on Thursday night,"We stuck our feet in Snowflakes fur, but our toes were still cold", the Senator bemoaned.

'We were huddled around the fireplace with Snowflake behind me because it was the only heat in the house."

"So we killed the fire, and left Snowflake a bowl of frozen water and some bones and decided to leave for 3 day"

Neighbors told reporters that their power was restored after 24 hours, so Snowflake may have survived


> Do you care of the 85 killed by California utility in 2018?
I care. PG&E should not exist. The power grid is too important to leave in the hands of a for-profit corporation.

>Cruz’s wife was the one who had the idea to go on the trip after their house lost power and she was cold
>instead of taking that as a sign that he should do something to help, he went
>blamed his tween daughters when people gave him shit
>left his dog in a house with no heat to die
Just one more bad decision and I can get bingo! What will it be???