Report: Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor Targeted By Gunman Who Killed Federal Judge’s Son

U.S. District Court Judge Esther Salas said the shooter who killed her son and wounded her husband in a 2020 attack meant for her was also targeting Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, according to a “60 Minutes” report set to air Sunday.

Salas said the FBI found a file on Sotomayor, alongside a gun and ammunition, in a locker used by Roy Den Hollander, an “anti-feminist” lawyer who died by suicide after attacking Salas’ husband and son at their family home.

"Theyfound another gun, a Glock, more ammunition,” Salas said, “but the most troubling thing they found was a manila folder with a workup on Justice Sonia Sotomayor."

"Whoknows what could have happened,” added Salas, who has been campaigning for new legislation to prevent identifiable information on justices from being published online.

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In July 2020, Roy Den Hollander showed up at Judge Salas’ New Jersey home disguised as a delivery worker and opened fire, killing her 20-year-old son, Daniel Anderl, and seriously wounding her husband, Mark Anderl. Salas, who was in the basement at the time, was unharmed. Authorities believe Den Hollander, a self-described “anti-feminist” lawyer with a history of open hostility towards women and violently misogynistic blog posts, targeted Salas over her apparently slow handling of a case challenging the constitutionality of the male-only draft. The lawyer also had a history of pursuing cases alleging discrimination against men, including a suit claiming Columbia’s women’s studies program was unfair to men and another opposing a federal law protecting women from violence. After his death, police linked Den Hollander to the killing of a rival men’s rights lawyer in California days before his attack on Salas’ home, which also involved a shooter disguised as a delivery worker. The New York Times, citing a police official, reported that authorities were investigating whether Den Holland, who had recently received a terminal cancer diagnosis, was seeking revenge against his enemies. The Times later said police found a list of more than a dozen possible targets, including three other judges, in a car Den Hollander had rented (Sotomayor was not mentioned).

In an emotional video released after the attack, Salas said the personal information of judges and their families is “readily available” online and criticized the online brokers who sell it, calling for better regulations safeguarding judges' privacy. The incident, and Salas’ entreaties, garnered bipartisan attention, and a federal bill to protect judges and their families from having information published online and to make information brokers accountable for selling this information bears the name of Salas’ late son. Salas said she hopes the Daniel Anderl Judicial Security and Privacy Act of 2020 will be passed “expeditiously.”

"In my case, this monster knew where I lived and what church we attended and had a complete dossier on me and my family," Salas said in her first public comments after the attack. “My son’s death cannot be in vain, which is why I am begging those in power to do something to help my brothers and sisters on the bench. . . . Now, more than ever, we need to identify a solution that keeps the lives of federal judges private...this is a matter of life and death.”

4,000. In the last five years alone, the U.S. Marshals Service report a 400% increase in “inappropriate comments” and threats against federal court workers, totaling over 4,000 a year.

Nobody deserves to have their family targeted and murdered.
But maybe people in govt should be such shitbags

So this was the Republicans trying to steal another seat by assassinating a liberal judge.
Not the precedent you want to set.
Then again, neither is saying inciting a violent coup to overthrow the government and install yourself as a dictator.
But Republicans were fine with that too.

Nothing in this article mentions political party.

You could see a spider eat a fly and turn it into a party debate.

The lawyer was politically motivated and clearly a conservative or acting to help the conservatives.

...and was also likely the sort of person who could see a spider eat a fly and turn it into a party debate.

Partisanship makes monsters of us all, that is, after all, its goal.

Sticking out like a sore thumb

He was a misogynistic prick who killed one of his fellow mens rights activist lawyers. The guy was diagnosed with cancer and was just going after everyone he had a grudge with. These were personally motivated attacks and not political.

>You could see a spider eat a fly and turn it into a party debate.

Those Republican spiders eat a lot of poor American flies.
>.and was also likely the sort of person who could see a spider eat a fly and turn it into a party debate.
>Partisanship makes monsters of us all, that is, after all, its goal.

Naw, Republican worship of Mammom causes them to want to suck the juices from the bodies of flymericans.

Join us American burger.
We will let you keep your guns.
We will give you a great and glorious leader to worship.

>Naw, Republican worship of Mammom causes them to want to suck the juices from the bodies of flymericans.
Jeeze, if they aren't human, I guess you can eat them, right?

You see where this line of thinking goes, regardless of which party you hate.

>Everything that slanders my party is Chang.
China would love to see America under a single dictator, it would make dealing with us so much easier, whether he was with them or against them (short of war). I doubt they even think about weather or judges are liberal or conservative.

Even that "Chang" above me, it seems.

You'd be hard pressed to find a nutter ultra pro male rights lawyer with guns on the liberal side. Only thing stopping this from being 100% agenda is fact he killed another pro rights lawyer as well.

If I shoot Bob for throwing snow on my sidewalk and then go after nothing but rightwing congressmen & trump, that is still pretty politically biased.

Political violence is a cancer that must not be permitted.

Republicans of the Trumpist variety want to kill political rivals, so this is no surprise.

>madman requires detailed paperwork outlining plan and intent in locker next to gun in order to remind himself to kill

I'm glad it's starting to be said as a statement, not a fear monger tactic.
Good. Be afraid of what you decide to do in spite of people, vs. Alongside. If a few murders are required to get that point across, all the better. Now if only we'd focus on money and not this clown circus.

It us only ookuticalky motivated if politics motivates the killing. Until you get a manifesto saying he targeted them yo further a political cause, this was just an unhinged guy trying to take his rivals out with him.