50% of mild, moderate COVID patients have symptoms after 6 months

50% of mild, moderate COVID patients still have symptoms after 6 months

Clinical Microbiology and Infection, evaluated 103 people over the age of 18 who had coronavirus between April and October 2020. The people had mild to moderate symptoms, meaning that while they were not asymptomatic, they were not hospitalized with a more severe case of the disease.

“It is very scary that after six months, young people who were healthy and feeling fine before coronavirus still have symptoms,” said Dr. Sarah Israel of Hadassah-University Medical Center, who helped author the report.
At six months, 46% of the patients had at least one unresolved symptom, most commonly fatigue (22%), smell and taste changes (15%) or breathing difficulties (8%).


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>evaluated 103 people

needs a bigger study

big studies are worse, due to selection bias.
103 people is more than enough if it is a random, representative sample.

>big studies are worse
>selection bias
Much eachier to pick the right kind of people for a smaller studies friend. And then the problem is biased picking, not how big the study is.

We must not underestimate the low intelligence of Americans, where 60% of adults believe in Creationism (pseudoscience) rather than evolution theory. Trump is just a symbol of arrogant, selfish, and poorly foresighted Americans.
His supporters, who are easily deceived by conspiracy theories and fake, are victims of inadequate low-level education.
What they need is not punishment, exclusion, criticism or neglect, i.e., hatred, but media/science literacy, logical thinking, problem-solving ability, treatment of delusional personality disorder by psychotherapy/counseling, i.e., love.
Thanks to political amateur Trump administration, the USA had been ridiculed from all over the world, and its international credibility, leadership, and persuasiveness have been lost. Now is the time to make America great again.in real

"Emotions Self-Responsibility Theory"

Fake news. Anything related to the plandemic is fake news.

I'll never understand this current time of blaming all parties for spreading C19. Everything went down the hill as soon as this 'pandemic' turned into a political game. Don't you peoples know the definition of terror anymore? We are living in terror and no one cares about that. What happened to virologist experts? They don't have rights to say what is going on and as soon as someone steps out and tries to tell something informative, he/she is labeled as a conspiracy lunatic.
>Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
>Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

C19 is how I will write it from now on
the BIG C19


"Covid-19" is and always was a giant hoax


If you don't have anything constructive to say just keep quiet kid

I got Covid in January and I still feel weird chest pains. I hope this shit goes away with time.

>le hoax

So the fascist right wing in America are demanding Biden fire Faucci.
Is it because he's allowed to tell the American people the facts about the Trump Virus and it's going to take a while to bring this under control after Trump and the Republicans allowed the Trump Virus to ravage America?

Stop trying to poison people's minds with your lies

>Trump virus
Rent free


My family got the virus

It came from China

Lots of people get the flu, don't act like you're special.

Trump did everything to make sure it spread all across the US, even is half assed 'travel ban' was a perfect way to spread.
It's the Trump Virus kiddo.

It wasn't the flu, retard

>So the fascist right wing in America are demanding Biden fire Faucci.
Still!? Their king could have nixed Reagan-appointed Faucci at any time during his four years, but even Trump wasn't stupid enough to fire the most experienced pandemic expert the White House had.

Who are these folks who are even more retarded than Trump?

You mean the travel ban that dems cried and screamed was "racist"? You can't put this all on Trump. The reality is, it's easy to look back and say "could've, should've, would've", but that's not going to fix anything. Sure Trump dropped the ball on some things, so did the dems, so did China, it's a big shit sandwich and everyone has to take a bite.