I'm losing to this pic like a motherfucker
also, ylyl
I'm losing to this pic like a motherfucker
Other urls found in this thread:
you must have a shit sense of humor because none of these are good or ironic set ups to a joke
>based_kekistani1488 wants to show you his "Goblin Slayer" torrents
>"Goblin Slayer"
I rest my case.
I get the joke it just is too forced to be funny,
but i know comedy is subjective so who knows
Kek, you requested this pic, I sent you it earlier. Did you just want it to start a faggot ylyl thread?
KEK that one always cranks me up xD
Feel you, b/ro
Best thing in 2021 so far
yeah, the left can't meme
Isn't Dab Forums anti Trump because of all the pro Israel shit he did? Those magapeople usually were red.ditors coming from those the_donald subs/sites. Haven't visited in a long while.
>assmad Trumper
>"That's not funny GUYS"
A classic
Does the left suck Trump's dicks regularly? Because he seems to come out of your mouths 24/7.
this is now a nigger hate thread
Hard for anyone to suck that tiny orange prick when you won't stop riding it.
You're the ones who spent years worshipping that tiny orange dick like the raging trannies you are.
the bot use on Dab Forums is fucking unre, take your shitty, cockfucking Dab Forums propaganda elsewhere you lowlife stormfags
hitler lost
trump lost
neck yourself
you know, to be completely honest, I think OP was being kidnapped and tried to drop hints, but I don't understand
Why is this guy going off about hasidic jews?
>cockfucking stormfag Dab Forums propaganda bot
lol positively SEETHING
sir you are CAW CAWing in a no CAW CAWing zone
Yeah, well, you know how it goes. Cease CAWing or face a six million shekel fine. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go take a fat shit.
Ha, you broke his caw
help me officer i can't breathe caw caw
no u
I blame all the nuclear fallout why American women need to shove a pouch of water up their front end to flush out the nastiness.
that is an impressively-folded sack
And then to think the Belgian roads are amongst the worst in Europe.
It's better than getting shot for climbing through a window like a retard.
No u
you gonna get worms bro
my sides are in orbit what the fuck
based frog poster
fucking lost it
Brilliant and spot on.
Gay tree
niggas out here playing too much munecraft
you got me
I found this today. Most pathetic profile i've ever seen.
>Dog Lover
kinda weak
>spelled obese wrong
is this real?
don't fucking blue ball me. Give us the link
If he shaved and used makeup I'd fuck the tranny
I don't get it
someone who has clearly never been to a US jail thinks you can just walk in and start telling someone who has spent 30 years behind bars what to think and do.
Almost brilliant. 8/10
A communist LARPer thinks the crime-hardened prison population of punch-happy bad bois will turn into LARPers just like him once he tells them of his plan. Autism.
I guess she belongs to the 41% now
Textbook definition of a nursery school insult. How petty and quite honestly pathetic
just another delusional person then
that poster is trying to give off the illusion that theyve come to some profound revelation upon discovering marx's grave costing a fee to ensure the property would be maintained properly
not only is this unsurprising by any standards (maintenance costs labor-time and resources like any other task), it shows that she has a wholly juvenile understanding of marx because marx would have recognized this as capitalism functioning as intended, i.e. the laborer who is tasked to ensure the grounds are maintained properly costs money to employ and whatever cleaning supplies to clean trash, vandalism or et cetera would also cost money
it's an often forgotten fact that marx was in fact a fan and proponent of capitalism as it was far superior to feudalism that came before it; this person's tone gives the impression that she has forgotten this fact
"We'll just convince the antisocial criminals to become antisocial criminals."
>marx was in fact a fan and proponent of capitalism
that's some severe fucking delusion on your part faggot
Dude that's not funny at all. It's this le epic local meme to you?
Yes, Marx said that you need capitalism to create an abundance first, then you must kill and rob everyone in a bloody communist revolution and have a "dictatorship of the proletariat" which is literally impossible because a dictatorship requires a hierarchy. So one group takes power, kills the revolutionaries, and hordes the wealth. It's a retarded ideology for retarded retards.
OP in that pic was a master baiter.
I've never seen a bait that good before.
I guess you can say he sank....like a Bryk.
Hitler is that you?
I'm surprised at the amount of girls that have trusted me enough to tell/show me how much they love their dog.
trips of truth
This thread always suck because you're all a bunch of humorless faggots who post gore and racist shit.
>This thread always suck because you're all a bunch of humorless faggots who post gore and racist shit.
reddit is down the hall and to the left
Y'know I've never seen it put quite that succinctly but you're spot on lmao
>implying reddit's superior servers are even in the same zipcode as 4chans trash basement servers
Just cause you live in a nice neighborhood doesnt make you any less of a faggot.
Not op, just passing through.
Hey my iq is 118, didnt know its that high on the curve
Not genius but
Lmao neocon cuck mad.
So funny to see neolibs and neocons seethe, "white trash"
>reddit's superior servers
go back and stay there
the only person in this entire thread with an IQ above 50, everyone else is just busy spamming unfunny overused alt right memes
but going on the internet and expecting anyone you argue about marx with to actually have read marx is too much, most of the people ITT are 12.
Bestiality is hot.
I appreciate that you recognize that you yourself do not have an IQ above 50.
definitely what he was thinking
>alt right
fuck off back to retarditt, nigger
You're making that poster look bad just by associating with him. Stop it.
Also, yo ma ma is so poor, when she goes to KFC she has to lick other people's fingers.
lmao got eem
>expecting anyone you argue about marx with to actually have read marx is too much,
Smart guy not realizing this is a ylyl thread.
You must be fun at parties, incel.
I'm yet to hear that one before. Nice.
>you must have a shit sense of humor because none of these are good or ironic set ups to a joke
Not everything that's funny is a formally structured joke.
Its a month and you fags still let that kike live in your heads rent free how's that student loan forgiveness coming oh yeah your lord emperor biden is a sell out like we have been saying for over a year
What is it with Magatards and killing dogs?
Douching is not recommended by doctors since it removes the vagina's natural ability to clean itself.
Seen this before and still lost
Report this shit.
>man protects the woman
>woman protects the child
Reported him for being gay.
Damn I clicked on your reply link to see what you were so assmad about cause I wanted to see some stupid shit, but damn, really bro? You sound like your frothing at the mouth cause this dude shrugged his shoulders and said "meh"
report this pedo shit
Its probably a honeypot, but still fucked up, thanks for reporting.
fucking kek
what's with leftists and cp?
I asked for it to be reported. Dumbfuck.
good faggot
>what's with leftists and cp?
simple, logical progression
Whos this
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
He's saying gay people are acting out their trauma by fucking men and acting degenerate. Which is basically what gay men tell you. They say "I was young and confused about my sexuality and an older man fucked me and now I know I'm gay."
>That doesn't make any fucking sense.
sure, if you're retarded
Oh ok, I mean, you're wrong, but that's still more reasonable than what I thought he was saying.
TBF most straight ppl lost their virginity before 18.
If you ever have waited for a woman to get ready for something you know this has to be at least partly true.
You're welcome to say I'm wrong but I'm just talking shit on the internet I'm not writing a dissertation or anything.
I completely agree, you are allowed to say and do what you want. Not denying that. You're welcome to say I'm wrong as well.
OK, I did my research, and I can't debunk this, but I can say that it is misleading, as the info for straight men is very similar. Our nation has a pedophilia problem, one that stretches beyond race or politics.
yeah, but not at fucking FIVE
We willlllll circle back around to that
>you're wrong
I have a friend who lost his virginity to a chick in his neighborhood at 8.
your post is gay and retarded and so are you
If this is supposed to be a depiction of me, you are dead wrong. People should know every fact available, including that gristly one.
>yeah but what about this anecdotal evidence
yeah that totally disproves statistical reality, well done
Nice story, tell it to reader's digest.
>People should know every fact available
then they should know that the holocaust i a lie perpetrated by jews to make themselves the biggest victim in the victimhood-worshiping culture that they slowly subverted the west into becoming
Calm down your autism dude I'm just here to ylyl.
I said fact.
He isn't wrong... Tragedy of the Commons, though. GOP will do anything to win. Those genetic aberrations are something he better get used to.
You will never be a woman
I fuckin love that movie.
Unlike the holohoax, that is a fact.
Its only that high because most of humanity is retarded
>He isn't wrong
He's completely wrong you fucking retard, Trump is objectively the most popular president in decades.
>If this is supposed to be a depiction of me, you are dead
Ha ha, nice!
next line
Always been confused by that part.
Other than Biden.
Tfw I live on the outskirts of Bradford
The holocaust was not faked. There is zero evidence of it.
Cool it. Not the same guy. I thought you threatened him with death because he made fun of you, before i read the last word of that sentence in the next line. Looked hilarious.
Pic related, inb4 mobilefaggot
>Biden got niggers to turn out in cities at a higher rate than Obongo did in '08
Fraud? What fraud? No, you can't have signature verification. Let's all just move on. Unity and healing and all that.
Wow. I don't know why I added the second part at all, that's much better.
Who knew that perpetuating racism against a group for 4 years would make them vote against you.
put all the red hats in work camps
If mods will ban nana posting fags I will buy a Dab Forums pass.
spoken like a true hawk-nosed fiend
>a higher percentage of niggers in cities turned out for Biden than the first nigger president
ok retard
Agreed. Manual labor is all they are good for.
Maybe he was talking about yarmulkes?
People were never as openly racist as they are now. A whole faction of people openly against you is a pretty good motivator.
Put all leftists in death camps. It’s not like they’re any good for manual labour.
thats not what happened
I wish I couldn’t view that image
>Rent free
No, we're what keeps countries running. Every time the republicans destroy a country, we are forced to bring it back from the brink. You stick to our manual labor, and we'll stick to running the world.
i lost my virginity at 15 to a 15 year old girl... high schoolers having sex is pretty fucking common
>People were never as openly racist as they are now
how reddit can one man be
also this
Sure, feel free to corroborate my point, children sleeping with each other in a mutual relationship is also very common, further distorting that dumb fucking graph.
Who the fuck? Democrats fix countries after Republicans fuck them up, what?
Leftists should be in charge of getting offended and taking it up the ass, since that’s what you guys are good at.
>we're what keeps countries running
absolutely retarded on every level/10
I hate chinks with a burning passion
I have no interest in getting offended or anal sex. I'll have to leave that to the cuckolds on the other side of the aisle.
This is why people hate the Chinese.
Yeah the thought of poltards being poltards crack me up too. They are just so pathetic.
It's disgusting and inhuman.
To say that people are openly racist is "reddit". I don't use reddit because it is controlled by the chinese, and frankly, I don't see how one could counter the statement at all. Calling it a reddit statement seems like a deflection because you're too pussy to come up with a reply.
I hate the Chinese and would never use reddit.
that just seems like a really shit way to cook something/kill it
Seeing this occasionally reposted to a ylyl gives me life.
>crying about muh racism is reddit
Still fail to see how the decline of society is funny, libby. You know you LIVE in society, right?
doesn't that technically count as cp because a kids in the video
I'm not crying, I'm trying to explain to a magatard why african americans turned out for biden.
I admit I was wrong since many years from now when they're studying his skeleton they will find out IT was a guy
Also what game is that?
This movie is fucking great fun. That dude just walks around Africa the whole time just flat out fucking berating everyone for being lazy niggers. Even US can't do racism that well.
Based chink says it how it is, niggers don’t do anything
>african americans turned out for biden
Sure they did, Champ.
Without evidence, what you say means nothing.
the best part of that movie to me is watching the chinks repeat the mistakes of the europeans in trying to bring civilization to africa
Kek, this faggot is still out there worshipping politics.
News flash bro- they don't care about you. No matter which party or guy is in charge, your rights have been whittled away at with no new ones being granted. There was nothing sacred that was "ruined".
I reverse the curse, if you don’t reply to this, then your mom will die today.
Lol, this is a ylyl thread, go to Dab Forums if you wanna whine about some useless politics.
>Without evidence
Anyone who watched the election knows it was bullshit
>stop reporting results with Trump in the lead
>multiple nights of vote dumps for Biden
>oh look at that Biden won lol
>no you can't investigate potential fraud, it's time to move on, healing and unity
you would have to be completely retarded to unquestioningly swallow fraud of this magnitude. luckily for the uniparty, most leftists are.
kek, based
is this bait?
>whining about people whining about politics instead of contributing anything to the thread
We’ll just hit the showers and purposely drop the soap
There's also a funny part where the black guy gets back at him. Among the other complaints, the chinese guy yells out that their tools are absolute shit while working on one of their trucks. The black guy says, no wonder, look at the brand
When given the opportunity to present evidence in court both Powell and Giuliani decided against it. It was their damn choice. Not evidence was found.
>Aryan brotherhood and other ethnic gangs don’t care about politics
Why must these retards think hardened criminals are going to kneel down before them ?
bruh wtf is Goblin Slayer
also lost
What are the other 4 reasons?
>given the opportunity to present evidence in court
they weren't given that opportunity you brainwashed fucking faggot, the cases were summarily dismissed, meaning they weren't even given the chance to present their evidence. instead of drinking MSM semen all day, try switching to bleach.
nooooooooo the garlic bread
oi you cheeky fucker, well played
kek I think I have that same one
this guy memes
Whoever posted that is retarded.
I'm in class right now and have had my fill of pointless arguing. The only thing I gained from this is a re-affirmed belief in government assisted suicide for the low IQ
>in class
what do you teach
did you just make a fucking pun?
>I'm in class right now
be sure to regurgitate whatever your professor tells you like a good little NPC
what's with the left not using their brains?
>tiny orange dick
>tiny orange prick
Ah, so this is what your gay little discord is pushing for a narrative today?
As if those turd brains ever carted about the reality
what's this going for, where is the funny
>what do you teach
>superior servers
Wtf are doing here then faggot?
seethe and dilate
>thinks women have to douche to stay clean
virgin detected
It wasnt a joke you massive retard
a loss greater than the library of alexandria
actual neonazis tend to dislike Trump because Trump is pro-Israel and "allowed" his daughter to marry a Joo. Dab Forums has more than just neonazis on it though. plenty of trumptards on there.
Shit b8 go back to pol faggot who cares
"Internet porn isn't corrupting the youth"
anti-capitalism doesn't give a shit whether the slave master likes his slaves
>build the bridge in a day
>no testing of material whatsoever
>go back to pol
lurk moar you flagrant newnigger
Free speech or bust.
Then go live in North Korea faggot I hear there's plenty of stray dogs for everyone to eat.
spiffy rebranding, turbonigger
Fuck u
oh look, both parties hate the working class
hmm, it's almost as if we should abandon the party system, ignore the bullshit slapfights it tricks us into over "identity," and fight the REAL trash in this country
the one on the left is an "Aryan," you dumb nigger
>and fight the REAL trash in this country
Agreed, let's fire up the ovens.