Why do white people's houses fucking STINK so much?

Why do white people's houses fucking STINK so much?

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because your big jew hook nose? you pet nigger?

What's wrong not enough soul food smells, oil, and crisco for ya Tyrone?

>Normalizing retardation

Go back to Dab Forums jew

If that's a stereotype, it's new to me. The only white people's houses i've been to that smelled bad were people with pets. Though it is gross when Amerilards wear shoes inside their house.

Many people never clean.

you clearly know nothing of a PAKI household

What the fuck is it with Americans and shoes in the house anyway?

I always figured because they see it on television and are too stupid to recognize that sitcoms are not real.

Be white, Where shoes too often, no air circulation, stink

or the 47 nigger products they have on them at all times in their nappy cotton picking hair and on their perma-dirt covered skin.

They are too fat to bend over properly and untie their laces. Additionally they don't like their freedoms being taken away by an authoritive figure that tells them they should take their shoes off.

Shoes should be worn indoors. If you walk on concrete the bottom of your shoe is cleaner than the sweaty disgusting bottom of your bare foot. You should have 'off-road' shoes for walking on dirt and grass that you don't wear indoors though.

Plumber here. I visit a wide variety of peoples houses on a daily basis and I can safely say that white and black houses have nothing on Pakistani houses for smells. It can be eyewatering at times, especially if they are older Pakistanis or not Western born. Chinese homes also smell odd as they are often burning leaves or some other weird thing in at least one room. I've only been fully revolted by the scent of one white persons house and they were some sort of French cheese connoisseur.

I don't get the shoes off inside nonsense and I'm not a fat americunt. Shoes off inside is for gooks and pakis

>walk on sidewalk towards mcdonalds
>third tornado of the year swept away the pavement
>walk back home for my hiking shoes
>head back to the spot
>change shoes
>cross mud
>change shoes again

wear SOCKS you fucking animal. also concrete isnt clean, dogs piss on it, drunkards throw up on it, theres dust from car exhausts and shit, people spit on the floor. you fucking ogre you disgust me

You're probably just used to niggerstink, and don't know what good things smell like.

Like Febreze and scented candles.

>Amerilards wear shoes inside their house

Why do they do this?

Your problem is that you were raised with no manners and little hygiene. Your shoes have been on the filthy ground outside, traipsing and treading through all sorts of filth. And now you're happy to embed that in to your carpet? There have been enough studies done to show that people who wear their shoes inside have carpets laden with foecal bacteria for people to know by now that it is gross. Would you walk around outside in your bare feet? No, because it's disgusting. You want to protect your feet from all that shit so you wear shoes. And then you bring all that shit inside on your shoes and it buries itself deep in to your carpets and tiny cracks in your laminate floors.

You're being ridiculous on purpose. If you have to cross through mud, then you won't wear those shoes anywhere there's carpet until you clean them. Tile and linoleum floors are okay though, since those get mopped every week anyway.

Walk around the dog shit and vomit. Dust isn't a problem, if you bring that into your house the floors get vacuumed every week anyway.

Why do non-americans build such shit houses and clean their places so little they are worried about shoes inside?

Enjoy your smelly feet, never get any air lol

Why are those stupid white people keeping a goat inside?

i'm white british and i don't know anyone who wears shoes in the house because who the fuck wants dirt and shit all over the floor when you can take them off on the doormat and enter a clean environment in your fucking socks

protip: you're a nasty cunt

The dead jews under the floorboards.

That's all them niggers, stealing our shit.

Doesn't matter if the carpet is unhygienic since your skin will hardly ever touch it anyway, if you properly wear shoes indoors or at least slippers. The "ground outside" isn't nearly as "filthy" as you think it is. It's mostly dust and sand. You can wash your shoes off a bit by walking through a puddle, and there's a welcome mat in front of your door to wipe your shoes off when you come indoors. If you're so paranoid about carpet hygiene just rent a carpet cleaner once a year.

Everyone in Europe doesn't wear shoes in the house. It's like Muricans want to be 3rd world on purpose...

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Cause we're free to do so

Not used to the smell of soap, cleaning agents and detergents, huh?

If you retard would vaccum and mop the floor yourself instead of letting it done by your parents, you'd think otherwise you disgusting animal.

this is just bad parenting. i can tell you several things about you from the fact that you don't remove your shoes at the door:
>your mother smokes
>your mother is either crack head skinny or rotund and fat
>you live in social government funded housing and thus have little regard for the property
>south /east london or the far north of the uk
>you are a long term claimant of jobseekers allowance or government welfare of some kind

>Would you walk around outside in your bare feet? No,

Lmao found the soyboy

It's called camping you silly european fuck

Get an immune system. Or maybe where you live it really is hazardous outside

I bet your curtains and walls are yellow from nicotine too. People who don't remove their shoes always smoke up the house inside. Chip fat and cigarettes.

mostly because white folk cant clean for shit. They also always own dogs and let me tell you dogs smell bad. They dont notice it because they have become accustomed to it

> camping means bare feet

Okay ameritard.


Oh sorry we don't steam-clean our rugs with axe body spray and own 24 pitbulls. The smell of dog piss is truly superior.

Yes, because I go camping in the urban streets of a city where Pakis spit on the ground routinely from the back of their throats and mongoloids let their pitbulls piss and shit against the street lamps. That's my favourite place to camp. Near my house, where I live.

White people houses smell like sweat and semens from powerful Indian bull fucking your white daughters and white wife.

The jews make white people think they have no value, so they live as such

I didn't realise you were supposed to leave your shoes behind when you go camping. That must be why none of those camping stores sell a huge variety of boots and shoes specifically for camping and hiking. Oh wait, they do. Because you're actually retarded.

Fuck off britfag.

>Why do white people's houses fucking STINK so much?
That's like asking why do black people work so hard. Go to a chinese person house and get back to me. Chinks, stink.

Why do white people look like monkeys?

Chinese houses smell like mothballs and rice

Why do black people STINK so much?

Not enough unwashed plates strewn allover the house with rotten food and roaches on it for ya ?

>build such shit houses
My gran's flat is older than your entire fucking country, built in the early 1700s. We build houses and flats to last, out of brick. You Americans build houses out of drywall and lumber and put plastic brick facades on the front to make people think you're 'classy'. Our houses are better.

Why do black people smell like vasaline and babypowder lol?

Literally just amerifats, they never shower and eat shitty fast food all the time

Puerto Rican and Dominican houses smell like old frying oil, but damn that food is good.

Maybe old people smell?

In my experience it's mostly cause they're just neglectful as fuck. Personal and pet hygiene is something that happens to other people. And because they're pale, somehownthat also means they aren't dirty. Meanwhile the smell like mayonaise and onions left in a grocery bag out in the sun for a week. And their fucking feet are so much worse! Like fucking wash your feet you fat asses. I know you cant see them standing up but they're still at the end of your legs!

white people dont like showering

every race has been showering except for white people in the 1400s even aztecs....

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The smell of soaps and deodorant can be noxious to some.

dirty ass white faggots
>public opinion about bathing began to shift in the middle and late 18th century, when writers argued that frequent bathing might lead to better health. Two English works on the medical uses of water were published in the 18th century that inaugurated the new fashion for therapeutic bathing.

this thread is ridiculous.
ethnicities smell different to each other, thats why segregation is a good thing.

also, every civilized society has a form of house shoes or slippers for indoor use. only niggers, poos and bush people dont have indoor footwear.

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wrong puerto rican or any island latin nigger use barefoot indoors

If you have a dirt floor in your house then it hardly matters whether or not you wear shoes on it.

hilarious watching these incels screeching the moment you do as much as posting a troll thread on fucking Dab Forums. of all the bullshit leftists spew, white fragility is the one thing that is absolutely fucking real.

You should see indian and middle eastern homes. A good number of them smells like armpits and its fucking gross.
I rather deal with white people that wear shoes inside that indian/middle eastern homes.

yeah people have dirt floors in their house
stupid dog

from my experience i could gather the following stereotypical smell descriptions so far:
black about white: wet dog
white about black: old sweat
azn about white: milk/sour
azn about black: 'sharp brimstoneny smell'
everyone about poos: disgusting curry
poo about everyone: idk, never got to talk to one about this

non whites are not able to differentiate white ethnicity by smell - unless something obvious like vodka, garlic, etc is involved.

thats what i said ?

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Nigger houses reek of shitty weed and coco butter. Never been in a cracker house that even came close to smelling that bad.

Some of the worst stinking houses I've been in were white.
On average though, white houses are totally fine.
African ones were mostly fine too, although they hadn't been in long to grind their musk into their surroundings.
But like the plumber said, Paki house's stink, Indians stink too and any colour skin of a retard/subhuman.
The white unconvincing tranny stunk something special.
At the time someone said it was the hormones, but maybe it was just the gash wound the surgeon put in.

This is what Peurto Rican/Carribean Island houses look like. Dirt and sand floors.

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I've also been in jew houses.
They smell like a typical white old persons house, not as musty but with a wierd undersmell I couldn't quite work out.
They have little scrolls on their doorways too but that's off topic.

I bet they just shit in the sand and either bury it or throw it in the ocean.

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why are you racist?

Rooofl you probably never even left your state.

>Have to reference your "gran's flat" because you cannot afford to buy or build a house

>try to shit on people who own houses


You are smelling cocoa butter

Obvious reply is obvious.
Well done user, your courage in the face of adversity is a credit to us all.

White people houses just smell like yankee candles

>doesn't realize how far the troll rabbithole goes
lurk longer, friend

kys commie

You everyone in your country had to live on an island the size of Florida you'd live in a flat too. It's not a matter of poverty, it's a matter of population density,

What does your house smell like?
Probably a zoo of apes.

Dogs and cats.

>ayo finna febreeze ma crib wit ma bat an ma gat, nigguh
the smell of nigger houses is masked by odors of weed, meth, crack and gunpowder

That is racist Mr Chang! You should come to America and experience it by yourself instead of prejudice.

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All these anons talking about americans wearing shoes indoors. I never have met anyone who does that, why the fuck would you?? You walk in the house and take your shoes off immediately and put them on the mat by the door. If you wanna wear shoes you wear socks or slippers. What the fuck is wrong with people? Is this actually a thing? Ameritard here, but not a fatty, and I don't associate with fatties. Is that why I haven't seen it?

go outside incel

this is how your average american looks likes and its true since i post a picture

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You illegals better stay in your beach shacks with dirt floors and don't come to America. You have your home country, I have mine.

State, fuck. Most amerifags are proud to have never been more than 50 miles from their home.

Amerifag here, not true. Most people travel between states if for no other reason than to essentially shitpost in real life about how somehow their state is superior to the one they are currently in.

Fun fact, I'm actually on my way to the airport to go to AZ to shit on them.

'murcans dgaf about dirt on their floors. we dont sit on the floor to eat like third-worlders. we have tables and chairs. and vaccuums and swiffers

OP is mad because our homes don't stink as bad as theirs.

Because they seem to be fucking retards. My girlfriends dad never trained his dog and lets it shit and piss everywhere in their house. And he doesn't clean it up for hours, so hes basically just waiting for the dog to die before he replaces the carpet. Can't even walk around without shoes in the house because the carpets are soaked with dog piss. Low iq retard shit is why people have smelly houses

Because of niggers disproportionately sneaking into them in order to steal or rape. Essentially because of you, OP.

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In China we don’t have such technology because we owned by CCP. For some reason we do have cloned one!

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>Low iq retard shit is why people have smelly houses
Pretty much this. White people are not exempt from being retarded, as much as they want to pretend otherwise.

>White fragility
Meanwhile... black fragility is literally burning down a building when a police officer does his job and enforces the law, but comments on the Internet responding to a race baiting autist is the 'end of the world'.

I'm still not sure which is funnier. The OP or all the white people chimping out at it.

Niggers really do love projecting and trying to bring others down to their low level. I've worked in pest control and electricity, and every black person's home I ever entered stunk to high heaven.

did you mean chinese people? i didn’t see any white in this thread.

who know's man. Maybe it's all just a simulation

>which is funnier.
>The OP
>all the white people chimping out at it.

The chimps chimping out. Duh

yeah you're right

yeah most of chinese cyber army are paid to shit posting on United States all over internet especially in Dab Forums Dab Forums

Because they keep letting mutts like you roll around on the carpet.

I thought that was the Russians?

Damn, and here we are, having our dumbass conversations.

Because milk.

>Imagine not owning a pair of loafers for indoors wearing

And the uv from the sun sterilises it.

>Maoism Communism
Lmao did you forget China is still a communist country?

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Imagine owning a house or not living in the Projects.

I was good friends with several black guys in high school and would go over their houses often to smoke weed. Their houses always smelled like incense sticks and the entire stay would be accompanied by a beeping smoke alarm indicating a dying battery.