What could have existed before the Big Bang? If nothing, How did ‘nothing’ just explode

What could have existed before the Big Bang? If nothing, How did ‘nothing’ just explode

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Other urls found in this thread:

home.cern/news/series/lhc-physics-ten/recreating-big-bang-matter-earth#:~:text=The Large Hadron Collider (LHC,CERN usually collides protons together.&text=The LHC wasn't the,of the quark–gluon plasma.

God. Whatever that means to you. Funny white bearded guy in clouds? Sure why not? Mathematical energy? Probably more likely but who gives a shit.

The universe started with a sound

Who said nothing exploded? All we know for certain is that a really hot and dense point in space expanded quickly...for whatever reason and became what we know as the universe today.

I think it could be some sort of infinate puzzle that can never be solved. When we find out what it was, there will be something before that. It's a bit like particles, now we have found quarks but what smaller components make up a quark? Same both ways, who knows what the universe looks like on a larger scale, is our solar system the equivalent of an atom in a space giants dildo?

there is no reason to believe that reality or the universe must be ‘nothing’ without a cause or shouldn't exist. It is our primitive minds that assumes this based on our limited perception and experience from thr world we live in since everything around us has a beginning and so must be the universe. We must not forget that it is possible that the universe is what it is and it has no beginning

It's all just an hour glass of black holes. When one consumes all it can, you flip the hour glass and a new universe is born until it too recedes into nothingness.

If you believe in God then what came before God? Nothing?
It's essentially the same thing, only the big bang isn't based on guesswork.

Judging by the level of discourse at Dab Forums, I'd guess the universe came to be from explodiated dork matter.

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The fact that the universe is accelerating disproves that, there can't be a a cycle with big crunches if it's accelerating

There was no before God

>All we know for certain is that a really hot and dense point in space expanded quickly..
Where did it come from?

>is our solar system the equivalent of an atom in a space giants dildo?
Makes sense. At any point in time someone will ise the dildo and we all die due to force.



My ass

Cool special pleading, bro.

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lol nice counter

Wtf how did you get into my kitchen

Shit up ez.

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the universe has a cyclical life. once there is heat death, it contracts and all energy is so concentrated into an infinitesimal point and again it explodes into the universe we know once more. but thats my speculation

>Where did it come from?
It created itself. If you have nothing, odds are it will fluctuate into something.

I think Seinfeld was in the 7-8 o'clock slot before Big Bang.

This TRIGGERS the athetard.
>b-b-but who created god haha ch-checkmate ;_;
>God is all-powerful. He needs no creator.
>Where did the explosive material required to create this bang come from?

That is a question they are trying to answer at CERN

But just because we don't yet have an answer doesn't mean you can inject a God in

You're assuming the big bang is the one and only creation of a the only universe.

My personal belief, based on half heartedly reading some papers way over my head, is our universe is merely one of an infinite number in an 'outerverse' comprised entirely of energy. Since there is no spacetime in this outerverse, energy pockets spontaneously merge to create matter an infinite number of times all at once.
Our universe is one of an infinite number all happening at once but since spacetime only exists inside of a universe pocket we experience the creation and destruction of it in relative time.
I also believe that the whole quantum fluctuation caused by particles spontaneously being created and destroyed are parts of other big bangs (or entire universes) leaking through into our universe, being subjected to our laws of physics and instantly being destroyed.

You have to remember that our tiny monkey brains cannot possibly comprehend infinity, we cannot consider that something has always existed because everything we see has a beginning and an end. For the universe to simply exist in the first place infinity must be possible otherwise where the fuck did it all come from.

>a really hot and dense point in space expanded quickly
so, like an explosion?

occam's razer bruv

an explosion isn't just a rapid expansion dumbshit

1 dimensional vibrating strings make up quarks.

Actually it is. That's how gunpowder works.


Anyway home.cern/news/series/lhc-physics-ten/recreating-big-bang-matter-earth#:~:text=The Large Hadron Collider (LHC,CERN usually collides protons together.&text=The LHC wasn't the,of the quark–gluon plasma.

Yeah? explain how gunpowder works in layman's terms without copy pasting smart guy.

>an explosion isn't just a rapid expansion dumbshit
An explosion is a rapid expansion in volume associated with an extremely vigorous outward release of energy, usually with the generation of high temperatures and release of high-pressure gases.

An exact scientific definition for you mate.

everything in the universe already existed but it was in the same spot. the big bang created a projection that put everything into three dimensional coordinates.

Some chemicals have some energy applied to them so they can reach their activation point, where even more energy is then created due to a chain reaction as the materials desire to reach a low-energy state, Generally in heat which is then rapidly dissipated due to the heat and pressure build up.


Big bang is a theory. Science is bullshit.

E=MC2 you fucktard

Great, what you just described is not what happened during the big bang.

gravity is a theory too
you arguing that doesn't exist either? Learn to science, stop being stupid

The term "before" makes no sense in this context. The Big Bang is defined as the event that started space-time. There was no time before the Big Bang, in the sense that time didn't exist before it, and that time is only a meaningful term within the space-time the Big Bang created.

The definition of explosion isn't gun-powder exploding, that would be recursive for starts, and secondly would be non-sensical. In fact, when you remove the gunpowder-specific parts of the explanation you are left with a high-energy region in space dissipating rapidly, aka the big bang.

>so, like an explosion?
Not at all, the Big Bang being an "explosion" is middle school level stupidity.

There is no difference for nature between the void and a + / - that neutralize themselves asap. You can borrow energy from nothing if you pay it back quick enough.

The question is why did after the big bang ( + and - separating and neutralizing themselves) some matter still exist, it should have all disappeared.

literally, read

Maybe if you're autistic and think of it as a nuke going off.

Simple. We don't know. Same with aliens. We have 1 sample and are winging it. We'll die and our children's childrens children will too before we know the truth. Many other things freak me out but I don't question them. I won't find the answer out and I leave it at that.

There are infinite universes. When a star collapses in a universe and forms a black hole, on the other side is theorized to be a white hole.

Basically, all the matter sucked into the black hole gets spit out into a place that did not exist before. A black hole rips a hole in time/space and creates a new space for matter to go.

Eventually, that matter settles and starts forming new stars, planets etc.

This has been going on for eternity.

The big bang was simply one star collapsing in a universe, tearing space open and spitting matter out in a new place.

Which also means each universe is more or less shaped like a bell.

Our universe has countless black holes itself and there fore has spawned new universes as well.

we cannot survive going through a black hole to see these universes, because it tears all matter down to its basic atomic structure. But basically, if you wonder what other universes look like, they look just like ours.

By any definition, no explosion occurred.

>Kate Lohnes
>Kathleen Lohnes was an editorial intern at Encyclopaedia Britannica in 2017 and 2018. She received her bachelor’s degree in philosophy and creative writing in 2020 at the University of Iowa.
>creative writing
nice source.

2: a large-scale, rapid, or spectacular expansion or bursting out or forth

An explosion is a sudden, violent burst of energy, for example one caused by a bomb.
An explosion is a large rapid increase in the number or amount of something.

4. a sudden, rapid, or great increase:

Literally fucking google if you press "more definitions"
3. a sudden increase in amount or extent.
"an explosion in the adder population"

To say there was not an explosion of matter, energy, or existence / space itself during the big bang would be simply retarded.

The universe is a Taurus. The big bag was a white hole. The opposite of a black hole. The universe has a cycle and moves in a tuarus. As the tuarus folds back on itself everything is sucked into a black hole and spit of a white hole restarting the process. Our goal is to overcome this hologram and escape the bounds of time space and raise our consciousness to higher dimensions.

The definition literally can mean any sort of "great increase", So you are completely wrong as the term is extremely vague, and not at all necessarily related to bombs.
Maybe you missed English class?

>he doesn't know about 11 dimensional space and P-branes and M-theory

>Maybe you missed English class?
Maybe you missed physics class because you have no idea what you are talking about

my guess is the insane pressure from black holes inverted somehow spewing all sorts of matter is was trying to crush
think a condensed computer file being unzipped

Yes, by the loosest definition possible it's an explosion. Same as me having massive diarrhea after eating mexican food and drinking half a dozen margaritas is an "explosion."

Newbs cannot comprehend an eternal universe.

Even if I missed class at least I ain't wrong nigga. Read a fucking dictionary.

>2: a large-scale, rapid, or spectacular expansion or bursting out or forth
Doesn't describe the big band
>An explosion is a sudden, violent burst of energy, for example one caused by a bomb.
Doesn't describe the big bang
>An explosion is a large rapid increase in the number or amount of something.
Doesn't describe the big bang
>4. a sudden, rapid, or great increase:
Doesn't describe the big bang
>3. a sudden increase in amount or extent.
Doesn't describe the big bang

Got any more incorrect assumptions?

"If it were an explosion it would have a center," said physicist Paul Steinhardt, director of the Princeton Center for Theoretical Science at Princeton University in Princeton, N.J. "We actually observe that everything is moving away from everything else. It's really about an expansion of the universe."

Except no one thinks that the big bang was a fucking nuke going off anyway, and most of the definitions are not even that loose.

You are wrong and it's very pathetic that you don't understand why, this is shit you are supposed to learn in high school.

So you're implying there was no increase in the volume of space itself, no mass is equal to mass in general considering it fucking poofed out of nowhere? Nice one, retard.

There was not a single reference to an explosion needing a centre in any definitions. Try again.

>I know better than the director for theoretical science at Princeton because I read the dictionary
Ok, actually fuck off retard

>no mass is equal to mass in general considering it fucking poofed out of nowhere?
Nice one, retard.
>So you're implying there was no increase in the volume of space itself
Define space

pathetic humans

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your question makes no sense. it is like asking "what's north of the north pole" (there is no north, at the north pole).


Space, the negation of anything.

it really is nearly impossible to read that not in Q's voice and inflections

I never said he was wrong, I said you are too retarded to see the context of his statement.

In case you actually give a fuck to learn something, read A Universe From Nothing by Lawrence Krauss. Everything will be a theory because of the nature of the big bang, but it is plausible and it makes more sense than, cuz muh god magic.