When were you when you realized that they are brown and they are finna coming out (finna to celebrate black history...

When were you when you realized that they are brown and they are finna coming out (finna to celebrate black history month)

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I was in 'hood buying cheap bike.
>phone ring
>"Yo wass up Homes?"
>>"Andy in town. They are brown."

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in theory...as long as the diet of the bottom/sissy/transgirl consits of mostly plant, soy, and maybe the odd insect protein...it would still be perfectly sanitary to have anal sex after/before/during shitting.

if the twinky fag just eats plants, then thats all the "shit" will be made of...so it's just all natural lube then

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Kek this i like...
Thy r brwn

Give it up, E

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Time's up, O

Backstage at a BVB concert in july. The miasma was unwielding.

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Moar... Greentext

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