muslims have no place in modern society and islam is probably the single greatest threat to peace in the modern world
Muslims have no place in modern society and islam is probably the single greatest threat to peace in the modern world
its reverse.
modern society is a threat to islamic world.
the old of the west have died and the new cannot be born, islam is the redemption.
i have no clue how you can unironically say that when sandniggers blow themselves up in town centers every other day
Wait, what?
Too much mudslime between the ears?
very based
this cryptic mental gymnastics doesn't justify their behaviour for the last 1,800 years.
Islam is retarded
>literally believe in fucking genies
>kiss an asteroid
>think wiping their asshole with their bare hand is hygienic, as long as they only use their left hand
>they thank Allah every time they take a shit or fart
>think their prayers won't be heard by allah if they're not turned in exactly the right direction
>praying 5 times a day, lmao, even waking up in the middle of night to pray
>Mohammed became so lazy writing the koran that chapter 2 is like 20 pages long, and then keeps getting shorter with each chapter until the last chapters are literally a paragraph long each
>think saying "peace be upon him" after every time they mention Mo's name will get them good boy points with Allah
>falling for the "do what I say and you'll get to live forever in infinite happiness" scam
>still using the moon as the basis of their calendar, so dates never align from year-to-year
All muslims should be removed from whatever countries they crawl into out of their third world shitholes. Europe and North America should be free of muslims and Islam forever. Fucking brown beasts go back to their own countries.
Islam is only a threat for the cucked West. Rest of the world is too based and will never put up with their shit. Just look at what the bug people are doing to their own muslims.
Islam is the only way of progress. Without Islam society drowns in degeneracy.
Islam is the truth, Islam is the only way
Islam makes mass murderers out of already unintelligent ethnic groups. They're always going to be stupid, but Islam turns them striaght up violent.
Muslims throwing faggots off rooftops is literally the ONLY good thing about them. Everything else about Islam is degenerate and will destroy the whole world unless we crush it.
Yes. Its becoming more and more apparent.
I don't know what they're feeding you but you rely less on them for information about islam. If you know nothing about catholicism, i can make it seem that its a rapey cult by feeding you infos on the popes' and priests' pedophilic escapades.
Islam is right about women. And Jews. And faggots.
good morning niggers. This is my first time on Dab Forums.
its culturally incomparable with the west for sure
that being said the actual threat to world peace is the military industrial complex
they're just looking for excuses to bomb the shit out of anything and everything
You all have no place in society. Me too. It's all fucked up. Not even masturbating is funny anymore.
Amen brother
What? You see muslims raping toddlers whilst declaring its part of their religious practice? Even if you see those kinds of shit with your own two eyes (which i'm sure as hell you dont) how can you be sure to have grasped the whole context behind it? Ever thought of the possibility of another party purposely misrepresenting them for their own benefits/agenda? How can you be sure?
What do we know nowadays? They can dictate what you gullible pricks see and how you think. I don't know and am not sure about alot of shit, and i act like i dont.
Wrote a long reply and the asshole took down his post. Pardon the rant anons.
The world will eventually be under Islamic rule, it's inevitable.
What was the gist of it?