Why so many americans hate socialism and communism and all similar?
Why so many americans hate socialism and communism and all similar?
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Several reasons. First, they don't know what it is which leads to high levels of retardation. Second, they've fallen for the "imma be a millionaire real soon" mentality.
>Going to bite the bait.
Trusting the absolute entirety of a nation's economical power to the central government has historically, and will inevitably result in corruption, inadequate spread of wealth, and a lack of innovations brought by ambitious entrepreneurs.
"From each according to their ability, to each according to their need" results in reduced quality of worker efficiency and yields of labor.
And Finally, people are greedy by nature. Effectively handing all of a nation's wealth to the now-extremely powerful central government will only serve to pad their pockets--while emptying ours.
Communisms, failed system, socialism many support it here and we do have forms of it that many don't recognize here even if it is bare.
Because suck my cock, sissy faggot
Take, for example, The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
>"But it wasn't real socialism!"
>"They were communists, not socialists!"
>"It wasn't socialism that caused them to fail!"
All the above is incorrect. The USSR was, if only initially, true Marxist socialism. From each their ability, to each their need. But you know what happens when you give a central government absolute control? You have the leaders wanting more--because if one man has power, they WILL want more; from a king to a monk, this truth does not falter. It was easy, an absolute cakewalk, to seize militaristic power because: Oh, wait, we have the money, and we have sole authority over where it goes!
America is, on a constitutional level, against this level of government control and interference. The people decide what they want to produce, to whom they produce, and through what means they produce. This is the foundations of economics, and the core belief of capitalism.
>Why so many americans hate socialism and communism and all similar?
Well, if we had examples of where it worked on a large scale - the overwhelming majority of people all enjoying the same economic status, no wealthy government officials, etc, we might be in favor of it.
it's literally a meme which carried over from war times, americans are NPCs and just repeat what their ancestors tell them
Because this is what a communist/socialist citizen looks like
The majority of Americans don't even know what socialism or communism even is. Hell, they even think America is a democracy.
spud cock is yuuumilious yo spud cock I'm strayght
Nordic model, baby. Best system in the world
I’m loving this. You have socialists lobbing insults and insulting people’s intelligence (ironic). Meanwhile almost every comment criticizing socialism is actually well formulated.
The problem with spending other peoples money is that there is never enough Democratic republic
And checked
Except that they aren't socialist. They have a lot of socialist programs, but they are Capitalists.
Socialist policies are socialism, unless you think socialism is a government.
Because of the continuing “ghost story” that circulates among the working poor through middle class: if the wealthy have to pay more than their current share, the economy will implode, and everyone will be poor and starving.
Because we’re all rich
Unironically this.
Once you've gotten your first job, your first ability to produce your own X Y or Z, you no longer think the gubbamint can manage your money better than you. The majority of people these days in the United States that have dyed hair and gauges are in the process of being indoctrinated in colleges. You dont stumble upon communism through common sense. Once these students leave college and get their own jobs, the rate of self proclaimed "Communists" actually drops off IMMEDIATELY
Then after your second job, you realize "Holy fuck, because of for-profit healthcare, I could be bankrupted instantly if I got sick even if I had insurance! And lose everything I ever worked for!" Then you start thinking like a Social Democrat.
Most Euro countries, nordic ones are even a better exemple.
Hell even Canada.
Socialism is just a way to patch the holes in capitalism. It’s an hybrid model that seems to work fine enough.
The USA have become a corrupt failed state in so many worst ways
No, socialist programs are just that. Programs. They aren't full socialism.
>hybrid model that seems to work fine enough.
I agree that a hybrid system works well. I'm just saying that the nordic countries aren't socialist.
>t. Non American
Decades of propaganda.
Ironically you calling a college an indoctrination center proves the point why Americans are afraid of things they can’t understand. When you dismiss education as a whole, you’re just going to descend into conspiracy and magical thinking to prop up your world view
No they dont. You just made that up. After their FIRST job they see the ridiculous tax rates (Especially coming from leftist states like NY and California) and hate the idea of 90% taxes. You're pulling shit from your ass. The facts dont say that at all.
What is then?
Over 50% of americans don't have extra money for a 500$ medical emergency...
Cope. You will never be American.
On top of that if you're looking to specifically argue healthcare, why dont you goto Canada next time you break your leg?
Theres a reason everyone comes to the US FROM Canada even though their healthcare is "free"
Delusional foreigner alert
Thank god for that.
Nice virus bro. Not clicking that
Because communism was objectively terrible.
T. Eastern European.
>this article is over 5 years old
I dont think you're using that word right.
Ive first hand been to the majority of colleges in my area with friends, where (in just one example) the front door was lined with posters advertising an in-school play of a homosexual coming out of the closet. I can say whole heartedly, and fully confident EVERY one I had been to without exception (The privatized ones we'rent as bad. But they werent good) were a huge joke. Safe spaces, feminist studies, marxist studies.
And things have gotten better in 5 years? With the pandemic and all?
>90% taxes
You need updated information, sweetie.
Socialist programs.
why do you love it so much when 30% of communist populations in some places died of starvation
the sparrow killing of china
Any tax rate is theft
Hows that?
Instead of using hyperbole I'll just say any number above 0%.
Underage ban
Survey from this year says over 60% of acmericans have less than 1000$ in savings.
Tel me why I should give a fuck about others first then ill listen
And when the dollar amount the average american is converted into communist monopoly money, is it a 1:1 conversion rate?
Im saying even the average below-middle class american is better off to be poor in america than middle class majority in a communist country
Keep moving that goal post. Whatever you say does not change the fact that majority of americans are not rich.
>user is an expert on college having visited a few with friends and looking at a poster on the “front door”
>privatized ones were better
Just stop. If you were going to make a case on college being an indoctrination center, you would at least focus on private, Liberal Arts colleges.
>muhhhh 90% taxes!!!
>"You're pulling shit from your ass"
oh the irony
You ought to study the other, more important aspect of that equation. The amount of money the average American pisses away. Booze, cigarettes, soda, junk food, drugs, etc.
Wealth is not about earning, it is about spending. I hear the crap about how it costs more to eat healthy than it does to eat unhealthy. Well, red delicious apples cost $1.99/#. A 1# bag of potato chips cost $4.99.
Which is healthier and which costs more?
Still a stupid argument
whataboutism detected
It’s semantics
How do you call their capitalist with a big web of social programs model then if not socialist?
I remember being “privatize everything” years old
American exceptionalism is ingrained in everything about American culture
it doesnt help that due to a combination of authoritarianism and shitty inefficient manufacturing Russian commies are a perfect example of why its a bad idea.
I find it odd that people who don't trust a capitalist government to do right, think giving them carte blanche socialist power will all of a sudden make them not corrupt.
Dumb fucking chink nigger.
people,.. around the world
>socialism and communism
>all similar
lol what?
No. Stating facts. Wealth isn't about earning, it is about spending.
Earn a million dollars a year but spend two million on things which don't make money and you'll go broke.
The government doesn't own the means of manufacturing or employment.