Drink 12 beers again last night

>drink 12 beers again last night
How do I learn to limit my self better?

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Bro I don't know. I got fucked up off a 5th and flipped the fuck out in my kitchen.woke up today wife gone kids gone why can't I just drink like a normal fucking person

sorry to tell you but you literally just have to stop. cant just have one even.

drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes between each beer. just slow your consumption down a little.

Don't have 12 beers in the house. Recognize that drinking ruins the next day.

Be poor - have no beer

And that got you hungover?

Just don't drink. It really is that simple.
Why did you drink 12 beers? Probably because you were bored. So get something to do. A hobby.
And again, want a beer? Don't.

I quit smoking about a month ago. How? I just didn't smoke. Simple as.

learn to get pleasure from taste and not the alcohol.
I drink only good beer and no more than 2 in one evening, it's much better.

Drink a couple glasses of water (8-12 oz) for each beer. Don't fucking cave. That'll limit your intake by a lot. Or at count until you're at a limit where you're comfortable, buzzed, but not shitfaced, and next time just strive to hit that amount. The water truck works wonders for me and saves me from toilet worship and regrets

a little bit

>12 beers
12 beers is a warm up faggot.

call this guy a faggot

He's right though. Kill niggers.

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I drink while I do my hobbies

shoving various stuff inside your asshole is not a hobby

Learn to give yourself greater priorities.

Example: I like to wake up and go to the gym in the morning. If I get too fucked up it messes up my workout. I hate that shit. So what do you want more? To get fucked up or engage in hobbies that interest you.

If you can’t do the above, mill yourself. Jk. Not really but come on man. Just try to stay busy.

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This is a lie, being inclined towards alcoholism, but limiting yourself successfully, is one of the most intense and satisfying feats of willpower, if you can swing it.

you're using taste to justify the means. You wouldn't be drinking alcohol at all if it were really for the taste. You can get taste from anything.

Does lifting a piece of metal really interesting to you though? Or is it a desperate attempt for attention?

what a retarded point of view, you can't get taste of beer from anything else, most kinds of beers don't even have non-alcohol versions.
drinking slowly keeps me from getting pissed, and i'm being completely sober when i go to bed
i don't even like being drunk, i like my mind clear
if you can't control yourself and you can't get any pleasure from complex taste, it's your problem m8

Recognize you are fat

That’s the thing. It started as a way to impress others but now I find the process cathartic. I now take pride in having that aspect of improving myself. It’s nice, man.

You have issues you need to deal with. You will have a really hard time abstaining if you dont.

Im a polysubstance addict. Been to rehab; multiple detoxes the passed 3 years. Its only this passed month ive been actually able to abstain without issue because ive spent the passed 3 years working on my trauma and issues. Otherwise its an uphill battle you will fight EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE UNTILL YOU DIE. Deal with your shit, user.

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) Is your best bet.

Good luck user. im rooting for you!

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