You find a death note and have a pen in your pocket

You find a death note and have a pen in your pocket.

What is the first name you immediately write in it

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my own

Muhammed. That should kill a couple hundred million of them sand niggers.


Joe Biden

Ima write my own name.

Fuck this shit

who's Joe?

David Davidson

Cope harder

You brought this upon yourself

ma spuds name af course spud

Attached: brah.jpg (720x720, 88.36K)

Joe mama

I'm not an American conservative. I'm a Uyghur Muslim in west China and your president just condoned my family being slaughtered in concentration camps.

Have some empathy, you monster.

Faggot who doesn't know how it works.

I'd write my uncles's name

vin diesel

Ivanna Trump, then Eric Trump a couple months later.
Kill off that fucker's whole family over the course of a year.

Why not just all at once? Da gubment would be looking for political involvement, not a supernatural notebook. You'd never be caught.

damn i like joe more now

>Why not just all at once?
More suffering. Constant feeling of impending doom.

This has so much edge it cut me from the thread

I'll just write Earth into it and hope a meteor ends us all. Fuck everybody. You ALL suck. FUCK YOUUU!

I’ll wait for the god of death owner and give it back. Writing in it implies damning myself, in opposition to people just dying. The implication is your eternal soul can be destroyed instead of just dying and moving to the next step.


Lmao based.

Nancy Pelosi.

"any and all dieties"
wondering what will happen
maybe uranus

Can't believe you didn't see this coming.

my wife

For some reason George W Bush came to mind first but fuck it, death by jet fuel it is for ol Georgie

Are you me ?
I feel you Dab Forumsro

Queen Elizabeth, that bitch needs to die already

My girlfriend's name.


God wont be able to save the Queen this time