Im going to kill myself tomorrow

Im going to kill myself tomorrow.
Im a 25+ neet who never even spend time one on one with a girl. Everyone i know had girlfriends by now, even multiple ones.
Im a total failure and a waste.

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Can you take a a few niggers with you please?

Whatever, man.

Youve been brainwashed into thinking that women are what make you a person.

women are literally retarded children who leech on your very soul and provide a single thing, a warm hole for your dick. grow a pair and fucking do something great with your life and you will have to beat the bitches off with a stick.

how OP? rope?

I could understand that you want to kill yourself over something bad with you that you cannot change, but over a girl?
Girls themselves know of how low value they are which is why they are repulsed by need men.

I won't say sex is not worth it, I feel it the same tall guy saying height does not matter and such, sex feels good, to stick dick into a girl that lets you and wants you feels fucking good, but that is it.

No girl is worth losing the life over her, if you want to suicide do something big that will resonate, this way will just confirm to all chicks that rejected you that they done good.

don't be sucha fucking pussy. Most of us are hanging on till the end. kys is the easy way out.

imagine killing yourself because you're young and single

Okay. So how do you plan on doing it? At least be creative.

I know, old age. That'll show everyone.

Upload it to a rekt thread

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I second both these bro you don't have to end it all because of pussy. There is more to life then getting laid and what comes the morning after sex? I useless bag of meat that will lie and connive against you at any moment . Start off slow bro better yourself you don't need a woman to realize how great you are. You are the best bro you don't need to make a selfish act like suicide even if your family doesn't like you or you feel that way you just have to keep moving no matter the difficulty everyone's been through it . Find a better network or support group that can help you become the best YOU can be.

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Call 911 or whatever it is in your area and get to a hospital right now, fag. The condition you have is very treatable. Maybe you can get a ketamine treatment and trip balls.

having a girlfriend doesn't change shit.

I have GF and i still spank it to weird porn games.

Live according to your own rules.

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dim comment user

It's the fact that you care about not having had a gf that makes you a loser.

Just become an alcoholic, and die of old age, that will show them.

You have a loooong life ahead of you if you won't do it lad. Life is long and full of surprises. You never know what is behind the next corner. By ending it tomorrow, you'll never find out what's there. Prehaps a girl is there somewhere. Just give it some time. You can make it man. I have been in a similar spot. Things change and will get better if you give them the chance.

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You anons do not understand.
Its about knowing you are wanted by someone. If you are undesirable at all its a really depressing feeling.

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Same boat but 17, then I met my current gf in HS. Literally just walked up to her and said hi. Were getting married next year when covid ends lmao (and now I'm 19)

Weak mindset... Change it, improve yourself to be the best you that you can be. Doubt you've evcen tried.

and this is what happens when history repeats itself