What if I told you that cancel culture is actually healthy and necessary for the progression of our society?

What if I told you that cancel culture is actually healthy and necessary for the progression of our society?

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I wouldn't give a shit

I hope men who bully are next. Oh it would be so sweet.

Fuck off you got pruned because no one agrees

>i cant fight, fight for me!

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Imagine being on and/or caring about social media. Get a job

Depends which way you want society to progress.

Uuum sweetie it's called "consequence culture" now and your post offends me.

Cancel culture is an opportunity to engage in predatory behavior with no consequences. It's popular for a reason.

shitty people do deserve to be dealt with I agree
people making dad jokes shouldnt be dog piled until they kill themselves
thats not progress
over time it's gonna be flipped back onto you guys and your SJW nonsense.
no one should wield that power

It's not and never will be. Society has always thrived by being alpha-male dominated. This doesn't mean just men, it means that being #1 was always more important than being moral. Before social media blew up, mentally-ill weirdos would get bullied or repressed. And look how much better off we were. But all it takes now is just one nutjob to get a few likes, share his thoughts that nobody ever cared about (because they are irrelevant, useless ideas that don't further society), and suddenly everyone wants to share their own. It has been bad for 10 years and won't get any better. Which is why it's better to stay off the grid.

I'd say you're a shit-eating fucking retard that should get hit by a car. Go fuck yourself.

Let the normies cancel each other.

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Depends on what you want to increase. Censorship? Liberal fascism? Hive mind by democracy? If you tell the lie often enough it becomes "the truth". Are you trying to build something, or tear everything down with no thoughts to the results?

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It hardly ever works and, when it does, it screws over their co-workers too and ESPECIALLY those that work under them if a production is cancelled. That and the fact that I just don't trust that people actually want what is best and just want someone to attack in anger is the reasons I do not agree with this statement. The only time it is good is when they have committed physically bad things, like sexual assault.

I can fight though. I just dont pick on those who are weaker than me.

You are nigger tier

>>What if I told you that cancel culture is actually healthy and necessary for the progression of our society?
I'd say you're absolutely correct. In most societies progress doesn't happen uniformly, but in fits and starts over long periods of time. These "fits" usually involve intense periods of violence by oppressed (silenced) groups within those societies reclaiming their voice. Take 60's leftist radicalism in the US for example. After a decade or so of cancel culture we'll see something similar on the conservative side. It's a seesaw, back and forth, with the liberal side consistently advancing until the society collapses, like, say, the Roman empire. And then we start again.

Nice. Same.

>I can fight

top kek user

Oh god I hope you're serious.. because I have some fucking news for you

me thinks this user understands

social media is cancer

"cancel culture" is nothing new, but the right loves to play the victim card.

I would say I still don’t care about baby’s newest buzzwords.


oh look, this thread again. totally not astroturfing.
remember to sage, fellas


There was some user on one of these shit threads who posted about cancel culture in relation to the george floyd's death/robbing convenience store and the riots. Anyone have a screencap?

Id tell you it's media controlled censorship and a regression of civil rights. Then I would use the little free speech I have left to call you a fucking retard.

Depends who is getting canceled? A comedian for a joke? Fuck that. Someone like Buill Cosby or Kevin Spacey? Fuck em and cancel their ass. Cancel culture is a useful tool o warn people of monsters in our society that is abused by emotionally immature children way too much.

4/10 just above shit tier bait. Bad, but my standards have degraded

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>cancel culture is a useful tool to warn people about monsters
No you stupid nigger, that's what the law is for.

(you would be canceled ironically)