As long as Bill & Melinda Gates are alive, and their Foundation remains operational...

As long as Bill & Melinda Gates are alive, and their Foundation remains operational, I will never wear a mask or willingly take a so-called "vaccine" for COVID-19. EVER. And I am a VERY public person. Be truthful: how does this make you feel?

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i feel sorry for you

It makes me feel like you are trolling, because you want me to post how I "feel". Also sad, because we really do need people like you purport to be, yet I feel you are not truthful. The virus is very very very overblown, exaggerated, lied about, and those running the hoax must laugh their asses off at the new mask BS, wear 2, no 3, no 4, no just wear pantyhose on your head, being spouted on the fucking national news. Fuck the vaccine, no telling what garbage is in it, but the ones pushing it have been making noise about population reduction for years, and the left hates whites, so yeah, no way in fucking hell I will have that thing in me or mine.

It makes me think you make life decisions based on whatever unchecked emotion comes into your head.

Only retards would refuse a vaccine

Me neither. And there's gonna be a pacific protest against this bullshit in my city this evening im excited

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>implying it isn't cured by hydrochloroquine & zinc, at a lower dosage than that which the World Health Organisation deliberately used to kill people with, so as to discredit it and mandate vaccination for fun and profit

Oh, you sweet, summer child.

Proud of you. Hope you’re being honest and not trolling.

I'm also following this

You sound really really really smart. Thanks for sharing.

Stfu dumbass

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I'm glad.
You can't catch detox.
Vaxxs are weaponized retardation.
Doctors are unknowingly evil.
Chemo is poison.
Tumours are toxin storage.
You can't fight flu/cancer.
Evil exists and it stems from you not knowing that you wrote these words and all words.. You are God.

I guess I just don't get it. Maybe OP didn't enjoy the new age of empires 2 xpac?


It makes me feel sorry for you. I hope you get the help you need. I know mental health is massively under funded these days but hopefully you can get through this.

you should probably kys

Windows 10 contains spyware in the kernel. Microsoft was one of the companies exposed in the PRISM scandal. Bill Gates does not want the best for you, ever.

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the only safe place for you is in a bunker.. windows 10 is every where and ios probably has the same sort of spy wear ... get offline all together and stay safe

Okay, thanks for making me aware of this, I will be sure to change absolutely nothing about my life because of a billionaire who wants my information. Hopefully he traces my bank details and deposits a couple of mill.

underage detected, gtfo

I'll see you there, with some 556

If your governor mandates a mask up, you will wear it and shut the fuck up about it

It is a troll, and if it's even still ITT
enrage the fuck out of it, it's fun.

Those who mandate have addresses. As do their successors. And so forth. After one thousand deaths, who'll be willing to take up the throne?

I'm glad you are not a little birch for following the cdc guidelines like a brainwashed slave but you are retarded for not getting the vaccine for yourself.

Would you fuck Ms. Labonz?

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I got my second vaccination about 3 weeks ago. The first couple days I was sick but I'm fine now. I "feel" like you are a very parinoid person but ultimately I don't care.