Why are republicans cruel, selfish, ugly, and stupid?

why are republicans cruel, selfish, ugly, and stupid?

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yeah, because republicans always bring the receipts and definitely model proper accountability on politics. got him good, m8.

>Why are republicans so obsessed with how much golf obama plays? Everyone needs a vacation now and then

Still need that citation

Most of their voters are stupid. Ted Cruz mocked California for having power outages in the midst of massive fires, but when his redneck state froze over and the power went out he went on vacation.
Texans are totally alright with this. They'll still vote for him because being retarded inbred hypocrites is how they think owning the libs works.

Stfu yokel

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>California, deals with blackouts yearly.
>Texas, one freak snow storm.

Dem voters losing their shit thinking they have the high ground has been absolutely hilarious.

Lol. You're on of them.

>cruel, selfish, ugly, and stupid
maybe you are just weak?

>why is the world cruel, selfish, ugly, and stupid?

Easy answer: every single Republican supporter is too stupid to realize they are being fleeced. Cruz can do that because he knows 70% of the idiots in Texas will blindly vote for him because they are low IQ mouthbreathers.

Standard look for the dark side of the force.

Cruz is an idiot.

>cruel, selfish, ugly, and stupid
Why does the left accuse others of their best attributes? You left out prohomo, fascistic, & ruled by rich old white people

Thats what comes next, right? Fucking retard

Because there's a strong overlap between mental attitudes of conservatives and psychopaths. Lack of empathy, "fuck you got mine", and victim blaming are all strong psychopathic traits.

Not everyone from Texas is an inbred retard. I’m a electrical engineer. Imagine trying to have conversations with people you grew up. Eyes closed I can tell who became a professional and who became a professional idiot based on who they like politically. And don’t even try to have logical conversation around any political issue. Facts do not matter to my republican friends.


23 died in NYC from hypothermia last year. They average 25-35 deaths from cold every year. Where was the left's outrage?

The way I see it, Democrats are doing the same.

pic made me laugh so fucking hard

Because they are hypocrites. When New York needs federal money "how are we going to pay for that.... But muh debt"
When TX is showing how much of a shithole it is "we need to get federal money asap"

Holy SHIT!

You forgot retarded, corrupt and inbred

i knew a fat right wing mexican who lived there. said her fake b/f got her pregnant and told me to give her money or shes gonna kill herself. then said it was a test to see if i was b/f material.

then tried it again saying her this time real b/f beat her ass. i laughed

this is how stupid texans are especially the hispanic ones