Only 245 years too late. 1776 never forget Britcuck.
What branch were the US bois?
>Royal Marines vs. Regular armed forces
Come on that’s putting special forces against cannon fodder. Brit Cucks are so pathetic, they treat a simulation win like winning an actual battle.
holy frig I'm proud to be american right now
the article itself is really insane. the brits had drones with cameras linked to screens on their chests and were experimenting with "flying grenades". they were playing cod vs bots.
literally won't say, and the britbongs are Royal Marines, damn near Special Forces if not equal, they also got tons of new equipment to test and fuck around with while the US just had to defend something, and you can see the US wasnt geared either. shit bait article
>Royal Marines, damn near Special Forces if not equal
FFS! RM = USMC = cannon-fodder that can just about walk upright and chew gum at the same time...
Cope moar, you burger-munching cunt
The French blockades etc won it for you, you lost almost every battle
i'd be more proud to be french after that.
you rolled over and had france save you
Lol tell Johnny Burgoyne the Yanks say hello
100 % it was a theatre we weren't especially concerned with and all, more pressing issues with France in Europe
Lol you Fags couldn’t squash the Wash, Benny Frank pulled a political coup by getting the French to join us even thought it was the worst idea for them, and your generals refused to cooperate with each other. The US won not because the French joined is, the US won because the Brits were incompetent fools who bungled the whole operation start to finish
i'm pretty sure it was royal marine commandos vs the US green berets
Almost every, you can read can't you?
Lol nah, 7 years war was over by then
Almost, lolz. Except the battles that actually mattered
Say what you want about Britain, but when push comes to shove there’s nobody else you’d want on your side.
Plassey, Crecy, Agincourt, Trafalgar, Bleinheim, Waterloo, our history extends beyond your few hundred years, most importantly though you lot are just rebels, who settled in Jamestown? Americans?
Marine EOD bet here . We had the Royal Marines attached to us on 2 afghan deployments , and they would die so often. Their train is beyond idiotic , and the way they sweep is fucking hilarious. Also why they die so fucking much in country. aRmEd FoRcEs ThOuGh
Bullshit, the french only helped some to stick it in the eye of King George and further their own interests. Then we won and returned the favor 170 years later when france turned into a basket of pussies.
Doesn’t matter. Jews own England AND USA
>one theater out of many
The British are terrible allies what are you talking about. Go look at the history of the 1800s they were screwing over whoever they were allies with at the time. Russian, German, French, Dutch, Belgian, the Brits screwed them all in turn
Ooh boy look at all those past glories, tell me about your time as a student. Athlete next
We can all agree on this, the French are a bunch of useless cunts
I'm actually genuinely curious about this; do they not teach you how impactful France's involvement was in that war or is it just raging patriotism that makes you guys ignore it?
Literally came back and burnt down the white house LMAO
No mate, never been a student, mostly just do coke and read, good list though isn't it, you lot had some good results against the natives, well done there
Amerifats always forget the War of 1812.
at least we didnt get fucked by a bunch of rice farmers
also your country is a fucking joke the entire world is laughing at u
We do what’s in our interests, of course we do. It’s why the sun never set on the biggest empire the world will ever see.
But if your backs up against the wall, and we’re in there with you, there’s nobody else you’d want there with you, you’re lying if you say otherwise. When push comes to shove, we don’t play, you know we don’t, history teaches you that as well.
Nah we know all about the French, fact is y’all couldn’t put us down for years before the French got involved. The French helped end the war but there was no chance the British were ever going to win even without the French on our side. The war just would have dragged on for years. You had no chance of breaking American resistance, and you had no means to bring the Americans to heel.
"Copy that, dessert storm commencing."