Why are we providing 10 billion in free money to Israel yearly when we have poverty and homeless in the USA?

Why are we providing 10 billion in free money to Israel yearly when we have poverty and homeless in the USA?

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National security, faggot.

Because the jews need it more than you do.,

Democrats need voters idiot.

Because all kikes are snakes

Look at Venice beach. There's a timelapse of it in the past year on YouTube. Littered with tents, arson everywhere and constant crisis units out there now. One of the most recognizable beachfront locations in the world is garbage now.

For whom?

because AIPAC told the congress to

Israel of course!

I believe that the Jews would only return to their promised land by divine auspices and not through human intervention to “force the end”, which I consider sinful.

Because poor people being poor is purely their own fault, and there is absolutely no other external factor that made life very hard for them

Why don't you tax your super rich? Why do you spend hundreds of billions for your military?

A: because your politicians love sucking uncut dick
B: because poor people are easier to be led

You’ve never in your life been to Venice Beach. Yeah it’s one of the most recognizable beachfront locations is the world and it hasn’t changed at all in 20 years.

I’ll reiterate you have NEVER been there in your life. It has ALWAYS been a shithole. Don’t talk about what you know nothing about you unironic basement dwelling incel.

Lmfao VeNicE uSe tO bE NiCe

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Tax the rich, tell Israel to fuck off

Your politicians promised their donors that they would funnel taxpayer money to Israel

You're wrongly presuming that homelessness is a the kind of problem where throwing money at it is the solution. What do you think are the actual causes of homelessness? Do you really think if we just gave them all a few months rent and access to showers suddenly we'd cut it in half? There's some more complex and nuanced causation that needs to be dealt with and I find it kinda lazy to just point to this problem and say the money would be better spent there without actually specifying the mechanisms that money would be spent and providing a cost-benefit analysis and projections of why it wouldn't be an equally big waste of money.
Israel, the 51st state.
Actually it provides job security for the American executives and shareholders/hedge-fund clients of the arms manufacturers who sell arms to Israel which are paid for indirectly by American tax payers.

Okay I agree with that statement but How does that then equate to giving Israel
money and how does giving Israel money not directly contradict your odd non-sequitur?

because jews control usa

Foreign aid and wasting hundreds of millions domestically when your own citizens are suffering is probably one of the leading causes of political extremism

If you think it hasn't gotten worse in the past year, you're an idiot. And of course I haven't been there, you niggers have the literal bubonic plague in your state, I wouldn't even go to a neighboring state.

Because they're forced to.

The Jews are trying to genocide all white people to make a mixed golem labor class without any ethnic identity to cling to so that they'll be easier to manipulate. To achieve this goal, they've infiltrated every level of media and education using tactics they've honed over millennia to corrupt and eventually destroy whatever society they live in, because they are driven by a Satanic lust for power. The lesser races, those being non-whites (exception: the Japanese are considered to be a vassal race), are simply pawns in this endless, soulless crusade.

You see, the Jewish people are very jealous of how perfect and powerful white people are, and have been since the very beginning. Because of this, they will burn absolutely every dollar they have to undermine our god-given prominence and authority. All lesser races, and societies, are similarly jealous of our superiority, and thus they both detest us, but their women secretly yearn to have our seed embedded in them.

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Wait... do you think OP is in charge of where tax payer money goes? You actually believe it’s OP’s decision to spend all this money that way?

Do you even know what a government is? I already know you have no idea how it works.

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>Israel, the 51st state.
shit nigger i was thinking about it yesterday , isreael is one of states but they dont admit it to avoid getting hit by anti-usa arabs around , in case some of them hated usa more than jews

Too bad you can’t prove it since you’ve never been there.

I don’t live in California you fucking retard. Chimp out more, you dumb nigger

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I thought Puerto Rico was supposed to be the 51st state.

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its not free it’s the standard price for preteen sex parties

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Do you think Jizzlaine is Epstein’s sister? The more I look at them the more their noses look similar, more so than standard Jew schnozes

This is a Biden's Presidency in action.

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it doesnt matter , the thing is israel controls usa

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>Stolen election in America
>Literally a fake "President" (complete with greenscreen) sits in the White House
>Washington D.C. surrounded by barbed wire, 6 months later
>BLM/Antifa burns down cities with impunity
>FBI goes after White guys posting Apu memes
>People literally injecting themselves with a meme vaccine and pretending it's a fad
>Masked society everywhere, everyone is batshit and/or depressed
>A fucking TRANNY is Health Secretary, he's literally dressed as Little Bo Peep, and thinks 5 year olds should take hormones and chop their dicks off
>Tranny men can now beat the living SHIT out of women, in sports
>Elected officials can literally call for riots in the streets
>WW3 is looming with Russia
>A drunk alcohloic Nigress Poo is our "Vice President"
>White people are literally being hunted down and pushed out of society
>Borders are wide open, U.S. is LEGIT engaging in child sex trafficking with Cartel mules, in the open
>Meme stonks are crashing
>Stock Market Cabal is suppressing the actual value of silver
>Jews are in charge
>The entire country is a Jewish Nig Beaner stew of fucking psychosis, white people have all but given up
>Our children listen to tranny rappers who pretend to fuck literal Satan in videos
>Our military is one big, fat, pozzed lesbian queerfest, only interested in who's more Black or Tranny, or how many dicks you can suck simultaneously on the battlefield
>Cops protect roving gangs who threaten to burn down entire neighbourhoods


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Stopped reading after the first line when I realized this was going to be a boring and uncreative green text.

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>Stopped reading after the first line
I wrote it for people who CAN read.

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Nah, Israel receives more federal funding that Puerto Rico
>I don't know if it's not true, but it'd be a lot funnier if it were

>The owner
1. do you erroneously believe some guy owned the towers?
2. How would he eat breakfast on both towers?
3. He should be a pretty well known guy if he owned both the towers, why don’t you know his name? Yet you know where he ate breakfast...


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>I made brownies for the dogs to enjoy


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Hitler did nothing wrong

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Lmao I would actually be surprised if Israel didn’t receive more federal funding. Damn those kikes are clever I will give them that.