>passive-aggressively uses deadname
>hasn't respected my gender identity for 14 years
>expects me to tell her happy mother's day
Why are parents like this /tttt/?
Passive-aggressively uses deadname
Fuck wrong board
>would of
Deserves to have her kid turned into a tranny imo
you're a failure of a son
Who fucking cares, just own up to it. You used to be that anyway, it's not the end of the world or some shit.
you will always be a man and a faggot
I accidentally posted on the wrong board, so stop posting.
>haha trans people bad haha
>wait where are my friends
You mamma calls you Clay, I'm calling you Clay
> muh gender identity
There are three gender identities.
> male
> female
Imagine putting propaganda above the senpai.
tranny and leaf
I would just end it OP
I was going to ask what you meant by dead name but then I realized it meant the name that your parents will put on your grave stone, what an odd terminology
something never something
kys I dont need to respect trannies to have friends. What kind of logic is this
At least you lads see me for the gender that I am unlike my m*ther
Sage thread when posting as I accidentally put it on the wrong board
You should pay attention next time
You will allways be her sond/daughter.
No amount of surgeries gonna change that.
he probably laughs at trannies together with his friends like we do
>wait where are my friends
my friend cut his dick off...
Thank you
Are you saying you're f to m?
Don't worry tranny, your janny will help clean you up again.
Just remember to post your suicide video onto /gif/ once you hang yourself, faggot. Your mother will never love you again anyway
Yeah, my online friends don't know that I'm trans. I only mention in an anonymous setting.
You accidentally was entitled to anyone's attention in life and do not value it. Because being a little shit apparently makes you very virtuous.
I mean sure, people who are asshole niggers and bullies get better in life, they never doubt their retarded decisions and their absolute incompetence.
And what are you? Gender?
quintessential canadian thread
This have to be one of the worst tries at baiting that I've ever seen in 6 years of lurking this board. Either you are a tranny or not doesn't matter, kys.
You're welcome for the (you)s
u are a transexual. lol
you will never be a woman
Nice quints. At least you and your mother talk. My brother is trans and I gave up trying to get along with him years ago.
They're quads lad
The savage barbaric nordoid needs to learn the lights of honor killings from the noble civilized Arabic man.
You're mentally ill and you are very ungrateful towards your poor mother.
ladies and gentlemen here we have the most masculine man in canada
It will remain that way till she calls me by my gender and stops begging me for gas and cigs money.
I would kill you if you were my child.
That bitch deserves it for being illiterate. OP is actually based.