>French worship the French revolution
>But this same revolution is the reason France turning into a multiculti hellhole
I see cognitive dissonance
French worship the French revolution
Dumb davido cunt
Japs are retarded monkeys.
I'm a Japanese person and I think you should stop smoking fun of English teachers. It's considered a respectable job in Japan and not all English teachers are losers. I respect them very much.
Zitto goblino
It's laughable how wrong that is. Pick up a fucking history book.
If you want to put the blame for immigration look at colonialism - which developed independently from (and earlier than!) the abolishment of the crown.
France isn't even allowed to take a racial census. This is because of Enlightenment values
t. english teacher in japan
Okay private Rodriguez
and for the giga historian galaxy brain: the hre
>blame incompetence of a country on multiculturalism
typical americanized retard
For me? It's the moment Abraham stepped out of his desert.
Lies. Protestant lies
>Muh gudbois dindu nuffin!
>You're the Americanized one btw.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
>French revolution bad
Ultimate joke. No one actually holds these beliefs.
>Describing himself as a "conservative arch-liberal" or "extreme liberal", Kuehnelt-Leddihn often argued that majority rule in democracies is a threat to individual liberties, and declared himself a monarchist and an enemy of all forms of totalitarianism
A living meme alright.
for the true enlightened man: the day the germanic race was born
Everything went downhill from there. We should have stayed in the water ;____;
It's like there's more than one person in France and these positions are held by different people, woah
I thank Allah every day that this gay Nordoid nonsense will be deleted once the Chinese millennium begins.
The words" transvestism" "democracy" and "freedom" not being spoken aloud for the next thousand years makes me elated.
Ok Mike-sensei.
I know it's hard for you but my flag isn't the Jap flag.
No you're not, I can smell the fried bacon from here, shut the fuck up
yeah, it's ironic
they should mourn it like their greatest national tragedy
I love Hindustan!