Disgusted by boyfriends family

My bf's mom is married to another man after her husband died years ago and this disgusts me. How could she marry someone else after her husband died. Not only this but the man had a previous marriage and the wife hid the child away from him so he died not knowing he had a son with that woman. This is a messed up situation and I feel sickened by it. I thought I was gonna marry a guy with a good family but all of this is messed up and disgusts me and don't quite understand why. I have two parents and nothing disgusting like what his family is. What do.

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Some of you might call me a bitch and I am fine with that. I know I probably shouldn't feel disgusted by his family but it is what it is and I need to know what to do/understand why I feel disgusted.

You explained the situation so badly

As in I’m not clear enough? I can explain better if needed

So your bfs mother remarried after his father died. Also his dead father had another kid with some other woman that the didn't even know about?
I would be more concerned about your bf taking after his father than about a widow remarrying. Widows are the only single moms that are dateable and there's nothing wrong with one remarrying.
t. male from a functional family

1. Dad married wife 1 and they had kid. Dad didn’t know he had a kid with her. She hid the kid from him.
2. Dad divorced wife 1 and married wife 2. They had two kids. I am dating one of them
3. Dad dies and wife 2 marries another guy, they don’t have kids
4. Recently found out dad and wife 1 had the kid. Bf talks to the son of his dad and wife 1.

This is a fucked up situation overall and it sickens me. I’m not mad at bf or his half sibling but this whole thing fucks me up and I’m disgusted.

It’s disgusting if you marry someone else after they die. What if you met them both at same time??? There’s a chance you’d marry the second person and not the first. It’s incredibly disrespectful to the dead person that you married someone else.

> It’s disgusting if you marry someone else after they die
Only if they do it right away. But if someone grieves for at least couple of years they should try to move on. At least i would want that for my wife if i had one. Would you want to deny happiness to a person you loved just because you are dead and no longer can be with them?

If they fall in love with someone else after I died they’re dead to me from the start. Should have met that woman when I was alive so I could marry another guy who wouldn’t abandon me even in death.

I admire your dedication and loyalty and really wish more females would share this trait. You were probably raised in a very religious household believing in afterlife and things alike. I respect that. However its more likely that in this case your anger is just a defensive response to the fact that life throws unexpected things at you and your loved ones and you have to make choices going against your current held beliefs just to move forward. You hide from this by being melodramatic and thinking that your love is special. I don't know how old are you but outlook on life and relationships change once you get older and the future is not all butterflies and rainbows. With time you will come to understand the choices your BF's parents made.
Granted i know nothing of them, they might be degenerates in other parts of life and maybe that contributes to your disgust, but i don't see much wrong with the situation you posted. Take some time to calm down and try to think through it rationally. Hope you will make a good decision in the end.

Haha, same here. My parents are happily married childhood sweethearts and my bfs parents are divorced, it's cringe. I also hate his parents and think they act borderline autistic and have annoying personalities. So what? I only have to see them a couple times a year. Stop being a little whiner

>How could she marry someone else after her husband died

So you think that she should just be alone and miserable for the rest of her life?

Hey i also agree with you and i’m a woman. It disgusts me if people marry more than once (outside of forced 3rd world marriage shit) Like, you should just marry once. I’m not even going to add ‘till death do us part’ to my vows if i get married. It’s once. It should be special. Its a special vow you make to someone. and making it again cheapens it and makes it clown world.

Your bf’s family also disgusts me. You would have to be around them and having this knowledge in your head for the rest of your life if you marry him. Can you do that? Is he willing to cut them off? (I don’t think so).

So what if after being married for 5 years the guy turns abusive, starts beating you, cheating on you, smoking crack and all the fun stuff? Is he still the only one in the world for you?

I’m not sure why i’d marry an insane person like that. I will only marry once and will spend a lot of time vetting the person to be sure they are my ‘One’.

if he was beating me and smoking crack then he wouldn’t be the person i married at all.
i’d leave him, never marry again, and keep my vows to the person i made them to. I mean it when i say marriage is only once for me. But i’m not putting marriage above my own life.

what the fuck

So I'm not the only one who freaks out over the idea of people remarrying after their partner dies? Felt alone on that for years

You are indeed a bitch if you're butthurt about someone getting remarried after their partner died. That's literally the one situation where you can marry more than once without it reflecting badly on you. And as for the second part, I can't even tell what you're talking about. Who is "the man"? Your bf's Mom's dead husband? And you're mad about something his wife, who's no longer even a part of the family, did that he had no knowledge of?

You have some serious problems. The stuff you mentioned barely even qualifies as fucked up. If this is the worst shit in his family then that's pretty tame. Good luck finding someone with a 100% picture perfect family. You're gonna eliminate like 80% of potential partners off the bat.

> So I'm not the only one who freaks out over the idea of people remarrying after their partner dies?
No, I'm sure you can find a few other retards who share this dumb opinion.

Nope you’re definitely not alone. I don’t think there are many of us though and it will be hard.
I came to terms that i’ll likely never marry, but that’s fine because I will only marry the love of all loves for me, or not at all. Anyone else after that would just be a cope to forget.

You’re the one getting butthurt and bitching about it

So that would just be it then? No more romance or companionship, no children, just you and I guess some pets.