Sekiro is a 10/10 game

Find a flaw

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OST wasn't that memorable

It ends.

My savefile corrupted on my first run.

Game should have been balanced around using all combat arts at the same time.

Its fans are gay

Its boring

>he played on console / didn't have backups
fucking moron

>Find a flaw
Its not Bloodborne

Second one, I didn't expect Fromsoft to go so far for the visuals that it'd crash my computer. Though it did expose a ram issue and lead to me getting new and more ram so at least there's a silver lining.

various QoL nitpicks

I hate comboautists

Combat arts are useless outside of like 2
Proshetics are unrewarding and cost too much to use
Combat gets trivial very quickly

no character customisation

Combat is not very good. Made by reddit-core developer.

you hate good gameplay?

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Music is generic trash.

If I had to nitpick for flaws, I don't like how rare divine confetti is before you can buy them.
>Ghost bosses are obviously balanced around using divine confetti. While it's possible to do it without it, it's just bashing your head against a wall and not that fun
>It's very limited until the late game, but you constantly stumble across ghost bosses.
>After fighting one and losing, I avoided them altogether for a very long time because I didn't want to waste confetti

If it wasn't such a rare consumable, I would have tried to fight them more, learned their patterns, and eventually win. Now I'm going in there late game and kinda brute forcing it with all of my upgrades and power ups. It really wasn't a great design, you know?

Oh, and as usual you have the standard obtuse as fuck, use a guide type side quests and ending flags Fromsoft loves. I'm not saying I want to reduce it all down to a single choice like in Mass Effect 3, but can't you signpost these things more clearly?

>The tutorials are poorly worded and sometimes end up encouraging bad behavior that will get the player killed.
>Tutorials also often pop up directly in the middle of an enemy's attack
>Minibosses are used to introduce new concepts but they are simultaneously treated as actual boss fights ensuring that the player will be punished while still in the learning phase.
>The vast majority of your offensive tools don't work well together. Most combinations leave gigantic gaps for the enemy to interrupt you or just walk away.
>Enemies constantly punish the player for attempting to take initiative by interrupting you for attempting to attack out of neutral, punish whiffs, or take your turn after blocking.
>Fighting multiple enemies is 90% waiting 10% actually playing the game.
>Certain enemy encounters(like the 2 spear adepts) are literal cancer and I'm not sure how they made it into the game.
>Unblockable indicators sometimes just don't appear
>Camera can easily get stuck on the geometry and block your view.
>Lock on often doesn't work the first time even when an enemy is dead center of your screen at the appropriate range
>Sometimes when you press jump, dodge, or attack the game just ignores your input. This happens incredibly often.
>Sometimes attacks that are blockable will still hit you through your guard. And no I'm not talking about block damage. It's a bug that occurs often on certain enemies.
>Grab attacks have shit hitboxes that extend much farther than they should.
>Some projectile attacks have shitty tracking that will sometimes hit you even while strafing or sprinting properly
>Sprinting feels like shit. The restricted turn speed is completely unnecessary.
>Sprinting jump takes almost a full second to come out after the button is pressed

And no, I'm not done. Literally ran out of space so I need to make a second post.

Part 2

>Stealth is simultaneously the most effective and least interesting method of engaging with enemies in the game.
>Running past every regular enemy encounter in the game is STILL possible and optimal. This is literally the 5th game of this kind and this still hasn't been addressed.
>Many enemy telegraphs don't give adequate visual information. Often the startup is so ambiguous that you can't figure out the result before first exposure.
>Certain telegraphs of the same type(like sheathe strikes) do not consistently work the same way. This often leads to the player potentially taking damage for learning to play in the method encouraged by the developers themselves. This is 100% unacceptable for any action game, much less a game focused entirely on challenge.
>Every encounter boils down to just memorizing timings and telegraphs and regurgitating them on demand.
>Nothing particularly interesting was done with the concepts introduced in the game so it starts feeling repetitive as soon as the 3rd boss.

This game is garbage. It doesn't even come close to deserving the title of masterpiece.

You can't play as a girl and it have no online module so I can't summon others to help.

Fighting arts and ninja tools are way too limited in their utilisation

It has a memory leak on my system, never figured out what it was about but it used to crash every so often
Stopped happening after a while

The tutorial sucks. It had been 10 years since Demon's Souls, and they still couldn't figure out how to make a good tutorial, or at least an intuitive help screen.

Mortal Draw. Check mate OP.

Attached: mortal draw.webm (1024x576, 2.36M)

It's ok. Kind of boring after a bit and there is no true variety to playstyle.

It's not very good.

Post a better game fag.

Its repetitive as fuck.

You will NEVER EVER be a real woman

Why do you dilute your mostly fine critique with inconsequential shit like:

>Tutorials also often pop up directly in the middle of an enemy's attack
>Camera can easily get stuck on the geometry and block your view.
>Lock on often doesn't work the first time even when an enemy is dead center of your screen at the appropriate range
>Grab attacks have shit hitboxes that extend much farther than they should. (havent seen this once)
>Sprinting jump takes almost a full second to come out after the button is pressed

The game's fundamental mechanic parry/deflect isn't reflected in its visual design or tutorials and players will play around avoiding and striking cus it just doesnt make sense to block a charging bull etc.

This is such a big flaw that the game just doesn't work for a large amount of people and they simply drop it. It's as if the devs were so stubborn in their "git gud" mindset that they forgot to explain what the game is even about.

I've played through most of fromsoft games and they were kinda a chore to play desu, I completed them only because they were very popular games and had a humongous hype train

main character design sucks. Is he orange because of Goku?

Can't make it past Genishiro

Not as deep or replayable as a real souls game.

Attached: Sprint 180 Backstab DS3.webm (960x540, 2.64M)

Yes god forbid a game run properly on a video game system.

Fucking apologists.

He's a real hard wall your first run because he has 3 phases.
Get more beads and boss kills for HP and attack power if you don't have at least 3 HP upgrades and 3 attack upgrades and at least 6-7 gourd seeds.

>Oh, and as usual you have the standard obtuse as fuck, use a guide type side quests and ending flags Fromsoft loves. I'm not saying I want to reduce it all down to a single choice like in Mass Effect 3, but can't you signpost these things more clearly?
I'd say Sekiro's quests really weren't all that obtuse when compared to other From Soft games. You mostly just have to talk to everyone repeatedly. The only two bullshit things that come to mind are finding the master of Senpou Temple and getting the second memory

Prosthetic, consumable and combat art design is absolute shit pile, and it only becomes worse on charmless + bell demon. The game was balanced exclusively around r1 and l1 buttons, nothing more, everything else feels like a tackled on gimmick at best and a significant downgrade of your base tools at worst. The fact you can't use several combat arts despite a shit ton of unused button combos is insulting and prevents the game from even qualifying as a good action game.
Enemy AI is braindead. As a stealth game Sekiro is abhorrent and stealth itself is a straight up easy mode because enemies have no attention span, they are blind and deaf. Stealth sugar is especially overpowered.
Boss and enemy design is very so-so. The presentation is beautiful, but mechanically they are very poor by action game standards. Fromsoft still has that huge issue where they can't decide whether they want their games to be combat or exploration oriented, so they end up with jank both ways.
All Fromsoft games have problems with reused assets but seeing the second exact drunkard like Juzou was painful. At least the fire variant near the end looks different.
Exploration is kinda shit and rewards you poorly, but this is tied to the bad design of consumables in general. Finding yet another ceramic shard in what looks like a nice nook is insulting. Despite the size of some levels and your grappling hook they are extremely linear in how you can approach them.

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i like sekrio more than bloodborne but
>too many repeat bosses
>game is too easy after you learn how the mechanics work and beat butterfly or genichiro 2
>story isn't nearly as interesting as demons souls, dark souls 1, or bloodborne
>low replayability
great game still, but it has flaws
i also feel like compared to miyazaki's other games it's a bit more forgettable, but it's much better than dark souls 3 at the very least

>This game is garbage
Stop with the histrionics, you're not a woman.

I've got all the Attack Power and HP I'm gonna get where I'm at
I have 6 gourd seeds
I've just gotten comfortable getting past his two phases but he is ridiculously unfair at his third phase
Fucker hits way too hard as just the third boss

>gets stunned by fast spammy enemies
>still ties to mash attack even though his small weapon has no hyperarmor (unless you use weapon arts)
>doesn't even try roll

Even a small shield fucking destroys these types of spammy DS3 enemies like dogs, midgets and those twin knife snakefags.
Yeah, 80% of DS3 enemies require rolling instead of shields, but some are a nightmare to roll unless you're good.

None of those things are inconsequential when you are rating the craftmanship of a video game. Critique requires you to look beyond "is this enjoyable?" and also ask "is this a well crafted product?"

This is a game that is being called a 10/10 masterpiece. It shouldn't be filled with amateur design flaws and shoddy implementation of basic features.

It doesnt have stances

Attached: nioh-2-high-stance.jpg (265x252, 19.17K)

He has like 1/2 HP in third phase, you can just rush him and dodge the lightning and his slow ass grabs. I didn't bother trying to do the lightning reversal BS.
It's honestly far easier then phase 1+2, just stay close and slap his ass.

God this webm brings back memories

pvpfags gtfo

DS3 is still as active as ever on steam, 12~15K players on average every day.
It rarely takes more than 10 seconds to find an invasion at SL50+

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name better action game bosses

Literally any action game starting with DMC3
Cinematic presentation doesn't mean good game mechanics.

Applies to PvE as well since souls bosses are designed to be compatible and challenging to nearly every possible build, while Sekiro bosses are just a parry rythm game for the most part.
Firecrackers are OP and work on everything as well so that kinda ruins some of the prosthetic variety as well.

you haven't named a specific game

The game is fucking hideous.

love dark souls, love bloodborne, love sekiro, love nioh
simple as

I did. Learn to read.


no you didn't. you said "any action game since DMC3" which is most definitely not true. sekiro shits on NG bosses, mgr bosses, etc

FROM software would easily dominate at least 70% of a "100 best bosses of all time" list.

>Grab attacks have shit hitboxes that extend much farther than they should.
Sometimes I wonder why From still bothers with grab attacks. They never manage to make them work properly and I don't think anyone would miss them if they weren't there

>sekiro shits on NG bosses, mgr bosses
Even the mediocre MGR bosses absolutely destroy Sekiro bosses mechanically.

I agree, if only world of warcrafts quest log could be expanded so that you could actually read your entire list of quests it'd be a 10/10.

Fucking amateurs

Third phase is lightning right?
If you know how to do the lightning deflect then you COULD just sprint away from him around the arena until he does it, then counter that and repeat until his health is low.
But that's cheap and you will manage it if you keep at it.
Just in case you don't know, the trick to the lightning counter is to delay your jump, you need to stay in the air long enough after getting hit by the lightning, if you jump too early then the lightning will hit you but you'll touch the ground before the riposte comes out and it'll fail. Try to time the jump so that the lightning hits you at or before the peak of your jump.
You can midair deflect the lightning to take no damage but it's not actually necessary, and I know it's not because I didn't realise that you could until I finished the game once, I just jumped and took the damage for the riposte lol.

as a huge fucking sekiro fag who is constantly trying to proselytize for it I'll be the first to say there are plenty of flaws

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Sekiro bosses have at least x2 more moves than even MGR's final boss.

OSU! shit gameplay.
No player agency during combat
Nonsense story
Bad design.

not at all. mgr bosses have no challenge. I no damaged most of them on very hard when I haven't attempted that in any other action game. In fact I'd say armstrong and monsoon are the only good bosses in mgr, the rest are way too easy. Inner Father, Isshin and Inner Genichiro are tiers above than anything in mgr in terms of quality and challenge. Even a random mid game boss like true monk is more fun than most mgr bosses.

above anything*

Sekiro honestly starts out way too hard with only 1 gourd seed.
Especially when you're not used to the parry spam and the nerfed dodging.
They should have started with 3 gourd uses and cut 2 seeds from the end of the game.

Katanas are boring shit cringe weapons

Nice buzzwords but you didn't play the game.

the only real challenge in sekiro is unlearning the rules of dark souls' combat, once i overcame that the game is really never that hard

Not true in the slightest. Armstrong has more variations of AOE attacks alone than Isshin has moves in general. That's not including different grab moves, melee combos, small unarmed segments or self-healing mechanic. Same with all other major MGR bosses.
You're also approaching the subject like a complete amateur. It's not even the moveset pool that matters but underlying action game mechanics. Sekiro's primitive ass rhythm game mechanic and abhorrent design of combat arts firmly place it at the very bottom of the action games list.

>Find a flaw
requires mods to run at acceptable framerates

>mgr bosses have no challenge
You're saying as if Sekiro has any challenge outside bell demon charmless. Firecrackers alone break the boss difficulty fucking sideways.

Lol what

Sekiro > ds3
Hard disagree. How can you make a critism such as a game being forgettable and favour it to other games that are not?

Pretty much all of this. The combat could have been far better with stances/builds. The bosses aren't fair, although you might not experience a challenge with a lot of them you don't really win fairly because in a lot instances its muscle memory which doesn't actually make the combat good.

One of the reasons I love the Dark Souls games so much is finding new weapons and armor. It was always exciting looting a whole new set and fucking around with it.
Sekiro has zero reason to explore the world outside of consumables. It's the reason I wasn't very interested in it. The mechanics are good, but why not just make the game a boss rush game like Furi?

>shitty mundande repetitive rhythm game
It's boring as hell. It's not even hard unless you have no sense of timing, then you're in or a bad time.

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>outside bell demon charmless.
you mean the intended mode? correct.
are a crutch, you don't even need anything like that in mgr because they're already easy without crutches.

so miyazaki play his own games? thats pretty neat usually the fucking directors or creator dont even pplay their own game

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headless monkey is too hard

>you mean the intended mode
The intended mode cannot be the mode that even FURTHER invalidates combat arts and prosthetics unless you actually agree that the game was entirely built around braindead rhythm game mechanics.
>are a crutch

MGR's parrying is identical and even more brain dead since it's the same attack button + stick flicking.
You can stick flick toward all the time since it's only gonna parry if you're getting attacked so it's 99% mashing with some occasional strong attacks when the boss does an obvious move that leaves him open.

Dragonrot locks you out of doing quests and that’s horribly bad in trial and error based games such as this one.
>inb4 there are items that reduce it
Those items are only available in limited quantities and the quests are missable.

He should still try to deflect it because if he succeeds then he'll get a small boost into the air giving him more time to throw it back before he hits the ground.

a game doesn't need to have comboautism to be good. dmcfags are so embarrassing.

>Find a flaw
I can't beat the bosses.

>MGR's parrying is identical
MGR's parrying is only a small part of the combat system, it's not built around it
A simple katana moveset in MGR has like 10 times the amount of moves you have access to in Sekiro, and they are more impactful for the flow of combat than any CA. I'm not even talking about subweapons or basic ass consumable rockets/grenades because they shit all over the prosthetics mechanically.

>a game doesn't need to have comboautism to be good
A game does need to have good action game mechanics to qualify as a good action game.
Sekiro has none. It's a half-assed stealth game that turns into a primitive rhythm game during boss fights.

no co-op/pvp

fake game for fake gamers

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It needs something better than "parry attacks or die"

Quests in sekiro are garbage. They were too scared to make them impactful and give good rewards because of dragonrot so in the end they pleased nobody. Badger's side quest gives you 1 fucking finite consumable, what the shit.

Ninja gaiden, nioh 2

Dragon's Dogma
New Vegas
The list goes on..

A single EMP grenade in MGR has more utility than any prosthetic in Sekiro, and it weren't even advertised as a core game mechanic.
Fucking embarrassing.

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you make me think Dab Forums is full of faggots without reflexes maybe killed by the constant jacking off, this comes because the autismt even with doom and Dab Forums incapable of beating the game

Sword Saint Isshin genuinely sucks as the final boss in the Kuro endings. He's a great boss and definitely worthy of being a final boss, but it feels like a very cheap cop-out. I was playing the game mostly blind and was positively surprised when Isshin actually just died. I was aware of him being the final boss from seeing threads about the game, but when I actually reached the endgame I genuinely believed that he'd be the final boss only in a different route, maybe when you side with Owl. I was really hyped up for a rematch with a souped up Genichiro and was let down. I get that From didn't want to risk most players not seeing him on their first playthrough, but the way it was handled felt very cheap

You can invalidate a lot of the game by just mashing square/X and stick flicking.
You can equip heals that instantly activate, essentially tripling your lifebar, in Sekiro you have to time your heals super well or they're wasted or you just die.
Sekiro just one shots you with certain unpariable attacks, grabs and bosses take way more to beat if you don't use/abuse proper prosthetics.
Sekiro also does MGS5 style stealth far better than MGR, even though that games tries to have a few stealth sequences.

>you make me think Dab Forums is full of faggots without reflexes
My reflexes are fine. I want an actual combat system and not r1 l1 to win because i was actually exposed to good combat systems instead of this primitive garbage.

Zero replayability and lack of build diversity. Every playthrough is almost identical for every player.

It's just one of those games that mouthbreathing normies obsess over, and as an individual of higher intellect that means I cannot allow myself to like it.

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sekiro has multiple.
mgr is braindead because the combos are all flash. all the bosses are trivialized by simply mashing x and flicking the stick towards them. 95% of their moves are completely invalidated by a block mechanic that lasts 3 seconds. sekiro's parrying without the charm is a mechanic that requires much stricter timing, the bosses have more & more deceptive combos, and they mix in thrust/sweep attacks. I didn't find that MGR ever challenged my sense of timing or reactions, other than some of armstrong's AOE which is still just trivialized by spamming offensive defense (20 iframes !!) anyway.

This is objectively the only unforgettable flaw

Artificial difficulty. Those thursts have intentionally large hitbox to force you to mikiri which is stupid as fuck. I mean yeah everyone will use mikiri anyway but limiting the available options (and punishing people) by making thursts have fuckhuge hitbox is retarded

lmfao you can't be serious. I love that game but it's so poorly designed.

also, I can't imagine how easy the game must be with nanopaste. 5 instant revives, what were they thinking?

>Dragon's Dogma

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>You can invalidate a lot of the game by just mashing square/X and stick flicking.
And i can invalidate the entire Sekiro aside from boss fights with its half assed, broken garbage ass stealth 10 times harder. I can also mash all normal enemies into the ground because with a few exceptions like white monkeys they have absolutely no threatening moves at all and the rest are completely invalidated by gimmicks like Okama's extreme weakness to poison. By the time you get two life steal upgrades for the deathblow no normal encounters poses even a slight threat.
MGR is better designed on the most basic level, it's better in terms of enemy designs, it's better and far more varied in terms of actual combat mechanics, consumables, combat interactivity and combat expression. And that's despite the fact i consider MGR a very mediocre action game by itself.

The stealth elements were pretty barebones

Based katana hater.
Where were the spears, odachis and pole arms, Miyazaki? Fuck those shitty toothpicks and fuck your no builds game.

>Dragon's Dogma

Awful combat.
Also being able to spam 99 heals in a pause menu ruins any game that isn't suprer tight on heals like RE.

It's a 3D samurai rythm game.

>Dragon's Dogma
>New Vegas

what a casual shit

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>sekiro has multiple.
No, sekiro has nothing apart from r1 and l1. This is especially obvious on charmless + bell.
>combos are all flash
And also substance. MGR gives you the basic bitch Stinger like gap closer immediately. In Sekiro it's on the very end of a fucking shinobi tree and costs 2 emblems to use despite still having less utility than the one in MGR and taking the only combat art slot you have.

It's a better game with combat that's way more fun.

Wolf when climbing a ledge doesn't automatically take a crouch stance once he climbs up it, making sneaking around just a smidge more annoying.

MGR regular combat is just mash attack and parry then spam zandatsu.
The way each zandatsu is a full heal + full energy was a mistake.
They should have given the player more total HP and have heals give like 25% so you don't waste a bunch when you do 3-4 in a row.

t. knows fuck all about storage

Dragon's Dogma is trash

Being able to spam heals has nothing to do with the design of combat system.
Sekiro wishes it had anything even remotely approaching the diversity of Dogma's melee roles alone.

Most shinobi tools are way too niche and the spirit emblem economy sucks, otherwise it's pure kino

>sniping people out of the air is unrewarding
>breaking someone's posture with the axe is unrewarding
>instant killing monks with the fans aren't rewarding
>emblems costing too much when they're free as fuck


>Liking combo system in solo games.
"Look mom, it's like I really have skill !"

No, it utterly ruins an action game when you can pause time like a turn based game and still do stuff.
You might as well just be invincible.

>MGR regular combat is just mash attack and parry then spam zandatsu.
Amazing, it already sounds better than "press r1 to instakill enemy from behind".
Nothing in Sekiro will ever be expressive as MGR's high tier combat displays. Sekiro doesn't even have those because of how retardedly basic the combat is. There are no players on the level of moike kobe even interested in the game.

>combo systems in vidya = bad
OK we've reached astronomical levels of shitposting now.

Redpill me on MGR.
Never played it.

Why doesn't Sekiro look like a nip?

This, instead of putting such a small limit on your spirit emblems they should've just made some more prostetics (ie firecrackers) like the Malcontent where bosses become immune to them after three uses

>No, it utterly ruins an action game when you can pause time like a turn based game and still do stuff.
It only ruins things for shitters who are so horrible they need mid-combat healing. The rest are actually enjoying the combat system, and in that aspect DD destroys Sekiro both in quality and variety and actually delivers on the premise of "enemies having various exploitable weaknesses".

>it already sounds better than "press r1 to instakill enemy from behind".
You can do that in half the maps of MGR either with drop attacks or backstabs.

Very limited arsenal and what said
I really liked Sekiro overall, but it's my least favorite Miyazaki game

Because japs hate their yellow skin and slanted eyes. They all secretly dream of being white.

Bayonetta with cyborgs.

It's boring to use extremely basic stealth that's limited to waiting for patrols to clear arenas for boss fights.

>You can do that in half the maps of MGR
MGR's steals is insanely clunky and doesn't trivialize the encounter design anywhere nearly as much as Sekiro where you can get stealth backstabs even on the fucking Juzou.

Meh, I found Bayonetta pretty lame.

Enemies can one shot you.

He does though

DMC3 is the most overrated shit ever and the series as a whole is the most overrated action game series in the world. It's not perfect. The camera's shit. The enemies are mindless punching bags. The games never really evolved after the first entry. That's why you still have to hold R1 to lock on like you're playing Resident Evil 1. That's why you still do the same janky dodge roll that only works relative to the camera angle. The bosses are overwhelmingly obnoxious to deal with and none of them are in any way satisfying to fight. What Sekiro does is make the act of fighting inherently satisfying. You never look at a boss and go "huh how the fuck am I supposed to deal with that shit". It's all intuitive. They just just start sperging out and swinging a big flurry of completely nonsensical attacks while you similarly flail around wildly trying to jump dodge everything. You parry when you need to parry, dodge when you need to dodge, you mikiri, you jump on their heads. It always makes sense. And it actually looks and sound good intead of being a tornado of flashy, ultimately superficial bullshit filling up your screen. Tired of seeing you contrarian faggots dickriding this obsolete series.

>game that has you heal mid combat in real time with a slow animation and a 10 heal limit is easier than a game that lets you use 99 full heals in a pause menu, effectively making your HP bar x 99

The brain tumors are acting up again, get checked up.

>0 replayability
>not all bosses are cool
>shitty UI

Yes, minibosses were designed to be able to get 1 backstab on them but it takes a lot of preparation for most to set things up and reset them.

>DMC3 is the most overrated shit ever
Coming from Sekirofags that's adorable.


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Unironically kys, pleb. Yuka did insane job on ost. It’s one of the best I ever heard in video games where most osts are trashy.

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I agree with all of this but I really didn't like the way emblems were limited. It's easy to forget when you're on your second or third NG+ run but the emblems actually are limited at first when you have other more important shit to be spending your money on. They should have had the emblems replenish for free every time you go back to the idol and just balance the game around that instead. It's one of the little purposefully annoying things they've held onto since BB. Thankfully your medicine refills but they shouldn't have had a resource this important be something that can just run out on you. It stops the average player from getting the most out of their tools. Even when I had played the game 4 times I still found myself sticking with the shurikens most of the time because of sheer force of habit, just because they're cheap.

It's the DOOM Eternal of the Soulsbourne series.

The only actually bad boss is the false Corrupted Monk. You could argue lmao two ape is bad on account of being a semi rehash, but I liked it


>using the dodge roll
>when trickster dashes and jumping exists

Lol scrub

Nobody dickrides Sekiro as hard around here as you faggots do with DMC. You're on the same level as Soulsfags where you act like your game that is so incredibly flawed in many different ways is in fact 100% perfect. Notice how Sekiro threads are never circlejerks the same way DMC or Souls threads are. Sekirochads don't need to overcompensate because we know our game is legitimately good. So we'll happily admit when there are flaws while simultaneously shitting on you if you have a terrible take on it like le rhythm game meme. Or in this case that the bosses (the highlight of the game by far) are somehow shit compared to a dated ass jankfest like DMC3. You faggots are such fanboys you even pretend the game has a good story. I think that says everything that needs to be said about DMCfags.

This, game had 2 good tracks, those being Emma's and SSI. Other than that, far more enjoyable game than Dark Souls.

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You get a ton of emblems all the time, unless you're literally running past 90% of enemies or using multiple tools on every basic grunt you should have more than enough by the time you reach Ashina Castle

The game gives you a fan that shits money that can one shot monks and balloons that only inflate the wealth gain from there. I will say it is silly to have to buy the emblems sure but they were almost never a concern of mine past the first quarter of the game.

>Find a flaw
Demon of hatred

Lock on combat is for smooth brainers

I would've liked more weapon choices, nothing crazy just one or two other options, a spear most likely and something else, I guess a slower harder hitting weapon like that long japanese mace thing

You know a boss is shit when the optimal tactic for survival is sprinting around its ankles like a rat on crack

>using the trickster dashes
>when the other styles exist
>having a dodge roll at all
>when you're really suposed to just jump over every attack in a way that makes little to no visual sense
The sad part is that because people like you exist, Capcom will never get their shit together and actually fix the series. It will still be the same prototypical Resident Evil spinoff from 2001 with increasing layers of complexity laid down atop it's shaky ancient foundations. The fact that you fags decided to hate the reboot long before it even released is proof of this. When someone actually tried to fix the formula you gave them nothing but shit for daring to touch your autistic obsession. To this day DmC Definitive Edition is the best in the series.

This. I beat him once and it was so painful I will never fight him ever again. It's pretty telling that he's the only major boss in the game that plays like something out of Dark Souls and is completely shit as a result.

>playing DMC3 without the style switcher

Lol scrub

and yet despite all those kahmbos the fat bell guys and kicking ninjas in sekiro are more fun to fight than anything in MGR, lol!

Attached: bell downie.webm (640x360, 2.54M)

The combat is so shallow that they needed to make enemies op so the players had to get good at brain dead combat combat
If the game didn't have op enemies this game would be boring af the same goes for ng

>gap closer
you get chasing slice like right away though? I don't know what you mean.

it's *kinda* like sekiro except all the mechanics are much more forgiving but you get useless combos that look cool so that makes up for the game being incredibly unchallenging

>he goes on to praise DmC
It just keeps getting worse.

Guy said in the same post only L1 and R1 exist so I guess all those moves with the ninja tools just don't exist to him, despite the shuriken gap closer being extremely useful to staying on top of an enemy to pressure them.

>needing a mod to fix your shitty game
>needing to change your style to do something as simple as a dash when practically every other game in the genre just gives you a dedicated dodge button
You fags would probably still defend this game to the last breath if jumping was confined to one specific style too.

>needing a mod

But the switch version of the game has freestyle mode? And pressing up and then circle isn't hard user, sounds like you're just a mad scrub.


I don’t mind 2 apes. But not all of them were 10/10 like isshin or gen.

>not parrying his stomps

It's not on Mac.

It's not Nioh 2
Also no character creator
Actually fuck sekiro, glorified fucking shit rhythm game with shitty gimmicks, Im not sorry for speaking the absolute truth

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It's not clear enough which attacks are to be dodged with a dodge and which should be dodged with a jump, you have to memorize that shit and it doesn't feel good. Having two contradicting dodge mechanics doesn't feel good. It would be better if jump and dodge were interchangeable in terms of dodging

You mean Emma and Father Owl

>But not all of them were 10/10 like isshin or gen.
Well yes, but outside of false monk I can't really think of a boss that isn't at least an 8.

>its not clear enough
>game outright tells you to jump sweeps and dodge grabs
>game even has a massive indicator when these attacks are happening

You for real?

no other weapons
but still best enemy AI in action games

Attached: bell2.webm (640x360, 2.84M)

Sekiro is so much better than every other From game that came before it by virtue of the face that it actually is clear how you're supposed to deal with unblockable attacks. Almost all the time the attacks you need to dodge are the grabs where the enemy comes barrelling at you in a straight line. The attacks that need to be jumped are the sweeps where the enemy goes into a low stance before slicing at you. Same goes for the attacks you need to mikiri. The enemy will pull back in some way before they plunge at you with their weapon. It's all very intuitive to the point where I was kicking myself every time I fucked up an unblockable attack when I was still learning the game. Like "oh look at Genichiro's stance, if he's crouching down like that with his sword horizontal he's obviously going to take a sweep at me". So many other games have this problem but Sekiro isn't one. Play something like Jedi Fallen Order and get to the last boss if you want to actually see a good example of this.

Objective Soulskiroborne soundtrack rating
BB > Sekiro >>>>>>> all Souls games
Seriously Souls only has Gwyn's theme and everything else is forgettable trumpets + choir generic 'epic' music. Sekiro's combat theme alone is more memorable than most Souls tracks.

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>Find a flaw
You enjoy it.

it's gay stuff

even 2apes are kinda fun. skills and items really come in handy there

Attached: 2a.webm (880x500, 3M)

As I said, I liked the fight. But I would understand if someone were to dismiss it for being a rehash

i hate sneaking so it just didnt do it for me

My subjective soundtrack ratings nearly the same
BB > Sekiro >>>> Dark Souls 2 >>>> The rest of em
Aldia's theme sharing a motif with the main menu theme does it for me.

>Inventory bloat
>can only have one "technique" equipped at a time
otherwise flawless

Dragon's Dogma is without exaggeration the single worst game I have ever played

>dropping aggro is based on distance and not being out of sight and enemies shoot where you are even when you are behind a wall
>instead of have having one instance of every prosthetic on the list, where you could switch between upgrades by clicking right or left, you have every upgrade which makes list very long which is unnecessary, other fix could be using a grid(see items menu in dark souls) instead of a list
>reusing of ashina outskirts and castle makes this game feel low budget
>senpu temple is bland as fuck
>camera fucks up when you fight in tight spaces and have your back against the wall
>music is unmemorable maybe except genichiro
>fighting bosses with bell demon gives no benefits, only makes it harder without any rewards

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It's kinda odd you can parry these, honestly they should have gone with parry based enemies and dodge based enemies to give more variety.

no dlc


>reusing of ashina outskirts and castle makes this game feel low budget
Subjective, I liked the progression of these areas as the game went on.
>senpu temple is bland as fuck

Yes, DS3 has tons of fun viable hybrid builds and some amazing weapon art use.
Sorry you're too boring to go beyond a straight sword spamming retard.

Would have enjoyed more optional shit aside from Hirata estate.

prosthetics need ammo because the devs are hacks too lazy to actually balance them and despite their efforts they still ended up making prosthetics that can completely trivialize bosses

Dogs can be one shot, don't hit very hard, and look like dogs.
How can it be considered a good fromsoft game if dog enemies don't tag-team rape you in narrow passage ways using leap and sprint attacks while also looking nothing like dogs? Wheres the lower undead burg? Wheres the Irithyll just after Siegward? Wheres the Hemwick Charnel Lane? All it has is fucking monkeys.

>keeping backups of your video game saves
>of a short game with no content


You can only have one combat art equipped at once, when they could've easily allowed for at least two more (lkike that one mod allows you to).

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It's too expensive.

We're never getting DLC are we. I want more enemies to CLANG CLANG with.

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Return to monke

its just a different attack animation faggot
ALL "builds" play in exactly the same way
stop lying to yourself

I mean, for the amount of spirit emblems it costs you're probably better off using firecrackers

Day one patch made Tanto uses limited.

wolf is 5'11"

>tfw you finally ascend and stop playing passively to regularly chugging sugars and experimenting with prosthetics with the enemies as your literal playthings

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Grappling hook is literally their for hidden loading screens and so they don't have to craft levels as "smartly"
>Hmm, how do we allow the player to progress to this next area
>Oh right, just throw arbitrary grappling points
There are so little instances where it affects combat and when it can, it's only in arbitrary pre-defined situations instead of the fight being designed around you being able to grapple constantly. It's an extremely shallow, pointless mechanic

you dont play as a cute girl, ez uwu

>this utterly braindead shit
You're literally pressing r1 and l1

It's definitely problem that the game is so good and yet has only has just enough content to barely be considered complete. There wasn't even any proper DLC for the game. It's the only From game I would have bought the DLC for because the other ones had me so sick of them after one playthrough that I didn't want anymore.

Based. MGR is generally considered to be a stylish but mediocre and borderline shallow game yet despite that, it's 10x better than Sekiro in nearly every way but fromsoft babies who only have souls games under their belt for "action games" consider Sekiro to be some kind of masterpiece in game design

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wait a second, I've read a post just like this before
your comboautism games suck

Having more inputs than r1 and l1 doesn't make games into "comboautism", schizoid.

I'm the flaw
I suck at it

>You're literally pressing r1 and l1
Sekiro is the one game that made parrying a fun mechanic

what combo autism? what?

Dragonrot was a load of nothing. I was hoping death would effect the game's world in more peculiar ways.

It's adorable to see you shit eater praise a literal royal guard expy with no royal release because you never even touched good action games.

>play super mario bros
>"durrrr you're literally only pressing A and B that's literally all you're doing hurrr...."
Sorry it doesn't have a million different completely superfluous combos in it like DMC and Bayonetta. Sekiro is the ultimate quality over quanitity action game. You only have one weapon but handles better than all of the weapons in the previous games combined. You don't have that many moves but they all feel incredibly satisfying. The controls are tighter than a baby's asshole and it's always obvious what both you and your opponent are doing at all times so you don't get lost in a maelstrom of incomprehensible bullshit like the above mentioned "action classics" DMC and Bayo.

As beautiful as it was I don’t think the level design in fountainhead palace was all that good aside from the shape and the carp

It's a mechanic that exists to annoy you with a stupid pop up after you die a couple of times and make you feel worse than you should.

This game is heavily reliant on learning patterns and timings to beat the boss, inevitably leading to a lot of dying and repeatedly fighting bosses until you learn the patterns and have the timing yet the game tries to punish you constantly for dying. You lose gold, you lose XP, and the game gives you a popup that's more or less saying LOL YOU'RE DYING A LOT.

No other game tries to make the player feel like a piece of shit for dying as much. Imagine if a fucking rhythm game did shit like that, it would just make people not want to play

>DMC fags acting like their game is the best thing ever made again
>he thinks DMC3 invented parrying
Royal guard, like everything else in the DMC games, looks and feels like complete and utter floaty shit.

>literal royal guard expy with no royal release
I've played numerous button mashers and none of them are as satisfying to play as sekiro, because despite the mechanics themselves being simple, they all feel good.

>it doesn't need to have a combat depth
>it doesn't need to have combos
>it doesn't need to have an ability to use more than 1 special at a time
I'm so glad we're going through a revival of action games and shit eaters like you will be filtered into an AAA territory because you don't have the brain capacity to handle them

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I was just thinking about this. Everyone loves fountainhead palace, but only for the art design. Especially by the point you get to the palace proper, the layout is so confusing I still find myself getting lost there even after beating the game 3 times over. Not to mention the run up to that part with the annoying fish dudes sucking your soul out if you get too close.

Royal guard, like everything else in the DMC games, looks incredibly stylish and has ten times the depth of your favourite casual rhythm game.

>>it doesn't need to have combos
>>it doesn't need to have an ability to use more than 1 special at a time
It has plenty of combat depth solely due to the posture mechanic.

>combat depth solely due to the posture mechanic

Attached: 1605638178232.jpg (1280x720, 137.73K)

>can't equip more than 1 skill at a time
>can't even change your appearance or your weapons appearance at all throughout even after facing genichirou and spending the night in the castle with kuro and emma
>swamp level blighttown level
>certain attacks are inconsistent with allowing your perfect blocks despite lacking visual audio feedback to signal that
>facing the same bosses twice over
>mixing on the battle OST's was flat as fuck and purposefully subdued even on the tracks that would've been great so that the player could hear the audio antics of enemies
>underwater fights
Sekiro was fantastic and somehow still pretty old school in its game design. A reminder that Nioh 2 is what Sekiro tried to be as far as the gameplay is concerned. Seriously give it a shot if you haven't already and remember to use a guide to learn the mechanics of the game since the tutorials are pretty lame or nonexistent for certain things

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that is what I said

It's funny that Nioh 2 delivers on the same parry mechanic as Sekiro via Unbroken, but it's just a tiny bit of the moveset from one fucking weapon.

You have shit opinions my friends. Sekiro’s soundtrack is more memorable than any other From OST.

Losing half your money every time you died was retarded. There aren't enough coin purses in the game to buy.

There's literally nothing to spend your money on by the mid game. Game economy is fucked and unbalanced just like everything about Sekiro.

Yeah there's a damn mountain of shit to use. I wish the game wasn't so unforgiving at times but it's still fun

>ringswap for tears
christ how disgusting

I've played Nioh 1 and the diablo loot and general padding of the game made me bored of it. I kinda doubt Nioh 2 is that much like Sekiro if it still uses the now obsolete stamina management system. I don't know what to say to you if you prefer constantly glancing up at a little bar in the corner of the screen to make sure you have enough energy to dodge roll away after playing a game like Sekiro. The posture system is still a hundred times better. It's an actual evolution of the genre instead of, with Nioh 1 at aleast, the same thing but with a bunch of bells and whistles tacked on. Don't get me wrong, I still think Nioh's combat is a lot more fun that Dark Souls and BB because of this but ultimately Sekiro is the better experience overall.

ive played a lot and heres what i got

The story is fucking confusing

The battle system is tedious; frustrating when you dont know it, boring when you do. The tools are too complex to care about and the using them in battle messes up with the core combat mechanics

the ending system is fucking stupid. what you need to do to get the true ending, i dont know how anyone figured it out without a guide

The upgrade system is too complex and the consequences for learning the game are very steep

It peaks in the first half like most other FROM games. After you get multiple ways to go it's never quite as good again imo and drops off.
Combat is too restrictive and simplistic for supposedly being a true action game and FROM is still way too stuck in their Souls ways, the Souls DNA is still incredibly present in Sekiro.

Mostly because of the chinks though.

>it doesn't need to have combos
Yes. Not every game needs to play the same, you demented troglodyte

Every game needs to have something going on for it
Sekiro has combat arts but utterly fails to flesh them out
Sekiro has prosthetics but utterly fails to flesh them out too
A glorified rhythm game is all Sekiro has going on for it and as far as action games are concerned it's a literal bottom tier game design.


please don't compare akshun buttonmashers to sekiro again, thanks.

>The posture system is still a hundred times better
The posture system is literally a tiny brain version of the ki management system

Are you begging me to stop comparing good games to Sekiro?
I will, if you retarded sekironiggers will disappear from the threads about actually good action threads

buttonmashers are NOT good games. ninja gaiden is the only good series that belongs to the "character action" genre.

no multiplayer

Why the fuck do you think it's fun to have muh super realistic energy management shit in games like this anyway? You can take as much stuff onto the souls formula as you want, but it's still a souls clone. Sekiro actually did something new with the formula and made it so that the only thing you're focused on is the combat itself. Which makes sense given how tight the controls are and how well animated everything is. I haven't played Nioh 2 but Nioh 1 had a lot of that dodgy bullshit that that the souls games do where enemy attacks look a certain way but behave an entirely different way. If there's one thing you have to give Sekiro is that it almost entirely rid itself of ambiguous animations and the "which enemies am I allowed to parry" guessing game.

>Sekiro thread
>full of seething MGR and DMC fags
You niggers could literally make a thread about either of those games RIGHT NOWand it would most likely hit bump limit. Instead you waste your time in a thread about a game you alledgedly don't even like. Sad.

Sekiro really highlighted to me how padded and superfluous most action games are. In Sekiro every single action you perform, you do so with a specific goal in mind at a specific time, there is purpose in every move you make. When I play DMC, I have fun but think "why am I doing any of this? why am I performing this move as opposed to another? what difference does it make since at the end of the day it's going to deplete the enemy health bar just the same?" There is nothing stopping me from just mashing attack in most cases, except tedium.

I think for sekiro 2 they will introduce a high/mid/low stance system, where to deflect an attack you have to be in same stance as the enemy (or have it in a rock-paper-scissors style where low deflects high, high deflects mid, mid deflects low or similar). Bosses change stances mid combo so you have to watch what they do and react accordingly. Bosses can deflect your attacks the same way so you need to switch to a stance that beats their stance. Just adds a layer on top of the existing one, Dab Forums will hate it but normies won't.

>Why the fuck do you think it's fun to have muh super realistic energy management shit in games like this anyway
Because unlike the retarded moutbreather rhythm game progress bar of Sekiro, the ki system is actually well-integrated into all the gameplay systems of Nioh. It speeds up certain animations when you perform ki pulses correctly, it allows you to fluidly chain attacks from two different weapons, it adds a layer of mechanical complexity to regenerating your stamina via the flux system, it has special attacks associated with ki pulses, it allows you to cancel certain animations and shorten the casting time. Sekiro fucking dreams to have anything even remotely as deep.

thats an upside
t. a faggot

Its an infinitely more fun game than Sekiro in terms of satisfaction and [spoiler[fun[/spoiler].

Sekironiggers invade action game threads for years now. Do you think you will get no retaliation? You reap what you sow.

I won't disagree that Sekiro is more cohesive and deserved the attention for daring to have anything combat interactive in a game being marketed to the masses. Still, despite it's flaws, Nioh 2 is just offering more mechanics than other action games. It's not an extremely refined game, it has plenty of issues, but where else will you find a game that gives you so many ways to make your own playstyle? Also with Sekiro I was pretty let down that you can't clash with timed attacks of equal strength or speed to push through your enemies posture better i.e. light to light or heavy to heavy etc. If FromSoft has that in Elden Ring and some degree of the customization from Nioh 2 that might be the best action game ever made

>Sekiro 2

you can say what you want but as someone who beat the game a few weeks after it came out i'm forced to admit that i cant remember the soundtrack at all, and i usually pay attention to things like that

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The only song i remember enjoying is Owl

Is the first Nioh worth playing or should I just skip to 2?

it's too hard

It's funny you mention this, I finished MGR after Sekiro and my first thought with Armstrong was "that's it?" Great song, fun fight for the game, but man was there just nothing to it.

but user you can do so many combos and cancel animations to make an already easy game even more trivial!!

>Hard disagree. How can you make a critism such as a game being forgettable and favour it to other games that are not?
better gameplay

Skip to 2 and go back if you like it. First game has less content

It just isn't always necessary. Combos against AI is more like a mastery of those specific inputs, it's all a set up for the visual pay off. It diminishes the challenge of facing your opponent, unless your opponent has a way to stop your combos.
Sekiro could have done with making the prosthetic tools more effective and a smoother addition to the short combos it has, though.


I wish more of then were more useful and/or readily available. I didn't get most because I didn't have the pieces and it wasn't worth it to farm them

>Find a flaw
Every encounter (except demon) and skill is irrelevant because the axe and ichi chop can be spammed to abuse the posture system.

Should have gone harder into the spiritual bullshit theme instead of pretending to be another AAA game.

>Sekironiggers invade action game threads for years now.
All 5 of them?

Attached: sek.png (1222x626, 921.22K)

>It's just another Souls rehash with the same issues as their previous games
Wow who would've thought

>Sekiro honestly starts out way too hard with only 1 gourd seed.
I think it starts out brutal deliberately to really force the player over the initial difficulty curve. I remember feeling that Dark Souls' first area was brutal when I first played it, but now that I've learned how to play those games it's about as easy as it gets.

Yeah, this is a part of what makes Oniwa Gyobu and Genichiro so good. They'll be an absolutely brutal wall to the average player but they actually force you to learn the mechanics

The real appeal of MGR is the Jetstream Sam dlc.

The OST is actually really good but it gets overshadowed by the KLING KLANG KLONG of deflected attacks, so you can't enjoy the music to its fullest.

As someone who platinumed the game on PS4, I think the biggest flaw with the game is that there is not much reason to use many of the skills other than the overpowered Ichimonji and Ichimonji Double. The grind to acquire all of the skills is massive, and requires at least multiple playthroughs but there's not really a good reason to do so outside of completion. If they fixed those things, this would be a near-perfect game.

I would have liked some DLC too, maybe to flesh out some of the other characters that you only hear about from the NPCs.

Floating Passage and Nightjar Slash are both pretty good

Highmonk is a fun one too.

divine realm isn't a full size level.

the fountainhead palace
otherwise decent game

did you get filtered by best area in the game?

Recycling bosses in a single playthrough is always dumb

>called Fountainhead Palace
>no recreational nukes anywhere and everyone violates NAP immediately upon spotting you
What a rip-off

>parry yourself into a disadvantage

the courtyard is a failure of gamedesign
>barely any ways to stealth your way through it
>the only way to the roof is when you leave it

You were a trespasser, you had it coming

not enough customization, i wish combat was more diverse

There were absolutely zero indications that it was private property, no warning signs, nothing. And the strawman carried me there

No DLC, the DLC is usually the best part of most fromsoft soulslikes.

I wish the Gun Fort area was longer. They could've done a lot more cool stuff with that setup.

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I'd say the giant monk guarding the entrance was enough of a warning

>300 posts
>NOBODY managed to find a flaw
holy goty

Courtyard was easy mode for stealth. Ashina Castle roofs after the first invasion is where the the tears start rolling

>literally just arrived
>stroll over nice, open bridge
>suddenly disgusting monk attacks me without warning
Cutting off her head and ripping the centipede out of her ass was self-defense

the courtyard would have benefited more if it had different ways to approach it
like going under the floor or have an opening to the undead bull area

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It's just not fun. It's very methodical and strict, making it feel dull and repetitive, which it is becaue the game throws the same generic enemy at you literally a hundred times.

What was their fucking problem anyway?

Same but i fixed it with some hex editing

Based. I'd also throw in the fact that the grappling hook completely halts your momentum, maybe not necessarily a flaw but it makes it feel like shit to use. It would have really helped the movement feel better if it retained your momentum or maybe even if you could swing on it, which would also have potentially given bosses some much needed variety if integrated into their fights. As it stands it's barely even a mechanic.

Also, I don't think dragonrot really adds anything of note to the game. It feels like they wanted to make dying more consequential/punishing but chickened out at the last minute. If you're going to bang on the difficulty meme drum as hard as From's recent stuff does, go all in, don't half ass it.

Holy shit someone got filtered

Do you seriously back up all your saves? Do you do this every time you stop playing the game?

The only flaw is that it absolutely ruined the souls games for me.
I can't go back to the old combat system after playing sekiro. Sekiro's combat is just too good.

>limited quantities
merchants actually restock dragons' droplets every time you use one, the price increases a bit though

i absolutely sucked ass through the entire game and still only needed to buy two

This, even after getting dumpstered a dozen times by Isshin I only have two rot essences

I dislike the spirit emblem system. I wish it was just a mana bar that refills when you rest at a statue instead of a resource.
Because of that, I rarely ever used any of the techniques or items that cost spirit emblems.

But why? They throw them at you at every corner

I know. But my lizard brain doesn't let me use resources unless absolutely necessary (read: hoard until game ends)

>4 fucking interior ministry ninjas at the same time

Attached: 1603226086138.png (546x430, 386.83K)

Prosthetics feel tacked-on and don't add anything to the gameplay

I think the biggest flaw it has is the lack of further clouding the oriental aesthetics to make it difficult or impossible to identify inspirations. I expected more hermetic transmission from a FROM game.

Imagine if the interior ministry was a commentary on Chinese development during the 20th and 21st century and I think we'd have a fucking good conversation.

I love the idea of Nioh stances but it would affect the Wolf a bit. The character exists on the rawest fringe, so his combat style is extremely pragmatic. Maybe that's the reason why so many prosthetics are left over, they disharmonize the spirit of the protagonist.

The Ashina clan was a threat to another warlord who was allied with the ministry ninjas.

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i love sekiro but
>camera when characters fly overhead or you back up into a pillar wigs out
i get them doing that when owl throws down his smoke bomb because that's intended but when butterfly or gyobu jump above you and you're suddenly not locked on to them it sorta sucks

actually it wasent japaensesey enough. it was too fast. wanted somthing more like the tenchu score

>Do you seriously back up all your saves?
It's fucking automated you retard, yes

Really? Is that actually elaborated on anywhere?

I think it has the best combat out of all the souls games but what kept it being a 10/10 for me is the amount of humanoid enemies. This is just personal preference but I like how many monsters and big bosses you fight in souls and bloodborne, sekiro didn't have a ton of that and when it did it felt kind of out of place (demon of hatred)

You sound really insecure. Maybe you're self aware of how fucking retarded your actions are.

You can't kiss Emma

People ignore 99% of combat arts because they're either worthless or cost emblems.

You're literally defending data loss. You're actually brain damaged. There's no hope for you.

if it wasn't a fromsoft game no one would care

Your mom should've data loss you when you were in the womb lol

Humanoid bosses are always the best, scurrying around the feet of some flailing monster is boring and gay

Fortunately, she's not a retard like your mom and also had a backup to make sure her son wasn't brain damaged like you.

Why you gotta do this to me, user?

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I would like to see Wolf fight against some Abyss Watchers.

Isshin would dominate at least 50% of that list

Abyss Watchers don't have shit on Genichiro

parry simulator
only 1 main weapon
gay prosthetic skills

I'm not talking about difficulty, I'm talking about fun.

No replayability and boring combat

any time I saw someone have tears of denial on I would just equip the thorn gauntlets and roll into them over and over after I killed them initially. They can't get away.

>using mortal draw on none immortal enemies
but y tho

I wish mortal journey gave me something to prove that I actually did it

get ultra hard near the end if you were relying some gimmicks, like chaining ichimonji into lucky staggers and crackers.

>sekirofags thread
>Ctrl + f dmc
Barry you ok?

Ashina outskirts being a ruined battlefield, and people talking about how the clan is doomed, and the exposition at the beginning where the game is telling you the countryside is being torn apart by warlords as Isshin kills a rival.

Attached: owlnwolf.jpg (900x900, 178.47K)

>tried to beat game 4 times since launch
>get filtered by shit flinging monkey every single time
game is great until that point

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330 posts in... a flaw

it's my most replayed "souls" game

The prosthetics are useless. Stealth is terrible and pointless. Graphics are shit. The hookshot thing is hardly utilized and you can only attach to specific predetermined points. Most combat encounters only require spamming block. Its essentially a boss rush game and levels are linear and unremarkable. It has more flaws than positives, which are mainly the boss battles

Yeah because you're an easily influenced npc. You literally can not think for yourself

lel alright

Attached: L2 (1).png (440x495, 242.03K)

Half of your points are not even factual. In fact, from reading your post I'd say you didn't make it past Genichiro Ashina, if not Hirata.

Aside from graphics these are all actual flaws that the cultists itt could never bring themselves to admit since their entire self worth revolves around liking the "hardest" souls game despite it being the cheapest, laziest and most rushed out of the franchise

Did you at least reach his second phase?
Also you have to fight two of them later

why lie on the internet

it wasn't a perfect game, but it definitely deserved 2019 GOTY. I'm happy it won and it gave me hope that we'd start seeing games that weren't necessarily Cinematic-heavy Action-Adventure games win awards. Of course my hopes were quickly shut down by 2020 TGA, kek.

But yeah, it had a good story, great gameplay, satisfying combat, and excellent world/level design. I wish it had done more with stealth since most of the time it felt like stealth was entirely unnecessary (it was supposedly a sort of successor to Tenchu), but at the same time I wouldn't like to see the game be slowed down since there aren't that many fast-paced ninja games out there, and that's one of the things I like about it.

i dropped it at the halberd phase of the last boss
it was so fucking boring that i didnt even care to git gub
>hey sekiro, let me pop my grandpa from my shoulder real quick

LMAO Xdddd

These posts came from shitters that didn't make it past the first half of the game.

Attached: Sekiro GOTY.png (1920x1080, 2.4M)


lol this is as flawed as any other From game. They finally added new mechanics to Sekiro--turns out all of them suck, especially the tools and arts of which you have about 50 and can only pick one to actually use on the go (instead of being incorporated in the moveset). They will never push off from the very limiting input layout for their games, and the terrible framerate and things like bad hitboxes are further emblematic of how little they care about gameplay.

Even if you don't mind any of this subjectively, it's still objectively a repetitive game where you just run from mob to mob without any real level itneractivity, hammering the parry button like a retard. Barely any music, missing out on a lot of possibly good edo atmosphere just because they are afraid of making anything but King's Field or too greedy to pay Sakuraba more money.

Your From drones are the biggest retards on the internet and every time you pretend any of their games is anything but a decent 7/10, you make yourselves look like the most embarrassing cavemen, literally 50-IQ style.

Attached: 1577211412110.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

/thread desu

I always just took it as the Shogunate moving in to crush the last uppity warlords


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Replayability is less fun because of the lack in builds. The ninja arts can only get you so far compared to a large amount of armor and weapons like in the previous souls titles. That and no pvp made me replay it 3 times untill i got bored. The story is amazing but once you've seen it there is nothing left to see in consecutive runs.

Haha monke throw poopy
Slicing Simian is top tier

that pesky "gameplay loop" got another gamer

I've never played a Souls style game.

What first: Sekiro or Bloodborne?

dark souls or demon's souls

The thing where NPCs get sick as you die was a half baked useless feature

Play God Hand mate.

Attached: TrashTasteChads.jpg (640x800, 144.87K)

desu I want to start with Demon's Souls but qt no ps5. I'll look into the Dark Souls Remaster. thx

it only exists, so adhd turboautists can feel good about themselves

Garbage combat

>no ps5
Just play the original like a normal human being. You can even emulate it if you've got no ps3

>Missing Edo atmosphere
>In Sengoku period
You don't say?

Attached: 1601298626782.png (586x944, 962.83K)

>Sekiro is a 10/10 game
You have to be an idiot to believe this. Literally no point in even reasoning with you.

Attached: 158726535535.jpg (819x849, 568.48K)

*too late


some people play games for fun, user.

Some games have comfy sengoku atmosphere too. Sekiro feels like Dark Souls with a shota boy and Shenlon

The rewards you get from exploration are lackluster.
It's mostly just consumables. They probably should have included more weapon arts, certain variants of certain prosthetics, skills and skins (similar to what you get from gauntlets) as pickable items.

What do you mean by "flaw"? I can tell you one thing I didn't like about it: there aren't enough meaningful options in combat. For some people this is important, for others it is not.

Pretty easy boss. I don’t understand how people got so filtered on him.

>Bad ost
>Bad normal enemy variety
>Most mini bosses were recycled repeatedly
>Some bosses are just plain boring especially repeatedly

And that is just objective shit let alone how it has only one main weapon/one main play style so it alienated alot of people who don't wanna play DDR the action game.

BB is the best modern From game Sekiro is a mediocre game that people shill because journos threw fits.

the camera is unexcusable bad