How do i stop having trus issues towards girls?

i have been called ugly and made fun of by girls so many times and i actually sabotaged every fucking relationship chance i fucking had. my thought process was that there was no fucking way they actually loved me or had interest in me because i am pathetic ugly looser, and they are just messing or playing with me like other girls used to do. it fucked up my life robots. there were cases were all i had to do was to make a single fucking move like even giving a hint but when girls actually showed interest in me and even when everybody fucking new they were into me i always fell into huge depression and anxiety, it was like i was bipolar, one personality telling me to ask them out and another telling me that my brain was just making stuff up because nobody would ever love me. i was split between to hells. please help. it always end up in me doing horrible shit to them and then they hating me and me realising they actually actually had feelings for me and i am horrible person, which just spits gasoline on my self hatred flame and i always swear that next time i won't miss the chance but it always ends the same way. i am not asking you for advice, i am asking you to save me. pic is literally how i feel

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>how do i stop having trus issues towards girls?
By understanding betrayal is inevitable.

please don't ignore this thread, i think you are the only ones who will understand who true self hatred means and how people treat you just because you are ugly and how it fucks you up

Don't ask r9k if you want actual advice. This place fucking sucks lol

You don't, just enjoy the lies while knowing they're lies for temporary escape. Think something like
"I know you're lying to me, but let's pretend you weren't" and it lets you feel a bit of warmth from the good things
Basically just adapt more playful attitude to it all, so in the back of your head you know it's useless and will go nowhere but you might as well enjoy the ride while it lasts
>me realising they actually actually had feelings for me
they didn't, women don't have "feelings" or at least not in the way men have them, most of them have ridden cock carousel for so long they can't feel genuine affection.
When you think that they're lying, you're right, they are lying.

ok now imagine my situation, i go to fucking reddit, tell them i am ugly and have been cast out by society because of it. nobody gives a shit what my problem is and they just tell me i'm wrong and personality is the only thing that matters and then they go and continue drawing rick and morty fan art to impress their wife's boyfriends

Lying is not going to get you anywhere. Women have feelings just like you and me, user. We are all humans, and all humans are animals. It's all natural.

so here's how it goes:
>be born ugly
>girls ridicule me and play with me for that
>develop trust issues towards girls and now i cannot trust any girl, even if they have feelings for me and and up treating them horribly because i think they are just playing with me too

Reddit might actually be worse.
Learn what determinism is and take it from there bud. It will let you accept reality more easily as long as you're fully convinced. Worked great for me anyways.

This self-sabotaging behavior driven by one's lack of confidence and self-worth is why all of us here are lonely as shit. Sorry but you're not going to get any useful advice here, but at least know that you're not alone. We are all Shinji Ikari.

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does the fact that i'm 18 change something or once a looser always a looser?

I'm 26 and have been this way my entire life so it's unlikely that you're going to change either. There's a chance, but don't get your hopes up.

i want to rant about this too but don't want to start new thread so i will rant here. despite all the shit i went trough and took i never lost hope and always had burning fire inside me to keep forward and while my friends are asking their parents for money to buy ciggarettes i have job that pays more than my parents make fucking together and i am as still worthless, as i was. i just don't even know what to call it? hopelesness that nothing i can do change the fact that i'm genetical garbage?

i actually respect honesty user. thanks

Go to therapy.
I tell that so much that this message probably won't be original
But i've been on therapy for 2 years after an abusive relationship that totally shattered my sense of trust toward girls and it works slowly.
We'll get there.

This is a good advice. Though you also have to reach a state where lies are acceptable.

I'm sure it will come off as normie advice. But what you need to do is work on yourself, user. If you increase your base confidence in yourself you become more resilient when it comes to criticism and won't have as many negative thoughts about yourself. Lose weight of you're fat, become stronger, learn a new skill and get good at it. I also recommend mindfulness meditation, it helped me alot when it came to silencing the negative thoughts I had about myself.

This is all bullshit and lies
You will never improve yourself enough, the more you work the worse you will think of yourself
Especially if you have bad results in your hard work. I've been lifting for nearly 5 years with no improvement and it's the most toxic activity I do, it increased my self hate multiple times and I just got confirmation of my genetical inferiority due to being unable to increase strength or muscle.
Meditation is a complete waste of time, just as learning new skills.

user, maybe if you stopped comparing yourself to everyone around you, you'd feel better. But I'm sure you won't because you're just too much of a defeatist. Also If you want to whine and complain about yourself, that's fine. Just don't try and drag other people down with you. Fucking faggot

Not him and
>stop comparing yourself

Get the fuck out of here with that theatric. Nobody ever stops comparing themselves to others, especially in an age where everything is broadcast to you.
You might have had better luck not giving a shit in the feudal ages, where only people near you mattered and each person had some unique merit of their own. Now you see and hear about every motherfucker around the globe.

This origibally

Give it a try, those people are there to help with stuff like this
Anything else is worth trying afterwards